The Collection of The End

Chapter 272 General and Thief

My name is Akatosh,

Moser, you...

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 13th, 7:20 —

"Awaken the bloodline, absorb the dragon soul, learn the dragon's roar, become a baron, hunt down the Silver Hand... Heh, our friend Arthur Pendragon is quite busy, isn't he?"

If the Blue Palace at the northern end of Solitude is the political center of Skyrim Province, then Dour Castle, which is located in the middle of the city and separates the civilian residential area from the noble villa area, is a veritable military center.

It occupies a huge area, with a thick city wall made of gray bricks and stones on the outside. Inside, there are many spacious halls and rooms, as well as secret passages and organs extending in all directions. Soldiers can quickly reach any place around Solitary City through them. , The methods include but are not limited to underground passages and aerial slings. Therefore, this is also the base camp for the temporary garrison of the Solitary City garrison barracks, the Imperial Legion headquarters, and the "Sharp-Eyed Eagle" troops.

According to historical records, when the construction of Solitary City was just started, the first permanent building completed was this castle, and other parts of the city were gradually built up around it. The peripheral defenses have records of being breached and occupied by the enemy, but Dour Castle has never been lost.

At this time, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Legion, the bald General Tullius, was in a command room in Castle Dour, staring at the sand table in the sky with red and blue flags intertwined on the table in front of him.

"Yes, general," Governor Rikki replied looking at the information in his hand on the other side of the table: "All the information so far shows that this newly promoted baron is committed to serving the 'Stalwarts' after joining the Comrades in Arms Group." 'Lord Balgruuf cleaned up the surrounding environment, but these actions were not due to the order of the lord—in fact, Balgruuf never gave him any orders directly."

Rikki is a tall woman even among the Nords. She wears heavy imperial armor. Empire characteristic tan.

"Heh, although Kraco Whitemane hasn't shown up for a long time, his ability to unknowingly guide others to act is still so outstanding," Tullius snorted: "Only when he and Balgruuf exert their strength at the same time can the comrade-in-arms The regiment and the Snowman leader can live in such a harmonious way—you don’t need to pay attention to Arthur anymore. He may solve this "Dragon Resurrection" incident like various heroes in the legend, but it is impossible to participate in the relationship between us and Stormcloak. contradictions between.

"As you order, general," Rikki said, turning a page of the information record: "The next thing you sent to Markarth City to investigate the Forsworn issue, but was accidentally teleported to Winterhold, and you can't leave for the time being." The information sent back by Miss Greeter."

"Winterhold? The magical power of the Mage Academy is abnormal?" Tullius frowned and thought for a while before realizing what Winterhold was referring to.

"Yes, according to Margaret's information, the violent magic fluctuation not long ago was because the academy found the legendary 'Eye of Magnus', but it was transferred to Artayum because it could not be used The Issyk Order and Hino scholars, and the chief mage of the academy gained the ability of fixed-point teleportation, she used this ability to bring her directly from Markarth City to Winterhold, and she seems to be using this ability Bring more people, according to Margaret's investigation, the initial guess is to establish a new magic system, judging from the current situation, the academy shows no sign of falling to Stormcloak."

"Let them continue to remain neutral." Tullius, who didn't know magic at all, pressed his forehead: "Winterhold belongs to Stormcloak in name, if we want to attack there, we only need to quickly grasp the lord. The Stormcloaks want to force the Wizarding Academy to serve them... heh, next."

"The next one is a summary of multiple pieces of information from Windhelm City," Rui Ji read: "Because of the influence of 'Shawl Blonde' is too great,

Most of Ulfric Stormcloak's orders could not be carried out smoothly, so several attempts to weaken their influence were made, but all failed. "

"Ulfric has degenerated to deal with a group of little girls? The most important thing is that he lost? Hahaha!" Tullius laughed.

"...After all the weakening attempts failed, he decided to fight by improving his own strength, and finally confirmed the location of [Jagged Crown] through various legends and historical records, and sent a troop to excavate it. If successful, It can make his leadership more justifiable." After reading the information, Rui Ji fell into thinking.

The "Jagged Crown" belonged to the great Sgrammer, and was also the symbol of the royal power of the original Skyrim High King. It was finally lost with the death of Sgrammer's last descendant, King Bogas of Winterhold, and caused the original Nord Empire. The division and civil war in the 1980s, the "Crown of Winterhold" that appeared later, and Tiber Septim's "Crown of the Storm", even if they were prominent for a while, they still could not replace its place in history.

"Toig is still alive as High King of Skyrim, so it doesn't make much sense for Ulfric to get the Jagged Crown," said General Tullius, who knew the Nord legends but didn't know much about them. It was too emotional, so he quickly made a decision based on reality: "But even so, he can't be allowed to get such a symbolic crown—the specific location?"

"Kwanjonde, south of Winterhold and north of Snowrun, is exactly the tomb that Bogas built for himself, but all archaeologists did not think that the Jagged Crown would stay there, and many tomb robbers The thieves almost emptied it which was undefended, if the Jagged Crown was really inside, they should have discovered it long ago." Rui Ji added.

"This location..." Tullius slid his fingers across the sand table, and quickly determined the location of Kevanjunde: "It's too close to Xueman."

"That's why Stormcloak didn't act with much fanfare, but sent an elite team to carry out this task," Rikki said, "If we send too many people, this team may run away as soon as they get the information , and there is no way to defeat them with fewer people.”

"Then we will also send an elite team to intercept and snatch the Jagged Crown," Tullius tapped on the sand table: "You will lead the team, Governor Rikki, you can decide the specific size and candidates, my only request As soon as possible, after all, it will take time for the information to be transmitted from Windhelm City, and it is very likely that they have already set off."

"I obey, General Tullius!" Rikki raised her hand in salute, and then walked towards the command room.

It's not a bad thing for Xueman to remain neutral. Tullius touched his chin to observe the sand table. After ruling out the possibility of attacking from the center line, the northern and southern lines are basically dominated by the Imperial Legion, whether it is Morningstar with high-quality ports or The rift that occupies one of the "ancient passes" cannot be given up by Stormcloak, so the troops are more and more scattered, and then only need to—

"Governor Rui Ji? I'm looking for you. This is the newly collected information."

"New ones? Put them in my office. If there is information marked above the red level, send it directly to General Tullius."

"There's no more than red, but they're—"

"Then wait until I get back!"


Through this series of voices, Tullius easily imagined the scene of an indecisive soldier being quickly dismissed by the urgent Governor Riggy and rushing away.

"Bring that information in." He shouted loudly. After processing a lot of "important" information, it is also a relief to properly deal with some information with lower importance and urgency.

"Of order, General." The imperial soldier outside the door came in holding a stack of information folders. He seemed a little nervous because he had never contacted the supreme commander of Castle Dour. After putting the information on the table under the sand table He just stood there dumbfounded.

Hehe, is he that scary? When Tullius picked up the information, he glanced at the soldier's face, well, it was indeed a strange face.

"Ah, those are two pieces of information that need to be read together." The sluggish soldier seemed to finally come to his senses, took out another piece of information and handed it to General Tullius, and at the same time began to explain: "They are Baron Erikour Accused the captain of 'Elegant Stead' of buying and selling the enhanced 'Skooma' without permission, requiring all his subsequent purchase plans to be reviewed, and the captain accused Baron Erikul of using magical means to put him A lawsuit in which less than half of the cargo was 'lost'."

Ha, looking at the descriptions of "huge dark horse", "shrouded in black mist" and "disappeared goods" in Baron Erikul's confession, Tullius almost immediately confirmed the truth: the baron who coveted the wealth of Elegant Stead passed some kind of Way to frame the captain, and the captain decisively used some kind of magic props to destroy all the goods and bite back.

As for why it was destroyed instead of hidden? Judging from this description, it is obvious that the field of annihilation, which can only be entered but not entered, is involved, and it is also the reason why this information is sent here instead of the Blue Palace.

After Tullius made an instruction to ask Erikul to compensate the owner for the loss, he turned his attention to the next job: In the city of Markas, the goddess Dibella became very popular for unknown reasons... What does this have to do with our Solitary City? ?

A large part of this information is "green" level "everything is normal" and "no abnormality" routine reports, and a small amount of "yellow" level information about the general movements of other cities and forces, as the soldier said, this information There are no special actions of important people marked with "red" level, large-scale army mobilization by hostile forces, important information marked red for other special reasons, it is impossible for them to appear in your own after being screened by Rui Ji. before.

The last one is a thick "yellow" level information: As Esgail of the Snowhoof family in Rift Valley City successfully proposed to Princess Emilia, the emperor of the empire will soon arrive in the sky, and the wedding will be held at that time, please stay General Sri Lanka stepped up security efforts.


If General Tullius was drinking honey wine, he must have sprayed it. Could it be that the princess had been away from home for too long, and her personal guards could not be contacted. After the sharp-eyed eagle passed the news back to the empire, His Majesty the Emperor was worried and wanted to come and see for himself? What does the Blue Palace mean by sending such information? Are you really going to marry the princess as a substitute?

"General, this is additional information about the analysis that Esgail Snowhoof met Her Majesty the Princess who was also out for fun because of his travels. According to the description, the place where they met should be Loristed in Snowrun. When they jointly killed the ice dragon that attacked there, they developed feelings for each other, and it was initially confirmed that it was a coincidence rather than a conspiracy." The soldier pulled out the following analysis reports: "However, since Rift Valley City is completely controlled by the Blackthorn family, there The status of the scouts is not high and they did not get any further information, but only sent back information about Esgail Snowhoof's force and personality."

Ah... Indeed, Tullius turned his eyes on this soldier. Very few people know about the princess's home. Even the guards in Solitary City only know that the princess likes to hang out. The troops came to retrieve the donuts that she had taken away, and no one would have thought that she would run to the Rift Valley without saying a word.

"Put them in Governor Rui Ji's room," Tullius waved his hand. "Although this information is not important, if you leak it, you will not escape punishment. Go."

"Yes, General."

— 8:52 —

"Hehe..." In a vacant villa in Solitary City, Mercer Frey changed into the uniform of an imperial soldier and looked towards the Blue Palace with a strange smile.

"The complete disappearance of 'Poyt', coupled with the wound of the dragon in Loristed, confirms that the claim that Princess Emilia was able to 'kill God' was not the souls trapped in the 'Star of Azura' The demons are talking nonsense," Moser's face showed a trace of fanaticism: "As long as she finds the way to do this or the artifact treasure, what is the pursuit of one or two demon gods?"

"As long as it is a living thing, even if it is a god, I will kill it for you."

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