The Collection of The End

Chapter 293 Father and Daughter

My name is Akatosh,

It's finally time to find Nocturnal.

-- 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 19th, 20:11 --

On the outskirts of Rift Valley City, the Black Light Tower by the lake.

"The color of my hair and eyes has changed, but my mother didn't notice. Really, is it so important to have one more person who likes my father?" In the guest room on the second floor, Ilya was complaining to Joan of Arc.

"Ahaha... If you also have someone you like, you don't want others to like him." Joan of Arc seemed to have no idea how to respond, and answered while looking up at the sky.

"No, I like Sister Jeanne very much. If someone likes Sister Jeanne, I will be very happy."


Gallus, who was about to knock on the door, accidentally heard these two words, shook his head and turned to leave.

When he returned to the Black Light Tower this time, he originally planned to send Illya back to Sylvia so that his daughter would avoid contact with those members of the Dark Brotherhood. Even if he had to be punished by his wife, it would be acceptable.

But that plan goes bankrupt after meeting Kalia, who he hasn't seen in nearly two decades.

It was supposed to be a happy reunion, but after the appearance of the "old love" Kalia, it completely changed. In the past two days, they had several fruitless debates about "who came first".

Although it was clarified that Joan of Arc is not his daughter and Cicero is not his son (?), Sylvia still guards against her strictly. Not only is the temporary residence arranged in the tower quite far away, but as long as the two of them have a conversation If there is any sign, she will be nearby in an instant.

Perhaps because the elves live longer, Kalia was confused about feelings before, and now she is completely unaware that she is being targeted, but the problem is that she wants to take Gallus away this time, the reason is "secret", But Sylvia was furious, and Gallus had to tell the truth.

But... I can't explain it, he and Kalia are the "Nightingale" under the lady of the night [Nocturnal], and they are going to hunt down the third "Nightingale" who has finally left the lair and accidentally showed her feet Mercer Frey, this kind of thing can't be said in front of so many witches waiting to watch.

"You want to find an excuse to leave our mother and daughter behind? Well, let's go with that elf, but don't expect me to wait for you for another twenty years." Before the conversation broke down yesterday, Sylvia said so.

As soon as I said this, if there is no reasonable explanation, I really can’t leave. After all, Sylvia will stay in this poor geographical location near Rift Valley City for nearly 20 years. The biggest reason is here It was the place where they first met, and Gallus could easily find her if he changed his mind someday.

Due to the advantages of race longevity, Kalia has hardly changed from twenty years ago, so she can not care about the separation of these two decades, but Sylvia can't, even though witches live longer than ordinary people, time still The faint marks left on her face, if she is determined to take her daughter away and never see him again, then Gallus really has no way to get her back.

He will come to Joan of Arc mainly because he can feel that she is a person with a lot of experience from getting along with her these days, and she may be able to propose the best of both worlds, but judging from the three or two sentences between Joan of Arc and Illya , she is obviously also a novice in love.


"Hey hey hey~(Hearts)" When Gallus was about to talk to Sylvia again, the weird clown appeared in front of him: "why so~(square)"

Why so serious?

"I warn you, don't shoot at any of them." Gallus gave him a glare.

According to experience, every time Cicero utters this sentence, he will always cause some big or small troubles. Instead of asking Astrid and Nazir to clean up the mess in the end,

He was beaten and stopped by Joan before he could act—the girl who always looked at people with a disgusted expression was really unambiguous when she moved her hands.

"So, I can attack you~ (Spades)" Cicero raised his hand, holding a sharp psionic poker between his fingers.

Is this guy crazy enough to attack his own people? No, he seems to be just the listener of the Night Mother, and he is not in the organization of the Dark Brotherhood...

Seemingly unaware of Gallus' vigilance, Cicero began to circle around him.

"My mother once told me a story~(Hearts)" Cicero said, "A little nobleman of Windhelm City died in the battle, and his two wives began to fight over his only son. "

"Wait? Two wives?" interrupted Gallus, now sensitive to similar topics.

"Hmph... the child's real mother and stepmother, do you make it clear? (Spades)" Cicero replied rather displeased.

"Uh, please continue." Gallus raised his hand as a gesture of invitation.

"The two women insisted on their own opinions, so they took the child together to find Ulfric, the lord of Windhelm City, to comment~ (Plum Blossom)" Cicero continued: "The lord said, 'Since you can't argue, let each of you get half of it. .', so he slashed at the child with a sword, the child's mother let go subconsciously, and then the child was dragged away by the stepmother, so Ulfric sentenced the child to his mother~ (Hearts) Hehehe~ (Hearts )."

"Hmm..." Although the connotation of the story is very simple, the person who made up the story is a bit interesting. Is he trying to express that Ulfric's handling of things is too simple and rude, or is he insinuating that "Shawl Blonde" is too powerful? So that Ulfric can only make decisions on such trivial matters?

"So~ as long as you are cut in half, the problem will be solved~ (Spades)" Cicero shook his body, and had already swung the poker in front of Gallus.

No matter how you think about it, it won't be solved at all!

Zheng - touch!

An exquisite arrow glowing with black light came through the wall, directly smashing the summoning object in Cicero's hand, and then, Illya hurried out with the "Nightingale Bow" and shouted: "Don't hurt my dad!"

"Ah~(Spades) Ulfric was killed by that child~(Hearts)" Cicero made a grimace, turned around and left staggeringly.

It seems that we really have to find a way to solve this matter. If we leave it like this, our daughter will be worried, Gallus thought as he looked at Sylvia and Kalia who appeared at both ends of the corridor almost at the same time.


A moment later, the living room on the first floor of the Black Light Tower.


"Resign to fate," Joan of Arc, who followed, patted her on the shoulder: "He was just playing the game of 'whoever comes to rescue him first' with Cicero, and then you appeared."

"Do Dad a favor, Illya," Gallus said shortly so that his eyes were at the same level as his daughter's, and he put his hands together in front of him in a plea, "If it's your decision, they won't have any objections. I can see that Aunt Kalia likes you too."

While talking, Gallus glanced at Joan of Arc, and sure enough, he looked disgusted again.

"Really, well, I'll just listen to the reason why I can't solve it if I just let my mother go with me, but I don't want to do that." Illya breathed out, turned around and sat on the chair.

"Well, actually," Gallus looked at Joan of Arc at the side, feeling that she wouldn't care about the secret even if she said she would fight Malacath, so he explained: "About the one who has been protecting you, The 'Nightingale Power' that can now be transformed into a nightingale bow..."

In the past, the three giants of the Thieves Guild went from being in love with each other to turning against each other and then forgetting each other. Gallus finished it in a few words, and there is no need to talk about the specific grievances and hatreds with the children.

"Well, so Dad, you want to go to the 'Twilight Tomb' with Aunt Kalia to catch a man named Mercer Frey, but you think Mom is in the way?" Ilya tilted her head.

"Of course not!" Although Gallus was confident that these words would not be eavesdropped, if Illya said them directly, no one would be able to save him.

"That is the domain of Ms. [Nocturnal] in Nairn, also known as [the realm of light and shadow]. It is too bright or dark to enter. The light will be swallowed by the darkness, and the darkness will be burned by the light. Enter The reader must be good at moving between light and shadow in order to pass smoothly," said Gallus.

"That is to say, people who are too inclined to be good or evil, lawful or chaotic cannot become a 'nightingale', [Nocturnal] itself belongs to the camp of 'absolute neutral'." Joan of Arc said a series of words It's a strange word, but it makes sense when you think about it carefully.

It doesn't matter if someone like her can switch between black and white so freely, Gallus thought as he looked at her white armor at this moment.

"Mom is fair, and Aunt Kalia has dark skin, um..." Ilya spoke to herself while holding her chin.

"Hush—my good daughter, you can't say that!" Since the days of getting along are not too long, Gallus couldn't do the gesture of covering his mouth for a while, and he broke out in sweat.

Although I immediately thought of the excuse of "I was affected by Ms. Nocturnal's priesthood, so I stepped on two boats", but if I really dare to say it, I am afraid that Silvia and Kalia have not yet heard of it. After realizing it, he had already been repaired by Lady of the Night—and he didn't step on two boats at all!

"Illya is teasing you, do you really think your daughter is a fool like you?" Joan patted Illya on the back, and continued to look at Gallus with a disgusted face.

"Ah?" Gallus looked at his daughter who was covering her mouth and smiling like a crescent moon, and later realized that she was really stupid: "Is that so..."

After all, she was a daughter whom she had not seen for many years, and she always wanted to give her something good. No matter what she said, she took it seriously, but she didn't even find out that she was joking. However, since she can make a joke, at least it means that the relationship between father and daughter is one step closer, right?

"I'm going to talk to mom, dad, don't run around." Ilya put down her hands, got up and walked out of the living room.

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