The Collection of The End

Chapter 330 The Princess and Arthur

My name is Akatosh,

Well, the field of annihilation...who should go to explore the way?

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 27th, 12:21 —

Parathos has always felt that the Shadow Nightmare named "Midnight" by the princess is a bit too obedient. No matter where Princess Emilia goes, she has been quietly following her, and the places she cannot enter are He obediently waited at the exit, and now he has no complaints when he grabs the mane vigorously—the row of black "flames" floating around his neck is probably the mane.

This "horse" has no reins and saddles, and Her Highness the Princess sits firmly on the back sideways, but there is no sign of falling down at all, but it is impossible for him to sit, so he can only hug the horse's neck tightly and grab the mane as a the reins.

No way, although this guy looks like a horse, his behavior pattern is completely different. For example, when ordinary skyrim horses encounter a cliff that is almost straight up and down, they will basically choose to take a detour, but this Shadow Nightmare will Go straight up that cliff as if it were the ground.

In this case, the princess still sat on the horse's back without any influence, and Parathos would be thrown off if he didn't hold the horse's neck tightly. He thought he must be secretly despised by the horse.

It is precisely because of this that Princess Emilia decided to take a straight line to Solitude, riding this Shadow Nightmare that would not be affected by the terrain, when there were no ordinary people traveling with her and she was in a hurry.

Thinking of the steep mountains along the way, coupled with the super-high speed of this "dark horse", Parasus felt a little desperate, but when the princess asked any questions, he could only answer: "It doesn't matter, no problem!"


If you draw a straight line along Xueman towards Solitary City, you will pass the ancient city of Mosar and... the ancient ruins of Brasilian. It is said that it was built by the ancient mage Shalidor. Although the details cannot be verified, there are many magics inside. The fact that traces remain and that there are many attracted monsters is genuine.

In view of the rather troublesome attributes there, Parasos really wanted to persuade Emilia to take a detour, but there was no suitable reason, because there was almost no existence that could compete with the princess in terms of combat power, and that really appeared. Such an unusually powerful guy, she can also sneak around directly.

Huh——Tata, "Midnight" stopped on the periphery of Brasilian, and instantly changed from extreme movement to extreme silence, but Parasos, who had been prepared for a long time, was not thrown away.

"Is there an enemy?" Parasus got off his horse and picked up the ebony long sword in a defensive posture.

Although the princess is indeed very strong, if she had to do everything herself, what would they do with the sharp-eyed eagles.

"...It seems to be an enemy, but it's a little strange." Amir jumped off the Shadowmare, patted its neck to signal it to move freely, and then looked into the depths of the ruins and said.

No, I didn't find anything. Parasos tentatively observed for a while, and finally decided to go to explore. Since something aroused the princess's interest, it proved that she would not leave easily.


"I have walked through this maze several times, but I have not been able to get through it. Is there magic interference?"

"Yes, there are some triggers along the way that require the use of specific spells. If you accidentally miss one, they will let you go back the same way."

"I see, then, since you are here for the trial, can we pass with you?"

"Of course, but if there is a trap behind, I may not notice it."

"We can take care of ourselves."

"hope so."

In front of the huge building complex named "Shalidor Labyrinth", there are three figures talking, they are a middle-aged man wearing old-fashioned or even old aristocratic clothes, and his strong physique, which looks very strange at first glance. An annoying, but inexplicably wearing a farm worker's sackcloth bodyguard.

, and the last female mage, wearing a khaki mage robe and holding a long staff.

It seemed that they were discussing the matter of exploring Shalidor's maze. This kind of thing was very common and seemed very common, but Parathos always felt that something was wrong.

They are too... calm. You must know that this is an ancient ruin that is full of dangers. Even if a nobleman brings bodyguards, it shouldn't be as easy as wandering in his back garden. As for the female mage, maybe she has confidence in her own strength. , but this is a famous labyrinth built by an ancient mage, what is the contempt that is almost overflowing?

Crack——There was a soft sound behind her. It was the subtle sound of Her Royal Highness's ebony dagger being unsheathed. Well, she really didn't wait for her own investigation and followed. The current question is, who is she going to deal with?


Hurrying in the form of a dragon, Arthur only dared to do it secretly at night before. After all, the red suit is too eye-catching, not to mention the problem of being discovered and attacked by the blade fighters. If someone deliberately investigates him, it is easy to find him and The action trajectories of the giant dragons overlapped highly, and a series of troubles followed.

However, this problem no longer exists. Since Alduin finally made a move, one or two giant dragons will appear in the sky from time to time. As long as they don't land and attack, civilians don't even bother to give them some focus.

According to Alda Viying, Alduin's body is hiding in Brasilian's Soul Well to recuperate. If he is attracted by the dragon incarnations outside and has enough time to recover his strength, then this The world of the Era will undoubtedly be swallowed by it, and he, the "evil of this world", is the first to bear the brunt.

But if you want to fight it, if you count it carefully, there is no helper to find at all. Alda Viying, Salocnir, and even Patunax cannot be enemies with Uldu, because it has to be responsible for reshaping after swallowing the world At that time, it will be [Akatosh] in the next world. As giant dragons, they are completely unable to fight the dragon god.

As for the brothers and sisters of the comrade-in-arms group, they really won’t refuse. They might have high morale when they hear that they are going to fight the World Destroyer Dragon, but the problem is that they are likely to lose their werewolf power during the battle. Although others don’t know, but Arthur was well aware of the fact that the "God of Hunting" Hircine had fallen. The power of those bloodlines might still be usable in Nirn, but if they wanted to pass through the Well of Souls, they would probably disappear directly.

The other is Xueman's army and mercenaries, heh, not to mention whether Arthur can mobilize them, in a real fight, I am afraid that Alduin will be able to snap their fingers - if he can snap his fingers.

Sophie... No, this is absolutely not possible. Although she has no respect for Alduin, and she is very angry because Salocnir was killed once, but the gap in strength cannot be resolved by anger. Her special skill "eat everything" is right. Alduin certainly doesn't work either.

Therefore, the result is that he can only take a dog to single out "The Eater of Worlds" Alduin. Anyway, even if Babas dies, he will automatically be resurrected in Weir's domain hundreds of years later.

"【Good boy, I'll go back soon.】" Arthur slightly comforted the struggling little white dragon who was hugged by Salocnell, and then carried Babas into the air.


"Wang ha ha ha, fighting with Alduin, it's exciting to think about it~" Babas laughed loudly: "It's okay even if you fail~ After five hundred years, you will be a good dog again~"

"[Why is it still a dog?]" Arthur decided not to answer this obviously unfavorable topic, so he asked instead.

"Who knows Wang, maybe Vill often deceives people, so he needs to bring a dog that symbolizes 'loyalty' to increase his persuasiveness?" Barbas lay on Arthur's back.

"[But how did I hear that you are often sold?]" Arthur responded.

In many legends, Calavicus Vile will make "trades" with mortals, and often has requests such as "kill the talking dog", while Babas acts as a dissuading mortal in the story from being deceived character, but seven out of ten times were killed by "greedy adventurers".

"Hmph, will you sell me? Woah!" Babas refused to answer, and asked instead.

"[It depends on the situation, but given my size, it's a bit unrealistic for you to block a knife.]" Arthur looked back at Babas.

"Woof woof! Blocking the knife? Don't even think about it!" The earth dog was furious.


For the dragon form, there is another very troublesome problem, that is, the vision has been greatly enhanced. At high altitude, even a rabbit hiding in a hole on the ground can be seen clearly. Although it sounds good, Arthur My ability to "see death" has also increased because of this. When I glanced at the sky, black smoke billowed everywhere, and the border area between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloak's control area was particularly thick. Currently, this black smoke is heading toward the snow Surrounded by the surrounding area, one can tell what the two of them are planning.

As for the destination of this trip, Brasilian...Huh?

In Arthur's field of vision, there was a terrifyingly strong but vaguely familiar "death vortex" in the ancient ruins.

Is that Lord of Winterhold and Head Mage of the House, Zerra Pesh? But what are those two on the side?

Next to the huge black vortex, there are two small "death vortex" twinkling. To be precise, there seem to be two people who are alternately falling into the mortal situation. When "death" rises from one of them, the other The "death" in a body will disappear, and then transfer back inexplicably.

Arthur temporarily ignored Babas' complaints and rushed towards Brasilian with vigorous wings.

It was close enough to see clearly.

In the center of the huge vortex, Ms. Zela Pesh was talking with a middle-aged nobleman that Arthur seemed to have seen somewhere, and the nobleman's guard interrupted from time to time. As for the two strange death vortexes beside her... one looming The petite figure was walking back and forth behind the nobleman and the guard holding some kind of sharp weapon, as if he couldn't decide which one to backstab first.

What the hell are those two idiots talking about to make the princess so angry.

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