The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and ninety-six, North American Mythical War (399)

Latest website: ——Marvel, 2015——



"Fenrir", which had just swallowed "Unmerciful Iron Fist", landed in a way that gave people a strong visual impact. Specifically, when it started to fall, with the inverted "Songarde" as the background, its size seemed to block out the sky. When it dropped halfway, the background changed to the mountains of Jotunheim, and its size seemed to be nearly half smaller. , and when it really

Just as he landed, when the background changed to the glacier beneath everyone's feet, he was only half a person tall. Atreus thought about it carefully, and then discovered that its size in the eyes of the observer had never changed. What changed was only the background used as a reference object, and its super-speed "fall" without any "process". Just watching

The observer just bowed his head once.

However, everyone present was well-informed - except Lily, who did not show too much surprise at this situation that was beyond common sense.

"I see," the Frost Giant Queen nodded slowly: "In this way, it is acceptable to accept the prophecy that its descendants can swallow the sun and the moon." How outrageous was that prophecy? Didn't the three goddesses of destiny check it when they announced it? Atreus paused mid-curse - perhaps this is because it has not been widely circulated, and there are only a few semblance of it.

What is the reason for the "outline" of yes and no to be spread quietly?

"[Woof woof!]" After Fenrir, no, Lu Wei "landed", he swung his tail, bypassed Kratos and Laufey, passed by Atreus and Lily, ran to Sherlock and faced He started barking.

"What did it say to you?" Atreus asked half-jokingly.

"He said..." Sherlock hesitated for two seconds: "He just ate a belly of air?" "To be precise, it's the title of 'King of Frost Giants' or 'Lord of Asgard'," Laufey said. Answer: "As an 'ancient war god' who voluntarily gave up his godhead, he forcibly accepted a new godhead when he was near death and was deprived of it again.

It's weird that it continues to exist. "

"But if it 'doesn't exist'..." Sherlock touched Lu Wei's dog's head, as if he wanted to say something but had no words. "Let's not mention the 'ancient evil' thing for the moment. After such a delay, 'Songard' is getting closer and closer to the ground. What should we do next? Wait for the two sides to come into contact, and then kill them?" Art Rose for now

Doubts suppressed, he looked at the sky and asked.

"No, don't let it touch the ground," Laufei shook his head: "The prophecy mentioned that [in the biting cold, people all over the world are killing each other, brothers killing each other, father and son becoming enemies]."

"Father and son become enemies?" Kratos turned around and looked Atreus up and down: "Is it now time for a stick education?"

"Brotherhood?!" Thor looked shocked at first, and then said resolutely: "Don't worry, Aunt Laufei, even if Loki wants to kill me, I will forgive him."

"When did you show up?" Atreus looked at Thor, who was still covered in frost, with vacant eyes.

"Huh? I saw a dog falling from the sky, so I asked Hreem to continue commanding and come over to see for myself." Thor scratched his head: "It looks a lot like one of my colleagues at Hogwarts."

"Woof!" Lu Wei turned to bark at him.

Whether it was an illusion or not, Atreus heard a hint of disgust in this cry.

"Haha, whether you are a ranger hound or a visiting professor, they all serve the students. Don't look down on yourself - Ouch!" Thor reached out and tried to touch the other dog's head, and was bitten hard on the hand.

"Well..." Atreus, remembering the prophecy his mother had just said, stood a little further away and looked at the farce in front of him: "The dog's teeth should not be poisonous, right?"

"Ordinary dogs may have rabies, but it's hard to say whether Cerberus is poisonous or not." Sherlock flashed over and answered: "As for Fenrir..."

"As long as he is not the Lord of Asgard, there will be no problem." Atreus replied. "...We cannot let Songard touch the ground. The collision of the two worlds will cause a huge disaster no matter which side wins in the end." Laufey, who was not going to let the juniors run wild, started to bring the topic back on track: "I will use 'Nine

The "World Gate" opens a passage to send you up. As long as those awakened ancient dead souls are allowed to fall asleep again, this "reversal between the world and the underworld" will be stopped. "

"Aren't you and father going?" Atreus heard something behind the words.

"I need to maintain this channel. As for your father..." Laufey looked at Kratos: "My dear, why don't you tell it yourself?" "Ha, there is nothing to hide," Kratos patted his chest: "Due to various reasons that are inconvenient to tell to children, I have an 'immortal body', but once for various reasons I fall into the 'underworld', 'underworld' or anything similar.

If I remember correctly, my strength will fall back to the moment when I first gained immortality. If I remember correctly, it has fallen and risen again about three times, or four times? "

Although I was a little curious about what happened during those three or four times, it was obviously not a good time to chat.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you," Atreus nodded and turned his head to look at Thor: "Go and get Helem——"


The next moment, from a huge circular square in the center of the inverted city, a bright rainbow like a waterfall was projected towards the sky, or the ground direction of Jotunheim.

Those heavily armed "Songardians" shouted something and jumped into the "Rainbow Falls" one by one, and then rushed towards Jotunheim on colorful waves.

"Obviously, the other party has the same idea," Sherlock spread his hands and said, "I don't intend to destroy 'my own world'."

"It seems we can only split into two groups, brother," Thor took his hand out of Fenrir's mouth: "I'm going to help Hreem, he -"

"[Fo Krah Diin!]"

Before Thor finished speaking, the "rainbow waterfall" froze in mid-air with a dull roar, then shattered into pieces, and then "falled" back into the sky together with the "Songardians" who jumped in. city ​​of.

However, this interruption did not seem to have a permanent effect. After a brief period of confusion, the "Songardians" began to regroup, seemingly intending to recreate the waterfall.

When looking down from the Icecrown Glacier, you can see Hreem carrying a huge anchor yelling at his compatriots, instructing them to prepare for battle, completely gone from his original taciturn and unsociable appearance.

"Obviously, the future 'King of Frost Giants' is determined and capable of protecting his country," Laufey looked at Thor with a smile: "Then the future 'Lord of Asgard' cannot let him The subjects are disappointed, aren’t they?”

"...Of course," Thor stared at the sky for two seconds, his expression gradually became serious, and his temperament became a little deeper, "Please open the door, I will eliminate everything that may pose a threat to the Nine Kingdoms."

"Very good expression," Laufey looked at Kratos: "Dear?" "I shouldn't have been lazy and easy..." The bald man muttered a few words and strode to the purple door on the glacier rock wall. Next to it, he reached out and grabbed the edge of it, took it off forcefully and laid it flat on the ground in front of Laufei.

Then, without anyone touching the door, it slowly opened "downward" on its own, revealing a hollow overlooking "Sundgard".

One flies upward, the other falls downward, in opposite directions, but both can reach the world where the other is...

"Then, I'll call the Asgardian warriors -"

Halfway through Thor's words, a very familiar Valkyrie appeared out of thin air above the "gate". Before she could react, she walked straight through the gate and fell into "Songarde".

"...I'll leave it to you to command them!" Thor shouted to Atreus indiscriminately, and jumped in after her.

After a brief moment of surprise, Kratos and Laufey began to whisper loudly:

"Is that Sif?"


"Although I don't know what just happened, Odin should be very relieved."

"But our son is faster."

"Is it time to compete with who is first..."

Atreus looked at Sherlock, who had an "understanding" look on his face, and Lu Wei, who was grinning. Then he looked at Lily, who tilted her head to one side. That's enough for you two! What's the comparison?

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