The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred and fifty-seven, Shylock and the death of destiny (3)

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——Marvel, 2015——

——[Molecular influence]——

Vanahem. After [Lao Ar] and "Killing Machine" woke up from their "dream", they were unaware that they had "fallen asleep" and continued their escape and pursuit as if nothing had happened, making a lot of noise along the way. gradually

Walking further and further away.

From this point of view, the actions of the "Universe Demon God" may still be noticed by careful people, but the actions of the "Lord of Dimensions" will not be discovered by those of lower status unless there are beings of the same level to expose them. .

Although judging from the various performances of the vice-principal who has been following him, the "Lord of the Ocean Dimension", it is enough to prove this point, but it still feels a bit unreal when it actually happens in front of him.

And now, Luna and Mr. Stark from the "Hogwarts" side have not returned after their "ascension", and the Super Tomato and the Humanoid Potato from the "Green Lantern Corps" side are still assisting the resistance, and the rest can work The only thing... Sherlock looked at Illya who had entered daze mode again, and resigned to his fate, he began to use the ability of "molecular influence" to access the interface left behind after the "killing machine" ran away, and used those who were immersed in "complete stealth" The Warners of the device started from

Awakening from multiple dreams, he passed the credit to Mr. Stark. Although the "Lord of the Dream Dimension" came to the door on his own initiative, which has proved that Sherlock played an important role in solving the crisis in Warnerheim, he has never appeared in front of the Warner Protoss at all - the trial account does not count.

In their view, Mr. Stark, who made the earth-shattering movement, is their savior (The One). At present, it seems that although the Warner Protoss has extracted a large amount of energy, magic, divine power or other things for ascension, there is no problem with the basic logical judgment for the time being. After waking up, they were only slightly dizzy and began to recover.

Everything in reality instead of immersed in dreams. However, there are still some problems. They now call Vanaheim the birthplace of the "Mechanical Demon", and the place where the two giants fought is called the "Ascension Site". If it weren't for Asgard and Odin thousand

The remaining power of ten thousand years is still there, and the Warner Protoss might call it a "Holy Land".

In addition, when there were still many tribesmen who had not yet escaped from the "complete stealth" device, they began to formulate strict management laws for this technology, especially prohibiting the complete separation of consciousness into the virtual world.

In this case, maybe the "Lord of the Dream Dimension" won't be too interested in this country?

"[Do you want the ability to 'transfer damage to dreams'?"

After Sherlock once again exposed a batch of dreams and sent their owners back to reality, Illya suddenly came back "online" and asked a very shocking but not so shocking question.

If the incarnation of a "Lord of Dimension" was smashed to pieces, it would be impossible to say that no benefits were left behind, but that kind of thing is not what I can covet now. Mastering power that does not belong to me is the beginning of disaster.

Hey, the "time stone" doesn't belong to me anyway, so you can say nice things as you like.

"Can you get it without making a deal?" Sherlock responded while continuing to awaken the "Full Diver".

"[That came with her incarnation. It transferred her damage to the butterfly she was riding. I saw the weakness and snatched it away with a sap,]" Illya replied: "[90% new.]" Sherlock was at a loss for words. He didn't know whether to praise the other party's honesty in bringing the transaction items with him in advance, or to question why such a big fish could be a butterfly, or to marvel at how simple the battle between the "Lords of Dimensions" was.

Nothing fancy.

"...butterfly?" he finally asked. "[Dreams themselves are illogical, and the identity of 'Zhuang Zhou' has both the legends of 'Dream Butterfly' and 'Xiaoyaoyou'. Confusing Kun and butterfly is a basic operation," Ilia suddenly finished her sentence in the middle of her sentence. Changed to an incomprehensible language

: "['The child is not a fish, how can you know that the fish is not a butterfly'?]" In other words, for a thing that has absolute control, as long as the Lord of Dimensions says it is a butterfly, no matter how it looks, feels, or smells No matter how much it tastes like fish, it's still a butterfly... like that

Shouldn't the words just turn into butterflies? !

"[In other words, when equipped by 'Zhuang Zhou', the monster named 'Kun' will be regarded as a 'butterfly'."

It’s even harder to understand! That must be some kind of game term! Because of his agitated mood, Sherlock slipped his hand and increased the intensity of the "wake-up", which directly woke up a large number of people who were still dreaming - whether they were seeing fish flying around collecting honey in the garden or Cast a net on the sea

Raising a net of butterflies is a bit too outrageous for "reality".

"[Pfft, so, do you want it?]" Illya covered her mouth and chuckled: "[It's pretty useless to me anyway.]"

Well? Does this mean that you cannot use abilities from other "Lords of Dimensions" because your status is too high? Or can the ocean itself infinitely repair itself without having to be transferred to the dream world? It's not like she won't be hurt at all, right?

Forget it, if I think about it further, my thoughts will turn to "how to deal with a dimensional lord". If I get hit on the head by the vice-principal lady with a sign... "Give it to Mr. Stark, I have the Time Stone." ', this ability is not very useful," Sherlock thought for a moment, and then said: "The characteristics of the origin of 'machine' have determined that he will command a very large mechanical army during his battle in the universe, and in most cases he will only Give targets and let them "automatically fight". If the production base has enough production capacity, you can indeed ignore the loss, but you are afraid of accidentally kicking the iron plate and causing the main damage.

The entire army was wiped out, and not only was it too late to replenish it, it would also cause a huge delay to the overall strategy. "

"[Although you probably won't get kicked again, it is really necessary to make up for the key losses caused by the accident,]" Illya nodded: "[I will help you convey your good intentions." "

Um? What's the meaning? Mr. Stark has been kicked once? During the previous ascension process?

Sherlock wanted to ask again, but Illya had already entered the "daze" state of sitting on the broom again, her head bit by bit, so he had to suppress the doubts in his heart for the time being.

Speaking of which, the cross beam used for "ascension" has disappeared for a long time. Why haven't Mr. Stark and Luna returned yet?

While Sherlock continued to be busy between "illusion" and "reality", he randomly turned some monitors to the original position of the cross beam, and then discovered that,

There was a blazing flame that was so rich that it seemed like liquid, rushing towards Vanaheim along the circular gap in the sky. ...Mr. Stark pierced the sky when he ascended?

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