The Collection of The End

Chapter 296 Armor and Ritual

My name is Akatosh,

I'm accumulating energy to hold back my big move...

-- 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 20th, 17:19 --

The southern outskirts of Rift Valley City is a mountainous area with strange rocks. On one of the stone walls, there is a rough-looking stone gate. On the gate is carved an abstract circular relief symbolizing a certain kind of bird, and there are people standing near the stone gate. Onlookers looked at a pile of broken black stones.

Based on Illya's level of magic, it can be roughly judged that there was a large magic barrier where she is currently standing, and it will deny anyone without permission to enter, and the permission is from this broken piece of " Given by the "Nightingale Stone", after it is touched by someone, it will cover the other person with a thin layer of something similar to armor, so that it will not be blocked when passing through the barrier.

It stands to reason that this kind of transformational magic effect similar to the gain should not cause the subject's own magic to counterattack, but the broken "Nightingale Stone" looks exactly the same as when the magic trap is destroyed.

Unless, sister Joan of Arc has a more powerful protection spell, and the nature is the same as that "permission". In this way, when Black Stone casts the spell, it must be increased to the same strength as it, and the result is broken due to being overwhelmed.

If you want to talk about the reason, after all, you have been dealing with demon gods or holy spirits recently. It is probably a blessing given by a certain existence. Decided it was better not to ask.

"Okay, I believe that the 'Night Mother' you call can protect you, then, come with me." Kalia sighed at the broken Nightingale Stone, turned and walked into the main entrance of the "Nightingale Hall".

"Hehehe~Of course, mother is omnipotent~(Spades)" the clown hehehe followed.

"Although the infighting among the elders of the Thieves Guild has nothing to do with the Brotherhood of Darkness, our acquaintances are involved after all. In any case, it is always good to have helpers." Joan of Arc followed the door as she spoke.

Gallus and Silvia glanced at each other, didn't say much, just led Illya into the door silently.

Hmm... Isn't it too late to keep it a secret from Mom now? With my mother's intelligence, this accident exposed a lot of things.

After Illya walked into the gate, she immediately saw the giant female statue with three nightingales holding her arms up.

Well, there's no point in keeping it secret.


"It seems that Mercer hasn't come back these years," Kalia observed the ground where there wasn't much dust because the space was completely closed: "Neither have you."

"Yeah, that's right." Sylvia answered with a bit of resentment, although what the two said was completely different.

"Ah... I was worried that I would be slapped to death by the lady raising her hand as soon as I walked through this gate." Gallus said, looking at the giant statue.

After entering the gate, you will be faced with a flat stone square, and in the middle of the square is the obsidian statue of a woman in a gorgeous veil. Overall, it is five times the size of an ordinary person. If you can really move and slap take a photo of……

Illya shook her head to shake off the thought.

On the other side of the square, there is a small high platform with many overturned seats, which seems to be a place for meetings, and there is a relief door that is as old as the outer door on the left and right mountain walls.

"The right side is Nightingale's living area and the equipment and loot collection room. There is no need to go there before the Nightingale team is rebuilt." Kalia led everyone to the left side of the high platform: "We need to hold a ceremony to contact [Nocturnal] Ladies do."

"Ritual? Isn't it just calling the name of the gods? (diamond)" Cicero said in a strange tone, "isn't it? Mother~ (hearts)"

Illya, who was looking around at the decoration of the hall, noticed that Jeanne opened her mouth,

But she frowned again, and said nothing in the end, she probably wanted the clown not to be so frivolous in the temples of other demon gods, right?

"Huh? (Club Blossoms) Strange? Mother~(Spades) Mother~(Hearts)" The clown waited for a moment and did not respond, so he opened his hands and took three steps forward with weird steps, and jumped up with two steps back. weird dance.

"Nightingale Hall can isolate any magical means from prying and contacting, unless some demon god or holy spirit penetrates forcefully with strength stronger than a lady, but in that case, this place will completely collapse." Kalia turned her head and said to Cicero .

"Hmph~ (Spades) Well, I guess mother is just afraid of killing you~ (Hearts)" Cicero stopped dancing in dissatisfaction.

Ilya tilted her head, subtly feeling that what this Mr. Clown seemed to say was true?

"Speaking of the ceremony, aren't we missing people now? And my 'Nightingale Armor' was also destroyed during Mercer's sneak attack." Gallus asked hesitantly.

"The nightingale armor itself was given by the lady. If He is willing to forgive us, he will give it again, if not. Even if the armor is still intact, it can't resist the lady's anger." Kalia stopped walking: "Okay , to see if the lady is willing to forgive you?"

"Uh..." Gallus hesitated looking at the old stone door in front of him, but finally stretched out his hand to push it open, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Illya poked her head curiously, and saw that behind the door was a not-so-big cave, and the surrounding area was not as smooth as the square outside. In the middle was a small circular square with a nightingale mark on the ground, and there were The path extends in three directions respectively, and three small platforms for people to stand are generated while maintaining the same distance. On the way from the gate to the circular square, there are three squares painted with new moon, half moon and full moon respectively. Stone tables, each with a set of blue-gray exquisite leather armor on their tabletops.

"Thinking about it now, the original choice is like a prophecy of fate." Gallus walked towards the stone table marked with the crescent moon: "The crescent moon with most of its light covered corresponds to the fact that I dare not appear in public all these years." The situation in sight."


When touching the stone table, the leather armor placed on it flew up by itself, split into various parts such as shoulder armor, chest armor, leg armor, boots, gloves, cloak, and face armor, and then attached to them with extraordinary precision. on Gallus.

The wing-like cloak, the helmet visor shaped like a bird's beak, and the gloves and boots shaped like bird's claws, if you wear this body and glide down from a high place at night, you may really be mistaken for a huge nightingale.

Illya marveled at the self-wearing armor for a while, only to realize that they were not real armor, but were shaped by the leather armor Gallus was wearing after being "attached" And material, is a very special transformation spell.

"You're okay. I want to track down Mercer's whereabouts, and at the same time prevent him from finding me. I keep changing identities, just like this half moon. I'm both a tracker and a fugitive." Kalia said. As she walked towards the half-moon stone table, the "leather armor" was "worn" on her body like the previous one, but it was obvious that many details had been specially improved in a feminine direction.

"However, the 'Nightingale Ceremony' requires three people. Who will replace Mercer's 'Full Moon'?" Gallus was a little dull because his face was blocked by the nightingale mask.

"I, I, I~ (Hearts)" Cicero raised his hand.

"Absolutely not!" Everyone except Ilya retorted in unison.

"I can't either, unless you want this thing to explode like a black stone outside." Jeanne shook her head.

"Ha, so I'm the only one left? You didn't plan to take me with you before, what happened?" Sylvia laughed and walked towards the "Full Moon" stone table.

But just when she reached out to touch the "Nightingale armor", the whole leather armor instantly separated from each other as if hit by something and flew far away.

"Mom, didn't you hold the ceremony of the harpies? Then you and the aunts in the tower are all followers of 'Halcin', and you can't accept the things of 'Lady of the Night'." Since that incident was related to me , Illya thought of the reason almost immediately.

"What should we do now? Can the two of you perform the ceremony? If not, go back first. Among my group of witches and sisters, none of them have held a ceremony, and they just believe in the God of Wisdom." Sylvia took a few steps back and left. In the area of ​​the stone table, the nightingale armor began to gradually float up and return to its original position.

"No, when I came to Gallus, I was already prepared for the communication between the two of you. After all, if you communicate by yourself, you will die, and the two of you will only be very tired—huh?" Kalia was half-explained and suddenly froze. .

Because the parts of the nightingale armor were flying too slowly, Illya caught a glove in front of her and tried to send it back, but felt that it stuck to her hand in an instant, and transformed into a shape suitable for her in the next instant. small leather gloves.

Swish Swish Swish——

All the parts of the Nightingale armor that were about to return to the table froze for a moment, and then all of them turned and flew towards Illya. "Nightingale" just appeared in front of everyone.

"Aunt Kalia? Can I participate in the ceremony?" Ilya asked with a blink of an eye as she removed the bird's beak mask.

"Of course, this way no one will be burdened, come on!" Kalia was stunned for a while, then nodded, and pointed to the small platform outside the circular square: "You and your father are standing next to each other. In the position where the armor pattern is the same, don't speak, I will preside over the ceremony."

"Oh..." Ilya moved her hands and feet, and walked towards the platform. Since she usually wears mage robes or casual clothes, she is not used to the weight of the leather armor.

"You'd better make sure that this 'ritual' is absolutely safe." Illya heard her mother say this from the side.

"Of course, after all, Ilya is also my child," Kalia said while directing Ilya and Gallus, who was completely afraid to speak, "Look, little Gaga named her daughter thinking of me all the time.”

No, Illia and Karliah are not quite alike, and the logic of this dark elf aunt becomes very strange when it comes to this aspect.

However, Illya's silent rebuttal was of no use. She noticed that Sylvia's gaze towards Gallus had become sharper.

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