The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred, North American Mythical War (403)

Vertex, the fastest update to collect the doomsday!

Hogwarts, Vice Headmaster's Office.

"[Long time no see, Miss Fisk.]"

The "Bulls Eye" projected by the "Phone Bug", or rather, so says Matt Murdock, the Fisk family's attorney. "It's been a while since we've seen each other. You always file and send legal matters that need to be dealt with, and we rarely meet directly." I looked at the projection: "If there's anything urgent that I can't even wait for me to return to the headquarters, I need to do it immediately."

A moment-decided event? "

The "Phone Bug" thing was summoned by me by stacking sea snails and hermit crabs. At that time, the stupid system was causing trouble and accidentally created a "huge jet". Its original function was just to add credibility to the identity of the "Little Princess of Atlantis". After all, the technology in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is not generally developed. In a sense, this is equivalent to an old-fashioned dial-up phone or even a wired connection.

Paper tube communication tools are toys no matter how you think about them. But... it's very popular with the "not so law-abiding" crowd who, for obvious reasons, are always worried about their phone calls, text messages, or emails being tapped, and this isn't anything other than ice cream. All

No, a creature that can communicate with its own kind out of thin air and does not store any personal information perfectly meets their confidentiality needs.

Kingpin was able to make a comeback after washing his hands in the golden basin. In addition to relying on Vanessa's status as a "royal member of Atlantis," this little thing's contribution was actually ranked second.

"[I'm here to say goodbye to you. I'm going to...]" Matt paused for a moment: "[Go and destroy the Hand.]"

"Huh? Are they so bold as to extend their 'hand' to New York?" I looked through the recent information on the Fisk family, but couldn't find any keywords related to "hand".

[Did you just make a great pun? 】

‘The article is made by nature, and it comes by accident with a clever hand. ’

【...One more sentence? 】

‘The dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and you can pick the stars with your hands. ’

[Okay, we have found the reason why Hand Hehui dared to assassinate Bai Xing. 】

‘Don’t stretch out your hands, otherwise you will be caught. ’


The Hand is a ninja organization that originated in Japan. The five leaders are codenamed by names such as "Thumb" and "Index Finger". The slogan seems to be "Covering the sky with one hand" or something, which is very consistent with the stereotype of that people.

In the original work of "Daredevil", they were entangled with Matt and his girlfriend Erica, and they seemed to be making moves against Kingpin. In this hodgepodge of the "Marvel Cinematic Universe", they were suspected of participating in the assassination of "Rachel Fisk". Although the people who did it were some guys who used firearms, no one was dressed as a ninja or using a samurai sword.

, but within their sphere of influence, a group of pirates could touch a cruise ship where many dignitaries gathered. It is impossible to say that they have no responsibility. Even if they are not cooperating inside and outside, opening the door to the thieves, at least they must be derelict in their duties. It is precisely because of this that they have been secretly infiltrating the United States for fear of being discovered by cheap dads, and the actions of this second-rate organization that cannot make waves are not qualified to be [prompted], and the relevant intelligence cannot be cited.

Please pay attention, especially when I'm driving one, two, three, four, five... I don't know how many.

"No, 'my enemies' haven't come yet, they're just 'preparing to come,'" Matt replied: "I'm not going to let them mess up 'Hell's Kitchen,' so I plan to take the initiative." "Oh... okay. Well, anyway, the Fisk family doesn't have any legal issues to deal with recently." I nodded, remembering that he couldn't see, so I added: "I agree, so how are you going to go? We need people.

Hand escort or fist assist? "Thank you for your concern, Miss Fisk, but even if the bat has no eyes, it will not hit the wall." Matt shook his head: "As for manpower, there is no need. This time the enemy cannot be defeated with more people. It may even be defeated by other side

incite defection. "Well... indeed, if I remember correctly, the ninjas of the Hand have the ability to transform people killed by the Hand into their own - although no matter who they are, they will eventually become red ninjas." Things are a bit different

The spectrum is. And this ability comes from a demon called "The Beast" who is worshiped by them. In the original book, Matt finally defeated it and became the boss of the Hand, "Thumb" - which should be the purpose and purpose of his farewell.

The result will eventually be achieved.

From this point of view, with the invasion of the "Dark Knights" into the "real dimension", the stories of other "superheroes" will passively begin to advance and come to an end before "Thanos snaps his fingers." The plot of this kind of "personal issue" cannot be called a "big event", and there is no "doomsday element" to follow up and participate in. At most, it will increase the completion of the "Reincarnation Mission", which can be used as a side plot to pass over to Bubu. Sgard's card

Lorraine and Max went to finish.

The only problem is...the identity of the "beast" the Hand worships. The beast, or [beast] is nothing special in the Marvel universe. Because of its identity as a "demon", it can be related to the "Lord of the Hell Dimension Mephisto", but since I it's here…

The best outcome is Fufu, and the worst outcome is Goetia. Due to the size of the world, Goetia's attempts to "destroy humanity" and "destroy human nature" sound no different from those who want to destroy the earth at every turn. They even give up because they can't touch the earth itself.

Thinking, and if his title of "Demon King" dares to be revealed, he will be beaten up by a group of "Universe Demon Gods".

But the problem is that the codename of my "Operation Dimension Upgrade" is... [Grand Order], and it won't be appropriate unless Goetia comes out. But, even if he does run out, the problem is not too big. If he is replaced with equal strength, he will be just a "Universe Demon God" at most. He has no corresponding dimensions and his status is lower than that of "White Star". Then he will be Can experience one

Masters have been talking about it for a long time, but no one takes it seriously anymore, hehe.

"[Miss Fisk?]" Matt asked with a slightly higher tone. "Ah, oh, I see. You have to deal with a guy who is super strong and can instigate rebellion against others, right? Then I won't send ordinary people to help. I wish you success~" I casually took out the ice cream from the small refrigerator next to me and prepared it.

Feed the phone bug.

"[...I will leave after arranging my replacement,]" Matt finally said before hanging up the phone: "[Thank you for taking care of me during this time.]"

Uh-huh? Why does he act like he doesn't plan to come back? It's just a hand meeting.

[Tip: The additional event ‘Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne’ has been opened. ]...?

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