The Collection of The End

Chapter 313 The Emperor and the Assassins

My name is Akatosh,

It is said that the emperor's security system is a bit powerful.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 24th, 12:08 —

"That one over there! Stop it!"

Jaina dashed over to hold the lid on the pot, then glared at the chef who nearly lifted it.

"I just want to see if it's ready..." The Nord chef withdrew his hand awkwardly, and his voice of explanation became lower and lower.

"Not only to 'look', but also to 'taste', right?" Jaina confirmed the seal of the pot lid, and continued to say to the chef and other chefs who had attracted attention: "You plan to let me say How many times? If you can't understand my method, don't change the steps I told you!"

The helpers nodded one after another, but they obviously didn't take it seriously.

"I tell you—" "Woo—"

Before she could continue to speak, the pot suddenly started whistling, and the chef who was about to open it took a few steps back in surprise.

"If you opened it just now, it would be tantamount to being directly hit by a big fireball," Jaina removed the pot from the fire and turned on a metal mechanism on it, and the screaming suddenly turned into a whistling jet Voice: "It doesn't matter if you die, if His Majesty's banquet is ruined, no one present will be able to escape!"

This time, she finally felt the sincerity from the echoes and nods of the helpers.


Jaina is a blonde, blue-eyed, not too tall, slightly plump Imperial woman.

As the court chef who followed the emperor from the capital province of the empire, she was responsible for preparing all the meals for the emperor during his stay in Skyrim.

When she read the cooking guide of Skyrim Province on the boat, she felt a little bad. When she arrived at the kitchen in Solitude, she almost collapsed when she found that the only cooking tools were grills and soup pots.

In this cold north, oil is an important material, and it is a luxury to use it for frying once in a while. It is a waste to fry it. No wonder most of the operations in those recipes are only boiling and roasting.

However, His Majesty the Emperor is going to entertain all the nobles in Solitary City at Castle Dour today. Wouldn't it be underestimated if they were allowed to eat the same old food?

After more than half a day of preparation, and even entrusting the sharp-eyed eagle to help, I finally found a solution-using those dwarven utensils in the museum.

The material called "dwarf metal" has very good thermal conductivity and even heating. In addition, there are devices like steamers and pressure cookers, which make most cooking methods possible. As for their age and original use Question... just ignore it.

Time goes back to the present, although the chefs who were ordered to help these Skyrim provinces are very adventurous or death-seeking, they are at least proficient in completing their own jobs, and all kinds of empire-style food are constantly being sent to the banquet Hall, Jaina even vaguely heard the exclamation and praise of those nobles.

"Next, it's the last dish 'Beautiful Soup'." In the kitchen where there was only one person left, Jaina flipped through the recipe and threw the ingredients into the soup pot: "Four cups of chicken broth, four cups of beef Soup, two cups of butter, a flagon of flour, a cup of diced carrots, half a cup of diced onions... Is this a recipe created by a 'gourmet' drunk!"

"That's just soup base." A young woman's voice sounded.

"I see... No, who are you? How did you get in?" Jaina turned sharply and picked up a dwarven frying pan.

"I'm 'Gourmet', and you invited me." The woman showed an invitation letter. She was wearing a chef's hat and a wide apron. It has some temperament.

"Oh, well," Jaina took the invitation letter and confirmed it, feeling a little relieved: "As a 'gourmet' who rarely shows her true face and keeps her whereabouts as a mystery, the possibility of her being a beautiful woman is indeed very high.

Of course, it could also be an orc, haha. "

Since she walked in swaggeringly in this attire, it proved that the guards outside had verified her identity.

"So, how are you going to perfect this soup?" "Gourmet" ignored her sneer, stood at the door with folded arms, not too close to Jaina and the soup pot: "According to my design, it should be based on According to the taste and habits of diners, add three to four ingredients."

"Let me think about it. After all, this soup is a representative of the food in the province of Skyrim, so local specialties should be added, such as three-tusk walrus steak?" Jaina looked at the gourmet, who just nodded slightly without commenting.

"In this way, there will be too much meat. We should use wine to remove the fishy smell, and then add some mead?" Jaina threw a few pieces of meat into the pot, and then looked around the wine cabinet.

"Personally, I suggest not to use black thorn honey wine. There is something wrong with their production process." The gourmet said.

Ah, yes, Blackbrier mead had a skooma problem not too long ago, and Snowrun mead is now semi-official... Jaina pulled out a bottle of mead and poured it into the cauldron.

"I really didn't expect that I would make this kind of 'Skyrim-style' big pot of soup," Jaina shook her head repeatedly as she smelled the scent gradually wafting out: "So, what should be the last one?"

She should say that cabbage, potatoes, or scallions can absorb too strong flavors.


"Oh... what!"

Jaina looked up in shock, only to see the back of "Gourmet" leaving.

While it's true that donuts can soak up overpowering flavors, how can that stuff be in soup? No, it seems that some people like to soak bread and other things in soup before eating, but that's just the custom of Skyrim... Ah, so that's it, besides the ingredients, eating habits are also taken into consideration? It is worthy of being a "gourmet".

However, after she came in, she didn't take a step closer to the ingredients, she just said a few words, so there should be no need to check all the ingredients again, right?

Jaina thought as she tossed a few donuts into the pot.


The banquet held in the Castle of Dour was coming to an end, and the food from Cyrodiil Province was well received by the nobles from all over the sky. They saw that the last soup was a traditional skyline method, and they admired the emperor's handling method with ease.

"Everyone," the emperor wearing a crown, red robe and cloak raised his glass, "I, Uriel Septim II, come for peace!"

Clap, clap... Except for those who had something in their hands, most of the nobles began to applaud. Of course, it was peace. , that's all peace.

"Ah, donuts," the emperor fished out a softened donut from the soup bowl, "I would like to apologize to everyone in Solitude on behalf of Emilia, the guards kept saying 'let me I'm guessing your donuts got stolen' has a lot to do with her."

The nobles let out good-natured laughter, and gave some words of persuasion, but they didn't dare to go too far. After all, the emperor came all the way to kill the princess because of her disappearance. Although it was mainly because the princess herself liked to run around, they had no responsibility at all. ,That is impossible.

The emperor ate the donut with a smile on his face, and made a special expression of 'it tastes good', and then his eyes froze in the next moment.

The nobles were terrified, and when a few bold ones were about to send guards up to observe, His Majesty the Emperor came back panting.

"Delicious," the emperor patted his chest, "but it's too sweet..."

"Pfft..." "Hahaha..." "You're so funny..." "Let me try...well, it's a little bit."

His Majesty the Emperor is playing tricks in person, why are you still standing there? laugh.


"How is this possible?" Astrid exclaimed in a low voice.

Because the cargo ship carrying the emperor's own expenses was guarded by blade fighters, Einbjorn returned without success. Although it is not impossible to beat them, if the method is too tough, the other party will judge him as "a brazen thief who wants to steal the emperor" If it is an "assassin who wants to assassinate the emperor", the next action will be half a failure.

This time, taking advantage of the opportunity that the emperor held a big banquet and the ingredients could not be completely prepared by himself, Astrid stole an invitation letter sent to the "gourmet" and successfully sneaked into the kitchen, attracting the attention of the chef and at the same time , Let Ein Bojorn mix the donuts containing the pieces of Gallingen into the emperor's soup, the soup tastes perfectly fine, and the poison tester will naturally not take a bite of the whole donut.

As for "Gourmet" himself? He should still be mourning the fall of "Malakeath" in that orc fortress.

Perhaps something went wrong and that donut was assigned to someone else? But this plan has not failed, and there is still a chance of recovery, as long as some unlucky ghost dies with poison——

Astrid jumped on the beam of the banquet hall, and arrived directly above the emperor's seat without making a sound.

Just like most lords, the main seat of the banquet hall is very close to the wall, and there are also skull specimens of various prey hanging on it. At present, the most deterrent one is Xueman's giant dragon skull, although the giant dragon skulls in various places are now Dragons are being revived, but almost none of the lords have plans to go hunting and expand their collections.

Astrid found an elf bow on the beam, and silently drew the bow and set an arrow to aim at the troll's head in the batch of specimens.

The inside of that skull has been replaced with a stone in advance, and there is only one rope in contact with the wall, although it is strong and resistant to stretching, it has no resistance to cutting. If he is crushed to death, the murderer will also be pushed onto Thalmer.


The elf arrow shot through the rope very smoothly, but just as the stone head started to fall, it was killed by a slanted stab, and the huge sword twice as wide as an ordinary person was smashed to pieces without a sound. , even the fans are completely annihilated.

Astrid looked at the owner of the sword in surprise.

It was a young woman with beautiful eyebrows and sharp eyes, purple hair and purple pupils, long hair fluttering, wearing a blue crystal bow on the top of her head, wearing a purple armor with a gauze skirt and the same style of gloves and boots, The body is also accompanied by magic runes that appear and disappear from time to time.

"Yo," she said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "you can choose to run or fight, but as long as you make a sound for the old man below to hear, you can only die."

The former leader of the Blade Warrior, now the leader of the Sharp-Eyed Eagle, "Killer" Tuka Yagmi.

While recognizing the other party, Astrid turned and left.

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