The Collection of The End

Chapter 292 Meeting and Communication

My name is Akatosh,

The Shura field is really interesting, I mean Gallus.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 19th, 18:12 —

"Stink Tower" doesn't stink, and it doesn't look like a tower.

Its shape looks like a chunky dark yellow wooden barrel, but a large piece is missing obliquely from the top to the bottom. Through the internal lights, you can clearly see the Dwemer-style room and steam pipes inside. And all kinds of giant machinery that have stopped working.

Although it is impossible to analyze the specific function, it can be roughly judged that the main job of this stench tower is to concentrate the waste, then compress it mechanically, and finally send it away.

And around the "tower", there are many building fragments of different sizes that are similar to the material of the tower body, scattered irregularly.

"[According to my judgment,]" Paladin Galeb said through the metal armor of the snow elf: "[The reason why the 'Stink Tower' became like this is because most of its machinery needs to be manually controlled, and the dwarves suddenly disappeared. After that, the machinery went out of control on a large scale and eventually caused an explosion.]”

No, it's more like someone took a big bite when the "Stink Tower" was still working, chewed it twice, got smelly, and then spit it out...

Arthur inexplicably thought of the giant dragon that devoured the world that he saw in a nightmare not long ago, and suddenly felt that its image was gone in a funny direction and never returned.

"Gah--scared--" When he was about to reach the main entrance of the stench tower, Ored, who was leading the way, stopped suddenly and roared towards the side of the road.

"Huho—" Several mutated snow elves also wearing bronze dwarf armor came out of the darkness and communicated with Aured with roars. These snow elves didn't wear full armor like him, and some lacked hand armor. Lacking helmets, and even breastplates, the missing parts were replaced by Zerus leather armor, which looked very weird.

"I've never seen the snow elf forms on both sides, it's interesting." Septim said while stroking his beard.

"I can only listen to the explanation of that 'Paladin'," Arthur shrugged. "Compared to [Twilight] who wants to directly treat us as slaves, it's better to talk here."

In order not to irritate Jane Lassey, Arthur did not take the initiative to inquire about the internal situation of [Twilight City], but judging from the few words she revealed, the snow elf king probably passed through what they called [Blood Thistle]. The scarlet nirn root is used to control foreign adventurers to work for them, while for ordinary snow elves, they are attracted to join by "being able to change back to their ancient appearance". Obviously, the subordinates of this "palaval" are unwilling to accept that transformed.

After Ored communicated with the guards, he continued to take Arthur and his party to the Stinky Tower. Sophie, who was a little afraid of the name, covered her nose, but soon found that it was unnecessary, except for the dwarf engine oil and the water vapor of the mechanical steam. There is no such thing as a "smelly" smell.


"Welcome, guest from the surface."


In a dwarven mechanical control hall, the adventurer team saw the "Holy Knight Galeb" who had already communicated with them and was busy in front of a giant dwarf machine. Perhaps it was the snow elf who had seen too many crooked melons and cracked dates. , I suddenly saw a normal human aesthetic, and I couldn't help but be "amazed".

Tall, wearing silver light ornate metal armor, with a broken gold rapier on his waist, white skin, but not unhealthy pale, platinum shawl and long hair shining under the magic stone lamp, pointy ears , a straight nose bridge, and slightly slender silver-white eyes seem to be smiling all the time when looking at people, thin lips are lightly parted, and the voice is more hoarse and lazy than when it comes out through the dwarf armor:

"Perhaps, I should call you the pioneers of the comrades-in-arms group? Envoys of Snowman City?"


Sure enough, such elves deserve to be called "snow elves". Shouldn't those mutated snow elves outside be called differently?

"If you can, please call me 'Dragonborn'." Arthur replied quickly, expressing that he came here in his personal capacity and had nothing to do with his actual background.

Septim showed no response, and just watched with interest the large dwarven machinery that the paladin was working on. It seemed that the thing transmitted sound through the dwarf armor in some way.

Lydia and Ella's performances were relatively uniform. After being amazed, they turned their heads to look at Arthur, as if they were trying to find something in him that could be compared with the other.

No need to look for it, at least not on the outside, Arthur rolled his eyes in his heart.

As the only elf present, Jane Lassey looked shocked and muttered to herself, "How can men be so beautiful".

Babas... well, it was staring at Rabbit, and Sophie was busy holding the rabbit to prevent it from jumping out.

"Although I really want to tell you what I have prepared, Mr. Dragonborn, I think you will not accept it all." Gelleb raised his silver-gray slender eyebrows at Arthur: "So, our communication How about starting with 'you ask me to answer'?"

He waved his hand and operated the giant console next to him a few times. With the sound of mechanical friction, the ground opened and two rows of metal seats were raised.

"Then...why didn't you 'mutate'?" Arthur patted the nearest seat and sat down after making sure there was no dust.

"Well, direct to the core?" Gelleb also sat down and folded his hands in front of him: "I want to correct a concept first, that is not 'mutation' or 'degeneration', but 'curse'."

"Hmm... something to do with the sudden disappearance of the dwarves?" Arthur responded.

"Snow elves and dwarves are the aboriginal people of Skyrim Province, leaving behind many buildings and ruins," Gelleb pointed to the top: "Until they were driven away from the surface by Sgrammer wielding the 'Uthlad'."

"Uh, ha ha." Arthur quietly adjusted his sitting posture to block the "Sword of Oath and Victory" behind him.

Galeb pointed around again: "The dwarves took advantage of the danger and asked the snow elves to be their slaves, but they disappeared inexplicably in the 'Battle of Red Mountain' not long after. How could such a short period of time turn an elf race into the monster it is today? "

"Indeed..." Arthur looked around at the machines.

The common saying on the surface is that the snow elves live underground for a long time, cannot see the sun, so their eyes have degenerated, and they work as slaves all year round, so they are skinny. Finally, because they are restricted by the dwarves and are not allowed to learn knowledge, even their thinking is closer to monsters.

But the dwarves who would force them to be slaves disappeared thousands of years ago? And, can't see the light? What are the magic stone lamps that are always on day and night in the dwarven ruins?

"Who did it, I have two guesses, 'God of Enslavement and Harvest', [Molag Bal] or the nameless demon god in 'Black Sun'." Gelleb nodded slowly as if confirming.

The so-called nameless demon god refers to the demon god who fell but did not disappear by accident. After losing all the godhead and priesthood, although the power is still there, the original god name can no longer be used because it has been inherited by the new demon god.

Arthur frowned: "If there is a fallen demon in there, it can indeed explain what [Twilight] did, but that Barr? You can't guess that he is involved because his priesthood matches?"

"For this, although the evidence is not sufficient, it is still there." Gellerb smiled slightly: "[Blood Thistle] means 'Bal's Blood' in the language of the Snow Elf, and that [Twilight] His king, Archbishop Welshö, was able to live until now because he was transformed into a vampire."

After nearly a month of fighting vampires on the surface, there are also underground? ! Arthur almost reached out to pull out the two-handed sword behind his back.

"After experiencing what you call the 'Battle of the Hall of the Vigilantes', he returned to our original cathedral for some unknown purpose, took out the bow of God and handed it to the saint of Baal, Lord Harkon, so that The evidence is sufficient, and by the way to answer your initial question, I spent these thousands of years because I was frozen in the cathedral." Gelleb said.

The bow that shoots arrows that even Sgrammer can barely block?

"Are 'Prince Bishop' and 'Paladin' the titles of your era? You also worship all kinds of holy spirits?" For some reason, Arthur felt his heart beating a little faster.

"The gods worshiped by our elves and the holy spirits of humans overlap and overlap. Some may be the same person, and some are misrepresented or variants," Jane Lassey suddenly interrupted: "But if we talk about thousands of years ago, the main god of the elves Only that one."

"Aka, the god of time." Galeb continued, "The elvish name is 'Ali-ai'."

"Not 'Dragon of Time' [Akatosh]?" Ella asked strangely.

"That name..." Gelleb shook his head and sighed. "After I heard about it after thawing, I felt that human beings can still survive. That Holy Spirit is really merciful."

"Just changing the name of the god?" Arthur continued to ask.

"Since you are a 'Dragonborn', do you know the existence of the dragon roar [Dragon Break]?" Galeb looked at Arthur.

"I've heard about it." Arthur replied. In fact, he came to find the ancient scrolls to learn how to break the dragon.

"Humans created this dragon roar of 'changing time', and wanted to use it to achieve the fact that [Akka] and 'Ali-ai' are not the same Holy Spirit, but they never thought about 'changing time' at all It was hurting [Akka], and under the pain of the dragon of time, it created [Dragon Break] that lasted for a thousand years. During that time, anything could happen, such as the inexplicable demise of human beings, but in the end he had no choice If you do that, after [Dragon Break] ends, [Akka] becomes [Akatosh], and 'Ali-E' becomes the name of a certain Elven King." Gelleb sighed.

"Indeed...benevolent..." This kind of style made Arthur feel inexplicably familiar.

A few pieces of information that seemed irrelevant to each other had already connected the surface and the underground, and told most of the information that Arthur wanted to know. Obviously, the Archbishop Welsheau had somehow lifted the His own vampire bloodline—maybe it was a dragon break, and then he gave the 'Ariel's Bow' to Ha Kong, and went underground to save his compatriots, but the method seemed to be hidden, and he might have been influenced by the demon god and unconsciously. Well, then, now there is only one last question left.

"What is your purpose?" Arthur stared at Gelleb closely.

"My purpose is actually the same as that of Wei Shuo: to change back to the appearance thousands of years ago and re-establish the snow elf kingdom, but the method must be achieved by robbing or conquering. It is absolutely unacceptable to cooperate and trade with demon gods like him." Paladin Gelleb said, looking up at the sky slightly: "In addition, cut off the connection between the surface world and the black drop, so as not to appear a second 'Sgrammer' and put our people in a situation where there is no redemption."

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