The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and ninety-three, North American Mythical War (396)

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——Marvel, 2015——


"You can't pass here (Youshallnotpass)!"

"[Ang Ao Ao——!]"

As the black fist collided with the silver rapier, the "Destroyer"'s "exoskeleton" mixed with carapace and horn, which made everyone present helpless, began to melt and burn like a candle. Following the shrill roar of the "ancient evil demon", countless fine, dust-like gray-black debris scattered from its body surface as if fleeing, but were enveloped and absorbed by thicker jet-black smoke. Lian Yi

Nothing was leaked.

"Well done, Professor Vision," Professor

"Vision" did not respond, only part of the black smoke changed shape in mid-air, making a "√" pattern.

"Next," Professor

"Are we just, extra points?" Moriarty was about to argue out of habit, but found that there seemed to be no need to argue.

"Professor, you didn't leave any homework~" Sherlock raised his hand. "Hogwarts does not stipulate which demon god the students' magic power comes from. The default choice is 'Vishandi' simply because his power is more neutral and peaceful, and the conditions are also very loose - as long as more people

Just understand the greatness of magic." Professor "

"...I'm aware of this kind of thing." Moriarty slightly slowed down the speed of condensing the dark aura.

"So," Sherlock tilted his head to look at him and said with a bit of ridicule: "Your behavior is that you think the school's free lunch is not delicious, so you spend money to go out to find a restaurant to eat?"

"Don't use Watson's foodie metaphor." Moriarty rolled his eyes. "However, Mr. Moriarty's behavior still poses some potential threats," Professor 'The void breeds evil',

Then the possessed incarnation descended with 'consciousness', and 'power' was given to Mr. Moriarty before. They complement each other and have met the conditions for the arrival of its 'body', and this kind of 'arrival' does not require Mr. Moriarty. of consent. "

"..." Moriarty was in a daze for a moment, and his movements to restrain the dark aura paused for two seconds.

"However, Odin, the 'Lord of Asgard', is sitting in the arena, so he probably won't 'come' casually." Sherlock interjected.

"That's right," Professor


"Mr. Principal!"

"That 'Doomsday' is alive again!"

"What to do? Kill him? With my mace?"

While Professor

"No, wait, don't do anything yet." Professor

At this time, the exoskeleton carapace on the "Destroyer's" body had completely dissolved into a puddle of asphalt-like black mud, revealing a middle-aged man wearing a tattered gray-black suit with vague characteristics of a bat. Perhaps because the battle was too fierce, his helmet had disappeared, revealing a tough face. Although his brown hair was messy and his short beard looked like it hadn't been trimmed for a long time, he still had a strong face.

With extraordinary charm.

Different from the previous state when it was full of madness and violence, the "Destroyer" without its carapace seemed to have lost its soul, looking forward motionless with empty eyes.

"Eh...this guy looks familiar?" Sherlock, who was observing from a distance, said in a low voice.

"What, you traveled hundreds of thousands of years ago?" Moriarty routinely taunted.

"Remember, isn't this the Daredevil who is active in Hell's Kitchen, no, in Clinton? His name seems to be Matt Murdock?"

"Great, whoever messes with the Fisk family will be thrown hundreds of thousands of years ago and turned into a monster."

"Can you stop holding on to me for hundreds of thousands of years?"

"Well, whoever messes with the vice principal will become a teaching material."

"There seems to be a problem... No. How do you know the identity of the vice-principal?"

"Hmph, don't underestimate the Moriarty family."

Sherlock seemed to be choked by Moriarty's answer. After looking around for a while, he tilted his head thoughtfully.

"What's the situation now? Mr. Principal?" Sif, who was hovering in mid-air on a silver pegasus, landed on the ground, drove away the three warriors of Asgard who were discussing taking action, and then asked Professor X. "Unfortunately, all the wisdom of this 'ontology' has been eroded by the monster called 'The Destroyer', making it impossible to inquire." Professor power, ultimately

They will only be counterattacked by powerful forces, and even their self-awareness will disappear. "

——You see, I said he is a teaching material.

——Yes, yes, everything you said is correct. "Well..." Sif looked at the two completely uneducated teenagers over there, "I mean, is it possible to kill this monster that can be reborn as long as it has one cell? If you continue to stay, Hold him with rice

In the words of Degard, ‘The night is too long and there are many dreams’. "It's not possible yet, maybe 'others' can, but not this one," Professor Temple' very similar, I think

You should know exactly what happens after an Æsir warrior dies in battle and returns to the Hall of Valor to be reborn, Miss Sif. "

"They will return to the last 'recorded' state and retain their memories of their lifetime...ah." Sif suddenly understood in the middle of her answer. "It's just as you guessed," Professor I took you through the hard work twelve times before

Once the 'immunity' is achieved, no one can guarantee that someone with 'divine power' will be nearby. "

"What's your suggestion?"

"My suggestion is to imprison him for the time being and let Odin handle it himself." "Hmm..."

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