The Collection of The End

Chapter 295 Tomb and Hall

My name is Akatosh,

Is the mountain rain about to come and the wind is all over the building?

——4E, 201, Hearthfire, 20th, 16:41—

"Hmph, you can follow that black-skinned elf, but the condition is that I also have to follow."

"This... Syl..."

"What? That Goldilocks and that laughing clown can go, but I can't?"

"Hey hey hey~ (Hearts)"

I look at this sitcom in front of me and I really want to sigh.

Illya succeeded in persuading her mother to "let it go", but with her emotional bluntness, when she said "that's the secret between Papa and Aunt Kalia", what kind of ending would happen? Already doomed.

Gallus kept his secret, but what Sylvia must have wanted to know was actually not that complicated at all.

The place "Twilight Tomb" is the earthly kingdom of the Lady of the Night [Nocturnal]. Judging from the internal structure, it is likely that the patron saint of thieves was lazy and copied a Nord tomb from nowhere, and then After a little decoration, it was taken out and used.

To enter there, as they analyzed one by one, one must be able to dissociate between light and darkness. The reason is also very simple. The "Twilight Tomb" itself is a test question for the selection of Nightingale. If you want to pass through it, you must You have to go through various light and shadow trials. If you are particularly biased towards one side, it is easy to get stuck before some trials, but you can ask friends who are biased towards the other side to help.

When they became Nightingales, it was Gallus and Kalia who completed the trial together, but Mercer Frey passed it alone, so the "God's Favor" or "Nightingale Power" he obtained was better than the other two. All of them are strong, so when Moser betrayed and shot at them, they were overwhelmingly crushed.

Even if you can pass the test, there is still another problem. Stepping into the "Godland on Earth" of a demon god is actually similar to entering his annihilation domain. As the former nightingale, Luce and Kalia, even if they will be punished, it will not be too serious. Illya, the successor of the nightingale's power, is fine, but Sylvia is in trouble. The devil doesn't care about the relatives of mortals. Relationship, in fact, some demon gods, such as Boyesia, are still keen to encourage hand-to-hand killing-although I have already done this, and [Nocturnal] doesn't seem to have such a bad hobby.

As for Joan of Arc's vest and Cicero, the "Night Mother" has sent an oracle to cover them~

[A demon god guarantees the safety of his followers in the domain of another demon god, is this kind of provocation second only to directly declaring war? 】

'Didn't I declare war on all at the outset? In addition to those who forcibly retreated, formed alliances, and were defeated, there are even those like [Nocturnal] who hide and plan to win the finals. How can we find him out without some tricks? '

[But if you still can't get it right before dusk, Moser will go in, and you will have to wait until tomorrow to open it next time. 】

'Well... indeed. '

On the other side, Xiaofan, Amir and Parasos were fairly fast, and they could arrive before dusk if nothing else happened, but they completely missed Delphine and Isben, who were slightly off the route.

After the encounter between Mercer and Delphine, perhaps judging from the fact that she was wearing the blade armor, she had been fully tracked, so she gave up the original short-distance leapfrog action method, and switched to space teleportation with a long distance and a long cooling time , directly throwing away the chasing soldiers, but because of this, the "Hand of the Demon Race" can clearly locate the position of each teleportation, and it will not be lost.

At this time, Mercer Frey was camping in front of a dilapidated Nord ancient tomb with the princess stand-in to wait for the sunset. The ancient tomb was very ordinary and had been completely "cleaned up" by adventurers and tomb robbers. There was no room for exploration at all. Worth it, but wait till the sun goes down,

After the last afterglow shines on this Nord ancient tomb, a new gate will appear next to its original entrance, and that is the real entrance of the "Twilight Tomb".

So, [Nocturnal] is really lazy, even the entrance is not his own.

"You, it's still too late for you to let me go." Although Eddie Septim was a little panicked, he was generally calm and could continue to play the role of the princess: "If something happens to me, you—"

"If I fail, your fate will not be much better," Moser interrupted her: "Since you have come here, I hope you know what you should do."

"Hmm..." Since similar conversations occurred several times along the way, this is obviously not someone who cares about the power of the empire or the status of a princess, so Eddie didn't continue to argue.

If you ask me, Moser's behavior is completely incomprehensible. He stole the demon god's things. For some reason, the demon god has not settled with him. kill?

[If it succeeds, the new lady of the night will have a new artifact, so she won't miss his "skeleton key" anymore]

‘But he still took [Azura Star], wouldn’t he be ‘disappeared’? '

【Azura seems to have been hiding for a long time in order to avoid meeting you—so Moser’s intuition is quite accurate】

Perfectly avoiding those demon gods who are already under my control now, and then go to trouble with two demon gods who dare not take the lead... It's really accurate.

As for other aspects, Arthur and Galeb will have to wait until tomorrow to counterattack the Twilight City together, and the time for the emperor to reach Skyrim will be later, so at present, only the main line of Nocturnal can follow up .

"Sister Jeanne? Let's go."

I was observing other events and casually chatting with the stupid system, but the people here seemed to be wandering in a daze, so after a preliminary compromise was reached, Illya came and grabbed my arm.

"Oh, okay." I nodded in response.


In the end, Silvia accepted the condition that she was allowed to follow, but did not tell her the specifics. If she did not pass the "test", she would leave immediately, and Illya could explain to her afterwards.

"Twilight Tomb" is located near Falkreath in the southwest, while the Blacklight Tower is on the outskirts of the Rift Valley. If you use the conventional travel method, it will take two days to arrive, although they don't know how far Moser is from the Dusk Tomb. They are close at hand, but this does not prevent the two former Nightingales from making the decision to arrive as soon as possible via the "Nightingale Hall".

The "Nightingale Hall" is located in the mountains south of the Rift Valley, and its level is much lower than that of the "Twilight Tomb". Although it is possible to communicate with Nocturnal there, it is more often used as a secret base for the Nightingales.

So, it's not that the strong members of the Thieves Guild are called Nightingales, but that the Nightingales established the Thieves Guild and allowed the best of them to participate in the trials of light and shadow, and those who pass successfully can take over the status of the old Nightingale after retirement—it sounds like It feels similar to the inheritance method of the demon god, [Nocturnal] is indeed a lazy demon god.

"This is the 'Nightingale Stone'," Kalia said standing in front of a two-person tall black boulder. "After touching it, if you get permission, you can see our destination."

The dark elf touched the boulder, then turned and walked towards the mountain wall not far away, and disappeared out of thin air after two steps.

Of course, she didn't disappear, she just passed through a special layer of magic circle, and I could clearly see the entrance of the hall like a storage room dug at random. The thieves guild that the lady established because of all kinds of laziness.

Although Kalia didn't say who's permission was obtained, or what would happen if he forcibly broke through the level, this kind of mysterious incident that obviously involves the demon god, generally no one would dare to act recklessly.

"Speaking of which, the first time I saw you was near here..." Sylvia glanced at Gallus thoughtfully, and walked forward a few steps to touch the black stone.

This black stone is not a real black stone, but a collection of some kind of divine power. If any living creature comes into contact with it, it will check whether it exists in the "friendly" database, and if so, it will The defensive measures of the magic circle will remove it, if not, then continue to search whether it exists in the "enemy" database, if yes, transform the divine power to attack it, if still no, then do nothing.

Of course, this is just a principle, and it is probably not a database that stores the black and white lists.

Slap, Sylvia's hand was pressed on the black stone, if according to the original setting, she must be two nos, nothing will happen, but the problem is that [Nocturnal] is a little too lazy, this kind of The list that should obviously be updated at any time, He actually stored it in the Black Stone. As a result, it took me less than a second to add Sylvia to the white list by remote control.

"Heh, is this your secret base?" Sylvia turned to look at Kalia, and stepped across the magic barrier in a few steps under her surprised eyes.

"I want to play too!" Ilya ran over and touched the black stone, and passed through the barrier smoothly.

Immediately afterwards, Gallus rushed in, fearing that there would be a fight inside.

"Hey hey hey~ (heart)" Cicero refused to enter as expected, but I changed the list and put him in.

[You want to make trouble? ] The stupid system said very sharply.

'Don't you want to know how the people on the blacklist will react after touching it? ’ I eagerly reached out to touch the stone, ready to throw it directly into the blacklist no matter whether it detected me as "Jeanne Darc" or "Zera Peche".

[I know, just spawn a few ancient nightingale ghosts to attack. ] The stupid system replied: [You can find out if you want to know, you don't need to touch it yourself. 】

‘Not at all adventurous! '

While complaining about it, I raised my hand and pressed the Nightingale Stone.


It's broken.

[When I found out that I could change its data at will, I should have known that there would be such a result, right? 】

have no idea! It's so loud! Shut up!

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