The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and ninety-seven, North American Mythical War (400)

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——Marvel, 2015——


Peter Parker was swinging on a spider's thread in the Court of the Light Elves. Those "blackened light elves" who tried to attack him were either wrapped into a ball and hung up by spider silk, or they were stuck to the wall and could not move. Some of them were so distorted that it was difficult to control them, and they had to call "out of class" out.

Knock the opponent unconscious.

After all, "Spider-Man" never kills, nor does he kill elves, nor dwarves, and maybe giants too?

As for the strange snowman blowing bubbles and the giant fire ants... well, try taunting them and see if there is any reaction? Well, it should be said that any "intelligent individual who can communicate" is on his "no-kill list". The reason is, in addition to the fact that they cannot threaten him, but also because Mr. Steve Rogers

As the saying goes, "With great power comes great responsibility."

Peter wasn't quite sure how many meanings that sentence had, but he analyzed a lot of his own understanding from it, one of which was:

[If you don’t have the ability to resurrect people, don’t bear the responsibility of killing people]

After all, no one can guarantee that they will never kill the wrong person, right?

Mr. Rogers was positive about his approach, but Mr. Stark disagreed, saying that it might lead to the villain returning and causing more innocent people to suffer.

Wow, this idea of ​​treating yourself as a savior and shouldering everything is so cool. I am just an ordinary college student who does good things and catches bad guys in my spare time. I have never thought about that kind of thing. Just like not long ago, Mr. Stark made a decisive decision to divide his troops into seven groups and provide simultaneous support when faced with problems in the seven arenas. If it were him, he would have to make a decision to provide support in order according to the priority of the matter.

——Those guys don’t seem to be able to solve it alone. However, after he actually came to "Yarfheim", he discovered that this decision was actually very accurate. This kind of enemy that can corrode the spirit and induce malice can only be completely unaffected by himself with the "symbiosis", such as

If it were another person, such as the Hulk transformed by Dr. Banner, it would go crazy... Oops!

So, is this the computing power of a super artificial intelligence? If you want to modify the spider suit in the future, you can ask Mr. Stark to install one for yourself. Well, I definitely don’t mean to “dismiss” the get out of class.

[Those bubbles are really interesting, why not treat them the same way they did? 】

[On the left side of the corner ahead, there is an ugly monster posing for a sneak attack. Charge directly and let the idiot fall down. 】

[Quick, quick, get on the back of that big red ant. I can control its nerve center and make them kill each other. 】

That's it. To use an inappropriate metaphor, it's like a bad friend who is screaming about what will happen next when he is playing a game.

It's noisy, but occasionally useful, but more importantly it enhances the atmosphere.


"[And now, as the 'abandoned part', I am certainly qualified to kill all those 'recipients'!]" "Valkyrie", or [Blackened Yuqi] hovered in mid-air, with a ferocious face. "No, you didn't. From the moment we separated, you and the main body are two different people, just like... well, you can't ask the clerk to return the cake your mother bought for giving away to you because you didn't eat it. Money, that doesn't make sense.

. Peter squatted on a branch and winked at her.

"[You are looking for death! Spider boy!]"

"Call me Spider-Man if you can, I'm way past the age of being called 'The Kid'."


"Great! Peter, that's it, keep taunting!" Sherlock Holmes, a student at Hogwarts, gave him a thumbs up from a distance: "I will support you with magic spells!" No, he was not taunting at all. , Just telling the truth. Just as Peter was about to refute, his scalp suddenly exploded, so he directly swung out a spider silk with his backhand to pull himself away from the original trajectory, and the area a few meters in front was immediately blocked.

The fiery sword light of the "Valkyrie" was completely enveloped.

[Don’t be distracted, Peter. If you get hit by that guy’s strange knife, I can’t guarantee that you won’t be injured. 】"get out of class is over" said in his ear. "Ah, of course I know, the 'Spider Sense' is already as noisy as a fire alarm," Peter continued to move in mid-air, chatting with "After Class", while not forgetting to throw spider silk at "Valkyrie" to disturb her. Action: "I

Guess that kind of "corruption" is different from "inducing evil thoughts", so you will be affected too, right? "

【Well done! Just throw the spider silk on her wings! I know one of the most disgusting things for humans is chewing gum stuck in their hair hahaha - ow! 】

When Peter was in the air for a short time, the "Valkyrie" turned in the air in an attitude that did not conform to the laws of physics and slashed with a knife, trying to cut him in two. Before he could react, the "get out of class was over" and "exploded".

Literally "exploding hair", it suddenly exploded countless black threads from Peter's body, and before the long knife came, it violently pulled Peter in the opposite direction to avoid the blow. And Peter clearly saw through his "Spider Sense" that the black residue of the "symbiote" that had not yet escaped and was cut off by the "Valkyrie" and stuck to the knife first turned red instantly as if burning, and then Turn to orange

Yellow, light yellow, and finally settled into a burning pale color, and then slowly fell off like real ashes.

"'get out of class is over' you——"

【It hurts! I'm telling you Peter you owe me two pizzas just for this one! 】

"Well, don't you want to eat something else?"

[Huh, you won’t let me eat the bad guy’s head when I want to eat it. I want you to order the sheep’s brain when I’m eating hot pot, but you find it disgusting and difficult to serve. 】

"So why do you always want to eat brains?"

[Then you have to ask the guy who created us. 】

"[Enough!]" Finally unable to bear Peter's behavior of dodging around and talking trash, the Valkyrie rose into the air: "[I'll bury you like a bug first, and then I'll deal with those mortals!]" Following a huge bullet , strange red balls with strong suction condensed in mid-air, and Peter's premonition of danger that had already become a warning bell suddenly sounded like a scream. He had no time to talk trash anymore, and continued to throw out spider threads in an attempt to escape.

its scope of influence.

At this time, Sherlock, who had been harassing him with painless spells, cast the spell again: "Split into pieces!"

What? etc? That magic isn't——


The red sphere exploded the moment it hit the ground, turning into an illusory flower that was both beautiful and deadly.

No, not imaginary.

The petals of the flower were larger and wider than expected, and Peter, who had just escaped from the influence of the red ball, was drawn directly back into the heart of the flower.

[He——! 】


? ? ?

"[Peter Parker,]"

Beside the familiar rock caves and clear springs, the spider lady, who was as huge as an island, turned her compound eyes to look over, and said with an unkind tone: "[Do you always have to pick a time when I don't have makeup on?]"

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