The Collection of The End

Chapter 273 Morning Star and Nightmare

My name is Akatosh,

This textbook-like suicide...

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 13th, 9:43 —

I'm rushing back to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary with Gallus, Illya, and Cicero.

The work of the Dark Brotherhood in Markas City has come to an end, and a strange balance has been formed between the believers who believe in Dibella and the Forsworn who worship the Red Eagle. Large-scale conflicts occurred, but such confrontations made ordinary residents who had no contact with those battles feel much safer around the city, so they greatly appreciated the lord's management.

Due to my previous intervention, there is no real irreconcilable conflict between them. Sooner or later, they will gradually understand each other and integrate gradually in the confrontation and conflict. will really become monolithic.

So, after I threw most of the truly unforgivable people to Artayum, Gallus, who couldn't stand Cicero's "hehehe", proposed to return to the Sanctuary. As a girl, she no longer has to assassinate her sisters to gain attention, and Illya is gradually getting impatient with those Dibella priests who always want to pull her to become a saint.

The return route was specially arranged by the Forsworn King, and most of the distance traveled was within their control area, so it was almost impossible to encounter enemies other than wild animals. After all, Gallus, who was holding the Red Eagle Sword, was now called The "awakener" of the Red Eagle.

Aside from these extra tasks, Gallus has completely agreed with the "Night Mother", because the tasks I released through Cicero, the listener, are very timely. Man's dark ritual has just ended.

‘Branca’s Jump Point, Broken Tower Stronghold, Kas’ Spear… It feels like something strange has been mixed in. 'I flipped through the crude maps provided by the Forsworn King. The difference between these maps and general-purpose maps is that they marked some occupied caves, ruins, and strongholds within the scope of the Reach Territory, and also included threat assessments. Although it doesn't work for me.

[The Temple of the Sky Temple, where Delphine and Isben are analyzing the cause of the dragon disaster and looking for a solution, do you need a live broadcast? 】

'Forget it, that place is too dark,' I stopped the stupid system from opening a new window, and now the monitoring of a bunch of key people is giving me a headache: 'Speaking of how they passed the blockade of those two dragons ? '

The Sky Templar Temple is the only way through the main line of the Elder Scrolls. Its front door and back door are guarded by a giant dragon, and the protagonist of the Dragonborn will enter it with the help of the blade warrior survivors Delphine and Isben. Read the prophecy mural, then go find the special dragon roar "Dragon Break" that can defeat Alduin, but now...

[There are no giant dragons wandering around the temple, and they have not been hindered from entering the temple. 】

‘After all, the main line was skipped because of old Pa’s stealing the show, and the Blade Warrior was not eliminated at all. '

And because of the farce of the true and false princesses in Solitary City, the Emperor of the Empire is going to come to Skyrim, and the eldest sister of the Blade Warrior will also accompany him.

"Oh~ Mother~ Is there anything worth killing nearby? (Hearts)" Cicero routinely muttered.

"[Not currently.]" I cut the channel and replied.

As the night mother, I will definitely not issue the task of assassinating the emperor, let's see how the Sanctuary of the Brotherhood will be destroyed this time~ hehe.

[Hint: Babette arrived at Morning Star, ready to assassinate the mine owner Betiyoud]

'As a result, Sister A is still unwilling to give up her power, and she took on the task by herself again...'

After confirming that there will be no enemies or any changes here, I left behind the illusion of Heizhen, secretly opened the gate of annihilation and teleported to Morning Star.


Morningstar City is the capital of Guguan "The Pale\

,"To the east of it is the vast snowfield and hills where Arthur and the others fought before, and to the east is the large pit caused by the collapse of Winterhold.

The city itself is surrounded by snow-covered mountains all year round, making it almost impossible to develop agriculture. However, also because it is surrounded by mountains, its port is relatively warm, and the months of ice are very short. It is transported through the port and sold from the mines around the city. The profits from the mining of various minerals are enough for the residents to maintain their lives. In other words, almost everyone in this city, regardless of gender, is an excellent miner.

Betiyoud is a capable Nord woman. After several years of hard work, she has owned an iron ore mine of her own, but she is still willing to go down to work with the hired workers. She often says so to her workers : "In Morningstar, there are no poor people, only lazy people." The fact that the production capacity of her mine is among the best in the entire Morningstar makes this sentence very convincing.

Such a pragmatic female mine owner, even if someone envies the wealth she created, it is impossible for her to have any dark thoughts, because everyone knows that the gold coins she obtained from selling minerals can not only maintain her life which is only slightly more comfortable than ordinary people , All invested in the redevelopment of the mine and the welfare of the employees.

The person who held a dark ritual to kill her, if the residents of Morningstar knew, most of them would be very shocked-he was the husband of Betiyod, the owner of another mine, Regelf .

The mine owned by Regelf does not produce the more common copper ore or iron ore, but the more precious "mercury". Well, it is the "silver mine" with "water streaks" instead of "mercury".

To mine this precious mineral that is used to make all kinds of jewelry, it is impossible to get something as long as you pay for it like iron ore. What is more needed is luck. Regelf's criteria for choosing a miner is not hard work and hard work, but Good or bad luck, for example, some adventurers who easily obtained a lot of loot will be invited by him to point out the direction of the next stage of mining in the mine.

Originally speaking, the two of them fell in love and got married because of their complementary personalities, which is considered a good talk on Morning Star. Many miners even blessed their children to "dig out mercury like iron ore"-well, at their level There is only so much to say about the blessing.

However, the income of "doers" and "metaphysicians" can be described as very different when the latter's "luck" is not so good. From the current point of view, the scale of Betiyod's iron mine is about This point is fully proved by more than four times the mercury mine in Husband.

According to the video played by the stupid system, there have been many inexplicable disputes between them. There are too many benefits for workers, so it is better to let him hire more "lucky" workers.

It's just that, even if Regelf is a bit scumbag, it is still within the understandable range, but then he somehow thought that it was Betiyod who ruined his "luck", as long as she stayed away from him, it would be better, so The two separated after a violent argument.

But even so, the situation in the mercury mine was still half-dead and not improving, so Regelf further believed that Betiyoud's mere being in the same city as him would interfere with his luck, and asked her to leave Morningstar many times.

Betiyoud, who still had a little fantasy about her husband, entrusted the mine to his deputy and went on a trip. Recently, he rushed back to Morningstar because he was worried about the "resurrection of the dragon" in various places. He angrily reprimanded her for deliberately destroying his mercury mine, and returned to his solitary house refusing to see him again when he was sad.

So Regelf held a dark ceremony a few days ago in a farm far away from the morning star, asking the Dark Brotherhood to kill Betiyod to "restore luck".

Of course I would not forward this kind of stupid mission, but Sister A obtained the information about this mission through her own channels, and was picked up by Babette.

With the logic of that five-hundred-year-old vampire and her indifference to human life, she would probably kill Betiyod directly, and then turn around and kill Regelf when he woke up and regretted it.

Although I support teaching the scumbag a lesson, this method will not work. In any case, Babette must be controlled first. She seems to be planning to lurk in the mine and make a move when Betiyod has just entered and her eyes have not yet adapted.

The race of vampires can be affected by spells that target human figures and undead at the same time, and the vest of Zerapesh, as the chief mage of the Mage Academy and the saint of Ali-ai, can... eh?

At the entrance to Betiyoud's mine, I kept my invisibility and was about to be followed by an oriole, but I saw Babette yawned and fell asleep... Asleep?

[Move away, that's Vaermina's nightmare swamp breath (Quagmire gas)! 】


"What's the situation now?" I looked at the golden dragon Akatosh who just flew over from the sky, and the magnificent Hall of Valor in the distance, and then turned to look at the floating on the fountain pool, with many monitoring The "globe" in the picture and the little black dragon flapping its wings beside it.

Which demon god suddenly shot the mage's vest? impossible.

[This is, um... the genuine oriole is behind,] the stupid system replied: [Now it is certain that Regalf's inexplicable dissatisfaction and murderous intentions towards Betiyod are influenced by the nightmare of the demon god Valmina , and His purpose is to let Regalf kill his wife with his own hands, and your actions and Babette’s actions will disrupt His plan, so he directly shot you and dragged you into a nightmare. 】

"Oh...Although Varmina can make Zela fall into a nightmare, but he doesn't have the ability to pull my consciousness into it, so it popped out, right?" I looked at the sleeping Babette and me on the surveillance screen. Zerapesh.

[More than that, He failed to pull you and fell into it by himself. It can be said that he has actually lost the battle, but if you want to obtain the doomsday element and priesthood, you have to enter the nightmare to completely destroy him. 】

"Hey," I confirmed that the phantom on Joan's side can still be maintained, so I turned my attention to the monitor at the entrance of the mine: "Welcome to the EX-level Einzbern Counseling Room."

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