The Collection of The End

Chapter 320 Runes and Scrolls

My name is Akatosh,

What kind of demon god would be stupid enough to be locked up by a scroll?

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 25th, 12:15 —

The three runes of Longpo are [Joor], [Zah] and [Frul], and their meanings in dragon language are "everything", "restriction" and "temporary".

It sounded normal, and it wasn't a sound that the dragon couldn't make, but Patunax read them out one by one very cautiously, never refusing to connect these runes in order.

"[It is different from the previous dragon roar power runes,]" the ancient Dragon Emperor said: "[These runes do not contain any power, and the grammar is completely wrong.]"

"Grammar?" Arthur's mouth twitched slightly.

The complete "Breath of Flame" has just been added. Its three runes are "Flame", "Hellfire" and "Sun". Is the way of connecting these three words correct?

And for him, as long as he transforms into a giant dragon, he will automatically be proficient in dragon language, and it is meaningless to think about grammar.

"[Although you are a special dragon descendant who can transform into a giant dragon, you are still a human being at heart, and it's normal to not understand this," Patunax turned his gaze to Salocnir and Sophie. : "[You guys repeat these words, Joor, Zah and Frul.]"

"[Forgive me...]" Salocnell shook his head again and again: "[Although I can say them, my mouth will definitely rot afterwards.]"

"What words?" Sophie blinked, "You didn't say anything after you said 'these words'."

"Hey!" Rabbit Blue Dragon agreed.

Babas... oh, Babas has been in a trance since seeing the Elder Scrolls, so ignore it for now.

"[That's it,]" Patunax looked at Arthur: "[We are dragons, Lord Akatosh is the dragon god, and 'Dragon Break' achieves his goal by hurting Lord Akatosh , This is a completely unbelievable behavior for dragons, even now, I hate myself for saying these words, even if they don’t take effect.]”

"Then I..." Arthur frowned.

"[Since you can obtain the knowledge of 'Dragon Break' from the 'past', it means that Lord Akatosh, the 'God of Time', is willing to let you use it," Patunax sighed: "[Dragon God My lord is too merciful, but I hope you will only use it when necessary or absolutely necessary.]”

If they knew that each time Long Po was used was not "one time", but "innumerable times" before the goal was achieved, their views would probably change completely. Arthur smacked his lips and decided to conceal the information that dragons would never know.

"[Although it is difficult to accept, necessary experiments are still to be done. If you face Alduin without experience, maybe it will waste more times of dragon roars,]" Patunax flapped his wings Flying up, hovering in the air: "【Now, use 'Dragon Break' on me to make me fall from the sky. According to records, this is the usage with the least damage to Lord Akatosh.】"

"Hmm..." Arthur began to construct the pronunciation of this dragon roar.

Phew, Sophie abandoned Arthur for the first time, and hid directly behind Salocnir, while the rabbit blue dragon ran over chirping.

"Although I don't know why, I feel that my current father is so scary!" The little girl shouted from a distance.

No, it's not the first time, the last time she ran away like this was when she sucked the dragon soul.

Arthur smiled wryly, and yelled at Patunax the dragon roar that he was so afraid of.

"【Joor Zah Frul】!"

When the dragon fell into the dust uncontrollably, Arthur seemed to see a familiar figure disappearing into the flames.


Khorthgar Peak,

Greybeard's Abbey.

"So, why on earth did you make Patunax angry? You even threw you off the peak directly." Seeing the disheveled Arthur walk in, Master Ainas asked with a smile.

"It's not dropped, it seems to have spit fire by the way." Master Aingail added.

Master Borui and Wulfgar, who were basically silent, just silently paid attention to Arthur.

"I'm also very surprised, why the master suddenly became angry..." Arthur wiped his face, but couldn't clean it for a while.

Saloknir and the blue dragon stayed in the courtyard and did not come in because they could not transform into human form, while Sophie who followed Babas by the back of the monastery followed him.

"Didn't Grandpa Dragon Emperor say that? Dad, you made Master [Akatosh] suffer more serious injuries than in the past thousands of years, or even countless epochs." Sophie shook Babas to try to wake him up, unsuccessful.

"It's just to the extent that he fell from the sky?" Arthur said he couldn't understand: "Even if we look into the reasons carefully, he is the one who asked me to 'try'."

Moreover, this time is not at all the cycle of countless reincarnations just to achieve a certain purpose seen in the ancient scrolls. When he roared [Dragon Break], there was no magic, no dragon roar power, and no special effects. At the same time, Patunax fell down like a stone that sank to the bottom of the river. After he got up, he was in a good mood at first, as if he was about to say something, but the next moment he immediately flapped his wings furiously and shook the people present. All fly.

Also added a breath of fire to Arthur.

"Oh? So you've already learned Long Po?" Master Aingail raised his eyebrows and stood up: "Come with me, and show us its graphics and pronunciation."

"There are also the ancient scrolls. I'm looking forward to what I can see from them." Master Ainas also stood up.

"Uh, okay, but I heard that this thing can blind the eyes of untrained people." Arthur touched the ancient scroll behind his back.

Now, in addition to the oath and the sword of victory, Arthur also has a metal cylinder on his back. It's not too inconsistent to come out and wield dual wields.

Sophie heard that Arthur was going to say those "inaudible but scary" words again, and after saying hello, she turned and ran to the courtyard to play with the blue dragon.

"Hey..." Arthur couldn't stop him, so he sighed and picked up Babas who was in a daze.


Although there was only half of the monastery left, and Arthur didn't figure out what was in the half that was chewed off in the illusion, at least this half didn't seem to lack anything, and the space and equipment needed for living and training were all available. For example, this "Dragon Roar Training Ground".

It is completely built of the same material as the "Dragon Language Wall" that Arthur usually found in various ruins, and there are many dragon language words deeply scratched on it. Greybeard masters basically practice dragon roar here, and only This place will not be destroyed by their great power - without this place they can only roar to the sky.

Frul, Zah, Joor, Arthur issued the rune of the dragon roar one by one, but deliberately reversed the order, so as not to accidentally make another [Dragon Break].

On the ground of the training ground, three dragon language characters quietly emerged.

"Temporarily, control, mortal things?" Although he knew that the words were reversed, Master Aingail was still interested in the meaning it unexpectedly expressed: "This tone is not like a dragon roar invented by humans."

"Using the dragon language, and qualified to call the dragon 'everything'," Master Ainas shook his head: "Who else can there be besides the dragon god [Akatosh] himself? So this dragon roar should be himself handed down."

"Speaking of which, could it be that Patunax thought that he was not a 'mortal thing' and should not be controlled, but became angry after falling down?" Arthur guessed.

The relief before getting angry was because even he could be controlled, so Alduin was naturally no problem.

Perhaps, in the illusion that he didn't see, Alduin was raging everywhere, and the places he passed were full of big pits, and the three ancient warriors met Akatosh inadvertently, and asked him for advice to defeat the "Eater of Worlds" The dragon god taught them this dragon roar lightly, without mentioning how much harm it would cause him.

"Since Master Patunax has decided that only you are allowed to use it, we will seal it up after we learn it," said Master Aingail while engraving those dragon language strokes on the surrounding walls: " Greybeard will pass it on from generation to generation, teaching it to no one, until Alduin appears again."

Why do you say it as if I have successfully defeated the Eater of Worlds...

"Business is done, now it's entertainment time, bring it." Master Ainas held out his hand to Arthur.

Although he really wanted to point out that Master Aingail was doing all the business just now, Arthur still handed over the Elder Scrolls. After all, he was also very curious about these ashes who lived on the highest peak in the world all the year round and could see almost everything. What the bearded master could see from inside.

"Be careful of blinding." Although it should not be necessary, he still reminded.

"We are not those stupid holy moth priests in the Platinum Tower." Master Ainas unfolded the scroll, and then showed a strange expression. It was not like seeing something through the scroll, but something in the scroll itself.

"Master?" Arthur asked.

"You haven't read it since you opened it last time, have you?" Master Ainas frowned and looked at the scroll.

"Uh, it seems to be." After all, he was slapped away by Patunax.

"Waste my dragon soul..." the old man muttered, turned around and unfolded the scroll in front of the dazed Babas.

Before Arthur questioned what was wasted, there was a bang, and the dog rolled backwards several times as if it had been hit head-on by something. Arthur clearly saw that a dog and dog flew out of the scroll just now. A very similar phantom rushed into its body.

"Woof!" Babas's eyes instantly recovered, "[I remember where I hid Mrs. Frey!]"

Compared to that, if the demon god reads the ancient scrolls, he will be locked up?

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