The Collection of The End

Chapter 291 Sunshine and Shadow

My name is Akatosh,

Heijiang is a complete mess.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 19th, 16:53 —

Heijiang, the underground world that does not distinguish between day and night.

As the team of adventurers got farther and farther away from [Twilight City], their surrounding environment was gradually changing, as if it was gradually evolving from a sunny noon to a dusk with insufficient light and even a dark and dark night.

"In front is the 'Underdark'. I can only vaguely hear that those snow elves seem to be very afraid of this place, and the name 'Zakta'. I don't know why." Jane Lasai said, perhaps because the distance from the black sun is far enough , she can maintain herself without having to keep in touch with Arthur, which makes the atmosphere of the whole team relaxed.

"It's terrible." Sophie hugged the rabbit and stared wide-eyed.

Ahead, with a shallow underground river as the boundary, the light coming from the direction of the Twilight City came to an abrupt end. Although the river was still clean and transparent from the splashes, the dark riverbed made the whole river look As if flowing ink.

As Jane Lassey said, the other side of the river is a complete "underdark area". From this side, it is still considered to be bright, and the situation inside is completely invisible. Only some shimmering mushrooms that are closer can be vaguely seen. People on this side of the river perceive it.

"Oh, sure enough that's the Heijiang I know over there, and it's too bright here." Septim said without hesitation and stepped across the small river as the dividing line.

"Well, I can't stay here anymore anyway." Arthur looked at the Zerus who seemed to be chasing after them in the distance but were a little scared, "Thanks to them, I haven't had a lot of rest these two days—— It should be two days, right?"

"To be precise, a day and a half." Ayla shot a few arrows at the giant beetles to drive them back. "They started spitting as soon as they stopped to rest. I have never seen such disgusting creatures."

"If they don't dare to cross this border, we can camp and rest after crossing the river." Lydia nodded at Arthur, raised her shield and rushed into the darkness.

"Ah, Rabbit—" Sophie's rabbit jumped off the ground suddenly, and then rushed across the river, and the little girl hurried to catch up.

"It seems that there is also the opposite of the 'Scarlet Nirn Root'." Arthur said casually, and then rushed into the "Underdark Region" with other companions.


"Hmm... We probably entered a fake black drop before."

After Arthur crossed the underground river, his eyes were temporarily dark. After a short period of adaptation, the "starlight" in the sky illuminated the surrounding scenery for him. Things in the distance can only be seen as dark outlines, under the dim starlight, people feel mysterious and weird unconsciously.

Septim said he was standing on a boulder and looking around, Lydia was looking for a flat ground to prepare for camping, and Rabbit was gnawing on the red nirn root as expected, even though Babas was always watching it He kept barking.

"I felt something spilling out of me, but it just disappeared into the air, like, uh, that..." Jane Lasse raised her arm to observe, but couldn't find a specific adjective to explain it.

"It's probably [Twilight City] used to control the residents. There is no 'black sun' sunlight here, so the invalidation has disappeared," Septin hinted and glanced at the dark elf: "Don't worry about it, We're in trouble now, slightly bigger."

Creak creak—boom! Boom!

In the darkness not far away, there was the sound of dwarven machinery rubbing, and the tremor of heavy monsters trampling on the ground.

"Spherical guards and... small centurions?" Ella listened carefully and asked with some doubts.


The first figure to come out of the darkness was indeed the spherical guard I had seen before,

It's just in the "expanded" state. After seeing Arthur and others, he immediately swung the dwarf's metal sword at an accelerated speed and slashed towards Lydia who was closest to it.


When the spherical guard's sword was swung halfway, Lydia took the initiative to meet it, raised her shield and smashed it, interrupting its attack and knocking the sword away at the same time, and then charged towards the unarmed spherical guard, The entire hollow body structure collapsed before it had time to make any contingency measures.

Well, it can only be said that the previous journey made Lydia very good at dealing with the spherical guards. Arthur drew his sword, walked to the guards and looked in the direction where the spherical guards appeared.

Boom, boom. "Gah-!"

As the heavy footsteps approached, a huge figure appeared in front of everyone. It was a snow elf wearing heavy dwarf armor-a mutant survivor whose eyes couldn't be opened and was very thin. After the spherical guard fell to the ground and was smashed flat, it roared loudly and rushed over.

"【Stop】!" "Catch the living ones!"

Septim's silent call and a strange mechanical sound sounded at the same time.

The snow elf in armor was stunned, and Arthur, who had already swung his sword, had to temporarily change his slash into a slap, and at the same time, Lydia, who was swaying the shield on the other side, slammed on the dwarf's metal armor, knocking him down on the ground.

Ella and Jane Lassey, who were about to shoot cold arrows, put away their bows and rushed over to tie up the snow elf. The rope was woven with those fluorescent plants, and it was weird and ridiculous to be trapped on the same shiny dwarf metal armor.

"Cackling!" The mutated snow elf didn't struggle, but fell to the ground and roared.

"Well," Septim jumped off the boulder, and walked to the prisoner to observe carefully: "I thought all the snow elves were recruited by the king, so there are still fish that slipped through the net?"

"If there is something wrong with Twilight, it doesn't look orthodox." Arthur said, "Besides, who shouted 'stop' just now?"

"[It's me.]" There was a mechanical friction sound on the chest of the snow elf's dwarf armor, and a calm male voice came out.

"Tch—" Ayla uttered an onomatopoeia.

"[I'm Paladin Galeb, the only remaining ancient snow elf,]" the voice said before Ella asked "who are you?" "[I think we need to meet and talk, Please follow Aured (already) out of the 'battle zone' - Aured, they are not enemies, bring them to the 'tower'.]”

"Huh-heh-" After receiving Galeb's instructions, the snow elf called Ored shook his body to show Arthur and the others the ropes that bound him.

"Hmm... Septim hinted at the master?" Arthur looked at the old mage.

"Originally, I just wanted to see if I could communicate with it. After confirming this, it doesn't matter if you don't have to restrain him." Septin nodded tacitly.

"Gulu..." After being untied, the snow elf muttered a few times in front of the smashed ball guard, raised his head to signal to the adventurers, and then walked into the depths of the darkness.


Different from the standard roads within the scope of Twilight, the trails in the "Underdark" are fragmented, and sometimes they are just a few broken bricks. The darkness is even more like a shadow, and the "starlight" in the "sky" can barely illuminate the front of you. A few meters away, in the darkness, there were even twinkling scarlet eyes watching here, while Aured led Arthur and others into the depths with ease.

Although Arthur is not worried that there will be traps ahead, this gloomy and dangerous environment makes people feel much more at ease than when he is close to the Twilight City, after all, that city is a bit too unreal.

Seemingly saddened by the loss of his mechanical companion, the snow elf named Ored was depressed and ignored their inquiries.

"Mr. Galeb, are you the leader of these snow elves? What is the purpose of looking for us? And why is this place completely different from the vicinity of Twilight?" Encouraged by his companions, Arthur turned to talk to "the voice of the armor "say.

"[If you don't talk face-to-face, it's always rude to talk about those topics, but it's okay to introduce the 'Underdark' a little bit.]" Gelleb's voice came from the armor.

“【Currently, there are roughly three safe entrances for Heijiang, which are the 'El Tanford' in the middle, the 'Jincha Ruins' in the northwest, and the 'Radbar' in the southeast. There may also be other relics that are accidentally connected, but No specific statistics yet.]”

"['Twilight' controls the entrances to the central and northwestern parts, and occupies 'El Tanfold Cathedral', 'Silent Ruins' and 'Zincha Square', basically mastering more than two-thirds of the Black drop.]”

"[As for me, although it occupies the former city centers of the 'Radbar Black Market', 'Stinky Tower', 'Power Pump Room' and 'Zak Tower', due to most of the functions failing, it is only possible to control the black drop The remaining third to the east.]”

Oh, "Zakta"? Arthur looked at Septim for a hint, and saw the old mage nodded and shook his head, perhaps expressing "it's there, but don't mention it now".

"[Since you have been close to the 'Twilight City', you should have seen the defense measures there, either Zerus or ordinary Dwemer institutions, of course, because all the mechanical guards and manufacturing workshops are in the Under my control, this is also the reason why I have not been defeated by those 'living dead' until now.]”

"The living dead?" Arthur asked suspiciously, while looking at his "Sword of Oath and Victory", if there were all undead in [Twilight Saga], then the advantage would be great.

"[We can talk about the details in the tower,]" Gellerb paused for a moment, "[the front should be the 'Stink Tower', but you can rest assured, although it is responsible for the disposal of the Dwemer city's garbage. name, but that work has ceased for thousands of years.]”

Hmm...Understood, just like we couldn't possibly find any shops in [Radbar Black Market], but as expected, [Power Pump Room] should still be working.

Arthur watched the dwarven building gradually appearing in front of the team, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, and thought like a vertical tower.

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