The Collection of The End

Chapter 294 The Princess and the Blade

My name is Akatosh,

There is a saying that only passing by five hundred times in the previous life can be exchanged for a turning back in this life, um...

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 20th, 7:17 —

"Isben? We have to leave." Delphine, wearing a thick leather armor, was pushing open the side door of the temple with a newly received intelligence paper.

The Temple of the Sky Temple is the stronghold of the dragon-slaying organization "Blade Warrior" before it officially became the imperial guard.

It was originally established on the northern coast of Skyrim Province, near Sattar, the first human city, but due to the impact of the "big subsidence". It has been completely submerged by sea water and can only be called the ruins of the temple at present.

At present, the temple, which is roughly intact and whose internal facilities are still available, is located near the "Spear of Cass", which is where she is stepping at the moment.

Cass seems to be an ancient commander of the Forsworn, but the specific deeds are unknown, and the Forsworn who have lived here for generations don't know much about it, but it probably used a spear.

When Delphine and Isben came here to look for the temple, they thought they would conflict with these very xenophobic Forsworn, but due to the return of the Red Eagle King, they have become able to communicate and jointly resist After being attacked by a fire dragon, he even became friends with the Forsworn nearby.

After learning that Delphine planned to enter the temple to stay for a while, the Forsworn took the initiative to clean up the frost spiders near the temple for her, and after paying some rewards, they were also willing to help Delphine and the blade warriors from all over the world. pass on information.

"Leave?" Isben came out of the living area of ​​the temple holding a thick book, and said in a very dissatisfied tone, "I want to record the action information of the ancient blade fighters in this temple, and I want to find the way to defeat Alduin." Way, you promised to find some assistants for me before, but now you say you want to leave?"

"Well, because of an unexpected situation." Speaking of this, Delphine was also a little bit wrong.

As a dragon slayer who was once worshiped by the Nords, the temple is naturally developing towards grandeur and hugeness. It has arsenals, databases, living areas, living areas, and even public halls and meeting rooms. Areas and databases have been cleaned up a small part, and there is only a little uncertain guess about how to defeat the "Eater of Worlds".

"Princess Emilia was kidnapped at the engagement banquet." Without waiting for Eastburn to ask, she continued.

"Huh? So what? Where are those hapless kidnappers now? Are they hanging on the flagpole or the roof?" Isben said as he turned a few more pages in the book in his hand.

"That's the emperor's style. I usually send the guys I catch to mine." Delphine raised her eyebrows.

"Don't talk too far, according to the information you gave me, this princess seems to be quite powerful, and I can't believe that she will be kidnapped." Yisben flipped through a few more pages of the book.

"So, the princess [was not] kidnapped, but the kidnapper did [is] the princess." Delphine flipped through the intelligence records again, deliberately emphasizing certain words.

"... Tsk." The old man Yi Siben finally put down the book in his hand: "I can't cover it up? Is it wrong to make a mistake? The imperial conquest?"

"That's right, we are not going to rescue the princess, but to protect His Majesty the Emperor who is about to reach the sky, in case the Stormcloak takes the opportunity to attack, and—" Delphine flipped through the information again, and read out the specially drawn Another piece of information: "Some members of the 'parliament' in the capital province have changed."

"Hehe, His Majesty Martin has been in power for a hundred years. Although he has suppressed them so much that they dare not take a breath, the rebound after slowing down is quite powerful. With the help of the war with Thalmer, the "Platinum Agreement" and the chaos in Skyrim Province, they took advantage of the situation. , which means that they would rather give up the sky, and let the royal family share power." East Ben shook his head again and again.

"In short, we have to leave here as soon as possible. It will take a long time to gather the blade fighters and go to Solitary City.

If you still have no plan to deal with that dragon, you can only give up temporarily. Delphine looked at the reliefs on the walls around the hall.

Those abstract images of people fighting dragons are said to come from the prophecy spoken by a certain blade warrior prophet after reading the ancient scrolls. Many of the images can indeed be verified with certain historical events, but the problem is that this image is surrounded by a circle. The relief wall in the hall has no clear beginning and end, and several paintings can even explain events that happened at different times at the same time, so the interpretation of it has not been conclusive. It is completely impossible for Yisi to solve this mystery in just a few days. possible.

"I roughly sketched those reliefs, and I can study them slowly later," said Isben, "If it really doesn't work, then go find the recently famous Dragonborn."

"He is now the baron of the neutral city of Snowman. Due to his identity, it is impossible to cooperate with us unless the emperor or the princess goes there in person." Delphine put away the information: "Let's go when you are ready, the princess's question It’s not our turn to worry.”

— 8:22 —

"According to the analysis, the most suspicious keyword is 'the realm of light and shadow'," Parathos said while running: "The other keywords are like 'reactions' to certain encounters, only this one seems to be her My own 'feelings'."

North of Reach and west of Snowrun, Emil and Xiaofan are riding "Midnight" looking for traces left by Mercerfrey and Eddie. The scout captain steadfastly refused to sit and huddle with them.

"Even if this reasoning is useless," Xiaofan was looking for a specific direction with his hand in his hands: "That guy is going to deal with the demon god, so the so-called 'realm of light and shadow' refers to the time, place or method? Or, He actually found a way to defeat the Demon God from the fake princess?"

"This is not impossible. Since we have been tracking him, perhaps in that nightmare, Her Royal Highness finally eliminated the demon god, and the main reason is this so-called 'light and shadow'." Parasos continued to run.

"...Light." Amir turned sideways on the big black horse, and pointed to Xiao Fan's [Dawnbreaker].

"...Shadow." She took out her ebony dagger and gestured again.

"It seems very reasonable," Xiao Fan nodded in agreement, "What about the realm?"

"..." Amir turned his head to look at Parathos, but noticed that he waved his hands again and again, then looked back, and raised his finger to Midnight who was running under him: "... Realm."

"Puff!" Midnight snorted.

"You 'borrowed' this from some nobleman, right? Is it okay to count it directly?" Xiaofan's mouth twitched slightly.

"Although Her Royal Highness seldom does this, she does have the right to dispose of any wealth or people in the empire," Parasos, who has already understood the experience after the separation of the two parties, interjected: "It's just that this right is often used On lawbreakers who are not guilty of death or extenuating circumstances."

"Hey, although as a superior person, kindness is a good thing, but what if someone wants to take advantage of this loophole to commit a crime and wait for your pardon?" Xiaofan asked while continuing to study the hand of the demons.

"... Pretending not to be there." Amir replied without hesitation.

"Alright then." Xiaofan shrugged, then raised his hand to pat the black horse: "Turn left and stop at the temporary camp of the Imperial Legion ahead."


The so-called "legion temporary camp" is similar to the campsites used by ordinary travelers, except that the locations are mostly remote, and the users are scouts, combat squads, or some people who know the location and use it boldly.

"Sure enough, he stayed here for a short time, maybe he was still there not long ago." Parathos inspected several tents in the imperial camp. The smoldering bonfire and fresh traces of life all showed that Mercer Frey seemed to be Spent the night here.

"After he robbed [Azura Star], we could still see traces of his journey along the way, but now we can only find clues when he stops to rest. Could it be that he was using teleportation all the time?" Xiao Fan dissatisfied complained.

"After all, there is no comparison between a magic artifact that is of little use and a princess that everyone is looking forward to." Parathos spread his hands to her after searching a tent.

"All the attention? Look at the air?" Xiao Fan patted Emil who was sitting beside her. Since she stopped on her way, there was no place for her to contribute for the time being. The figure of Her Royal Highness has become transparent. will ignore.

"Whatever you want." Parathos turned and went into another tent.

"Such a good thief is actually a princess," Xiaofan grabbed Amir and shook her to break her stealth state: "Even if you leave Skyrim Province in the future, we will keep the title of Guild Master for you."

"...It's an assassin." Amir tilted his head in confusion.


Suddenly, the "Hand of the Demon Race" moved twice, and stretched out its index finger to point to the south.

"Wow, it's so annoying. I don't want to deal with those oath-breakers." Xiaofan raised his forehead.

"No!" Parasus walked out of the tent, frowning and looked to the south: "When Moser used teleportation several times before, the broken hand didn't respond at all. Now it seems that he had an accident with someone. fighting?"

"Look and see!" Xiao Fan pulled up the rein: "Midnight, let's go!"


"That guy is amazing..."

Delphine was running away in a rather embarrassing situation. The female warrior had several wounds all over her body, and the blade warrior's thick leather armor was almost completely destroyed.

Although Eastburn looked fine, his robe, hair and beard had some scorching marks, and his complexion was also very unwell.

"Who said, 'We don't need to worry about rescuing the princess'? Ah?! You don't need to worry about it. Why worry about killing the princess!" the old man shouted loudly.

"Uh, hehe, I'm just looking at him alone, that..." Delphine laughed.

"A single person can successfully kidnap the princess from the heavily guarded Dugu City, how can you have the confidence to defeat him!" Isben continued to shout: "Could it be that I have lived in seclusion for too long, how to judge the enemy's strength and make decisions based on the analysis results?" If you have the ability to deal with it properly, the current blade fighters have completely stopped learning it!"

"Obviously only a little bit..." The leader of the Blade Warrior was trained like a little girl who did something wrong.

"And it's a princess substitute! When we passed by, she desperately gestured and winked at us to make us pretend we didn't know each other, so we can mobilize more people to attack. You're good! As soon as you turn around, you'll be on it! Huh... ...Huh..." Escaping exhausted a lot of energy, but after yelling these few words, Isben became out of breath.

"Hmm... that man doesn't seem to be chasing him, what should we do now? Go find the person who followed him?" Delphine looked back and gradually stopped.

"Turn around, go and mobilize the nearby blade fighters first, if we do this first, the situation just now will be reversed," Isben said angrily: "As dragon slayers, blade fighters are best at using multiple People cooperate to defeat powerful enemies, how about you? Personal heroism!"

"Listen to you and listen to you."

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