The Collection of The End

Chapter 271 The Princess and the Substitute

My name is Akatosh,

I swear I didn't interfere with these coincidences.

——4E, 201, Hearthfire, 12th, 18:46——

Cooperating with the wrong people at the wrong time to execute the wrong plan, the Thieves Guild may be kicked to the iron plate this time.

At the port of Solitude, on the roof of the warehouse of the Eastern Empire Company, Parasos thought in gray leather armor.

He had already put the "Balmora Blue" in the cargo hold of the light cargo ship "Elegant Stead", but he was not at all optimistic about Baron Erikour's plan to "order the guards to raid".

This cargo ship under the name of the Eastern Empire Company and theoretically belonging to Princess Emilia did not attract the attention of the sharp-eyed eagle before, even though it was the most profitable fleet in the company-because the princess had no interest in those fleets at all. There is no interest in connecting, let alone the possibility of getting on a boat.

When Paraisos was "ordered" to investigate it, he discovered that the owner of the ship was very thoughtful. He did not transport large quantities of goods that were not profitable but stable enough like other fleets. Instead, he relied on his fast and flexible advantages to focus on Speculation, every time, even the same cargo may be different. After arriving at the destination, sort and sell them according to the prior investigation. There is a time difference before others have time to react. Even if someone stares at him doing the same thing, it is very difficult. It is possible to lose a fortune because the only gap is filled.

If Baron Erikour's plan is successful and he takes a stake in the fleet, just submitting and reviewing the trade plan according to the process every time will let the fleeting business opportunities slip away. A business may go from a pot of gold to a complete loss-making business.

However, it was Baron Erikul himself who showed his face anyway, even if he failed, it was his own failure. The mission of the Thieves Guild to "place the blue Balmora" can be called a perfect success.

At present, the more important thing is to listen to the lord's reaction to "that incident". That kind of double who is easy to distinguish by acquaintances will be regarded as the real person by Esgail Snowhoof, which shows that there is no relationship between them. What kind of profound connection might be that Xuehoof is only in unrequited love, but it still needs to be confirmed.

Parasus jumped off the roof and hurried down the road toward Solitude.


"According to my analysis, Mercer Frey's target is probably 'your' Eastern Empire Company."


The sun has already slanted to the west, and the sunset glow illuminates the entire Solitude City port and the surrounding sea surface in golden yellow. If ordinary people look at the Sea of ​​Undead at this time, they will probably be dazzled by the golden light.

Xiaofan and Amir stepped on the roof of the warehouse and approached the pier without being affected. When the sunset and the golden light reflected from the sea approached them, they were absorbed into Xiaofan's dagger wrapped in gauze around his waist.

Although it looked ugly, Xiaofan had no choice but to do this because the sword began to glow by itself after the sky got dark.

The so-called "house leaks happen to be rainy", she not only got the artifact that disrupts the stealth, but also made the "Demon Hand" used to find Moser useless - it will now firmly point to the "Dawnbreaker".

However, since Moser set off earlier than them, he must have arrived in Solitary City, but because of the palace mage Sibilly, he must not dare to use the combination of magic artifacts with relatively large magic fluctuations, so he can only use the [skeleton weapon] quietly. Key] ability to unlock.

Previously, they planned to search for Mercer among the onlookers when the poor drama "Princess Robbery" was staged, but an unexpected spoiler appeared. In order to avoid being discovered, they sneaked away before the sharp-eyed eagles assembled. gone.

Emil, or Princess Emilia Septim, was originally reticent, but after witnessing the actions of the silly boy of the Xueho family, she seemed to have been thinking about something and became more silent. After Xiaofan stared at her for a while Continue to analyze.

"Judging from the weird 'teleportation' effect that he can use two magic artifacts at the same time, Moser must be looking for more magic artifacts, but most of them are in the hands of their owners, like discarded [ It can be said that magic artifacts such as Azura Star] and the [Skull Key] that he stole by some means are very few, however," Xiaofan pointed to the warehouse below and the return ship: "In your In the Eastern Empire Company, there are at least two transaction records of magic artifacts—although it was determined after the fact, they are Calavicus Vile’s [Mask of Persuasion] and Sanguine’s [ Bloody Rose]."

"...So?" Amir blinked.

"So we will stay here for the time being, unless we find Moser or are sure that he has already left," Xiaofan said angrily, "Or do you plan to go back and be your highness the princess?"

"...No." Amir replied immediately without thinking.

The idiot from the Xueho family is quite lethal, Xiao Fan curled her lips, at this moment, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a high-spirited nobleman leading a group of reluctant guards to surround a A fast sailing ship, vaguely heard words such as "Arikule", "Balmora", "drug", "check", "force".

"Maybe it's the contradictions and tricks among the nobles, 'Her Royal Highness', look—huh?" When Xiaofan turned his head, he found that Amir had disappeared.


"Lord Supreme King Toig, please feel free to hand over Amir to me, I will definitely make her happy!"

In the Blue Palace Council Hall, Esgail Snowhoof held the hand of "Princess Emilia" and bowed solemnly to Toig. Hu Du was speechless, while Bogel Bearclaw, still wearing the sharp-eyed eagle uniform, was as expressionless as court mage Sybil Stant.

"Uh, Ai, Emilia, what do you want to say?" Toig couldn't understand the language for a long time, and finally turned his attention to "Princess Emilia".

"I always thought that I was not interested in love and marriage because I was in the Blue Palace and met many outstanding men, but it wasn't until I met Asgail that I realized that I just didn't meet the right person~" "Ai "Princess Milia" said in an aria-like tone: "I am willing to be his wife, please allow Mr. Toig."

"Hehe." Asgard smirked.

Enough is enough... Toig would now rather have Ulfric give himself another shout so that he could lie in the backyard for a few months.

Emilia Septim is a princess! Does the princess understand? Asking to marry her should not go to the High King of Skyrim, but should go to Cyrodiil, the capital province of the empire, to propose marriage to the emperor of the empire! And don't think that it is the princess who "marries" you, it is you who want to be naturalized as the royal family! And the most important question is, this stupid girl who wants to marry you is not a princess at all!

Toig wanted so much to rant, but in the end he turned back feebly to his wife sitting behind his throne, "Alisiefer, what do you think?"

"Isn't it pretty good too?" The blond Alicifer smiled.

How could he have forgotten his wife's personality of not taking too much trouble when watching the excitement... Toig's eyes turned to the dull-eyed steward, the expressionless chief guard and the court mage.

"Your Majesty the Supreme King, the marriage between our Snowhoof family and Miss Amir's full name from the 'Fill in according to your own investigation' family is an important factor in maintaining the peace and stability of Skyrim Province. The goodwill of the class, presumably there is no real conflict, they are happy to mediate the battle between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloak, turning the war of real swords and guns into a dispute on the negotiating table is a good thing for everyone, You don't have to worry about Thalmer, as the birthplace of human beings, Skyrim Province has a hundred ways to make those elves dare not covet this place any more." Asgail took the opportunity to take out a piece of paper and began to read.

"'Emilia', I think you should be very clear about the meaning, consequences and cost of your choice." Toig sighed and said to the "princess" in a deep voice, "I hope you won't regret it."

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty." "Emilia" nodded: "Although I am a little silly because I fell in love, after carefully considering all the factors that will affect it, I still insist on this decision."

"Mr. Snowhoof, please go to rest," Toig said weakly, "The process of marrying the princess is very complicated, we have to plan carefully."

"Emile~I'll come to you tomorrow~" Esgaier happily waved to "Emilia" when Pogel brought him to the guest room.

"Hey..." Toig looked at "Emilia" in distress and sighed: "The princess will probably be angry."

"I actually want to see how angry she looks, but maybe she will be very happy when she finds out about it." "Emilia" shook her head slightly.

Eddie Septim, the maid brought by Princess Emilia from the capital province, is also the adopted daughter bestowed by His Majesty the Emperor with a surname. It is absolutely correct to say that she is a princess. Familiar people can't tell the difference at all, but the princess herself has no talent for stealth, illusion, and daggers at all. She can only show up for Emilia occasionally when she runs out to play for too long. Not really engaged in intelligence, but enough to appease the people, such behavior has never gone wrong before-until today.

"For the details, you can discuss it with Alicifer. I really have a headache and I have to go to rest first." Toig shook his head, stood up and walked towards the back of the Blue Palace.



After finishing the impromptu meeting on "Princess", Hibilly Sdent left the council hall and walked slowly towards her room. When she passed the corridor by the window, she suddenly let out a loud shout. The black shadow flew directly, and after the black shadow tumbled to the ground, it quickly disappeared before the guards surrounded it.

"Ah, I'm still worried that if you can't find him, how will I show up?" Shortly after the shadow disappeared, Parasos turned in from the window.

"Why do you think I opened the sound-shielding enchantment after Toig opened that snow hoof?" Sibilly looked at him and said, "Where's the princess?"

"The master of the Thieves Guild is much better than me, and if she doesn't take the initiative to show up, no one can find her, right?" Parathos shrugged: "I just want to say, the princess and the big black guy are just We met once, it was mostly love at first sight and unrequited love, if you want to make a mistake and marry Eddie, the princess will probably be angry."

"Love at first sight." The court mage repeated: "The feeling is incredible."

"Why do I feel like you are missing someone?" Parathos asked recklessly.


Someone flew upside down from the silent barrier with lightning, fire and frost.

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