The Collection of The End

Chapter 274 The Knight and the Princess

My name is Akatosh,

Valmina can really run.

? ? :? ?

Arthur was awakened by a loud commotion.

It sounded like a large group of Nords drank a lot of wine, and then made a mess of the tavern by making loud noises and fighting with each other, but this was obviously at the foot of the snow mountain.

After cleaning up Silver Hand's headquarters "Drifting Shadow Shelter", Kalia, who joined temporarily halfway, left, and the other comrades were unwilling to stay in that "full of vampire-smelling" place for a long time, and finally decided to rush back as soon as possible Snowman reports the quest completion details to Kraco Whitemane.

Due to the weather and terrain, the group had just stepped out of the snow mountain and entered the Xueman plain. It was completely dark, and everyone had to camp temporarily to rest, and planned to return to Xueman the next day.

Could it be that they were eager to return home, and brought themselves back to the city overnight after transforming?

Arthur looked around, and there were indeed temporary tents and sleeping bags, but what was the noise coming from outside? A caravan passed by and a drinking contest was held? He tidied up his armor and weapons a little, opened the curtain and walked out of the tent.

The noise suddenly became several times louder. The outside of the tent was not the expected campsite, but the corridor on the second floor of the Snowman Mare Banner Hotel. You could clearly see many Xueman guards in the lobby on the first floor, drinking and making noise , Arthur could even distinguish the voices of several familiar mercenaries and the boss wife Hulda.

"this is……"

"What's going on! Arthur!"

Before Arthur could figure out what happened, an angry Ella walked past Li from the side of the corridor. She was still wearing the capable leather armor, but there were no battle patterns on her face. Her real appearance was exactly as he expected. not much differences.

"I want to know too." Arthur spread his hands.

"You..." Ella seemed even more angry: "Do you dare to do it or not?"

What's the meaning? Arthur's intuition told him that it would be bad if he continued, so he kept silent and put on a puzzled expression.

"As a guard, you shouldn't interfere with the baron's private life, but are the words you told me all lies?" Lydia appeared from the other side of the corridor. She was not carrying the giant shield, and her tone was as calm as ever. , but there seems to be black air permeating his body.

What words? Arthur was getting more and more confused.

"Oh, isn't that obvious? Arthur, he chose me~" Another familiar voice sounded from Arthur's side, and then his arm tightened, as if being hugged directly by someone up.

Satya? Arthur looked over subconsciously, but turned his head halfway and turned back abruptly—although he couldn't see clearly, but there was too little cloth on her body!

"Hmph, there's no way," Ella pointed her bow and arrow over, "Since this guy is indecisive, we can only decide the outcome first."

"Although I'm better at guarding, it would be a big mistake to think that I have no attack ability at all." Lydia pulled the ebony dagger at her waist.

"Hehe~ If you don't have enough skills, how can you guarantee the safety of information transactions?" Satya took out a pair of daggers from nowhere, and said with a charming smile.

I always feel... what's wrong?

"【呵——】" A huge dragon chant sounded, and the flaming dragon's breath directly destroyed the roof of the mare's banner, and then a petite white dragon swooped down.

"[(Dragon language) You killed my father!]" Sophie, or Sophie Lanier growled: "[Go to hell!]"

"Ah... so that's what happened." Arthur slowly raised his hand, and pulled out a gorgeous two-handed sword with a golden blade and blue enamel decoration from the empty position behind his back: "But it's a pity, This stuff doesn't quite qualify as a 'nightmare' to me—"

"—'Oath and Sword of Victory'!"

The noisy tavern, the women in the confrontation, and the dragon that came down,

When the sword appeared, it was completely still, like an exquisite oil painting, and then disappeared under the golden light gushing out from it.

? ? :? ?

"Hmm... Solitary City?"

After the illusion of Snowrun City and the Mare Banner Tavern was shattered, Arthur found himself on the wall of a huge castle, surrounded by heavy guards, but neither the patrolling soldiers nor the garrisoned archers turned a blind eye to him, and the square inside the castle There seems to be some sort of celebration going on.

Although Arthur has not been to Solitude City due to his faction, he has read the city plan of Solitude City and the general description and related information of Dour Castle in detail. In fact, there is a city with a complete castle in the city. There is only one Solitary City.

When he found the passage down from the city wall and approached the square, Arthur heard a slightly old voice speaking loudly.

"In the name of the Emperor of the Empire, Uriel Septim II, I announce the betrothal of Princess Emilia Septim to the lord of Windhelm, Ulfric Stormcloak—"


This is really a solution to the civil war, but only if the leader of the Stormcloak is willing.

However, if you fall into this kind of nightmare, it means that the "something" that created the nightmare thinks that this is what the "target" fears. So the original target is the Lord of Windhelm City?

Arthur walked into the ceremony square, and as usual, there were no guards to stop him, so he easily saw Ulfric Stormcloak who was performing the ceremony on the high platform, and the girl in white skirt and the old man in fine clothes he had never seen before.

Hmm... the hair is slightly purple, and the skin is a bit dark. Although it can't be called beautiful, it is pretty and cute enough overall. Is Ulfric's request so high?

"If there is no objection, I now declare that the marriage fits—"

"【Fus Ro Dah】!"

When the old man who was supposed to be the Emperor of the Empire raised his hand with a smile on his face and was about to announce something, Ulfric turned around and blew him off the high platform with an "unshakable force".

No time to think about whether this was an illusion, Arthur rushed over to catch the old man, and when he looked up again, the castle and the surrounding guards became blurred for an instant, and only Amy, who was still looking at him with a blank face, was still very clear Princess Leia.

? ? :? ?

So that's it, Arthur, who was rushing past the city wall again, thought on the road.

The protagonist of this play is not Ulfric, but the imperial princess, and her fears are "being married off casually" and "the assassination of the emperor"-at least so judged by the guy who created the nightmare.

Obviously, the judgment was completely wrong. Although the princess would not panic because of this nightmare or illusion, she didn't know how to break out of the cycle. After several failed attempts, she decided to do nothing and began to seriously observe the nightmare's flaws.

"—betrothed to the 'Sybi Blackthorn' of Rift Valley City." Arthur heard the vision of the emperor say so again.

Although the candidates are different each time, they are all influential family members of the Stormcloak faction. If those marriages are established, they can indeed effectively end the civil war. It seems that the "something" that created the nightmare is not a complete fool.

"If there is no objection—"

"I object to the marriage!" cried Arthur.

Swipe——The guards and guests who had turned a blind eye to him all cast their gazes over in an instant. If it was an ordinary person, they would probably be shocked.

"[You—why—object—?]" The guests, guards, and even "Sibbe" and "Emperor" said in unison, and the reverberation sounded very strange and terrifying.

"Marriage in Skyrim Province needs to be blessed by [Mara]!" Arthur replied loudly: "As the imperial family, Her Royal Highness needs to be approved by [Akatosh]!"

Although Arthur, who didn't know the royal family's marriage rules, was just talking nonsense, his purpose was not to persuade the other party with words at all. He only needed to say the name of the Holy Spirit when "this nightmare" allowed him to intervene.

Maybe he, a little dragon descendant and Baron Xueman, is not qualified to attract the attention of the Holy Spirit, but this is the princess of the empire.

"——" Unsurprisingly, the entire "wedding venue" fell into a complete stillness after he yelled that sentence, and then shattered like glass.

? ? :? ?

"Could it be that my judgment was wrong?"

At the top of Hrothgar's peak, Arthur paced back and forth with his arms folded, roaring a "breath of fire" from time to time to keep warm, while Princess Emilia stared at him silently.

"...So the Baron of Snowrun is a fool." She said without emotion.

"Yes, that's right..." Arthur didn't intend to refute, he looked at the sky: "When you find that the princess of the empire is also involved in the same incident, you should think about what we have in common instead of acting rashly."

In this nightmarish sky, countless giant dragons are soaring, crimson flames, icy blue frost, blazing lightning, weird blood magic, miserable green diseases and plagues, all kinds of breaths are poured out by them On the land of Skyrim, even if the specific situation cannot be seen from the position of the peak of Hrothgar, it is absolutely certain that the province of Skyrim and even the entire continent of Tamriel has been completely destroyed.

At this time, a pitch-black ancient dragon that is many times larger than other dragons is gnawing at the surface bit by bit, biting and swallowing the mountain peaks like bread, and the coastline in the north of Skyrim Province has pushed southward to the snow-covered area. diffuse.

"The Eater of Worlds" [Alduin].

"The thing she fears is the 'end of the world'? The pattern is directly bigger than ours..." Arthur looked at Zela Pesh, who was riding a blue dragon and kept attacking those ordinary dragons, and said with emotion Said: "But she is also a dragonborn?"

What do he and Princess Emilia have in common? Apart from the too vague condition of "all human beings", having "dragon blood" is the only answer, but the latter is a direct line of the royal family, while the former is wild.

Obviously, this "nightmare incident" was due to the fact that Zela Pesh, who was also a dragon descendant, offended the demon god Varmina and was accidentally injured by her bloodline attack. I don't know the other members of the royal family in the capital of the empire. Will it be affected.

"...She used to be the saint of 'Ali-E'." Emilia said.

"Well, no wonder I felt very kind when I saw her." A dragonborn who felt good about himself nodded repeatedly.

Isn't that the elf king incarnation of Akatosh, and it's not uncommon to be given blood.

"...If you want to see me, go to Dragon Bridge and look for 'Sharp Eye Eagle'." The princess stared at him for a while, then said suddenly.

"I think I will be arrested and tortured where the princess is." Arthur shrugged, he had read the information about the princess's home.

Before Emilia could reply to him, Zela Pesh killed another dragon, but the dragon instantly turned into an image of an old man, who seemed to be Master Tovdir of the Mage Academy.

Arthur seemed to vaguely hear a sneer, and then [Alduin], who was still gnawing on the earth and mountains, suddenly turned his head, avoided Zela Pesh precisely, and directly gave that "Tovdir" swallowed.

The nightmare of "the end of the world" was completely shattered in the next moment.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 13th, 12:07 —

Arthur was awakened by a loud commotion.

"Hey! Arthur! Do you know what time it is? We're going back to Xueman before dark!"

"Although everyone was tired from yesterday's battle, it's time to get up now, Baron."


Hearing the familiar voices of his companions outside the tent, he trembled for some reason.

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