The Collection of The End

Chapter 276 The Orc and Joan of Arc

My name is Akatosh,

...Is it popular to give away people's heads recently?

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 13th, 21:19 —

Gallus was no stranger to giant humanoid monsters like "Giants", but whether he was a "Nightingale" or a "Consultant", he was basically dealing with humans, and had absolutely nothing to do with this kind of guy who herded mammoths.

The orcs are relatively familiar. Although it is difficult for them to accumulate wealth due to their race, they are quite capable of accumulating hatred and killing intent, so the Dark Brotherhood still occasionally has some tasks about them.

Now, outside the temporary camp, an orc was fighting a giant one-on-one.

In terms of the giant's fighting power, this sentence sounds completely untenable, so two additional conditions must be added: a "relatively small" giant and an old orc "wearing the snowman guard heavy armor".

It is not difficult to sneak attack and kill the giant or kill both sides, but this is a deep mountain located in the southeast of Richland, if the smell of blood is allowed to spread, it will attract many beasts, so that all the monsters in the vicinity will be killed. There is no rest tonight in the presence of carnivorous or carrion beasts or even monsters.

As for the companions: Illya kept yawning, Joan of Arc seemed to have not slept well and looked a little dull, and the clown who said "hehehe" from time to time was not within the scope of care.

"Friends! Hold on! Balagogo is here to help you!"

While Gallus was thinking, a second orc joined the fight. He wore a tall white hat, a frying pan in his left hand and a kitchen knife in his right. He looked like a chef, but no one would be willing to try it. his works.

The small giant, which could only compete with the guardian orcs, immediately became overwhelmed after the chef orcs joined, and quickly found a chance to turn around and escape, while the two orcs without long-range attack ability could only look at its back in a daze.

"My name is Balagogo-Glo-Nolo, a 'Gourmet', and I'm going to the nearby 'Ragashpur' fortress to learn more cooking methods. Are you a 'hero' there?" the chef orc said to the old man. said the orc.

"Not anymore," he replied. "I am Ulf, 'Death Warrior.'"

"Oh? So, are you going to Snowman City to make a fuss?" The orc, who claims to be a gourmet, looked at Ulf's armor, and the reason for his admiration sounded from "It's amazing to be able to fight the giant alone" to " It’s amazing to be alive.”

"Oh, so to speak," Ulf responded, turning to Gallus: "Friends over there, thank you for not helping."

Sound ironic? Gallus frowned slightly.

"The orcs are only allowed to help from the same clan when fighting, and it will be regarded as 'questioning the combat effectiveness of the orcs' when they are assisted by other clans." Ilya whispered: "It's written in the book."

What kind of books did Sylvia show her...

"Of course, I have always admired the bravery of orcs in battle." Gallus responded to the old orc's greeting while cursing.

When they first met in the Sanctuary, Illya seemed unwilling to communicate with herself out of strangeness or fear, or even a little hatred, until she was affected by the series of events in Markas City.

Gallus couldn't remember the initial conversation caused by the specific event, and he had already talked to each other several times before he realized "Is she still unwilling to talk to me not long ago?"

In short, he was very satisfied with the initial communication with his daughter, so when Morui wanted to drive them away again, he took everyone out of Markas City as he wished.

"Friends, this place is too close to the 'Giant's Trail'. In the middle of the night, you will be awakened by the tremors of giants driving mammoths," said Ufer. "I hope to invite you to visit the nearby Ragashpur Fortress."

"I also happen to have some new recipes that I'd like to get mixed reviews about.

""Gourmet" also said.

"Well, okay." Gallus looked at his companions, and nodded when he saw that no one had any objections.

Also, the guy named Cicero, despite his odd looks, is not "of a different race".

—— 22:47——

Although the old orc Ulf said "nearby", it is obvious that his understanding of this is completely different from that of humans.

The group trekked for nearly an hour among the dark mountains before finally seeing an "orc fortress" at the foot of the mountain.

The orc fortress, as it literally means, is a settlement of orcs. It can be divided into "fortress", "barrier" and "village" depending on its specific scale and defense methods. The "fortresses" with military functions were destroyed like the "castles" built by the Nords, and most of the remaining "villages" with simple defensive measures, and what appeared in front of Gallus was A gathering place surrounded by simple stone walls, with more than a dozen simple long houses, several hunter huts, blacksmith shops, leather racks and furnaces inside, it can barely be called a "barrier".

"Most of the orc villages are concentrated in the mountains in the south of Skyrim Province. Although they seem to be 'exiled', they are actually legal residents of Skyrim Province. They just gather together because they can't adapt to the living habits of the Nords. The cohesive force is extremely strong, so I can't catch it for experiments—well." Ilya "endorsed" as usual, and immediately shut up when she found something wrong, pretending that she hadn't said anything.

The corners of Gallus' eyes twitched slightly, it seemed that it was necessary to talk to Sylvia...if she wouldn't scream and kill as soon as they met.

"Uff, my friend, your fortress looks very majestic, but why is it still brightly lit at such a late hour?" "Gourmet" Balaggo-Glo-Nolo asked suspiciously.

Looking down from the hillside, you can easily see the inside of the barrier, where many orcs in different costumes are holding torches and gathering in the square in the middle of the barrier, and rhythmic drums can be faintly heard.

"It looks like [Malakeath] is being sacrificed, but it shouldn't be held so late," Ulf replied suspiciously: "Could it be that the rules have changed in the years since I left?"

This doubt didn't last long, and it was solved directly when they were asked by the guard at the gate and allowed to enter.

"Ah!" Surrounded by those orcs holding torches in front of the altar in the middle of the square, the orc chief, tall and mighty, with blue face and fangs, wearing bronze orc armor and holding a spiked hammer, raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the gate. Come over: "According to the oracle of Malacath, two...five travelers who can help us eliminate the threat of giants have arrived!"

Ok? Gallus didn't care about the "giant threat". He looked at the people around him suspiciously. Could it be that the chief doesn't know how to count?

——14th, 5:40——

Due to the warm hospitality he received from the orc fortress and his rest at night, Gallus didn't have any resistance to being invited to help the chief "destroy a group of giants" after getting up early in the morning.

Illya and Joan of Arc also have no opinion on this, but Cicero's opinion has no reference value, he actually said something like "It's better to take this opportunity to get rid of Malacath~ hehehe~"

Well, he really couldn't imitate how to put symbols in the words.

As for the incident this time, in a nutshell, there is a public altar of Malakeis "near" the fort. I don't know which small village's fool used a kind of grass seed that would attract mammoths during the sacrifice. Those grass seeds grew Afterwards, a large number of mammoths were attracted to look for food, followed by giants who raised them, so the "giant trail" used to pass mammoths in the mountains turned abruptly, and all the passing giants took the place where the altar was located. The small valley is used as a temporary resting place, as for the consequences...

Malacath was furious because of this, and sent an oracle to ask the "strongest", "wisest", and "most handsome" chieftain nearby, "Yamaz of Ragashpur", to go and destroy the giants and thoroughly weed and clean the altar.

And Yamaz thought that although he was the most powerful orc in the vicinity, he couldn't fight against more than three giants at the same time, so he asked Malakeis for additional reinforcements, so the "Gourmet" and "Ulf" who were nearby Because of their own reasonable reasons, they came directly, and the members of the fraternity who originally only wanted to come and stay for one night were completely surrounded by him.

This at least shows... Malacath is more "civilian", even the oracle can bargain, Gallus thought.


After arriving at the altar, Gallus understood a little why the demon god was angry. Neither giants nor mammoths had any hygiene habits. The valley where the altar was located was completely in a mess. They are also used as toilets.

Fortunately, or very fortunately, the resting place of these giants and mammoths is still clean and tidy. There are only four giants wandering there, and the mammoths they raise are kept on the grass farther away.

One per person? no problem.

Although Gallus didn't want to see Cicero, he had to admit that his fighting qualities were still qualified. They understood the battle arrangements with just one eye contact, and they each jumped away in opposite directions.

At this moment, the giants also discovered the intruder, howling and rushing over.

Chi-boom! Boom!

"Vulnerable." "Hey hey hey~ (Hearts)"

Although the giant is huge in size and most of its physiological structure is completely different from that of humans, the throat and head are also crucial. The talent clutched his throat and fell to the ground.

Gourmand and Ulf, who needed two people to work together, even with the help of Illya's magic, were embarrassed by this.

"Hehehe, thank you very much." Chief Yamaz, who solved a giant alone, exited the valley where the altar is located at some point: "Master Malakeis has decided to abandon this altar and allow me Build new altars, and I shall be His saint on earth."

What's the meaning? Gallus was a little puzzled, because it didn't sound like a thank you tone at all.

"Congratulations, Chief" Uff and Gourmand congratulated without any doubt.

"Heh, my lord has decided to completely purify this altar, and make sure that its appearance surrounded by filth will never be spread," Yamaz said, raising the sledgehammer in his hand: "As long as you 'outsiders' disappear here if."

A majestic green beam of light appeared above the altar, and its scale was large enough to cover the entire valley, and there were two thin beams of light pointing at Gallus and Cicero, and there was some kind of destructive energy gathering in the sky .

"You can't do that—" "Damn it! It's a disgrace to the orcs!" Gourmet and Ulf seemed to be restrained by some irresistible force, after all, Malacathe was the main god of the orcs.

"Don't even think about it..." "Hey~ Mother~ can you kill him?~(Spades)" Gallus and Cicero were not completely restrained, but their speed became extremely slow, and it was difficult to get out of the green light by visual inspection locking.

"This human cub has been standing outside the valley. It's quite troublesome. It seems that I can only do it myself!" Yamaz swung the hammer suddenly and hit Ilya in front of him.

"Illya—" Although his daughter had the "Power of Nightingale" as a bodyguard, Gallus couldn't confirm whether it could block a blow from a demon saint wielding a demon artifact.

Pa, the huge orc hammer was easily and firmly caught by a slender hand. Naturally, it was not Illya. When she saw the giant hammer coming, she squatted down and hugged her head with both hands.

"Hmm... I don't know if I should say something..." Gallus saw that Joan, who had been motionless all this time, suddenly snatched the warhammer from Yamaz's hand nimbly, and threw it away ignoring its weight. Tossing around.

"Who are you! When were you here?" The orc chief's voice was full of panic, and the green beam of light in the air began to shrink quickly after a pause.

Although Jeanne has been lazy since yesterday morning, she doesn't have a sense of presence, does she? If it wasn't for the inappropriate environment, Gallus, who was puzzled, would almost ask this question.

"Hey~ (Hearts)" Cicero seemed to be explaining to Gallus and also talking to himself: "It seems that she is very powerful, and she found out that the chief had something wrong in advance~ (Hearts)"

"Let's say it," Joan dwarfed slightly, then suddenly raised her hand and threw the hammer at the green light in the sky that was about to escape: "Thank you!"


The green light that was accurately hit by the warhammer trembled slightly, and then suddenly exploded in all directions. Gourmet, Ulf and Yamaz burst into tears instantly.

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