The Collection of The End

Chapter 270 Songs and Execution Ground

My name is Akatosh,

Amir turned around and came back again.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 12th, 17:15 —

The three-layer defense outside the main gate of Dugu City has been fully opened. There are full numbers of archers on duty on each sentry tower, and there are serious-looking soldiers on the ground from time to time, and heavily armed guards patrol back and forth, and look for suspicious people entering the city. The person conducts an interrogation.

Mercer Frey walked towards the main entrance with other pedestrians, feeling a little puzzled by this situation. These defensive measures did not seem to be aimed at what had happened, but were done in advance for a future situation that required full vigilance Prepare - Weed out those who may pose a hidden danger.

"What's your name? Why did you come to Solitude? What's in the pocket?" When a small team patrolled by, its captain stopped in front of Mercer Frey and asked, pointing to the big pocket on his back.

With disheveled hair, unshaven beard, worn leather armor, a steel two-handed ax pinned to his waist, and a linen bag on his back, he looks like a robber who has just looted somewhere and is about to escape—but the robber will Are you going to the Dugu City?

This opposite strategy was very effective. Moser judged that the captain probably came to ask out of boredom, and the several patrols that passed by before simply turned a blind eye to him.

"My name is Lin Wei, and I'm a bard." Moser shook off the shattered hair that fell to his forehead, and took the pocket from his back and opened it, "These are the various musical instruments and music scores I collected for the bard academy. "

Lute, flute, waist drum, several common or uncommon musical instruments appeared in front of the captain. After confirming that there were no dangerous items, he waved Moser to put them away: "If bards all look like you, there are not many people If you are willing to listen, play a live performance to prove your identity."

It can be completely confirmed that this guy is just idle and bored, and he didn't even find any flaws in the first layer of camouflage. Moser chuckled and picked up the lute: "Then, I will play a piece of 'The Age of War' .”

"Time comes and goes, we drink to our youth, (We drink to our youth, for days come and gone), the age of war, will eventually pass. (for the age of is just about done)."

As a song widely sung in the Imperial Legion's control area, it made many passers-by stop and listen to it, and even chorused it softly.

Just like Kalia's "transformation of others", there is a danger of being seen through by acquaintances, Mercer also has the problem of "unknown origin" after "transformation of himself", in the wild, in villages, or cities that don't value it, it's okay, in the heavily guarded, In Solitary City, where information circulates quickly, if an unknown person tries to inquire about the royal family's information, he will be noticed immediately and focused on surveillance.

And the bard guild, which has a loose structure and a romantic style, and is almost never checked by the guards, is the best place to stay. The president does not recognize the vice president, so he can only use songs to communicate. It has been around for a long time.

It wasn't that there were no lawbreakers who tried to borrow this identity before, but they would be exposed as soon as they opened their mouths. After all, the singing level of the bard guild was not something that a novice who had learned for a few weeks or months could achieve.

But it is a pity that in order to use this identity, he spent several years learning to play and sing, and his level is not much different from that of senior members of the guild.

"We'll drive out the stormcloaks and restore what we own, with our blood and our blades,

Take back our homeland! (with our blood and our steel we'll take back our home)”

Mercer was still singing, but the patrol captain waved his hand and left.


"Boom, Ulfric became the king of killers? (Doom with Ulfric, the king of killers)"

"It's 'Down with Ulfric, the killer of kings', are you stupid?"

"Yeah, people often say that, ha ha."

An adventurer who was listening to the song was interrupted turned his head angrily, then slowly raised his head, and then quickly turned his head back.

"Well, I don't understand," the tall, dark-skinned, fierce-faced Esgail Snowhoof listened to the bard sing a few more words, and finally shook his head and turned to walk towards the gate of Solitude.

"Stop, stop!" Several city gate guards immediately surrounded them: "Who are you? What are you doing in Dugu City?"

"I'm... ah!" Esgail suddenly forgot his words in the middle of speaking, so he exclaimed, which shocked the guards. If it wasn't for the fact that there was only one person and no hostility towards the big black man, they probably would have The enemy attack alarm was sounded.

"I am Esgail Snowhoof, the second son of the Snowhoof family in Rift Valley City," Esgail took out a piece of paper and said, "I am in love with a lady from a noble family in Solitary City, and I am invited to visit Her parents, I hope you will not be prejudiced by the battle between Legion and Stormcloak. If you are asked by a guard, read this, sister who cares about your relationship."

"This..." The guard at the gate had a toothache expression on his face. If he continued to ask, there was no guarantee that this stupid man would not take out another piece of paper and start reading, so whose daughter was so unlucky to be targeted by him?

"You can go in now." The guard waved his hand to indicate that Esgail could enter the city, and then turned to the other guards: "Send someone to inform the 'Sharp-Eyed Eagle' and let them keep an eye on it."

"Huh?" Asgail walked into the gate of Solitude, planning to continue looking for someone familiar with the situation in Solitude based on "experience", but found that many people were gathering around a square on the side of the gate. high tower.

"How light is the crime this time?" "Who knows, maybe it's just an ordinary thief." "The one who will be executed publicly must be to scare people, and the really heinous ones will not use this method, otherwise they will be caught by the princess on a whim." What should I do if I am rescued?" "It makes sense..." the onlookers murmured inexplicably.

"Well..." Esgail recalled the arrangement his sister gave him: "After entering the city, if it's early, go directly to the Blue Palace to find the High King Toig to explain the situation" "If you arrive at night, go to 'Blinking Snow' Rats' rent a room to rest" "Do not act without authorization." It seems that there is no condition of "it's getting late, the Blue Palace is closed, but it's not night yet".

So it's okay to watch the excitement, right? Asgard forced his way into the crowd, looked at the height proportions of the surrounding residents, and their stares that dared not speak out, and finally chose to sit directly on the ground.


"Are you really the Princess of the Empire?" On a section of the city wall not far from the square, Xiaofan and Amir sat side by side, overlooking the execution ground, with a food bag between them.

"...Yeah." Amir was gnawing on a donut and nodded slightly.

"But why do I think she looks more like you?" Xiao Fan pointed to the back of the high platform.

In a place that the "spectators" couldn't see, there was a tall man in the sharp-eyed eagle uniform standing there, and beside him were a little girl who was somewhat similar to Amir and a woman in a hood. magician.

The girl was wearing Emil Changchun's white velvet skirt and black scarf, a small princess crown on her head, a short red cape on her shoulders, and a light golden scepter in her hand. She looked like a princess overall, but If you put this outfit on Emil... Xiaofan turned his head and glanced at her.

Even if it was only in Xiao Fan's imagination, after putting on that outfit, the charm, temperament and affinity possessed by Amir directly threw the little girl below to some unknown place.

"No, it's not like that at all." Xiaofan, who was caught by his own imagination, shook his head repeatedly.

For Xiao Fan's self-questioning, Amir tilted his head and expressed his puzzlement.

"Quiet none stole among the blinking squirrels. After being discovered, he resisted arrest and wounded two guards." On the high platform below, the bald and shiny Captain Addis announced loudly: "Sentenced to treason, Execute the punishment of beheading!"

"Crack!" the executioner Ata raised his beheading axe and shouted.

"Oh—" the onlookers started booing excitedly.

"Stealing in Dugu City is the death penalty?!" Xiao Fan was shocked, as the guild's business could not be carried out at all.

"" Emil continued to bite her donut.

"Keep people under the knife!" The strong man wearing sharp-eyed eagle clothing suddenly shouted, and at the same time, the magician who was following the "princess" appeared next to the executioner with her in his arms, and released the girl. On the surface of the beheading axe, but because of Atta's burly figure, the audience in the audience could hardly spot her.

"I announce the prisoner's pardon," the girl dressed as a princess said loudly, "I order you, as Imperial Princess Emilia Septim, to release him immediately!"

"Ohhhh—" the onlookers cheered.

"Well... in order to cover up your inexplicable disappearance, the lord of Dugu City found a little girl who is very similar to you as a substitute, and occasionally makes such exaggerated performances..." Xiao Fan twitched the corners of his mouth: "Your empire People really know how to play."

"...The prisoner is real." Emil took a new one from the bag after eating the donut, and replied.

"That's true..." With Xiaofan's eyesight, he could clearly see that the prisoner tied to the guillotine was covered in sweat and trembling.

But doing so seems to damage the majesty of the city lord, does he really not mind?

"Amir! I finally found you!" Before Xiaofan could figure it out, he saw a dark-skinned man suddenly jump out of the crowd of onlookers, holding a Mara necklace and rushing directly to the execution platform: "I like you ! Please marry me!"

"Oh oh oh—" the residents booed even more enthusiastically.

"Isn't that the idiot from the Snowfoot family?" Xiaofan turned his head dumbfounded: "Amir?"

"..." Emil remained expressionless as usual, but the donut he just bitten into fell off.

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