The Collection of The End

Chapter 288 Secret Meeting and Planning

My name is Akatosh,

This commission... seems to be completely reversed...

——4E, 201, Hearthfire, 18th, 18:35——

"Welcome, Ms. Astrid, you are more beautiful than I imagined."

Snowman City, Winding District, a very small banquet is being held in the living room of a luxurious noble villa, and the only participants are Astrid, her husband Ain Boyorn, and the person in front of him. A very aristocratic man and his bodyguard.

He is wearing a reddish-brown exquisite aristocratic costume. Although the style is not much different from other nobles in Xueman, the pattern on the collar of the collar, the material of the shawl and boots, and various exquisite accessories show that he is not what he is. Ordinary nobles, with the eyes of Astrid, can see that those few pieces are like small accessories that can be matched casually, and the value of any one is enough to buy more than ten pieces of the same style of Chinese clothes.

It is obviously a bad policy to show force in front of the Dark Brotherhood, so although his guards looked powerful, they still stood silently by the side, and the client used his real estate in Xueman, the decoration of the house, and his body. For Astrid who has been using money to do things so far, this kind of response is just right.

"We generally don't eat food prepared by others." Astrid, who was dressed in a noble long dress, sat down at the banquet table and raised his chin to the man opposite him: "Leave aside the boring greetings, you have three minutes Let me explain why you invited us."

More beautiful than imagined? I'm afraid he already knew her appearance clearly.

Astrid and Ain Boyorn stayed in Xueman for these few days, and basically did not hide their whereabouts and appearance, but ordinary people want to guess that a traveling noble lady is actually the leader of the Dark Brotherhood, they really need to be very bold imagination.

"My name is Almond Mortire, and I am a minor nobleman of the empire, and this is my bodyguard, Thaddeus," the man introduced himself: "Madam, please come here, naturally it is for business. Big deal."

"Oh, the 'big business' of the 'little nobleman'." Astrid responded casually, motioning him to continue.

"You should know that the senior officials of Skyrim are currently in the middle of a battle between the Empire and Stormcloak, and this incident has caused the adults in the Southern Capital Province a headache." Almond did not continue the topic of business, but turned to current events: "The Empire Princess Emilia Septim volunteered to "put down the rebellion", but somehow fell in love with a noble from the Stormcloak side, and seemed to be planning to get married. If this is her method of "countering the rebellion", it is quite admirable Yes, unfortunately, she was kidnapped in the incident at the Thalmer Embassy not long after the engagement."

"You still have a minute," Astrid said unmoved, "and we won't accept the commission to save people."

"Of course not, her disappearance would be of some benefit to 'us', but there is no need to go into details about those things, what 'we' would like to entrust to you is—" Almond leaned forward, lowering his voice slightly: "Assassinate Uriel Septim II, Emperor of the Empire."

bump! Astrid slapped the table and stood up, turned to look at her husband beside him, while Ain Boyorn instantly turned into an afterimage, and walked around the house at a very fast speed, and that Thaddeus Follow him like a shadow.

"There is no one nearby, at least not within the distance that can hear the conversation in the house." Einbjorn completely ignored the guard, and whispered after returning to Astrid's side.

"Hehe, if I dare to talk about this topic, I am naturally fully prepared. Unless there are demon gods or holy spirits watching here, there will be no fifth person who will know the conversation between us." Amond said leisurely, Sade Si also stood back behind him expressionlessly.

"Hmph, you successfully added time for this meeting," Astrid slowly sat back: "Now you can talk about this commission in detail.


"Only relying on one princess to quell the war in a province, even the most stupid emperor would not make such a plan. Although this plan was proposed by the princess herself, the emperor gave the entire Eastern Empire Company to She also sent half of the sharp-eyed eagles to follow, which is very intriguing." Amond picked up a glass of honey wine in front of him and drank it down.

"The emperor planned to marry?" Astrid frowned slightly.

"The Eastern Empire Company is the largest fleet under the empire's control, and the two navigating families 'Lonely Wind' and 'Cool Sea' under Ulfric Stormcloak suffered heavy losses in the battle with Thalmer, almost completely Lost control of the ocean," Almond pouted: "Obviously, Ulfric saw this, so he went to assassinate High King Toig, and proved with practical actions that he has no interest in the princess."

"Well, continue." Astrid thought about it, and responded casually.

"The 'princess is naughty', 'likes to sneak out to play', so 'meet Esgar from the Snowhoof family when I went to visit the dragon' are all excuses! She is obviously under the protection of those sharp-eyed eagle guards Next, go on a blind date with the nobles of Stormcloak who have children of the right age! Don't think 'we' are all fools!" Almond raised his voice slightly.

"So, the emperor will come to Skyrim because of the disappearance of the princess?" Astrid asked.

"Oh, in fact, since the princess set off, the emperor has been making preparations to go to the sky. Unexpectedly, he will bring the remaining half of the sharp-eyed eagle. If political means or marriage fails, he will Solve it by force." Amund put down his wine glass, raised his finger and pointed to the surroundings: "Perhaps Balgruuf the Great can declare his neutrality in the civil war in Skyrim Province, but does he dare to say the same in front of the emperor's army? The original buffer zone became unimpeded, the emperor could directly fight along the White River to Windhelm City, and with the fighting power of the sharp-eyed eagle, it was not a problem to capture Ulfric in one fell swoop, so wouldn't his position be even more unshakable? "

"So, you hope that we can assassinate the emperor right before he arrives in Skyrim, so that 'you' can control the capital province and install a new emperor while Sharp-Eyed Hawk is busy investigating or taking revenge on Stormcloak " Astrid smiled slightly: "That's right, Mr. Member of the 'Parliament of the Ancients'."

"How did you... oh, so that's the case." Amond asked halfway, followed her gaze to a certain accessory on his clothes, and then suddenly realized: "I was so arrogant that I thought you didn't know its meaning .”

It was an inverted triangular gold pendant, with some ray-like stripes around it, and a weird vertical pupil in the middle, which represented the "Parliament of the Ancients" that assisted the emperor in governing before the crisis of annihilation, but because Martin Se Putin has been in power for a hundred years and has become in name only. Now they have signed the "Platinum Agreement", and the emperor's authority began to decline again on the political stage. Naturally, it is impossible to tolerate such a good opportunity for the civil war in Skyrim Province to change It was a stepping stone for Emperor Cheng to restore his authority.

Although the Dark Brotherhood's contact with the Empire Province has been interrupted in recent years, the earlier history will naturally not be lost, and the weak Orava knows this clearly.

"Heh, the Dark Brotherhood is not interested in your plan to control the empire, or who the emperor you want to elect is not interested," Astrid stared at the opposite MP: "What I care about is: How much will you pay for this operation? ?”

"Forty thousand Septim gold coins!" Almond pointed his fingers: "Of course they cannot be carried with you. After confirming that the emperor was assassinated and killed, someone else will tell you where they are hidden. We believe in the credibility of your organization." , but after all...hehe."

"Hmm..." Astrid thought about it.

She wasn't thinking about the remuneration. In fact, even if the remuneration for this task was less, she would still take it, the emperor? So what about the emperor, after quantifying his own strength, the people and forces who protect him, the difficulty of escaping after the assassination, and the possible revenge, about 20,000 is an acceptable price,

However, the biggest benefit of this mission is not those gold coins. If this mission can be successful, the Dark Brotherhood will once again become famous like it did after successfully assassinating a certain emperor thousands of years ago. Back then, there was no night mother and dictating listeners exist.

According to the information collected in Xueman these days, Dibella, the goddess of beauty, killed Namira in the city of Markas, and then Boyesia killed Malakeis, the main god of orcs. The chaos, and these things were all caused by the listener clown, as expected, he should have returned to the Sanctuary, and attributed these achievements to the Night Mother, and those who stayed behind would probably be fooled into becoming Followers of the Night Mother...

But in this way, where does she, the leader of the Sanctuary, be placed? The butler or the head maid who takes care of the overall situation for the "Night Mother"? In the future, he can only honestly accept the order of the weird corpse in the coffin?

Therefore, whether it is for the authority of the Dark Brotherhood or Astrid's own right to speak in the sanctuary, this task must be accepted and completed perfectly, but it is naturally impossible for the congressman opposite to know that his side has already done this to the assassination. If you are determined to win, then you should also ask them to further cooperate as a condition for accepting the task.

"I can make the decision to agree to this entrustment," Astrid said, "but you must provide the emperor's detailed itinerary, the composition and strength of the guards. After all, our power only covers the province of Skyrim. For those who stay in the capital province all the year round The emperor and his guards don't understand at all."

"You can rest assured about this. In fact, there are 'us' people in his entourage. He will spread the information in time, but if you plan to kill them all, you don't have to deliberately keep your hands." Ah Mond raised his glass: "Toast to the smooth cooperation between us?"

"Oh, happy cooperation." Astrid also picked up the honey wine in front of him, and moved away.

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