The Collection of The End

Chapter 280 The General and the Governor

My name is Akatosh,

Hey? The Civil War branch opened by itself?

— 4E, 201, Hearth Moon, 17th, 10:07 —

The northern part of the Xueman Plain is close to the west bank of the White River, and the terrain has begun to rise gradually, but the magnitude is not enough to be included in the mountains or to be named deliberately. The Xueman guards who occasionally patrol here call this place "the nameless highland by the White River".

And on the back of this highland, in a position that cannot be seen from the direction of Xueman, there is a hidden canyon. From the outside, it seems to be the entrance of an ancient Nord tomb that was abandoned halfway through construction. There are many old tomb robbers. The traces of the hunter's activities also prove that it has been explored repeatedly, and there is nothing worthy of attention.

At this time, a team wearing storm cloak chain mail was exploring among them. Although this team had less than twenty members, they were all carefully selected elites. The emergence of powerful ghouls or obstacles from the empire.

"Keep your eyes bright!" Galmar Stonefist shouted loudly: "The abandoned tombs outside are just a disguise, and the entrance to Bogas's tomb 'Kwanjunde' is hidden! Keep a group of three when searching, so as not to suddenly It’s too late to call the police if it falls somewhere!”

The Stonefist family is the staunchest supporter of Ulfric Stormcloak. They have been following them since the first Stormcloak became the castellan. They are tall, strong, and brave. The joke they tell themselves is that after a stone fist scares a child to cry, another stone fist walks over and scares the child so that he dare not cry.

As an accomplished general and the military commander of Windhelm's defense force, Galmar Stonefist was sent out in this operation, which shows Ulfric's emphasis on the Jagged Crown and his determination to win it.

"The trap for the entrance has been set, Lord Stonefist," Raloff said, rushing from the direction of the canyon entrance, and reported to Galmar.

"It's just in time to search the tomb with me," Galma patted him on the shoulder vigorously: "If you can't find anything, those skinny blond girls will start arguing again."

"Uh, yes." Raloff smiled wryly but did not answer.

Unlike Hadava's fellow townsman who served as the clerk of General Tullius at a young age, Raloff was only a small captain in Stormcloak. If it wasn't for a coincidence that he was tied to the same carriage as Lord Ulfric, It is probably impossible for the lord to remember his name at all. Even now, the way he remembers his name makes him often slander——as a "shawl blond" field officer.

Raloff is a talkative, humorous, brave, intelligent, responsible and relatively handsome "blonde" man, so when he rushed back to Windhelm City, he was caught by the "shawl blond" who was eager to find a "spokesperson" .

Although those girls are not lacking in force, they can hire adventurers to solve any difficulties, but they have always been unable to intervene in the army. After all, the establishment is still short, and the Nord veterans don't care about them at all.

Perhaps Ulfric had originally intended to reward or promote Raloff for his actions in Helgen and after, but those possibilities were completely gone when the Shawled Blonde spoke up.

As a result, Raloff is now Galmar Stonefist's clerk. Although he got Hadava's status in the Imperial Legion by accident, he was not happy at all, and even went to find a pharmacist. The urge to dye my own hair brown.

Who set that purpose? Why do field staff look for blondes?

"I found the entrance—ah!" The exclamation from afar interrupted Raloff's thoughts, and after they exchanged glances with Galma, they rushed towards the direction they came from at the same time.


A force of about thirty imperial legions appeared on the unnamed high ground by the river,

They wore light imperial leather armor, some of them had sharp-eyed eagle marks on them, and their weapons were mainly light weapons such as daggers, short swords, and longbows. Overall, they looked like an overnumbered scout troop.

"Governor Rikki, no Nord tombs have been found nearby." Hadawa, who was wearing a leather sword and shield, said to the leader of the trip, Governor Rikke, after hearing the report from the scouts.

This highland is surrounded by the White River in the east, snow-capped mountains in the west and north, and snow-covered plains in the south. You can see everything except for a few trees. It feels like you can come to the same conclusion without even sending scouts.

"You're still too young," Rikki smiled, and walked down to the high ground first: "Guys, come with me—"

"Hmm..." Adawa followed behind without any objection. Although Governor Rikki looked young, she was a veteran general who had participated in the war between the Empire and Thalmer before General Tullius arrived in the sky. , She is responsible for all the defense of Dugu City.

As for General Tullius...Because of the embassy attack incident, he was so busy that the original accompanying plan was ruined. In the end, Hadawa, the clerk, could only be temporarily replaced.

"Look here." In front of a stone wall with many weeds growing on the northern slope of the highland, Governor Rui Ji stopped and pointed at it and asked, "Did you find anything wrong?"

"This is the north, and there is very little sunlight, so these grasses are camouflage?" Before Hadawa could figure it out, a clever scout had already reacted: "What we see is a stone wall, but in fact it is covered by magic. with-"

"Stop! You idiot!" Rui Ji yelled to stop the scout who was about to step forward: "Whoever has a bow and arrow, shoot some arrows there."

"When there is a magic camouflage, attacking and probing is the basic of the basics," another soldier wearing the sharp-eyed eagle uniform said in a slightly mocking tone, and then shot three consecutive shots towards the mountain wall with his bow and arrow.

The first two arrows hit the mountain wall and bounced back, but the third one flew in without any hindrance. Before the shooter could say anything, there were sudden sounds of explosions, falling rocks, and other unknown mechanism triggering from that position, causing the block The "mountain wall" was shaking.

After the noise subsided, a passage deep into the underground canyon appeared in front of the scouts.

"Go ahead, but be vigilant," Rui Ji waved her hand: "There is no doubt that the original traps have been cleared for us, and now we need to pay attention to the ones they specially set up to deal with us-this is not the exploration of ancient ruins , but in-depth operations in enemy fortresses."

"That's right," Hadawa finally found the opportunity to say: "Whether the other party can find something or not, they have to go back the same way, and we must be ready to attack at any time!"



The dull explosion came from above, but to Raloff's ears, it was no louder than the torches in the hands of the stormcloak soldiers suddenly burst into sparks, even their deep roars were clearer when the team's vanguard slashed and killed the ghouls.

"Lord Stonefist, it seems that the Imperial Legion came only a little later than us." Larov said to Galmar, "It seems that they have discovered and triggered or dismantled all the traps left on the surface."

"Hmph, don't worry, they definitely don't have the guts to just jump down. After clearing the trap, they might use the excuse of 'they will definitely find a way' to set up a bunker at the door or something, so let them wait a while. Years to go," Galmar responded.

"Indeed, indeed." It wasn't the first time Larov saw Galma's bravery, but he was still quite frightened by the previous sentence "Everyone dance together".

No one would have imagined that the entrance of "Kovan Jonde" would be a large pothole sloping downwards. A group of three stormcloak soldiers pulled each other and two fell down. Asked three sentences, "Are you sure this is the entrance?" "Why did they fall?" "Dare you jump along?"

Anyone else would not order everyone to jump down together after hearing the answers of "very sure", "want to read the message" and "of course dare"? However, this decision turned out to be extremely correct.

Below the big pit is a deep pool. The two soldiers who fell earlier were not seriously injured, but they woke up a large number of ghouls who were sleeping by the pool. Or find another route, the two people below will definitely be torn to pieces by the ghouls, and those who stay above will undoubtedly be surrounded by the imperial army who rushed over.

As for the question of how to get up, even if you ask Galma, you can only get answers like "the car must have a way to the front of the mountain" and "the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge".

For a moment, Larov was very envious of the rules and regulations of the Imperial Legion where Hadava belonged, which "strive to minimize losses" and "seek stability in everything".

"I found the ghoul overlord!" "It's wearing a crown!" The sudden spacious tomb passage ahead and the exclamation of the soldiers interrupted Raloff's thoughts, and he picked up the warhammer and rushed forward without hesitation.


"Well... it says 'Yardnan fell, what a fool he was' 'Lutz jumped with him, but I wouldn't do that' 'There must be a way to get down, I'll find it'' After many confirmations, I am finally convinced that the legendary Kovan Jonde is below''I'm going down, I should have gone down ten years ago, I hope they can forgive me''Argonian Braiyaliu'. "

After a sharp-eyed eagle scout with elf blood read the words written on the wall of the big pit, the scene fell into an eerie silence.

"Hmm... so those stormcloaks jumped down because of these indistinguishable messages?" Hadava said without words, and at the same time felt a little sympathetic to Raloff who was in the stormcloak.

"Actually, this deduction is not too difficult," Rui Ji finally said with a frown, "Even if the entrance of this shape is flat, years of rainwater erosion is enough to create a giant pool that can be safely landed. Judging from the fact that Garth and the Jagged Crown have not been discovered for so many years, the possibility of a passage connecting to the outside world is very low, and I can't take the lives of the soldiers present on the very slim possibility of 'there must be a way out below'."

"So... what are we going to do?" Hadvar asked.

"Arm on the spot, check the nearby ruins to find other possible entrances, and patrol the surroundings without being discovered by Xueman," Rui Ji made a decision: "They probably didn't carry enough food. Stay here for three, no, five days, if there is no change in the situation after five days, just withdraw to Dugu City!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

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