The Collection of The End

Chapter 279 The Clown and Guess

My name is Akatosh,

Iron mouth straight to Cicero...

——4E, 201, Hearthfire, 16th, 20:28——

"[What is the most beautiful music in life?]" "It's silence, my brother."

The black door of the Sanctuary opened, and Gallus and Ilya walked in one after another. When the two of them left one after another not long ago, their relationship was obviously still at the stage of strangers, but now it seems that they have a little bit of a father and daughter feeling.

Nazr put down the task record in his hand, took a few glances at this silly father who was obviously getting more and more stupid, and quickly turned his eyes to the people behind him——Jeanne Darc, who always looked disgusted, and who seemed to be at ease anytime, anywhere. Cicero the clown who can laugh.

"Hey hey~ (Hearts)" Cicero saw the people sitting around the table in the hall, and gave a strange smile as expected: "Could it be that you specially greeted me? How embarrassing~ (Hearts)"

Before someone opened his mouth to mock him, Cicero suddenly changed his face: "Is it because of a guilty conscience? I didn't take good care of my mother's coffin during my absence! (Spades)"

What care is there for a coffin that automatically removes dust and washes with water...

"We are discussing the recent major events," Nazr decided to forcibly skip this topic: "A few of them should be related to you, if you are not in a hurry to rest, you can listen to it."

"Well, no need, Illya is not used to long-distance travel and needs to rest." Gallus said for his daughter, and although Illya was a little surprised, she didn't mean to object.

"Hey~ (Hearts)" Cicero went to the table and sat down rudely: "Let me guess, did you fail all the tasks you accepted according to the 'tradition'? (square)"

"You really know something!" Babette slapped the table heavily, but her little girl's appearance and voice really didn't have any deterrent effect.

"Huh? What do you think~ (Spades)" The clown didn't answer directly, his eyes searched for a while, and he grabbed a green apple and gnawed it.

"You—" "If you are brought into his rhythm, this intelligence meeting won't be held."

Jeanne Darc's cold voice temporarily extinguished the anger of the Brotherhood members, and Nazr noticed that she had found a seat at the conference table: "I suggest you proceed with the original agenda."

"Okay, I'll go on," Babette gave Cicero a sideways look: "As a vampire at the age of four hundred and ninety-five—although there's nothing to be proud of in these simple accumulations of time—it's almost impossible for me to be disturbed by anything." The influence of mental spells, even those that deliberately target vampires, have very limited effect on me, but I was drawn into a nightmare during the mission."

The little vampire frowned slightly, as if just remembering the content of the "nightmare" caused her a little displeasure, and then continued after a pause: "After I finally got rid of that nightmare, I found that the client and the target had reconciled and took the initiative to The Dark Ritual Commission has been revoked, although the reward will not be refunded, but this inexplicable failure makes me very anxious."

"It's not bad for you, but after summing it up, it's just that the client gave up the task, so what should I say?" Gabriela the dark elf looked gloomy: "There is an Jia mill near Windhelm City. The miller was framed and turned into a The tramp, and the little nobleman who seized the ownership of the mill wanted to kill the weeds, so he held a dark ceremony. As a result, shortly after I contacted him, he was captured by the man with the shawl and blonde hair, and he is currently locked up in the mine as a coolie , and the reward he promised is now returned to the original owner, who is the target of the assassination, what should I do?"

"Hey, that's not a big deal for you. How can I say that there is a problem with the mission itself?" Argonian Xavius ​​said, "My mission target is a Nord scavenger. I picked up a certain family token, which itself is worthless,

But the person who lost it will be in great trouble. The scavengers caught this point and the lion opened his mouth, and he himself was very good at fighting. The owner's guard was no match at all. In the end, the owner decided to hold a dark ceremony and demanded his assassination. "

"Then?" Gabriela asked cooperatively.

"Gulu Gulu—ha!" Savis downed a glass of Nord mead: "When I rushed, he had been taken away by a group of guys in masks and robes together with his belongings. does this count?"

"Well, in terms of the Argonian's physical structure, going there is simply looking for death." Nazr wrote two strokes on the mission record: "Let's count it as 'failure due to force majeure'."

"Besides, that's the territory of the 'Morag Gang', so fishing across the border will inevitably lead to a full-scale war." Babette added.

"Festus went to track down the Moth Priest, and Astrid and Ionbjorn went to seek the guidance of the 'Seer' and have not yet returned, but as expected, any 'traditional assassination' they perform will be inexplicable failure," Nazr stopped writing and turned to Cicero: "Does [Night Mother] explain this?"

In Nairn, there are absolutely no unreasonable weird incidents. Demon gods or holy spirits must be involved behind them. Sometimes it can be judged which demon god is behind the scenes based on the nature of the incident. Enough is enough" is also an important principle of life preservation.

"Hey hey~ No rush~ (Spades)" Cicero didn't answer directly: "You say 'there are big things related to us', but these few things don't sound big, and they don't matter~( Hearts)."

"Okay, so how much do you know about the event of '[Dibella] Destroying Namira' in Markas City? Also, did Murui Shattershield's assassination commission also fail?" Nazr looked up He looked at the room where Gallus took his daughter to rest.

"Hey hey~ Is it interesting to ask what you know? (square)" Cicero stared at the task record book in Nazl's hand: "On the 'task list' we got before going to Marcus, all of them are Namira's followers Yo~ (Hearts)"

"Then... what about '[Malakeath] fell inexplicably, and all the orc fortresses fell into chaos'?" Nazr turned a new page: "The first thing that went wrong was the one along your way. "

"The saint of the demon god desperately wanted to use the demon artifact 'Warren's Hammer' to attack Illya, triggering the 'Nightingale's Power' to counterattack, and then I pushed, and Malacath was hit by his own hammer Dead," interrupted Jeanne Darc.

"Hahahahaha! (Spades)" Cicero laughed.

"Don't laugh!" Jeanne Darc shouted.

"In addition, there was a fierce battle at the Thalmer Embassy near Solitude," Nazr reluctantly accepted the reason, and turned another page: "The empire explained: 'During the construction of the underground warehouse, the Thalmer Embassy dug through A lair of snow trolls, many snow trolls rushed out and attacked the embassy where the reception was being held at that time. Under the command of the ambassador Alanwen Shadowsong, the snow trolls were wiped out without any casualties .'—Do you believe it?"

Fraternity members expressed "disbelief" in various body language.

"Except for 'a reception is being held', probably none of the words are true." Babette said with a contemptuous attitude that did not match her appearance age: "Oh, nobleman."

"Oh, girl~ (diamond)" Cicero actually replied with the same tone: "I guess 'no one was injured or injured' is also true~ (spades)"

" do you say?" Nazr's fingers trembled, and he looked up at the clown.

"Obviously~ (Heart)" Cicero returned to his original strange attitude: "You said 'related to us', but we have never been to Solitude, so the 'related' is only the nature of the matter itself It’s over, isn’t it~ (Hearts)”

"Hmm..." Nazr flipped through the intelligence records: "The information sent back by the intelligence agents is that a prisoner who was secretly held by Ambassador Sommer escaped and wanted to destroy her treasure house before leaving, but accidentally opened the annihilation At the gate, more than 30 demon kings were released. Since the engagement reception of Princess Emilia was held at the embassy at that time, the participants were basically highly skilled or had highly skilled guards, so they successfully resisted those demons. The demon king, and then those demons killed each other for unknown reasons, and were finally wiped out by the guards in one go. After this battle, the embassy has been completely turned into ruins."

"So, what do you think this matter has to do with us?" It was Jeanne Darc who asked the question. She had never expressed any expression other than "disgust", but at this moment she showed a slight curiosity.

"As for the reason why those demons would kill each other... I have a bold idea." Nazr hesitated.

"Put your thoughts away and let me tell you the 'truth'~ (Hearts)" Cicero interrupted him.

"The batch of contracts in Markas City all have clients, but each of them secretly performed the ceremony alone, and immediately destroyed the traces of the ceremony after completion. It is impossible to know with your original means. This proves that Mother can see any corner of the world~ (Plum Blossom)”

"Perhaps this fact can only allow you to admit that your mother has an advantage in intelligence collection, but she immediately announced to you by defeating the demon god Malacath that she possesses far more power than ordinary demon gods~ (square)"

"However, the Dark Brotherhood itself is not afraid of demon gods, and even the saints and priests of the demon gods and the Holy Spirit dare to assassinate them, so my mother tells you the story of 'controlling the demon kings subordinate to other demon gods to kill each other', Her level is higher than the Sixteen Demon Gods~ (Hearts)"

"Finally~" Cicero showed a distorted smile: "Don't you think that the 'Night Mother is the wife of the Void Lord [Sitis]' is just the brotherhood's own bragging? (Hearts)"

The members of the Brotherhood were stunned, all staring at Cicero as if he were a monster they had never seen before.

"So, what is the purpose of [Mother]?" Nazr felt his throat was very dry, and subconsciously changed his address.

"It's very simple~ (Hearts)" Cicero waved his hand and swiped around: "All life and death in this world belong to the mother~ Akai is only her younger brother, if you don't accept the contract according to her oracle, Don’t even think about killing anyone again~ (Spades)”

Pa, Jeanne Darc raised her forehead heavily, but Nazr herself was in shock and didn't have time to pay attention.

"Oh~ mother~ please tell me~ (diamond)" Cicero suddenly put on a posture of listening, and then slapped the table: "mother said, [you know too much]! (spades)"

It's because "you" know too much!

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