The Collection of The End

Chapter 277 Banquet and meeting

My name is Akatosh,

The embassy's defenses are leaking...

——4E, 201, Hearthfire, 14th, 18:05——

Alanwen Shadowsong is one of the nine special envoys sent by Thalmer to Skyrim Province, and she is also the only woman. She has the same beautiful blond hair and blue eyes as the wife of High King Toig, and is of the same age. Same thing—or so it seems.

As far as beauty is concerned, the two are comparable, but whether it is the dignified stance, elegant gait, elegant clothing, or the awe-inspiring eyes and haughty attitude when speaking, A Lanwen reveals a whole This kind of indifference to strangers gives the impression that it is completely opposite to the friendly and smiling Alicifer, so they rarely appear in the same social occasions when they look at each other and hate each other.

Unlike other stupid envoys who immediately commanded the guards to arrest "heretics" and forced the local lords to "cooperate" as soon as they arrived in the sky, Alanwen was not in a hurry to start work in Solitary City. She first spent a lot of money in Solitary City An exquisite garden villa "Alanwen's Light" was built on the western hillside, and after the work of special envoys in various places hit a wall, he changed his identity from "special envoy" to "ambassador" through political means, and "Alanwen's Light" The Light then became Thalmor's "embassy" in Skyrim.

The so-called "ambassador" and "embassy" refer to the diplomatic personnel and institutions that are sent to each other's capital in the name of the country. In theory, they should be the only ones. Here in the city, there is a second embassy, ​​so no matter whether it is legal or not, what will the emperor and the high king think? For the nobles in the city, participating in the reception held by "Ambassador Alanwen" is a big deal. It is very face-saving and worthy of great praise.

In this way, as long as she mentions Thaumo's attitude towards Talos belief and her troubles about this kind of thing at a few banquets, those nobles who don't care about this will naturally take the initiative to complete those things for her. However, as a result, all beliefs about Talos within the scope of Solitude completely disappeared on the surface, and even Toig, the supreme king, had to pray to Talos secretly.

Compared to all the other ambassadors, she did nothing but did her best.

"Ms. Alanwen, long time no see, you are still so beautiful..."

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Baron Erikour, I hope you can forget about your unhappiness and enjoy today's reception."

"Ah...about that..."

"I'm welcoming the guests, Baron Erikour. If you need to discuss something in detail, you can wait until the reception officially begins."

"Hmph... okay."

Of course, there are still some after-effects in doing so. All the nobles who have made great contributions regard themselves as heroes, thinking that each of them has contributed more than others, and deserves to be treated specially by Ms. Alanwen, even Erik who always helps Baron Er also looked confident.

Apart from other things, this impromptu evening reception was to celebrate the engagement of Princess Emilia Septim of the Empire and Baron Esgail Snowhoof of Rift Valley. The nobles who were supposed to be present did not have time to arrive in Solitude, so the two did not hold the engagement banquet, and finally decided to hold it together with the wedding banquet after the emperor arrived in the sky.

Such an approach dissatisfied the nobles of Dugu City who paid more attention to etiquette and some nobles of other cities who came early after getting the news. At this time, Alanwen's invitation to the reception seemed very timely. As a result, her reputation among the nobles of Skyrim Province once again uplift.

If this marriage really happens, the power of Ulfric Stormcloak will be completely disintegrated, then the civil war in Skyrim Province should be able to gradually stop. If there is only one Windhelm City, it can be solved by direct army pressure, and if the large Some Skyrim nobles do not object, and Thalmor's army can also directly participate in the battle.

In this way, she is the greatest contributor to the pacification of the civil war.

Alanwen Yingge was thinking about this while welcoming nobles in Chinese costumes who entered the embassy in carriages at the main entrance of the banquet hall.


"So, why do you always catch someone in a trap?"

Jumping off the roof of the carriage with Emil, Xiao Fan took a sympathetic look at Baron Erikour, who was gnashing his teeth because of being ignored by Ms. Alanwen.

Not long ago, he failed to frame a certain ship owner, and he had to pay out of his own pocket to compensate the ship owner for the goods that Amir used the nightmare mount. This time, he acted as a means of transportation for them to enter the embassy. Although the probability is very small, but If she and Emil were found and escaped, and Thalmer started to track down how they got in, the hapless baron would be unable to eat and walk away.

"...He is very annoying." Amir replied after thinking about it.

"Okay." Xiaofan once again expressed sympathy for the unlucky baron. If the girl thinks it's annoying and starts to target her, she won't even be able to make sense.

However, the purpose of sneaking into the embassy this time was not to deliberately deceive him. The two girls agreed that Mercer Frey would probably sneak into the reception to achieve his goals. The record of "the mask" being "taken away by a dog" is too ridiculous, but the record that another [Blood Rose] was bought by a nobleman and given to Ambassador Alanwen should be true. Moser, who is looking for various magical artifacts, naturally Will not let it go.

The defense of the entire embassy was tight on the outside and loose on the inside. The Somo soldiers were very vigilant against the wall, but the inspection of the embassy itself and the vicinity of the banquet hall was relatively formal, until Amir and Xiao Fan sneaked When they came to the second floor of the banquet hall and began to observe the guests attending the reception condescendingly, no alarm was triggered.

"Ms. Marwen! When did you arrive in Solitude? I should go to greet you..." In the corner of the banquet hall, one of the protagonists of the reception, Esgail Snowhoof looked at Marwen Blackthorn with a look of seeing a ghost look like.

"Hehe," Marvin ignored Asgail's slip of the tongue: "The Snowhoof family and the Blackthorn family are close friends. It's such a big deal for you to marry the princess, how can I not come?"

"But my parents didn't come either?" The big fool scratched his head.

"Heh..." Ma Wen stopped talking, and turned to "Emil" next to him: "This is our princess, right? 'Meeting for the first time', you are 'as cute' as I expected."

"Thank you for your compliment, Mrs. Blackthorn." "Emil" smiled at her, "Esgail must have caused you a lot of trouble in the Rift Valley, thank you for taking care of me all the time."

"That's what it should be," Marwen smiled with a control of everything: "I'm looking forward to the 'days to come'."


"It's over," the little fan hidden on the second floor held his forehead heavily, and then said to Amir in a voice that was so small that he could hardly hear it: "I don't know what kind of agreement the old lady took for a purely polite response—— Your substitute doesn't even know that you ran to the Rift Valley?"

"" Amir responded with the same voice and nodded.

"Although I told Hibilly Sdent, it seems that she thinks it's better to keep it from Eddie." A somewhat familiar voice sounded beside her, and it was this familiarity that made Xiaofan not pull out immediately. The swords face each other.

"Parry?" Xiao Fan frowned and carefully looked at a certain Rift Valley Baron in a stealth state.

"Let's get to know again, Razor Parasos, who belongs to the 'Sharp-Eyed Eagle', the princess' exclusive guard." Parasos, who has changed back to the sharp-eyed eagle uniform, said in a low voice.

"Hey, I probably guessed it." Xiaofan rolled his eyes at him, "The 'exclusive guard' who always leaves the princess alone."

"Isn't this coming back? What I want to say is that Mawen didn't come with Esgail, but with me." Parasos looked at the nobles who were socializing below and said, "She should have already had some kindness for me." I doubt it, this mission to help Erikul should be a temptation, maybe I won’t be able to return to the Rift in the future—eh?”


"If I marry Esgail, I will probably live with him back in the Rift Valley. At that time, you can't think that I am causing you trouble." Emil's substitute, Eddie Septim, is pulling Esgail Er's arm, speaking to Marwen in a coquettish tone.

"Of course," Marwen narrowed her eyes: "The Blackthorn family can help you choose a good place to build a new house, but if you want to live in an 'old house', of course there is no problem, you can also bring His Majesty the Emperor to prepare for you 'Guards'."

"You are such a kind person, thank you so much~" Eddie responded from the bottom of his heart.



" put it all together," Parasos smacked his lips: "Marwen first said: 'I recognize you, the little girl from the Thieves Guild.' And Eddie responded: 'Although you were rude to the guild before. , but now it’s all cancelled, I’m going to pull the Snowhoof family into the chariot of the Thieves Guild, don’t make trouble if you’re sensible’, Mawen replied: “It’s none of my business what you want to do, whatever I gave you before is fine.” Keep it, but if you want to take action against the Blackthorn family, I will not be soft just because you are a princess."

"The most important thing is that the stand-in princess didn't mean that at all..." Xiaofan squeezed her forehead: "So she is smart and she was mistaken by her cleverness?"

"...Merser." Amir interrupted the analysis of the two wise men with one word.

"Well, it's possible." Xiao Fan looked towards the corner of the hall, where an imperial businessman who called himself "La Zelan" was sitting there when he entered the banquet hall. He said that he wanted to participate in this reception because he just came to Skyrim from the Empire. Develop contacts, but at the same time, no one here will be able to expose his identity.

The appearance, body shape and clothes of this middle-aged man have no memorable characteristics at all, and he has never drunk or eaten any food. He is constantly patrolling the hall with his eyes. Di stayed on the body for a relatively long time.

"Could it be that his goal is not [Bloody Rose]?" Xiao Fan asked suspiciously.

"Not necessarily." Although Parasos is not clear about what Amir and Xiao Fan are doing here, his preliminary judgment is about the magic artifact: "Although Ambassador Alanwen does hold [Blood Rose], but once repelled There are also rumors that Her Royal Highness the Princess who has passed the 'Poyt' holds [Dagon's Razor], and as for Ms. Marwen, the legend that the Blackthorn family has a family heirloom magic artifact has been circulating for many years."

At least it can be confirmed that Amir does not hold [Dagon's Razor], Xiaofan who knows who has it is slightly shakes his head.

"You idiot, you can fail such a simple task!" The embassy residential area, which is separated from the banquet hall by a wall, shouted deliberately in a low voice. Because there was a band playing music and a bard singing in the hall, they were talking to each other. It is almost impossible for the guests to hear.

"That's an irresistible reason, please give me another chance! Lord Lulindir!" Another pleading voice was slightly louder.

"Shut up, Sujil! Do you want to disturb the guests in front? Ms. Alanwen has already promised to lend me [Bloody Rose], if you have its help, you will fail again—"

"I promise with my life that it will be done—"

"Hmph, it's best, come with me."

After the small sound stopped, Xiao Fan noticed that "La Zelan" also disappeared without a sound.

"Let's follow." She motioned to Amir and Parasos, and then sneaked from the hiding place on the second floor of the banquet hall to the living area.

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