The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred and fifty-three, North American Mythical War (432)

The inner sea.

I'm fine-tuning Stark's Star Wars plans.

Although Jarvis "wrote" the story of "Mass Effect", because its ending is not fixed and will always destroy the "mechanical empire", the newly promoted "mechanical demon" has no choice after "ascension" To materialize it, the structure of the old science fiction--questionable--"Star Wars" was chosen as the prototype of the mechanical empire.

There is this movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as well as many historical, fantasy, science fiction, and urban life-themed movies and TV series, but due to copyright or other reasons, most of them only appear in character dialogue and On the poster for the first glimpse.

And Iron Man likes Star Wars and Star can only be said to be quite reasonable.

As for his planned method of unifying the galaxy, it is a very classic three-piece mechanical empire set of "Iron-Hearted Exterminator" plus "Emergency Assimilation" plus "Earth Guardian". As long as the conditions for "Earth Guardian" are loose enough, in general, It seems that it can even be regarded as an ordinary "vassal".

But if you do this, the expansion will be fast enough, but there are also a lot of hidden dangers. The ethnic group that was "extinct by the iron core" and turned into a battery may cause a "Matrix", and the androids who are "urgently assimilated" may try to "become human" ", as for the batch that is regarded as "organic souvenirs"..."Blade Runner", "The Sixth Day" and even "Terminator", there is always one suitable for them.

The most troublesome part is that Tony Stark plans to abandon that name and call himself the "Mechanical Emperor" after he "ends of his life". This is probably to avoid affecting the earth and his future generations, but the problem is that this There is a "subspace" in the universe, and there are four "subspace evil gods" in it who can easily corrupt the minds of mortals, and he is planning to use the power of the entire empire to launch a "Great Crusade" against the "Lord of the Crimson Dimension" in the third millennium. …

It’s full. Although it’s missing a “0”, it can’t be fuller.

[It can be pulled again,] The stupid system sneered: [There is a group of greenskins outside the galaxy who use the power of "I am thinking". 】

‘Although the Green Lantern energy is very similar, they do not reproduce through spores, and they do not seek death in vain. ’

[When they encounter danger, they can teleport directly back to the headquarters by giving up all profits and deducting currency. Therefore, they dare to challenge those super cosmic disasters with no chance of winning just to obtain relevant information. Many races say that they are like It grows from the ground. 】


[There is also 'if the green light passes, the group will be destroyed'. Although the DC editorial department is at fault, the external performance looks like 'once there are more than five members, internal strife will occur because the command and operational goals cannot be unified', which will lead to the failure of the mission. , very much like the green skin style. 】

‘Well, what about the bugs? There is no Tyranid swarm in this universe. ’

[No now, but have you forgotten the ‘Void Spawn’ and ‘Drow Spider’ that you threw to Dormammu? He may not have that skill himself, but his sister Uma is a master of biological modification. If her research goes astray, she will create a group of them. She may even think that it is very successful. 】

‘Tsk. ’

[Then, since the 'Mechanical Demon God' and the 'Lord of the Crimson Dimension' have made an agreement for a thousand-year war, the masters of other dimensions and the Universe Demon God dare not directly obstruct this matter, otherwise they will face the wrath of Cytorak. , but it’s okay to do things secretly, especially when you have a direct fight with the ‘Lord of the Extra Dimension’ who has already been torn apart, and his weird-looking descendants should be called...]

‘…Necrons? The mechanical and biological attributes seem to be reversed. ’

[As for the Eldar, it should be 'Kyle Rayner' and his tribe who were taken away by Mephisto. Sithorn, who was beaten away, may also go to them, like the artist-like 'His Royal Highness' Paired with Chaos and Daemons, it fits the bill perfectly. 】

'That is to say... around the year 3000, the 'Mechanical Demon God' or 'Mechanical Emperor' who has unified the galaxy and is about to have a decisive battle with his destined opponent may have a mess of internal and external troubles within his sphere of influence, just because no one dares to stop him. This decisive battle can only be sustained. Jarvis doesn't know that, right? ’

[He should know very well, but that precarious state may have been intentional on his part. 】

‘To escape the decisive battle? Isn't that the only way to be promoted to the Lord of the Mechanical Dimension? ’

[I guess, maybe I finally realized that I don’t have the ability to become the ‘Lord of Dimension’. 】

'Um? ’

[In the past, Stark was able to single-handedly challenge the Lord of the Seven Dimensions. In addition to the right time and place, another important reason was that this victory was a 'good fortune' given to him by you. 】

'Yes, because Ancient One ran away, the world lacked a guardian, so I planned to train Sherlock to become the Supreme Mage. And the 'Mechanical Demon God' will naturally have a dazzling record as a force deterrent to replace the 'Ocean Demon God' . ’

[So, if he is promoted to the 'Lord of the Mechanical Dimension', can he still serve as the earth's external force deterrent? 】

‘Can...right? ’

[The agreement of the 'Millennium War' is that if he wins, Cytorak will give him a part of the dimension. If he loses, he will become a vassal of the other party. No matter which way, the 'Lord of the Mechanical Dimension' will give up the earth. After all, the earth and mankind can Not made of 70% machinery. 】

‘Are you thinking about me? ’

[Illusion and illusion. 】

‘Hmph… In other words, even though the current Mechanical Demon God is still ambitious to unify the galaxy and challenge the master of the strongest dimension, when things turn out to be different from what he expected, he is ready to run away with the bucket? ’

[It’s hard to guess what Jarvis thinks in the future now, but judging from Kang the Conqueror’s situation, it should be similar. He thought he had seized the position of King of the Galaxy through his own efforts, but in fact he became The legal person of a company that is heavily in debt and about to go bankrupt. 】

[Even if he had planned to run away, simply admitting defeat and handing over power would definitely be seen as problematic, so Jarvis had to make the illusion that he was trying his best to counterattack but failed, so that the entire process of taking power would be flawless and would not cause any problems. People doubt that his acting skills have obviously improved greatly after a thousand years. 】

[In addition, in order to seize this 'company', he must also have 'borrowed', and the person who has improved his strength the fastest... you should know who it is. 】

‘The throne started to be won in 3000, and was overthrown in 3050. What else could it be if it wasn’t [The End of Reincarnation]? But this subspace evil god is just a conceptual empty shell like the Lord of the Ocean Dimension. It will disappear as soon as I leave. I have to find a way to keep it - well, at least maintain the function of the wishing machine for a thousand years. ’

[How about using the trophy from the ‘Triwizard Tournament’? 】

'good idea. ’

[Fifty years of life~like a dream and an illusion~]

‘It sounds awful! ’

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