The Collection of The End

Chapter 278 Rose and Annihilation

My name is Akatosh,

That guy Sangjin actually retreated forcefully.

——4E, 201, Hearthfire, 14th, 18:45——

I am standing on the roof of the embassy, ​​looking at the representatives from all walks of life with intricate relationships under my feet.

The reason why the defense of this embassy is a sieve is not only referring to the Thieves Guild squad that sneaked in and Mercerfrey who sneaked in in disguise, but also the bartender Marborn who belonged to the Blade Warrior, and the previous owner of [Bloody Rose] Moira, plus the uninvited Thalmer envoy Rulindir and his assassin Sujir, as for Sam guiwne and me, it is out of the question, not worth discussing - no, the former is still worth it Discuss it.

This person with a stupid name is the incarnation of the god of carnival [Sanguine], he usually takes the appearance of an old mage, and often appears at banquets, celebrations and important ceremonies, and there is only one purpose: to choose the right person And get drunk to see if the other party is eligible to own [Bloody Rose].

[Bloody Rose] is the most special one among all the magic artifacts known so far. When other devil gods can't wait to give their own magic artifacts the "immortality" feature, this magic artifact itself is a "consumable". In the hands of the current user, it will gradually "wither" like a real rose, and at the same time, it will "bloom" in Sanjin's Hundred Thousand Annihilation Domain.

Its specific effect is: Summon a demon lord (lord) from the Annihilation Domain to assist him for a short period of time. This "assistance" includes but is not limited to combat, and the specific content can be directly limited when summoning.

However, this magic weapon has a fatal weakness. If no one uses it many times to make it "wither", even Sanjin himself cannot recover it-a rose is carved on the top of the root upon receiving it. After the flower, the ugly staff, Ambassador A Lanwen never touched it at all.

To this end, Sangeon took a two-pronged approach. Not only did he incarnate to fool Lulindir to borrow the staff, but he also contacted its former owner, Moira the Harpy. She had tasted the sweetness before, and she was naturally willing to have it again. This magic weapon.

However, there is an unexpected situation here. Lulindir, the Sommer envoy, was sent to Rift Valley City at the beginning. Obviously, Marwen Blackthorn would not buy his account, and gave him a considerable degree of embarrassment. He couldn't think of this lady, but now she appeared in Solitary City and was invited to Alanwen's reception, so he probably thought that the time had come, so he sent his men to assassinate, that unlucky Su Jier.

I have to say that his plan of pretending to be a groom and deliberately losing control and falling into a deep valley in a Blackthorn carriage is very good. After all, Marwen is just an old lady with a strong wrist, not a powerful warrior or magician, and this disguised as an accident It can also avoid the possible revenge of the Blackthorn family.

Then, under the influence of the [Rotten Skull] I got from Varmina, he dreamed of successfully throwing Marwen into the valley, and sent her all the way to her destination.

...Although it was me who was thrown.

The foreman of the reception, Ma Boen, belongs to the Blade Warrior and was sent to collect information on Thalmer's movements. The emperor has shown signs of agreeing." This very misleading information led Delphine to lurk and Isben to go into seclusion. Although Delphine soon got the correct information, the unlucky Isben kept hiding until not long ago. It was released by Asgard by hitting the wall before.

He didn't notice Mercer Frey's Lazelan in disguise, nor did he notice the thieves' guild squad stealthily observing, but he managed to keep an eye on Moira, who also sneaked in, or in other words, her disguised identity, the musician "Ildi".

After "Yildi" noticed that "La Zelan" had disappeared,

She also walked towards the residential area behind the embassy without any trace, and this was naturally discovered by Ma Born, who had been paying attention to her, so he also handed over his work and followed quietly.

So far, Alanwen has been paying attention to Esgail Snowhoof, False Princess Eddie, Marwen Blackthorn and other nobles, completely unaware that her Alanwen's light is about to become a battlefield of dark warfare.

Therefore, the defense force of this embassy is completely a sieve.

‘Although the purpose of most people is very clear, I’m not sure what Moser is here for. If this guy wants to obtain Amir’s’God Killing Power’, he should focus on the fake princess. '

I watched a group of people rush to the treasure room where the [Blood Rose] was stored in batches without noticing each other, and asked the stupid system.

[Hmm... As you know, "Blood Rose" can summon a Demon Lord, but since it is a "Maharaja", of course it will not be a barbarian who only knows how to cut people. A Maharaja who is proficient in human control", there is no problem at all. 】

Oh... So Moser feels that he lacks confidence in obtaining "methods" or "props" from the princess, and wants to use [Blood Rose] to get help? After all, [Azura Star] and [Skull Key] did not improve their own combat effectiveness at all.


'Isn't it good to live? '

The lessons learned from Duneville and Valmina are still there. Judging from the situation where Arthur and Amir were affected, any magic aimed at the soul and mind is completely ineffective for these incarnations.

[But what he has to deal with is Eddie Septim, judging from the current situation, she is the princess. 】

'...Come on, I am optimistic about you. ’ I turned to pay attention to other people who have ideas about bloody roses besides Mercer.


Below the residential area of ​​Alanwen's Light is a multi-functional underground building. Its main uses include treasure rooms, archives and secret prisons. Some inconveniences are handed over to the "prisoners" in Dugu City.

Although this setting may have ridiculous events such as "the prisoner escapes with treasure and secret information", until it actually happens, Alanwen does not seem to intend to change the course.

"You bloody Thalmor! I will never let you go after I get out!"

Rulindir and Sujir greeted the guards in the basement and went down. When they passed by the prison, hoarse shouts came from inside.

"Don't worry about it," Lulindir signaled Sujir, who was walking slightly, to move on: "That guy betrayed Ulfric Stormcloak, tried to bargain with the Imperial Legion and spoke rudely when he was useless, he should have been beheaded To show it to the public, but because Her Royal Highness is keen on saving people, it was eventually handed over to us—so, even if he goes out, he will just be locked up in another place, if he is captured by the Stormcloak spies and returned to Windhelm City, hehe."

"My lord, what is the password?" Su Jier nodded and ignored it. He walked to the door of the treasure room, and then asked while looking at the weird text lock.

"'Light of Alanwen'," Lulindir said, "if you want to save your life, don't take anything but the staff after entering."

"Hehehe, thank you~" When Sujier just turned out the correct password, a burst of blazing thunder directly blasted him away, and he hit the wall far away. At the same time, a man wearing blue feathers A tall woman in a robe with horny bird claws below her knees appeared at the door, and laughed and pushed the door open.

"The Harpy Witch! Do you want to be an enemy of Thalmer?" Lulindir reacted very quickly and cast a spell on himself, putting a layer of iron armor on himself: "Stop now, I can pretend you never came."

"You said one thing wrong," the harpy turned around and smiled coldly: "I am the 'Harpy Thunder Witch'."

After all, she threw a bright white lightning ball directly without any spell-casting action. After it touched the wall of the basement, it did not explode directly but rebounded. When he was beside him, the arc wrapped around him directly knocked him to the ground.

Using Armor against a mage that doesn't protect against magic... Well, it's a bad defeat.

"Hehe," Moira the Falcon Thunder Wu didn't kill the apparently surviving master and servant of Somo, she opened the door and walked into the treasure room: "This kind of useful treasure was taken by that ignorant guy, A Lanwen. It is better to return to my previous master than to abandon it in such a place casually."

"That's right—" A black light flashed, Moira's feather robe was chopped into pieces, and the flying feathers flickered, but they didn't actually hit the body: "—I thought so too. "

"Foreman? Hehe, it seems that you don't plan to stay in the embassy anymore?" Moira calmly filled the gap with feathers from other parts, and turned to confront Ma Born.

"Ah... I originally planned to steal some information, or rescue that grumpy guy, but now it seems that a magic artifact is also acceptable." Marborn is no longer polite and elegant when serving wine to the nobles with a tray, The posture of being short and ready to strike with the sword made Moira dare not make any moves at all.

"I'll take care of this until you decide the outcome," said a third voice, but before the staff rack in the treasure room, Sam Guiwen appeared from his invisible form and directly He pulled up the dark red staff with roses carved on the top and held it up high: "I want to summon the Demon King who is not afraid of swords and thunder!"

Following his words, a demon king wearing heavy demon armor and surrounded by lightning stepped out of the void.

"What a mistake." Marborn and Moira moved away from each other, and then faced the maharaja together: "I thought you were just a fake nobleman who ate and drank."

What is this guy Sangeon doing? His incarnation can't use the magic weapon in the world of Nirn at all, so what's the point of summoning the demon king directly with his own power and pretending to be summoned by a staff?

【Wow...he looks a bit like you, Akatosh. 】

'What do you mean... Hey! '


Mercer Frey, disguised as Lazelan, appeared behind Sam Guiwen. With a slight penetrating sound, a blood-stained long dagger protruded from the old mage's chest. Laughing and disappearing into the void.

Ruthless enough... Sanjin doesn't have the privilege of immortality like me. This avatar gave up as soon as he said it, which only proves that the purpose he wants to achieve is more important.

Throwing away the "corpse" of "Sam Guivin", Moser grabbed the [Bloody Rose] and poked it with the [Skull Key] without hesitation.

Huh——all the petals on the [Blood Rose] withered and scattered at the same time, and the body of the staff and Mercer also disappeared at the same time.

As those petals withered, a blood-red [Gate of Annihilation] appeared at the place where the wand disappeared, and a large number of demon lords came out from behind the door. Fifteen, exactly the same number as those petals.

Moira and Marborn turned around and ran without hesitation, and the Thieves Guild team, who hadn't played at all, also rescued the prisoner, Ian Laris, when they escaped.

I can only reluctantly protect those two unlucky Thaumo who passed out... Tsk, should they have been trampled to death?

[Moser teleports to the main hall of the banquet, and then takes the false princess away. 】

Well, was he trying to make a fuss so Hibilly Sdent couldn't track him down? But it's of no use to me, he's going to kill himself if he wants to do the princess a disservice, um, find his way to Artayum.

Having said that, since releasing all the petals of [Bloody Rose] in one breath can open the door to Sanjin's one hundred thousand annihilation, then I can just catch him——

On the other side of the gate of annihilation, a guy who looks similar to other demon lords is looking at [me] through the gate with a [bloody rose] in his arms, and waved his hand.

Sanjen? Manual goodbye?

When I was about to catch him, the last demon king walked out of the gate of annihilation. At this moment, Sanjin disappeared completely together with the gate of annihilation.

[Hint: Sangjin quit the game. 】

[Hint: Obtain the doomsday element 'Seven Deadly Sins']

[Hint: Obtain the priesthood: 'Carnival', 'Indulgence', 'Enjoyment']

...Is there such an operation?

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