The Collection of The End

Chapter 289 Escape and Ritual

My name is Akatosh,

Hei Jiang is really chaotic.

-- 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 18th, 23:44 --

"That snow elf scout is a liar! Which of his words is true?" Ayla's voice sounded very angry.

On the black and dark underground plain, Arthur and his party were fleeing in the opposite direction of [Twilight City], but because there was basically no pressure, everyone did not increase their speed very fast. Babas and Sophie both Being able to keep up, Rabbit tried to jump out to find something to eat several times, but was stopped by the little girl.

Due to the long distance, the brightness of the "Black Sun" is almost the same as that of the common gleaming jellyfish nearby, but there are still giant beetle-like "Zerus" coming out of the ground to attack from time to time, but due to their The conventional attack method is to spray acid, and the advance is not calculated, so it is completely impossible to hit Arthur and the others who are moving.

"Although I don't know what he said, except that the name is probably all fake. The task of these scouts is to coax adventurers into the city, but they can't go deep by themselves, so they must let the adventurer say his name after being tricked. Just do it." Jane Lassey answered Ella's complaints.

"That's right," Arthur agreed, "'Delicious Blind Fish' will jump out of the water to launch an attack, while there are traps on both sides of the 'Ordinary Level', as for these Zee who can't act without being driven Ruth'? Hey."

Although they are being chased, the overall atmosphere of this team is relatively relaxed because they haven't revealed any hole cards, but in the eyes of Jane Lasai, who has only casual acquaintance with Arthur Ella and doesn't know their true strength, These people are probably at the end of their strength, that's why they can't get rid of those Zerus' pursuit.

"Do you want to go back the same way? I'm afraid that's not possible, the scout probably has gathered a group of nearby patrols to watch over your entrance to the Black Landing," the dark elf archer said suddenly, "We have to go another way. "

"Oh? Wasn't Heijiang unified by the king who hadn't met? Are there other things that cannot be controlled?" Arthur slowed down a little.

"The overall number of snow elves is too small. Even if there are so many cities on the surface, they cannot all occupy the development. The king just summoned snow elves from all over the world to Twilight City. The territory he actually controls is not as large as Xueman. I heard that in the northeast—" Jane Rasay looked around for a while to determine the direction, and then raised her finger to point to a certain location, but the next moment she was completely frozen in place.

"I'm too far away from home, I have to go back." She said in a daze with blurred eyes, then turned to leave.

Poof, pop.

Arthur grabbed her arm, and with a soft sound like a blister bursting, Jane Lassey's gaze returned to normal.

"It seems that the city's method of controlling adventurers is not simple. At this moment, this black girl is far away from the 'black sun', and there is no sign of magic, curse or poison on her body. It should not be controlled. It's strange." Septim said he looked up and down Jane Rasay, quite surprised.

"But as long as Daddy takes her hand—" Sophie, who was holding Rabbit, interjected.

"Cut." Ayla raised her bow and set an arrow, and shot back a few Zerus who were surrounded by the team because the team stopped for a while.

"Until it's safe, Baron, don't let go," Lydia raised her shield to block the next spray of venom: "Ms. Jane Race, please tell us where we are going?"

"Go to the northeast, 'Zakta'!" The dark elf said quickly, a little ashamed of his loss of control.

—— 23:46——

"It seems that they don't seem to have the intention of rushing into the city and turning the 'Twilight Zone' upside down." Hearn said.

High in the sky, on a floating giant mushroom, Hakon in noble attire and Hearn in worker attire are condescendingly looking down at Arthur and his party who are gradually moving away.

From their positions, it is easy to see that the pursuers are gradually receding as the adventurer team moves away. If there is no accident, those snow elf scouts and workers who still have their own jobs will give up tracking and take this The job goes to real soldiers.

"After all, he is the Baron Xueman. If he starts a war rashly, he will push Xueman to the opposite side of this 'Twilight City'. When it is confirmed that the other party has the power of a suspected demon god, this choice is quite satisfactory." Ha Kong turned his head and looked He glanced at Hearn: "Besides, isn't this just what you want?"

"No matter how you hint, as long as you don't say His name, He won't notice." Hearn raised his eyebrows: "Different from your ideal of 'changing the world', I just want to 'change myself'. "

"Hehe." Ha Kong didn't answer the topic, and turned to look at the city in the distance: "Wilshaw, that guy actually thought of using the 'Blood of Baal' and the 'Remains of the Demon God' scattered in the underground world to restore his compatriots. It's a pity that this method has serious sequelae, and we can only catch adventurers to complete the related work. This time, when we encounter 'Dragonborn', he is basically finished."

"Although you are hostile to Dragonborn, you seem to respect them? According to your description, they are strong enough to repel 'Dunevier', so is it possible to directly wipe out 'Zakta' and take away the ancient scrolls? Not at all If necessary, come to 'Twilight' again." Hearn asked.

"If that guy joined the Dark Brotherhood or the Thieves Guild, maybe he would do that, but he belongs to the Comrades now, and, look at the companions around him," Hakon snorted, "If those people want something If the owner asks for something to do, they will do it without thinking about it, rather than thinking about picking a lock to steal it or killing the owner to take it."

"So, as long as Gelleb tells the city's internal situation and makes a request, they will come back to fight the Twilight Zone?" Hearn looked northeast.

"At that time, you will enter Zak Tower with them, and I will be responsible for completely destroying the 'Twilight City'," Hakon stared at Hearn: "We are just uniting rather than forming an alliance, don't try to make small moves, I will keep watching your."

"Of course, you are the boss." Hearn folded his arms and sneered.

——19th, 00:00——

[Twilight], the main entrance square of Altenfold Cathedral.

The "black sun" hanging high in the sky illuminates this place as if it were daytime. Many elves with handsome looks, tall stature, and wearing exquisite armor, but with abnormally pale skin come and go on the passage around the cathedral. When people see it, they will perform an elegant courtesy to each other. If the simple and magnificent dwarf ruins around are replaced with gorgeous elf buildings, it can be called an elf city.

"Those who accept the 'adjustment' enter the square—" a female snow elf in robes standing outside the main entrance of the church shouted loudly.

Following her words, a ground in the middle of the church square was separated to two sides, and a dwarf elevator brought up five snow elves whose eyes had not yet opened, or whose bodies were still skinny. Carry a herbal pack.

"Get ready, the 'adjustment' is about to begin—" the female snow elf shouted again, raising her hand to put on the hood attached to her robe.

After hearing this sentence, the snow elves who had just ascended opened their herb bags one after another, and quickly stuffed the broken or whole red herbs into their mouths.

And those snow elves who were wandering around also took the initiative to stay away from the church square, but some still stayed in a distant place to observe this side.

Squeak—the thick front door of the cathedral opened, and two figures walked out. Although the one on the left looked no different from other handsome snow elves, his skin was not as pale as normal, and the armor on his body was also more exquisite than other elves. and gorgeous, while the one on the right is an old male human with gray hair, but the beard is still black. He is holding a heavy dwarven metal staff, but wearing an elf-style exquisite mage robe, which looks quite weird, but The surrounding snow elves all looked familiar.

Boom! Seeing that all the snow elves had finished "eating" and began to tremble unceasingly, the human mage suddenly knocked his staff on the ground and shouted, "'Ali-Ai's blessing'!"

A golden semicircular magic barrier suddenly appeared, completely covering the five snow elves, their trembling range was almost undetectable in an instant, and after a sigh of relief, they began to look around curiously one by one.

However, this is not the end. The next moment, the head of the mage's staff sprayed a stream of golden light towards the black sun in the sky. When it hit the black sun, the snow elf in the enchantment screamed silently, not He kept rolling in the barrier, and a large amount of black smoke began to escape visibly from his body.

The two hosts of the ceremony turned a blind eye to this, while the snow elves watching from a distance felt the same way, and some couldn't stand it anymore and turned away.

The golden magic barrier kept absorbing the black smoke. After a while, it seemed to reach a certain critical point. It suddenly shrank and flew high into the sky and merged into the "black sun".

"Ahhh—huh?", the snow elves stopped screaming in a daze, and began to check themselves one by one. Among the five snow elves, although there were some changes in the appearance of four, their eyes opened more or their limbs became stronger. , but it is still roughly the original appearance, only one of them, although still wearing tattered Zerus leather armor, is almost exactly the same as the surrounding snow elves in terms of body shape, face and eyes.

"That's right, you are one of the best in this group of 'adjusters'," the armored ceremony host took a step forward: "What's your name? What was your previous position?"

"Reporting to His Majesty the King." Before the snow elf could get up in time, he simply lay down on the ground and said, "I am a patrolling scout on the outskirts of the capital, and my name is...'Yet (yet)'."

"Hehe, the one who accidentally let the adventurer escape?" The human mage narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "I see, is it because you know that you won't have a chance to go out in the future, so you put all your money into it?"

"It's... Master." Yate didn't dare to look up at all.

"Then it's up to you to take these losers back, and pack up and move them to the 'surface'." The mage didn't seem to be very interested in the struggle of a snow elf, so he followed the snow elf king back after a few casual orders. cathedral.

"Is the process of this ceremony a little too fast, Master Hindleon?"

"It's better than the previous time when someone completed the 'adjustment' for more than an hour."

"That's true."

When Art took the elevator again and sank to the ground, he vaguely heard the two leaders talking like this.

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