The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred and sixty-nine, North American Mythical War (440)

——Marvel, 2015——

Suburbs of Kyoto.

The security guards and thugs of the "Midtown Circle" company were fighting with Van Helsing, or in other words, being beaten violently.

Compared with the pirates and the peripheral gangs that Murdoch found, this company undoubtedly belongs to the core, at least the kind that cannot be given up easily.

The evidence is that there were those strange "ninjas" appearing in the battle, but the thugs turned a blind eye to their defeat and disappearance, and they did not try to "transform" these thugs.

In the chaos, gunshots, shouts, collisions, swords being unsheathed, explosions, and walls collapsing could be heard.

If you are a blind person who can "identify position by hearing sounds" in the conventional sense, this moment should be equivalent to a normal person being hit by a flash bomb, completely losing their perception of the environment.

But for Matt Murdock, these different sound waves reverberated with each other, and the dark blue ripples produced in his "vision" instead "illuminated" every shadow and corner of the building. , any normal person or ninja who tries to sneak attack him will be easily knocked down.

If you think about it, someone did try to use flash bombs or shock bombs on him in Hell's Kitchen, but it had no effect other than making him "see" more clearly.

The accident that caused Mudok's blindness was a simple accident. After careful investigation, no traces of gangsters or enemies were found to be involved. However, "Miss Jin Jing" has always been strangely apologetic for some reason, and seems to think that his blind state is It was her fault, and she once made a vague suggestion to use Atlantis' technical means to help him regain his sight, but he naturally refused this "weakening".

If nothing else, in a certain "parallel world", it should be "Jin Bin" who caused her blindness, and "Miss Jin Jing" still failed to prevent this despite making preparations in advance, so she was as her own responsibility.

That’s not how the ability to “predict” is used, missy.

No one can prevent all kinds of disasters from happening anytime and anywhere, not even that stupid big guy in a blue tights and a red cloak.

Different from the Clark Kent I know, in the comics of this world, the earliest image of "Superman" is that of an "omnipotent" "saint" who can hear every crime and cry for help happening on the earth at any time, and then travel at the speed of light. Go to the rescue, which is obviously very much in line with the expectations of its author, the elderly Steve Rogers, from a "superhero".

Then, I couldn't continue drawing because the story couldn't unfold, so I started to add a lot of story points to Superman, such as humanity, ties, weaknesses, negative emotions, relatives, old enemies, etc. After many years of shaping, until in recent years, his image has become Only vaguely close to the Clark Kent in my impression.

In the face of natural disasters, he will still lend a helping hand, but for man-made disasters, unless the victim resists with all his strength, he will completely ignore any compromise and acceptance of fate. To use an Eastern proverb, "Man must help himself, and then God will help."

As an ordinary person, "Batman" naturally does not have such luxurious worries. Although he spends most of his time maintaining the stability of Gotham and protecting it from the destruction of super criminals, he will still intervene if he encounters ordinary crimes on the road.

Speaking of which, he "ascended" at the end of "The Death of Batman". According to the comic narrative, he should have traveled to ancient times and returned to modern times through various methods. In the process, the Robins and other super The hero fought a "Battle for the Cloak".

But now, I have traveled to a parallel world and become a blind lawyer. What will happen to the original world and Gotham?

"*%...¥ # !"


Murdock casually knocked down a gangster who came out of the shadows with a stick, and then put the idea behind him.

No doubt it must have become completely unrecognizable.


As the last few thugs who resisted were knocked unconscious, the unrecognizable "financial" company also fell silent.

Van Helsing put away the "claws" on his hands, kicked away the thugs who were blocking his way, and walked up the stairs to the top of the building.

"I thought you were going to kill them." Murdoch said casually as he followed.

He could clearly hear the slow heartbeats of the fallen thugs, and some of them even had their hearts beat a little faster because of his words, but there was no need to point out that.

"I am a vampire hunter, not a killer," Van Helsing replied without looking back: "If they decide to stop me with their lives, or accept 'transformation' later, I will not show mercy."

Oh, the no-kill principle with certain conditions.

"What if the top leaders of the Hand are just ordinary humans and not 'vampires'?" Murdock asked.


Van Helsing did not answer. He stood in front of a gorgeous wooden door, waved his hands continuously, used his "wolf claws" to cut the door into four pieces and then kicked it open:

"I don't know any human beings who can live four hundred years. Maybe you would like to explain, 'Mrs. Gao'?"

The sound of the door breaking and collapsing "illuminated" the situation inside the room. It was a luxurious office with a huge bookcase, a large desk and a sofa for guests, but there was no one in it.

“[Oh, it’s really rude to talk about a woman’s age casually~]”

In the apparently empty office, a young female voice that was mixed with coquettishness, arrogance and coldness came out:

"[I am already 4,000 years old, not a 400-year-old girl~]"


Murdoch "looked" at Van Helsing, but found that he was not looking for possible recording and playback equipment, but was staring straight at the side of the desk, with the "claws" on his hands popping out, as if he would be there next moment. Rush over.

Can he see people? Invisible? Sound absorbing armor? still……

"[You'd better advise your new friend, Mr. Matt Murdock,]" the female voice turned to Murdock and said: "[If he really launches an attack, I can't guarantee that he can still survive." Keep living~】"


"Wait!" Murdoch's instinct made him stop Van Helsing: "Who is that person you see?"

"A woman in her fifties, of oriental descent, one of the five 'fingers' of the Hand, 'Mrs. Gao'" Van Helsing said coldly: "Don't worry about the rule of 'no hitting women'. Her earliest activities were recorded in More than four hundred years ago, it is certain that it was not a 'human being'."

Although the original words are "no attacking women," that's not the point. It's not like Poison Ivy hasn't beaten her before.

The problem is that after gaining the ability to see through sound, this is the first time that I can hear speeches clearly but can't "see" anyone at all.

"[Ah, I forgot, you can't see me, I'm so sorry~]"

Following the completely insincere apology from the young female voice, the image of a woman appeared in the empty room in front of Murdoch like a printed version.

It was a tall woman with a long and large pink ponytail. She was wearing a very tight snow-white suit and skirt, a silk scarf with a red bow tied around her neck, and a striped pointed hat. , with a charming face, a smile on her lips, a pair of small tiger teeth, and a pair of cunning golden eyes hidden behind a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

Before Murdoch could be surprised at seeing normal colors for the first time in many years, he subconsciously raised his hand to stop Van Helsing who was about to charge.

What appeared at the same time as this image was a huge sniper rifle that was almost as long as the woman's height. It was firmly pressed against Van Helsing's forehead and would be triggered whenever he made the slightest movement.

Even a vampire hunter can't resist this attack on his forehead.

"Who are you?" Murdoch asked in a deep voice.

"[Hmm~]" The woman flipped her long hair: "[Have you heard of 'Daji'~]"

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