The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred and one, North American Mythical War (404)

Vertex, the fastest update to collect the doomsday!

Hogwarts, Vice Headmaster's Office.

I was staring blankly at the phone bug eating ice cream.

"Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne" is a sequel to "The Return of Sherlock Holmes". Just as Conan Doyle had decided to finish the detective story when he described Sherlock Holmes falling into a waterfall with Moriarty, DC's editorial department clearly planned to complete the story through "Death of the Batman" and "Catch the Mantle".

"War" to end this superhero story.

But in the end, both of them had to continue serializing because of readers' unwillingness to accept it.

However, because the former is an individual writing a book, while the latter has an entire editorial department and many authors, the final results are different. Since Sherlock Holmes was forcibly "resurrected" in "The Return", the detective has become...a magic stick. Rigorous reasoning and argumentation no longer exist. Everyone has become very facial-looking, and even the clues in the case are obvious.

The most outrageous part is that Holmes during this period was able to identify the prisoner by "the frequency of his blinks", "the weight of his breathing", and "the clenching and unclenching of his fists", and the process was reversed based on the results. "The Return of Bruce Wayne" also led to the collapse of the worldview. After Bruce Wayne successfully returned from ancient times, he and Dick Grayson, who won in "Battle for the Cloak", caused "two real Batmans to exist at the same time." " situation, which leads to both the orthodox "Batman must be Bruce Wayne" and the liberal "Batman can be the successor" dissatisfied, while the Chaos "just call themselves Batman" are also very unhappy. ,

In the end, the DC editorial department was cruel and arranged for Bruce Wayne to retire after revealing his identity, leaving Gotham to be managed by Nightwing, and he established the "Batman Heroes" for support. This outrageous ending offended almost all readers. Then, they released the "Flashpoint Incident" with a vomiting star on their head, restarting the universe and entering the "New 52" universe that will eventually be destroyed by the "Laughing Bat" and "Death Metal" events, and by the way...

Update the outdated technologies in past journals, and remove some logically contradictory events and characters. So here’s the question, whether it’s the light and dark multiverses on Jin Jing’s side, or the “Dark Knights” who came to cause trouble, it proves that the DC universe next door is in the “New 52” period, so this one has been “restarted”

"Why did the "Batman Returns" event that was "removed" happen? Where is he going to "return"?

[I just did some research, you must not guess what I found~] After being silent for a while, the stupid system suddenly said in a showy tone.

‘What was found? Tony Stark is Batman? ’ I cut to Warner Heim and took a look: ‘So you return from the virtual world and call Batman Returns? ’

[Hehe, half right. 】The stupid system continues to cheat.

Half right, that means a superhero I know is Batman?

In "Batman Returns", Bruce Wayne was thrown into ancient times, and Darkseid tried to be reborn through his body. He also received a debuff that would destroy the world if he returned to the current time.

No matter how outrageous these plots are, just in terms of similarities...

The "ancient man" Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner who "has other wills in his body", and "Vision" who "will destroy the world if the restriction is released" all seem to be similar, but they are obviously not the same.

[I’m afraid of you, it’s Daredevil, Matt Murdock! The one who just spoke to you! 】

'Well? Just because he's blind doesn't mean he's a bat, right? This is a personal attack. ’

【He's an actor! The 'Daredevil' actor also starred in a 'Batman' movie, as did the relationship between Gandalf and Professor X. 】

‘Batman was struck by an omega ray from Darkseid and became Daredevil in Marvel? seems to make sense if I think about it carefully. ’ Not to mention personal attacks, they do have many similarities. For example, they are both mortals, they are both in a criminal paradise, they have an old enemy who can never do anything to each other, and their girlfriends are all villains.

He also never kills people - this attribute is actually a bit overused.

[Also, "The Death of Batman" was released in 2010, and the world was initialized in 2010. 】

‘No, it was actually 2016, but it was set back 5 years due to the death of the Supreme Mage Ancient One. '[That's not important, the most important thing is that the movie the actor starred in is called "Batman v Superman", and the only one who has been beaten to show his prototype is the one who turned black while fighting Superman' trample

The ravager’. 】

I cut to "Svartalfheim" and took a look at the subdued "Ravager", and then compared it with the ID photo of "Matt Murdock", and found that except that he was more haggard and his eyes were intact Exactly the same.

Theoretically speaking, all "Batmans" are "Bruce Wayne". If the masks of the Dark Knights were completely removed, they would all look the same except for the Drowned Wraith.

But why do you, a "Daredevil", have the face of Bruce Wayne?

[Deadpool said the same thing about Hal Jordan. 】

‘He should have been caught by Brother Monkey, and he might be working miserable hours. 'If Matt Murdock was Bruce Wayne from the beginning, then it's normal that it has never been discovered. After all, he was born at the same time as the "World Initialization" in 2010. If everyone with other identities has want

Tip, tip sister, I’m afraid I need to read the ten-minute credits list at the end of the movie.

But why didn’t it take until today to...well, wake up? And why do you have to say goodbye immediately after waking up? [Hmph, the answer is very simple,] Stupid System said very confidently: [Because the Dark Knights are about to break through the shackles of the seven major arenas, and 'only Batman can defeat the Joker', so he appeared as a 'hero'.

‘You make it seem like Marvel’s superheroes are useless. ’ [As for the reason for leaving immediately, it’s not difficult to guess.] The stupid system ignored my complaints and continued: [He didn’t want the clown to destroy ‘his Hell’s Kitchen’. Even if the clown suddenly appeared when the Hand was fighting, the loss would be

It's just those ninjas. 】

‘This is [my] Hell’s Kitchen. ’

[For another reason, he probably believes that the 'beast' of the 'Hand' is the carrier of the clown's arrival, and is planning to kill it preemptively. Even if he guesses wrong, it will be considered as eliminating the harm in advance. 】

That's a bit...wait a minute. Matt Murdock is the first "superhero" that "Rachel Fisk" comes into contact with, and he has transformed into a gorgeous figure. So as the first villain organization that he comes into contact with - the Kingpin family - the "Hand" "Is it really as weak as in the original work?

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