The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred and fifty-four, North American Mythical War (433)

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The sea in the center of the earth, Dragon Palace City.

Stupid System and I are playing with a bunch of chess pieces to design a future mechanical empire. In fact, my understanding of the worldview of "Warhammer ()" is quite superficial. I first came into contact with it through a game that "commands a squad of mecha warriors who have various upgradable special abilities and are taller than ordinary people."

I even forgot the name of the game "Bug Fighting", and even confused it with "StarCraft".

Later, because I was interested in the "Dungeons and Dragons" series, when I was looking for similar TRPGs, I discovered that Warhammer, or medieval Warhammer, was also one of them, and the one I originally came into contact with was its derivative, Warhammer 40K.

Then, because I was young and ignorant, I said, "Isn't this just Warcraft and StarCraft?" I was yelled at, saying that I was rebelling against Tiangang, and I couldn't figure out the time sequence.

[Then you destroy the world? 】

'Pooh! It's not my business? ’ I casually picked up a chess piece and smashed it on the stupid shark’s head: ‘I mean, I know very little about the settings, and you rely solely on real-time searches. It’s just a dream to integrate the Star Wars and Warhammer settings. '[There is no need to make detailed settings at all, just have a rough idea and let them evolve on their own.] Mekaro caught the chess pieces with his tail and looked at it: [Look, the Emperor created the original body, and then created them with the original body's genes. son

Hey, is it like the Mechanical Emperor creating functional individuals and then deriving their subroutines? The heir's enthusiasm for the original body is similar to the unconditional support of the main program by the subroutine. 】

‘So, I only need to roughly set the personalities and abilities of these 20 [Mechanical Primarchs], and then I don’t need to worry about it? ’ I picked up a new chess piece and looked at it.

[Actually, there are 19, and Luna also has to occupy one spot. 】

‘She must hear the words ‘I am your father’, right? '[Think about it, after Kang the Conqueror seizes power, he will definitely temporarily disguise himself as the Mechanical Emperor to maintain his rule over the Mechanical Empire. Maybe other Mechanical Primarchs can be deceived, but Luna will not. After discovering the problem, say '

You are not my father! ’ ‘Give me my father back! ’ It connects the previous and the following, echoes from beginning to end, it’s simply perfect. 】

'Hmm...' [What's more interesting is that the original bodies in 40K were caused by the evil god of warp space, scattered throughout the galaxy, and then corrupted and rebelled. But now, they are all created by the evil god of warp space. The so-called 'rebellion' is actually

It's the responsibility. 】

‘You are the evil god of subspace! ’ I threw another chess piece at it.

[Xing Xing Xing, ‘The End of Reincarnation’ is the ‘Main God of Subspace’. 】The stupid system caught it and put it away.

'In addition...' I picked up a new chess piece: 'Forget about pursuing the ultimate beauty, what about this 'vampire impulse'? Pumping oil from other machinery? ’

[Cut database data? 】

‘So vicious. ’

【really. 】

When Silly System and I were designing the "end" for Stark's mechanical empire, he himself was still discussing the "beginning" with Odin.

The size difference between the super huge Thunder Titan and the tiny Iron Man is basically equal to the difference in strength, but Stark used his super self-confidence to equalize their momentum. As a member of the "Prehistoric Avengers", Odin was there to set up the "predecessor" spectrum with Stark, and also mentioned the owner of the original "Phoenix Power" and Thor's biological mother "Flame Hair", but... Tucker thought he was bragging, but he wasn't serious at all.

Listen, bargain with him as the future "Lord of the Mechanical Dimension".

But in fact, Odin will pay special attention to Stark, largely because he can temporarily maintain the "ascension channel" that most of the universe demons pass by when they "ascend".

[It was obviously you who did it]

‘It has nothing to do with me. Who knew that ‘Sanctification’ and ‘Ascension’ would use the same channel? 】

[Because Marvel has never set the conditions and process for becoming a cosmic demon? 】

'Well...most of the universe demons and dimensional lords did not say anything. The few that have been documented only said that they were black magicians, chaos wizards, etc. ’

[Oh, how can a mere mortal editor know how to become a universe demon? 】

‘People are in high dimensions, so as long as they make arbitrary settings, no matter whether they are reasonable or not, the low-dimensional world will evolve accordingly. ’

【Then you cut him off? 】'...Ahem, in short, in order for Stark to deal with the crisis on the field, I raised my hand to maintain the second half of the ascension channel. At the beginning, there was no doubt that the future Morgan and Luna were helping, and even caused a 'flash'. Click 'Let him go'

After visiting Avengers 4, I saw the reality of the world - although it was not that real. ’

[Is there a possibility that it was precisely because he saw the tragic situation in Avengers 4 where half of the life in the entire universe was wiped out that he decided to become the 'Mechanical Emperor' and the 'Lord of the Mechanical Dimension' that rules the entire galaxy? ? 】

'Then after unifying the galaxy, it was discovered that Thanos did not exist at all, and the motivation disappeared. With mechanical thinking, I judged that we should retreat bravely and find a way out instead of fighting Cytorak. ’

[Reasonable, too reasonable. 】

At present, it seems that for "Twilight of the Gods", Odin's original plan was to give up control of various kingdoms, release ancient evil spirits to disrupt the arena, order Thor to lead the army to eliminate and regain control one by one, and continue the game while restoring order. At the end of the awards ceremony, Thor's successor was announced as "A

Lord of Sgard", retired with great success.

The likelihood of fully following this plan, while possible, is astonishingly low. However, "Twilight of the Gods" is a fateful battle that cannot be undone once it begins. Odin still made many preparations, such as transferring the residents of Asgard to the "Slice Battleship" in advance to isolate the people whose strength exceeds A certain amount of cosmic demons and dimension lords intervene in the arena, allowing the "Green Lantern Corps" and "Hogwarts" to have limited interference in the arena situation in the name of "off-site assistance", and once things become impossible, entrust various countries to

Give their final taker and use your true body to intimidate the other party to make a contract to protect the people of Asgard, etc.

[The last one is a complete lie, and you are not included in the plan at all. 】'Yes, throwing Thor and Atreus to the earth together was already part of the plan. If Asgard is really desperate, with the character shown by the 'Lord of the Ocean Dimension', he will definitely take them in. That brother

of the two and their people. ’

[Don’t the ‘Lord of the Ocean Dimension’ want to eliminate all AT force fields and turn humans into orange juice? 】'Eliminate the wall in everyone's heart, everyone will understand each other, and there will be no more conflicts and disputes with each other, and then they will merge into one and become a sea of ​​souls,' I repeated the persona I created for Bai Xing:' This is a bar

The conditions and results were deliberately reversed and had no intention of being realized. ’ [Indeed, as long as human beings are turned into orange juice first, they will naturally be able to understand each other.] The stupid system said: [Essentially, it is the same as ‘If hell is not empty, you will never become a Buddha’. Obviously, as long as you spend some time patrolling the world, you will be able to do it in time.

Stopping every case that would lead to prisoners going to hell can achieve the result of "clearing hell", but they have to wait there. 】

‘So from the perspective of the Lords of other dimensions——’

Boom huh huh——!

At this moment, the tree of the world, which connected the seven kingdoms and was invisible in the real dimension, burned brightly.

‘Well, this should be the last scene of Ragnarok. So far, all the prophecies have been fulfilled. It just depends on what the Laughing Bat has in store for him. ’

[Wait a minute, do you think the fire is a little too strong? 】‘…’

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