The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and ninety-four, North American Mythical War (397)

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——Marvel, 2015——

Svartalfheim. After a fierce battle that affected most of the underground world and almost completely changed the landscape, the "Destroyer" as the culprit was short, after losing all his power, he became a man who was almost crazy.

He was put into a "cage" in a state of silence. It was a slender cage with strong magic resistance made by the drow to punish their fellow elves. After being locked in, one could only stand in an uncomfortable posture, and it was also difficult to exert effective force. , it is said that after the drow are imprisoned, a circle of brightly shining crystals will be placed around them. This process, which has little meaning of punishment for humans, seems to be torture for the drow, at least from the layout. it

This seems to be the case with the expressions of several of our elves that "a great revenge must be avenged."

But, if you ignore most of the details, this is actually——

"It's quite like my 'this is common sense', isn't it?" Sherlock said.

"..." Moriarty, who was annoyed because he was robbed of his words in advance but could not admit that his thoughts were guessed, glanced at him: "You are quite self-aware."

Sherlock, who seemed to be accustomed to his ridicule, shrugged and jumped to the next topic: "I don't think those drow spiders can contain him, what do you think?" Since the location where the "Destroyer" descended was where the drow elves originally were. "Main City", causing it to become a ruin. At this time, the drow elves and the drow spiders they used were in an area covered with crystals and mushrooms, and there were many

The city rebuilt on the underground hill of the natural cave seems to have begun to take shape, but it cannot be said to be fully equipped and heavily guarded. "Rather than locking him up, I think it's more likely that they would kill him to vent their anger," Moriarty looked at Professor Several contestants: “Not only myself

The tribesmen were transformed into monsters and were forced to accept help from the "enemy". The spider queen was probably crazy. "

"Really? I think it's too late for her to be happy. This is a good opportunity to eliminate dissidents. Maybe those transformed by the 'Destroyer' were sent out intentionally by her." Sherlock commented.

"With such a dark idea, who among us is the one who accepts the power of the Dark God?" Moriarty glared at him. "This is normal - well, this is still very obvious," Sherlock gestured to the underground city: "Even if we start construction at the same time as we defeat the 'Destroyer', this city cannot be built in a short period of time. Building to this extent can only prove that the drow have long planned to 'move the capital', but the strength and infection speed of the 'ravagers' are far beyond expectations. If Mr. Principal does not provide timely support, this half-finished city will also become Those mutated elves

nest. "

"I wanted to ask before," Moriarty glanced at the city casually, then withdrew his gaze and looked Sherlock up and down: "How did you get across the arena?"

"This..." "Don't say you defeated your opponent in the arena," Moriarty blocked the words first: "Mr. Principal made it clear before that because Odin started 'Twilight of the Gods', the seven major arenas Everything went wrong. In addition to the emergence of 'ancient evil demons', there was also a 'tide of darkness' that strengthened them. At the same time, contact with the outside world was also interrupted. The principal himself came through the 'contract' with the students to forcefully penetrate the barrier. Yes, and you obviously can’t do it based on your own words alone

arrive. "

"This..." Sherlock looked around for a moment, looking a little guilty, and then blinked: "What do you think?"

"Okay, okay."


"Just leave him here like this, okay?"

"I'm sure they won't kill Mr. Bat." Faced with Sif's question, Professor ..." Valkyrie thought for a while: "If those dark elves kill him, then when the stronger 'ancient evil demon' comes, he will also choose the location of his death as the base point? Just like the strong one you passed through your student

Like magic coming? "

"Oh, kid, please don't compare me with those monsters," Professor "Sif closed her eyes slightly and felt for a moment: "Ever since the 'Destroyer' appeared, I have been unable to perceive the Rainbow Bridge and Heimdall. This is unimaginable for a 'Valkyrie' who daily patrols the nine realms. , becoming a contestant only prohibits use, but does not completely lose contact. Perhaps as you said, Heavenly Father opened 'Twilight of the Gods' and caused it to break - but why not let us help? This 'game' has so important

? "As an outsider, it is not convenient for me to speculate on the thoughts of a god with strength comparable to the 'Lord of Dimensions'," Professor , now and

The ‘Loom of Destiny’ of the future? "

"Yes, the prophecy of 'Twilight of the Gods' comes from it, what do you mean?"

"It's just a guess. Is it possible that Odin's current actions are all based on the advice given by the 'Loom of Destiny'?" Professor The machine never goes wrong.”

"This..." Sif fell into thinking, her expression constantly changing.

At this time, the "Three Warriors of Immortal Palace" who finally found a chance to interrupt came forward.

"We don't understand fate." "Just give us a sure idea." "When can we go to other arenas to beat people up?" "Without Thor, we will definitely mess things up." "That's right, that's right."

"Soon," Professor X said with a smile, " five seconds."

"Huh?" The three warriors looked at each other.

"[Principal,]" a jet of black smoke formed beside him, making a dull buzzing sound: "[I have cleaned up all the remaining debris of the 'Destroyer' as you asked, and can send them away from the field. 】" "Well done, thank you, 'Vision'," After a slight nod, Professor Send you to the person with whom you have the closest connection

Next to him, if nothing else, it should be Thor - he is currently fighting in Jotunheim. If there is anyone who is more closely tied to others, please let us know in advance. "

"..." The three warriors and Sif, who paused to think for a moment, looked at each other, and no one raised any objection.

"Then, have a nice trip." As Professor

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