The Collection of The End

Chapter 321 Dragonborn and Black Dragon

My name is Akatosh,

Is Alduin changing his name to Smith?

- 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 25th, 17:04 -

Northwest of Skyrim Province, near Morningstar City.

As a mining city, it is natural for miners to dig out mines extending in all directions in the surrounding mountains for prospecting, and it is very normal to dig out things such as Nord tombs, dwarf ruins, and elf temples, so , After digging through an underground cave that looks like nothing, the miners will only mark this area a little bit, bypass it and continue digging.

"You didn't let them go so easily before." A voice sounded from a dark cave.

"You also said that was before." Another voice responded.

The darkness is only for humans, but for some other species, the faint light from the torch in the tunnel is enough for them to see everything in the cave, such as elves, or vampires.

Hakon is still the image of an old-school nobleman who is in control of everything, but the lingering burnt smell on his body makes this image quite funny, and Hearn is still dressed like an ordinary miner in Morningstar City, but "ordinary miners" are not Will be safe and sound after leaving so many dragon claw marks on his body.

"What are you going to do next? Continue to grab the ancient scrolls?" Hearn said again: "If you still need help, I won't refuse, but Duneville's injury is too serious this time, and he probably won't answer the call for the time being. .”

"Ha! Rob?" Hakon's tone was tinged with sarcasm, "Those silver hands are really useless. Their hatred for the comrades-in-arms made them completely ignore the baron's doubts. If I really thought he was at most Be a werewolf and strike, and now your plight can be replicated on me—so, keep watch until we make sure we have something to do with that 'dragonborn'."

"You are the boss." Hearn replied indifferently.

"[choke——]" A huge and dull dragon roar sounded outside, and the two vampires were stunned for a moment.

"Are you actually chasing him?" Ha Kong frowned: "We walked through the secret path and didn't pass through the dwarf ruins, so we can catch up?"

"No, the roar doesn't sound like it. Let's take a look first." Hearn said, turning into a group of bats and flying out from the vent connecting the cave and the surface.


"【Die! Dragonborn?】"

The huge black wings covered the evening sky, and the frightened miners hid in the mine, while the guards of Morning Star were waiting in battle with obviously useless short bows and shields, although this black dragon, which was half the size of ordinary dragons, was just Intercepting a wagon, but who knows if it wouldn't target Morningstar after destroying that wagon?

Therefore, at the moment when everyone was tense, the slight hesitation in the dragon's roar was ignored.

"Hey~(heart)" Cicero said to Alduin while sitting on a carriage carrying a huge wooden box: "Are you looking for me? Black Dragon~(square)"

He tugged on the reins twice, but the two horses pulling the cart were frightened by Longwei and didn't dare to stand up at all, so he waved to the sky boredly.

"[Dragonborn? No, it feels like only half of it. This is it possible?]" The dragon growled lowly, but since no one nearby understood Draconic, its words sounded like threats Growl.

"If you're here for trouble, do it right away, or do you? I'll fight back~ (Spades)" Cicero rolled his eyes at the black dragon: "You guys scared my horse. (Club Blossoms)"

"[In any case—]" The giant dragon seemed to have finally made up his mind, and slowly opened his mouth.

"Hey hey hey~ (Spades)" Facing the raging dragon's breath from the dragon's mouth, Cicero smiled strangely and began to pull some invisible thing on his hand.

The bear—hot breath fell from the sky, and Cicero flew up high as if he had been bounced off,

And it changed its trajectory in the air and landed straight on the dragon's back, and took advantage of the opportunity to make several cuts between its scales with an invisible sharp weapon at its fingertips.

"[Roar!]" The black dragon rolled suddenly, as if it was going to throw Cicero off, but the clown firmly fixed himself on the dragon's back as if pulling some kind of invisible rein with his hands.

"Ha!" He laughed loudly: "I heard that in ancient times, there seemed to be a troop called 'Dragon Cavalry'~(Hearts)"

For most creatures—except for those with shells on their backs—the back is a relatively vulnerable part, especially for giant dragons whose combat power is all on the front. After the black dragon found that rolling was ineffective, it began to use high-altitude rappelling and rubbing his back on giant rocks to drive Cicero away, but still all to no avail.

At first, the guards of Morning Star applauded, but as this rolling and crashing battle gradually approached the city, the faces of the guards began to turn pale.

"That warrior! If you can deal with it, please hurry—" A guard captain boldly shouted: "We can't let it get close to the city, if the distance is shortened, we will shoot arrows—"

boom! Crash—the captain of the guard was doused in blood.

He blinked his eyes in confusion, and then vaguely recalled what happened just now: the warrior in the clown suit forcibly controlled the black dragon to turn when he just started to shout, and smashed straight towards the ground, and then when he was about to hit Jumping suddenly—with the dragon head that just fell, the captain of the guard who was caught off guard was sprayed all over.

"Hmm...thank you for your help to Chenxing." The captain wiped his face and looked at the carriage with large boxes in the distance: "Do you want to move to Chenxing? We are happy to help."

"No, no, no~ (square)" Cicero landed on the dragon head and shook his finger at him: "I bought a tomb, and I'm going to take the 'mother' there, this thing is a good decoration Goods. (Hearts)"

" really have vision..." The captain agreed dryly, isn't the tomb the best in Falkreath? Here, you will probably only be woken up by the sound of tunneling every day.

"Team, Captain." Several other guards suddenly exclaimed, and right in front of them, the dragon's body turned gray-brown as if it had been dyed. It is its original appearance, the black dragon's appearance is fake.

"Huh?" The clown also noticed this at the same time, so he raised the dragon head in his hand, and it turned gray-brown extremely quickly under the eyes of everyone.


Rift Valley Suburbs, Aerial.

For Arthur, it is not too difficult to carry a dog across a certain territory, especially for him now, the amount of food that needs to be supplemented is only enough to fill the appetite of a dragon level.

Fly to the place called "Dark Crypt" by Babas, find out a certain lady who made a deal with Demon God Vil, and then bring it back. The plan is very simple, and there is no sign that it may be destroyed at all.

Yet it is broken.

Arthur, as a human, is not without the experience of being surrounded by many enemies when fighting down-to-earth, whether they are beasts, skeletons, or vampires, but it is still basically a plane.

What is surrounding him now is a net of giant dragons in all directions, up, down, left, and right. After a rough count, there are about thirty of them. There are red dragons, black dragons, green dragons, and bronze dragons. There are all kinds of dragons. I don’t know where they usually hide. Where is it? If those blade fighters who always want to kill the dragon see it, they will definitely... well, turn around and run.

"[Uh, how are you?]" Arthur tried to communicate with them. After all, there are examples of Thalocnir, Sophie, and even Patunax. possible look.

The dragon group remained silent, not responding to Arthur's words.

Gulu Gulu——The red dragon closest to Arthur has ripple-like lines all over its body, and its image also begins to change in a strange way, as if the clay sculpture that has been formed is re-splashed with water and changed into a new one. After the wave ended, the red dragon turned into a black dragon slightly larger than its original size.

"[Die! Dragonborn!]" the black dragon that used to be a red dragon roared, and then opened its mouth and charged straight at it.

Boom! boom! The "Black Dragon" bounced back at a faster speed than it had pounced on, and slammed into the mountain below firmly.

"【Well... how should I put it? If you are all at this level, you can't defeat me.】" Arthur retracted the outstretched dragon's hind claws.

Gulu Gulu—“[Die! Dragonborn!]” X2

Two giant dragons with different "skin colors" transformed into the same black dragon and attacked Arthur at the same time.

Boom, pop! The two black dragons fell hard.

Gulu ordinary dragon transforms into a weird black dragon again.

"[I said it's useless...]" Arthur found that the group of dragons besieging him seemed to have no sense of communication at all, and would just mechanically shout "Die, Dragonborn" and kill them instinctively.

This kind of enemy has no pressure on Arthur, who can already perfectly control the dragon incarnation, even if they all eventually become the image of the weird black dragon—probably Alduin.

Although more than 30 giant dragons sound powerful, they are similar to the problems on the ground. When they besiege the same target, only a few can do it, and this kind of instinctive bite and claw attack is very easy. They were cracked by Arthur one by one. If they really swarmed up, they would be easily drawn and used their strength to kill each other.

In the end, more than 30 black dragons changed back to the original formation, surrounded Arthur from a distance, neither attacking nor retreating.

"[Hey! Alduin, are you Alduin?]" Arthur tried to move, but they always followed him, like a perfect mirror image, so he tried to talk to the controller behind him: "【I think we need to talk Let’s talk—]”

"[There is nothing to talk about, Dragonborn.]" More than thirty black dragons said in unison: "['Evil of this world' must be eliminated.]"

what! ?

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