The Collection of The End

Chapter 275 Black Fall and Black Sword

My name is Akatosh,

Mephala's jungler was counter-killed~

——4E, 201, Hearthfire, 13th, 17:50——

Snowman City, Yunding District, and Longxiao Palace are holding a small-scale banquet.

As planned, Arthur and his comrades rushed back to Xueman before sunset. They originally planned to return directly to the Moonvaska longhouse, but they were called to the lord's hall by Kraco Whitemane on the way—after all, eliminating Silver Hands are not a trivial matter, coupled with the influence of this incident and the many intricate forces behind it, the old man decided to ask Lord Balgruuf to listen to the report together, so as not to miss anything in the retelling.

"Master Farenja, please help me find information about 'Black Falling ()'." In the side hall of Dragon Cloud Palace, Arthur was asking the court mage about the place name that Septim told him tacitly.

As for reporting work? Arthur tilted his head slightly to listen to the discussion in the main hall.

Use the attitude of the Master Academy to the comrades-in-arms to reason about the intelligence penetration of the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks to them, and judge their total number and stationing locations through the action patterns of the elf troops and the nuances of their uniforms, from Wilhelm Castle and Winterhold Infer the amount of wealth hoarded by Silver Hand based on the price of goods, and guess which stronghold Silver Hand still has based on the changes in various places after the headquarters was taken away.

Well, I don't know anything except the last one. So, he should honestly do the important work of consulting the task details.

"Oh, Hei Jiang, well, Hei Jiang." Farenga's eyes were closely following Septim, who was drinking calmly outside, and said: "With the strength of Master Signus, it is indeed possible to find the legendary place."

"Legend?" Arthur had a bad feeling.

"That place involves the mysteries of the devil, the history of the Dwemer, the legends of the Nords, and the strange events all over the sky, and the details will be very long." Farenja got up and rummaged through the bookshelf behind him.

"Please keep the story short." Arthur's mouth twitched.

"It's an underground world about the size of Skyrim Province, which can connect most of the Dwemer ruins." Farenja said, and put a copy of "The Legend of the Black Fall" on the table.

"Hmm..." Arthur didn't know what to say for a moment, so he picked up the book and started to read.

The dwarves, or the deep elves or the Dwemer, were punished and disappeared because they tried to deceive the demon god Azura. This is a relatively common explanation at present. After all, if there are any weird things, just blame the demon god.

But the author of this book believes that perhaps the fundamental reason for the disappearance of the dwarves is Azura's interference, but the direct reason is their disdain for magic and souls, which can be seen from the core of all the creations of Dwemer— —Since you believe in the power of steam and machinery, why are they powered by the Soul Stone?

The last historical record about the dwarves is the "Battle of Red Mountain" in the first era. They created a huge machine that was said to be able to "kill gods", and they planned to use the "Heart of Lockhan" without fear. Greatest Soulstone of Nirn," and the history of the dwarves came to an abrupt end.

As for Heijiang, it can be interpreted literally as "Underground Reach". It is probably a kingdom built by the dwarves underground for themselves. It is likely to be located under the territory of Reach. The original entrance is naturally the capital of Reach, Markas City. The dwarven ruins underground that have not been completely cleaned up until now.

And after the dwarves disappeared, the various machines that opened up the underground kingdom according to the predetermined settings continued to work without anyone stopping them. Before they finally exhausted their energy, they had extended the scope of the black fall to the entire skyline province. About the same size, and together with almost all the dwarven ruins in Skyrim.

"To put it simply, if I want to go to the black drop, I can go from any dwarf ruins, and the enemies I have to face are all kinds of automatic machines and underground monsters." Arthur concluded.

"That kind of thing is neither affected by illusion magic,

It is also immune to life and soul magic damage. To deal with them, they can only use destruction spells recklessly, and the combat experience is extremely poor. "Farenja pouted.

"That's not a problem." Arthur put down the book and patted the hilt of the sword behind him.

"There is another piece of information that is not certain," Farenga said: "If you have entered the Dwemer ruins, you must have encountered those ugly snow elves. It is said that the slaves of these dwarves built an underground dungeon by themselves after losing their masters. The kingdom, yes, is in Heijiang."

"Uh." Arthur really couldn't accept it this time, that kind of monster with gray skin, a thin body, no eyes and only his hearing... the kingdom?


"To Krakow and his warriors, may they be invincible—" Lord Balgruuf raised the big wine glass in front of him.

"I also respect the lord, I wish you good health." Kraco Whitemane responded with a glass of wine.

After inquiring about the information, it was time to start eating. Balgruuf undoubtedly knew that the senior members of the comrade-in-arms group were all werewolves, and he knew very well that they needed a lot of food to replenish their strength after the battle. The evidence is that the food at the banquet was all deliberately enlarged portion.

The three Wilkas brothers and Cisco Moon who came to protect Kraco were very satisfied with this. Ella and Lydia, who didn't need to be supplemented, looked a little distressed, but Sophie who came to find her father was really happy about it.

Although she was forbidden by Arthur to take one bite at a time, she still sat at the table with bright eyes and refused to leave, and she didn't even pay attention when Lia who came with her left the table.

Arthur put down the grilled chicken and looked at Ria with a frown. She left the banquet and approached Dagny in the corner of the hall. They talked to each other for a few words and then walked towards the back house of Dragon Clouds Palace.

Although it looks like two little girls are having a normal "go and play together", does something seem wrong?

Lord Balgruf has two sons and one daughter, named Flodar, Nelkiel, and Dagny. Since the Lord is very busy, they have no mother to teach them, and they cannot play like ordinary children. The servants who take care of them are even more Don't dare to be too strict with them, the result is that their characters become very strange.

When Flodal meets outsiders, he usually raises his chin and says with a haughty face: "To kiss my father's ass again? Well done, fuck.", but Nelkiel is a little better, he said Yes: "Bow to your future lord!"

Hmm... Balgruuf didn't beat them up probably because he didn't have time.

As for Dagny, the little girl seemed to be afraid of getting fat, so she was very dissatisfied with the banquet held in the lord's hall all the year round, and always said to the banquet attendees: "It's strange that the snow mouse's nest in the plain area can't get enough to eat."

So it is impossible for her to be kind to Ria who came to the banquet no matter what!

Arthur looked at Balgruuf who was talking to Krakow and other members of the comrades-in-arms group who were eating, and left their seats to follow them quietly—the fifth star of the "Sneak" constellation lit up immediately.

This at least proves that it is indeed the "enemy" he is evading stealthily.


As the sun was about to set, the sky outside the window was dim, and the servants in the Dragon Cloud Palace were gradually lighting candles and torches. In this uncertain environment, Arthur easily avoided the patrol of the guards and followed him from a distance. Li Ya and Dagni walked into the back house of Dragonsreach Palace where Balgruuf lived.

At this time, he noticed another strange thing. The two girls did not have any conversation along the way, and their faces were always very happy, which also did not change.

After all, she is a real human girl, even a little bit of wolf blood power is useless, Arthur thought, but if she keeps her eyes on Sophie, it will be a lot of fun.

Dagny didn't take Ria to her bedroom, but went straight to the warehouse in the back house. After Arthur sneaked in and followed, he saw Flodar and Nelkir unsurprisingly.

"Isn't this the little girl from the comrades-in-arms group? You idiot!" Holding a two-handed ebony sword taller than himself, Flodal reprimanded his sister in a low voice: "If you kill her, you will be in big trouble. Go find your other friends!"

"My friend, only her." Dagny's movements, voice, and intonation were a bit weird, sounding like a marionette.

"What about you?" Flodal turned to Nelkir.

"I, no, friend!" said the little boy, puffing out his chest proudly.

"Hmph...forget it." Flodal turned around and raised the ebony sword to Ria who was standing there sluggishly: "'Grandma' said she would make this guy 'completely disappear', and then we just have to insist Just don't know."

A dark vortex of death rolled up, and Arthur noticed that part of it enveloped and entwined around Lia's body, while the other part converged on the ebony sword to form the image of a skinny old lady.

Because it was the first time he saw "death" with a specific shape, Arthur couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but it was too late to parry the ebony sword swung by Flodal. Even if he could use the dragon roar, these children said Maybe even the least powerful unshakable force can't bear it.

"【Kaan Drem Ov】(Gene's Harmony)!" Arthur finally chose this dragon roar.

The healing power surrounded the four children, and the black mist on Lia's body instantly dissipated, but the image of the old man on the ebony sword in Flodar's hand became furious. Under its silent roar, Frodar's eyes were blank Immediately raised the long sword and slashed at Lia again.

"It's really troublesome..." Unable to imagine, Arthur rushed over, picked up Ria, turned around and ran away.

"Come on! There's an assassin! Catch him!" The three children of the lord chased him out, calling out to the guards at the same time.

It seems to be a low-level demon passing by, Arthur thought while running, with a little wisdom, he can judge who is beneficial if the guard appears.

Sure enough, after hearing the news, the guards of Dragon Cloud Palace only exchanged glances with Arthur, and then directly passed him to stop the irritable children.

"Disarm! But don't touch the sword directly!" Arthur turned around and directed loudly.

The guard controlling Flodar nodded slightly, clapped his arms and knocked his elbow, and the ebony sword in the boy's hand flew straight out.

"Speaking of which, no matter what you are originally, you must be a 'dead' in this state now." Arthur put down Riya, pulled out the golden sword behind his back, and slashed at the flying black sword.

"【A——】" The old lady formed by the vortex of death disappeared immediately when the two swords struck each other, leaving only a monosyllable scream or a call that I don't know.

"Father Arthur is amazing!" Lia, who regained consciousness, clapped her hands and cheered.

Well, I hope they will forget to ask me how I slipped into the back house when they are paying attention to where Flodar got the demon weapon... Arthur thought as he listened to the noise and footsteps approaching.

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