The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and ninety-five, North American Mythical War (398)

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——Marvel, 2015——


Atreus was looking at the sky. The "Songarde" that keeps falling from the sky and gathers all the destroyed things in Jotunheim since its birth has completely obscured the sky. The architectural style of the city above is a mixture of the Asirs and the Frost Giants.

It was vaguely distinguishable, and those with good eyesight could even vaguely see the residents of the city who were fully armed and ready for battle. These residents look shorter than ordinary frost giants, but taller than ordinary humans. Their weapons and equipment combine the ruggedness of the frost giants with the gorgeous style of the Æsir, complementing the city.

. Obviously, the legendary "World-Destroying Dragon" awakens, destroys "Skyrim" and replaces it with "Songard" is too simplistic. As the two worlds continue to get closer, the survivors of "Skyrim" will never sit still and die. ,and"

The dead of "Songard" could not just sit back and enjoy the rewards. The short two-sentence description skipped countless fierce battles where life and death were at stake.

Although it is unknown whether anyone in the history of Jotunheim has successfully prevented this cycle of "destruction and rebirth", everyone present obviously intends to give it a try.

However, in this tense atmosphere, something happened that made Atreus and everyone else not sure whether to be angry or laughable. "Unmerciful Iron Fist", the "ancient evil demon" with the divinity of "God of War" released from the World Tree, first made "Songarde" appear in advance by giving up his divine authority, and then was banned because of the significance of this incident. that city

As the leader of the city, he regained some of his power and declared in a very high profile that he was also the "Lord of Asgard".

Then he was swallowed up by the giant dog "Ah Wu" who appeared out of thin air. However, it seems that this "swallowing" behavior seems to have some sequelae. The giant dog tried to land at Jotunheim, but it flew uncontrollably towards "Songard", causing it to look like four limbs. And use land in the air

Swimming looks very funny.


"Oh, great, that looks like a good dog. I want to get one too." Kratos said, looking at the huge shadow fluttering in the sky.

"No, honey, don't even think about it." Ms. Laufey continued: "You can't even take care of yourself."

"..." Kratos, whose proposal was rejected by his wife, winked at Atreus. "You just fancy its fighting ability, but I don't think you can find another dog like it." Atreus spread his hands: "It is the forest hound of Hogwarts. Everyone generally cares about it." It's called 'Luwei', but it's really

His name is ‘Fenrir’. "

"What's wrong with the name?" Kratos touched his bald head. "That was the vicious dog that swallowed Odin in the prophecy of 'Twilight of the Gods', but was later killed by a lesser god who was far less powerful than Odin." Ms. Laufey replied: "I didn't quite understand this at first. paragraph prophecy, but now it seems that it is aimed at

It seems that it is not Odin himself, but the identity of the 'Lord of Asgard'. When facing objects other than the 'special attack target', his strength is no different from that of an ordinary three-headed hell dog. "

"This is boring," Kratos said, looking a little uninterested: "If we want to formulate a plan to deal with Odin, of course I will personally go on stage and force him to use all his strength instead of letting a dog bite him lightly."

Please also refrain from making such plans for the time being...etc. "How did you know the specific prophecy about 'Twilight of the Gods'?" Atreus asked his mother: "Most of the Aesir who spread it are old, even if they have stayed in Asgard for so long. , I also couldn’t get from one

Sort out the specific content of the prophecy from pieces of specious information. ""Did you forget it? I am good at prophecies. Compared with the 'Three Norn Goddesses' who were trapped in a loom, my prophecies are more accurate and timely." Queen Laufey replied with a hint of complacency: "Although it is not possible to predict 'gods

Evening’s specific content, but the prophecy ‘about it’ is perfectly fine. "This matter is strictly prohibited at Hogwarts," Atreus frowned as he heard this: "'Predicting what will happen in ten minutes' and 'predicting what the former predicts' look very similar. But the consumption of the latter is several times that of the former

, if you keep recursing and making analogies like this, your energy will be exhausted very quickly, and you may faint on the spot or even..." "I am very measured, and I only predicted things that are related to us," Laufei's eyes scanned the people present. of all people, then said: "But most of it has been broken at the moment, so I have to reconsider

its credibility. "

"For example...?" Atreus looked at his mother and then at Lily beside him. Did she even think of the names of her grandchildren?

"For example, Helem will lead an army of frost giants to attack Asgard and break the Rainbow Bridge," Laufey said. "Now the Rainbow Bridge has indeed been broken, but it has nothing to do with Helem."

Asgard? Atreus looks at the "inverted city" in the sky, if that counts...

"For another example, Thor would be poisoned by snake venom in the battle with 'Jormungandr'," Laufey glanced at Sherlock: "But that snake was eliminated by a group of children when you were in second grade. Alright."

"It's just good luck, hehe." Sherlock looked around, looking embarrassed. "As for you..." Laufei paused mid-sentence and stared at Atreus for a while before saying: "Your father and I developed the new 'Nine Realms Gate' just to allow you to join the prophecy. Another person reduces contact, but you recently

While using Hogwarts transportation, I had no contact with him at all. "

Heimdall? He admitted that the sword in the hand of the "gatekeeper" was very intimidating, but he thought that there would be no conflict between the two parties. Are there too many errors and omissions in this prophecy? "And Lily Angelberda..." Laufey didn't speak directly this time. After pondering for dozens of seconds, he continued under Lily's anxious eyes: "Don't worry, if that really happens, I will help You clean up this smell together

Boy's. "

"Huh?" Lily, who was unexpectedly called out, was a little dazed.

"I have my whole heart for Lily!" Atreus immediately declared loudly when he realized what his mother meant, and then he began to wonder if he had guessed wrong.

Even if he changes his mind - which is of course impossible - how can it be related to "Twilight of the Gods"? "I heard a story told by the vice-principal," said Sherlock next to him in a gloating tone: "One of her tribesmen, in order to recover a betrayed man, set off huge waves and submerged a mountain made of gold - Ah

Sgard does seem to be golden? "

"..." What on earth is she talking to these children? ?

"[Woofing]" "Lu Wei", or rather Fenrir, who had been clawing in the air for a long time, finally fell from the air.

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