The Collection of The End

Chapter 314 Escape and Rescue

My name is Akatosh,

...When did Miss A adjust the difficulty to Legendary?

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 24th, 15:44 —

"Report, the female assassin was blocked in the emergency escape route of Castle Dour."

"Additional report, the female assassin fled after using a smoke bomb."

"Report, an ambush has been set up to surround another male assassin who is hiding in a farm outside the city."

"Additional report, the male assassin transformed into a werewolf and broke through the encirclement."

"The pursuit team reported that the captain seriously injured the female assassin, but the male assassin suddenly broke out. The captain was defeated and injured, and the opponent took the opportunity to escape."

"The patrol team reported that they found traces of suspected male and female assassins, but failed to track them down."

"No trace found."

"everything is normal."

"No abnormality."

Solitary City, Ao Mao Villa, the living room.

Tuka Yagmi, who had changed back to civilian clothes, was reading the reports of the past few hours in the temporary intelligence room. It seemed that although the field personnel successfully blocked the assassins several times, they still lost their tracks in the end.

This is not too surprising, because judging from the woman's attire and behavior, she is probably the "Dark Brotherhood" of the indigenous assassin organization in Skyrim Province. It would be strange if she could be easily caught by the patrol.

"Hehehe," Uriel Septim II, dressed in home clothes, passed by the door with two guards, and suddenly turned his head and said, "The decoration and furnishings in this villa are almost the same as my palace in the capital of the empire. Same, it seems that Amir still cares about me."

"This villa was given to her by the Blue Palace, and the decoration and furniture were arranged by the sharp-eyed eagle." Yagmi said.

"Well, is it..." the emperor was speechless for a while.

Normally speaking, the emperor should live in the palace in the Blue Palace, or simply stay on the Catharil, but since someone is assassinating, these two predetermined places are not so suitable, and Yagami decides to live in the end. Entering Princess Emilia's villa, but because Her Royal Highness basically doesn't live here, I can't judge how she is doing through the traces of her life, which is quite disappointing.

"Are you still investigating?" The emperor glanced at the pile of reports in front of Yagami: "There are so many people who want to kill me, and even if the organization that can pay for it is tracked down, it doesn't make any sense."

"Hehe," the commander of the sharp-eyed eagle patted one of the reports on the intelligence of the Dark Brotherhood: "Sitting in the position of emperor, there will naturally be many people who want to kill you, but you can 'think', 'do' But it can’t, while tracking down the mastermind, we must severely cut off his outstretched hand, this is also a warning to other guys with floating minds.”

"Do as you want." Although the emperor was a little hesitant, he didn't want to say good things for the person who wanted to assassinate him, so he waved his hand and continued to visit the villa.

"Speaking of... there is something quite suspicious," Yagmi picked up a report again: "The male assassin 'turned into a werewolf' and then 'exploded' again? Even if his wife was in danger, it is impossible to break through his own The limit is right, unless—they have a third accomplice: a magician who has mastered strengthening magic."


"Sorry, Ein Boyorn, I should have thought earlier that the emperor couldn't be assassinated so easily."

Einbjorn turned into a giant white wolf and fled desperately on all fours, while Astrid lay weakly on his back, and his voice was intermittent.

The Emperor of the Empire has arrived, but the alert level has not been raised, which makes it easy for her to sneak into the kitchen and banquet hall, until the captain of the sharp-eyed eagle's guard appears to stop her when she is about to succeed.

At that time, she thought that the other party was nothing more than that, and it seemed that the commander-in-chief was unwilling to expose this matter in front of many nobles, so she planned to escape from the reserved emergency passage with the attitude of "come again next time". With a large number of sharp-eyed eagle elites, they almost caught her on the spot.

When she rushed to the stronghold pretending to be a farm outside the city, she happened to see Ain Boyorn fighting out of the siege in blood, and was surprised to find that her every move was completely controlled by the other party, and the traps were set up just waiting for her. Dive in.

What made her most desperate was the order and prohibition of those sharp-eyed eagles chasing, and the division of labor was clear. Even if she deliberately exposed her flaws when she was discovered, no one attacked for greed, but kept the encirclement while calling for support.

Is this the true strength of the sharp-eyed eagle? Could it be that half of the sharp-eyed eagles sent to Skyrim in advance were guys who had no combat power and were only good at raising children?

In the end, when a captain of the pursuit team made a move, she completely discarded the idea that "if I fought with the scruples of the commander at the time, I might succeed."

When Astrid and Einbjorn were fleeing, they were obviously vigilant all around and took care of each other's backs, but just when they heard her husband's exclamation, she was pierced by a thin sword from behind, if it wasn't for the one who started it The guy had a bad personality and said in her ear, "Captain of the Sharp-Eyed Eagle Chasing Force, Des (death) greets you, do you feel that the world is impermanent?", and then was suddenly "mad" into a giant wolf Ai Emberjorn flew away with her sword, she was probably dead.

Even if the wound was dealt with urgently and treated immediately, such an injury would not be enough to continue fighting, so Astrid could only lie on the back of the giant wolf and be led by it to flee. With the speed of the giant wolf, he gradually shook off those pursue soldiers.

But what alarmed Astrid was that Einbjorn was completely unable to speak in this form, and could only let out a low wolf howl to echo her instructions, and she did not dare to ask him if he could change Come back, if the answer is no, she simply doesn't know how to face him in the future.

Is this the only result of action without the protection of the Night Mother? Not reconciled... Astrid buried his face in the fluff on the wolf's back and remained silent for a long time.

"Aw... woo..."

Einboyorn seemed to be planning to say something, but Astrid couldn't understand what Wolf Howl wanted to express, so he had to answer according to his own understanding and guess: "What's the next plan? Go back to the sanctuary as soon as possible and notify Everyone evacuates, with the execution efficiency of those guys, it is only a matter of time before they find the sanctuary, and I can't guarantee what they will do."

"Woo, bluff—" the giant wolf stopped suddenly and lay down on the ground. Before Astrid asked, he had heard the movement ahead.

"This place is already close to Xueman's collar, why does the eldest sister let us patrol here?"

"Stop talking nonsense, if you have an opinion, go to the elder sister to ask it yourself."

"No, I don't want to die yet."

Sharp-eyed eagle? in front of? That commander has already planned to such an extent in advance? Astrid's palms were sweating, and he leaned tightly on the giant wolf.

However, judging from the atmosphere of the conversation between them, it was not at all like the sharp-eyed eagle they met not long ago. Maybe they would only get serious when they were in a fighting state?

No matter what Astrid thought, the team of about three or four people was approaching her. Can't hide it.

He had no fighting power due to serious injuries, and Ain Boyorn had no doubt that he had no physical strength after running for so long.

Just as she was thinking about it, Astrid felt her body lighten, and Ainbjorn had already turned her head and grabbed her off her back. She saw her husband who had turned into a giant wolf look at her decisively, and turned to the opposite direction of the team. rush away.

"No—" Boom!

Before Astrid could make a sound to stop him, Ainbjorn bumped his head against an ice wall and fell to the ground dizzily.

"Really, I saw a bitter scene when I first came here. Do you want to do this?"

"Give away your mage's pride."

"Say it as if you're not a mage."

The ice wall shattered, and two young women walked out of the ice mist. One of them was wearing a black helmet with a look of disgust on his face. It was obviously Jeanne Darc or Joan of Arc, while the other Wearing the robes of the chief mage of the Mage Academy, with black hair and black eyes, holding a gorgeous staff, it seems to be the Baron of Winterhold, Zela Pesh?

"I'll talk about the greetings later, let's deal with the sharp-eyed eagle patrol over there first." Joan of Arc tugged at Zela's sleeve.

"Hmph, you'Hino Scholars' always want to save everyone is really troublesome." The female mage raised her staff, and a faint white light enveloped the three people and one wolf present.

The next moment, three teams wearing sharp-eyed eagle scout leather armor passed in front of them, but they didn't take a look at the strange situation here.

"Thank you, we—" Normally, Astrid would not be too polite to such a mage who could be dealt with with a sword without warning, but the other party was the Baron of Winterhold, the chief mage of the academy, and had just rescued the mage. I can only say thank you first.

"I'm very dissatisfied with your style of killing people for money without asking why. If Joan of Arc hadn't come to me, I would definitely have let you fend for yourself." Zela turned to Joan of Arc and said, "You owe me money again." once."

"They're all on their own, so why are you so clear? Are you short of money? Let me give it to you?" Joan of Arc kept a disgusted face.

"Hmph, anyway, this invisibility shield should last until you leave the encirclement, so I won't follow." Zerapesh turned his staff and pointed at Einbjorn, a blue light flashed, and the giant white wolf turned back into a Ordinary werewolves: "That's a kind of advanced transformation. It's better not to use it if you don't have enough strength."

"Let's go to the sanctuary together?" Joan of Arc issued an invitation.

"Forget it, the college still has research tasks, just help me beat that hehe monster a few times." Zela shook her head again and again.

Although he was seriously injured, Astrid discovered with his keen intuition that the two of them seemed to have subtle incongruities. It seemed that the other would not answer until one had finished speaking, and the person who did not speak during the period seemed a bit aloof. Sluggish, what is this...

But before she could analyze this discovery, Zerapesh had already teleported away, and Einbjorn had also awakened, so she simply left it behind and began to prepare for her escape.

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