The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred and fifty-six, Shylock and the death of destiny (2)

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——Marvel, 2015——

——[Time and Space Guidance]——

Dimension of Fire.

"[You want to challenge me?]"

"[...Don't let me down, 'the future master of the mechanical dimension'."

The legendary "Lord of the Crimson Dimension" who appeared in the form of a giant fire demon said these two sentences with almost no interval, then sank into the magma and disappeared. But Sherlock clearly knows that there must be a long period of time between these two sentences for Mr. Stark, who was promoted to the "Mechanical Demon God", to play games with him. This sense of time and space confusion is even inclined to "time and space guidance"

I was also dizzy. "[Time has no meaning to the 'Lord of the Dimension',]" Illya waved her wand and sprinkled a mist of water on Sherlock, calming down his almost boiling mind, and then said: "['Hua Cake' is right They say wait

Similar to setting the ‘future history’, although there are loopholes that can be exploited, on the whole it will be realized. ]"

Because the Lord of the Crimson Dimension has left, there is no need to hold up the sign, right?

"Well..." Sherlock wiped his hair and reasoned for a while: "Mr. Stark launched the challenge as the 'Future Lord of the Mechanical Dimension'? Then he will have to do this until the day of fulfillment comes. And work hard.”

"[Huh? What is the 'Future Supreme Mage' talking about?]" Illya winked at him.


Yes. The "junction" and the "reality dimension" are two different worlds, but both have a "witch" urging herself to become the "Supreme Mage", but the former hopes to save the world by herself, while the latter... should just finally find a successor

Are you going to be lazy next time? If we speculate further, perhaps the mermaids of "Atlantis" with the same appearance as her were the first candidates for the "Supreme Sorcerer", but they found that they were unable to take on the important role before building "Hogwarts" and planning to build it among humans. middle

Looking for an heir.

Although the evidence is severely lacking, it sounds very reasonable.

"[This is the 'Power Gem' that 'Cytorak' wanted to give to you before.]"

After "repelling" the "Lord of the Crimson Dimension", the "Mechanical Demon God" paused briefly, then slowly landed with the bright red gem that appeared inexplicably in his hand, and then said to the "King of Fire Giants" and "The Hulk".

"Gem! Power! Powerful!"


Well, a chicken talks like a duck, but the bull's head is not the same as the horse's mouth.

"[Yes, this gem has great power, but because it comes from a more powerful dimensional master, it will not come without a price,]" the mechanical demon said: "[If you use it -]"

The newly minted Demon God paused in his words and seemed to be thinking about his words, but Sherlock keenly noticed that Illya beside him was also "stuck" at the same time.

Off-field support? But it's not surprising. After all, he is a demon god who was born on earth, so it makes sense to take proper care of him.

"[——You will have to succeed the 'Lord of the Flame Dimension'.]" The mechanical demon said.

Isn't this a good thing? Why do you say it is like being in jail... Oh yes, it is indeed in jail, because the "Fire Dimension" "doesn't exist". Although there are many mortals or extraordinary beings who use flames, they only regard them as their own abilities or skills, and never as "gifts" of the "Fire Dimension". Naturally, the dimension itself has no benefits and can only

With the slow accumulation of activity of "fire elemental creatures".

However, although there are two candidates, it is impossible for one of them to run. After all, Dr. Bruce Banner has a girlfriend-although the relationship with his prospective father-in-law is a bit tense, and marriage is far away.

The above gossip comes from Luna. "[There is nothing wrong with Hagrid assuming this identity as the 'King of Fire Giants', but after thousands of years of assimilation, I am afraid he will forget his original intention and once again lead the flame dimension to reality and try to burn everything," Illya commented

Said: "[If personal issues are not considered, Dr. Banner is the best choice. After accumulating huge anger for thousands of years, it will be enough for him to break through the barrier of the universe and become a multiverse-level existence.]"

Anger is also fire, right? It's quite reasonable this time... Wait, isn't that causing trouble for the "Ministry of Magic"?

"The gem is mine," the huge fire giant king took a step forward: "Hulk, go home."

"Hao——" "Hulk" originally wanted to say something, but his body was suddenly surrounded by purple light, his body quickly shrunk, and finally turned back into Dr. Bruce Banner: "...Thank you." "[In 'Mechanical Empire' 'At the beginning of creation, I may need some help,]" The mechanical demon flew close to "Siertel" and threw the gem at him: "[After all, some powerful 'cosmic disasters' cannot be dealt with based on quantity for the time being.

suppress. ]"


When the huge fire giant caught the little gem, the words in his mouth turned into a terrifying roar. The next moment, in this country filled with magma and flames, endless blazing red colors rose from all directions and converged on "Sirter", making his body taller and his muscles stronger and redder.

The watch even created a set of bright red broad-shouldered armor that looked like a rugby player out of thin air.

What is that... "[Ah, the enhanced form designed by 'Cytorak' for his retinue, the invincible 'Red Tank',]" The next second, Illya answered Sherlock's doubts: "[Indestructible , unshakable, flawless, flawless

It can be hit. Unless the energy of the gem is exhausted, no one can control him. The only problem is that the shape is not good-looking, and the charging speed after the energy of the gem is exhausted is too slow. ]"

That seems to be two questions? "[Okay, let's go back now,]" Illya flew towards the "Obsidian Gate" on a broom: "['Settorak' came to COS with a fire demon, and as a result, most of the heat in Muspelheim was lost. They were swept away by the way, making this country

The plants can start to grow again, and after no longer suppressing the 'Red Death', your 'time and space guidance' should have been restored, and then you can help them expand and build the Leaf Village. ]"

"Hmm." Sherlock looked at the "Mechanical Demon", "Red Tank" and Dr. Banner who were discussing something. After confirming that there was nothing here that needed help quietly, he turned and passed through the obsidian door.


Muspelheim. Although the competition and crisis in this country have ended, the barriers between the arenas have not disappeared. [End Light] and T'Challa, two young players who have become sworn friends, began to help the "Golden Tree Guards" restore the Kingdom of Fire.

Ecology, and the time-consuming processes are quietly "guided" by Sherlock.

But if you think about it carefully, Muspelheim's original form was the Kingdom of Fire. Does their continuous spreading of green count as restoration or destruction? "[If you feel that the Land of Fire and the Leaf Village are too monotonous, you can also help the elemental creatures establish some other forces,]" Illya muttered while looking at it: "[For example, the Land of Wind, Iwagakure Village Sunagakure Village

Something like that, when the time comes they start fighting——]”

"Madam Vice-Principal." Sherlock interrupted her.


"You said before that Cytorak took away most of the heat," Sherlock pointed to the sky: "So is this normal?"

Although the sky in this country has always been as red as flames, the boundless flames that are constantly surging and burning downward, as if they are fluid, are something he has never seen before.

Illya's comment on this was - "[...huh?]"

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