The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred sixty-eight, North American Mythical War (439)

——Marvel, 2015——

Japan, Kyoto.

Van Helsing was driving a semi-new old car towards the outskirts of the city with Murdoch in the back seat.

This car came from a certain gang leader. He was lucky enough not to rashly participate in the Hand's actions and escaped. But after Van Helsing and Murdoch's next operation to directly attack Huanglong was over, if someone followed the clues and found him, would it be possible? It’s hard to say whether I will continue to be lucky.

Sitting in the car, Murdoch's perception of the outside world weakened and he habitually began to think.

He now suspected that "Van Helsing" might also come from a lower-dimensional world.

This "Vampire Hunter" may have been attacked by a being similar to "Darkseid" in that world that could affect time and space, just like himself. In the process of traveling through time and space, he mistakenly entered the "Holy Timeline" and gained the ability to An identity that is strongly related to the original person in some attribute.

He just keeps playing his role because no one "woke him up".

But this is just a guess. Without enough evidence, it is best not to ask casually.

"You seem to have doubts about me," Van Helsing said without looking back: "You can ask whatever you want. For the sake of our temporary alliance, I will not lie, but I will decide whether to answer based on the situation."

"I knew there were alien gods, sea mermaids, otherworldly beings, superpowers and magicians, but I had never heard of vampires," Murdoch said.

"You must have heard of it," Van Helsing replied: "The most famous one calls himself 'Iron Man.'"

"..." Murdoch was silent.

There is nothing wrong with calling capitalists vampires, but using Tony Stark as an example is a bit strange. In addition, the current context is talking about the word itself, not a metaphor.

"For ordinary people, my answer would be 'They have been living in seclusion and trying their best to hide their identities.' But since you are asking, my answer is -" Van Helsing paused: "'They are not you at all. The existing opponents mentioned cannot make any waves at all’.”

It seems... indeed, even if we don't mention aliens, the guys currently "making waves" on the earth are all much more powerful than mere vampires - if their characteristics and strength are consistent with the legend.

"Then what's your reason for hunting them?" Murdoch asked.

Finding out that they are "vampires" when dealing with the Hand, and finding out that they belong to the Hand when hunting "vampires" are two completely different behavioral logics.

"They killed my wife," Van Helsing's voice became deeper: "At the same time, they gave my daughter a severe 'blood-sucking urge.'"

The word "at the same time" silenced Murdoch again, which obviously meant a tragedy and unforgettable hatred. If this hatred could not be dispelled, no one would be able to "awaken" him - not even the old Captain America from another world. Nope either.

"You confirmed that the murderer belonged to the Hand and decided to come to seek revenge? But I'm afraid your whereabouts have been exposed," Murdoch tried to change the subject: "When I came by boat, I found that they were checking the passenger list through peripheral members."

"I'm not sure," Van Helsing looked straight ahead with an indifferent expression: "I'm just killing every vampire in the world."




When the sun was about to sink into the horizon, Van Helsing drove to the door of a ten-story business company.

"'Midtown Ventures,'" he glanced at the company's nameplate: "I think 'Midtown' is the name of a New York area."

"That's where it was registered," Murdoch opened the door and got out of the car: "As far as I know, it was razed to the ground by the Kingpin."

This is not surprising. Although "Jin Bing" leaves all family affairs to his daughter "Jin Jing", there is no obstacle to mobilizing manpower, especially when the purpose is to vent his anger on his daughter's behalf.

But honestly, does the "White Queen" really need someone else to vent her anger?

Van Helsing also opened the door and got out of the car, looking silently at the company building in front of him.

It seems to be needed.

As an organization that once tried to assassinate Rachel Fisk, the only reason for its existence is that it should be destroyed by "Matt Murdock" and not anyone else.

With the combined strength of the Fisk family and Atlantis, and with sufficient preparation, "Miss Jin Jing" can eliminate all previous disasters without even having to rely on the "Avengers" and "S.H.I.E.L.D." Dealing with the enemy thoroughly instead of just sitting back and letting things unfold, leading to her being attacked and even "died" once.

The only possible reason why she would do this is that those enemies and disasters "should have been solved by specific 'superheroes'", just like in "Detective Comics", the only person who can defeat the "Joker" is " "Batman".

As a "man in comics", it is difficult for Murdoch not to think about it - why can't the world he lives in now also be the content of another comic?

If I return to the comic book world again, I'm afraid I will be like "Miss Jin Jing" and let the things caused by the super villains proceed according to their original trajectory, because that means that the events are controllable and can be interrupted at any point deemed appropriate.

However, her purpose and his own are obviously completely different.

This eldest lady seems to think that if the matter is solved first, the "highlight moment" of the person who originally solved the incident will be eliminated, which is unfair to them.

Even so, she still made some moves to nip the situation in the bud. Due to insufficient intelligence, it is impossible to analyze, but if you make a rough guess, those incidents are likely to be like "The Killing Joke". Once left unchecked, it will leading to worse results.

As a person living in the "current world", even if Murdoch had doubts, he could not find a comic depicting current world events. Relatively speaking, Jin Jing's "precognition ability" is better than her "ability to enter comics" Things are much more reasonable.

And now, he takes the initiative to destroy the "Hand" in order to prevent the "Joker" from having natural help when the "real dimension" appears - of course he will appear, otherwise, the "old Captain America" ​​will never take the initiative to "awaken" "Own.

Compared with "Bruce Wayne" and "Matt Murdock" who have many things in common, the appearance of the Joker may even be completely unreasonable - [Anyone can become the Joker as long as they have a bad enough day] .

Anyway, next...

When Murdoch took out his cane and prepared to conduct preliminary reconnaissance of the building through sound waves, he sensed that Van Helsing had raised his hands, and three "claws" that barely disturbed the air popped out from between his fingers, menacingly and without any fuss. He strode towards the main entrance of the company in a disguised manner.


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