The Collection of The End

Chapter 331 Dragonborn and Cold Harbor

My name is Akatosh,

Hmm... where should I go first?

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 27th, 13:07 —

"Not only can you see through the traps in the maze, but you can also crack them. This is not something ordinary mages can do. You are really young and promising." Ha Kong complimented the elf female mage.

After getting in touch with her and having a brief conversation with her, Hakon has already given up her plan to use coercive means. Although she looks young, she has rich experience in adventures. He remained vigilant, and did not reveal his name and origin at all in his words.

However, with the support of Ha Kong's own vast experience, even the slightest clue she revealed is enough for analysis.

First of all, the word "Trial" means that she is organized, but neither the Mage Guild in the southern Cyrodiil Province nor the Mage Academy in Skyrim Province can give their apprentices the order to "explore Bura alone." Xilin'an" is such an exaggeratedly difficult trial, combined with her peculiar appearance and teleportation spells, the answer is already coming out - Thalmer.

Secondly, it is the purpose. Why did Somo explore Brasilian? Of course, it is to find out the details of the Mage Academy. Although the ruins have been cleared by the mages of Atayumu’s sect several years ago, if you carefully explore and summarize it, you can still get the core information about the Mage Academy. It is not difficult but It is cumbersome, so it is called "trial".

In the end, it was her purpose of coming to the "Shalidor Labyrinth". Obviously, she is a powerful mage who has no interest in such complicated and inefficient work. The labyrinth of group fans, and, Shaliduo is the founder of the mage academy, if you can get information about him, your contribution will be much greater than cleaning up the ruins over there.

In conclusion, she is indeed an untrustworthy person who can be used, but if the attempt to use her is seen, she will immediately turn her face. At this time, she will allow them to follow only because of their "noble" status. Therefore, if you want to borrow her To open the Well of Soul by hand, she must use various means to make her think that it was actually her own decision.

For example, praise her for being young and capable, and that she will not be troubled by any difficulties, so that she will face difficulties at certain times.

There is no need to worry about boasting, the real elves of hundreds of thousands of years will not maintain such a young appearance. Generally speaking, they prefer to appear mature, stable, and elegant—just like themselves.

"Oh~You are young..." The black-haired, black-eyed female mage cupped her face with her hand that was not holding a staff: "How young is it? How is it compared to... the princess of the empire?"

Somo's identity has been confirmed again, and he is still a participant in the "Scarlet Embassy Incident". Could it be that he has something to do with Ambassador A Lanwen? Insufficient intelligence cannot be inferred. It is always right to continue to say good things, but you cannot distort the facts.

"Of course you are not as young as her. After all, when an elf is in his teens, his appearance is just that of a child," Hakon said without any leaks, "but his appearance is much more beautiful than that of an imperial princess."

"..." The female mage didn't speak, but Ha Kong, who had excellent eyes, could see that she seemed to want to raise the corners of her mouth but restrained herself.

There is a door to this topic! Someone must have praised the princess's appearance in front of her. As a vampire, Ha Kong had no way of judging the beauty of a living thing. At this time, all he had to do was praise, and he was absolutely not against his will.

"It is said that the princess's skin is very dark." "And the hair is also a strange purple."

"I cover half of my face with a scarf all the year round." "And I'm very short."

"Although Sharp-Eyed Hawk praised her as 'the cutest in the world'" "but it was mostly due to the emperor's pressure."

Hearn, who hadn't been able to get in the way, finally had the opportunity to speak, and he and Ha Kong cooperated tacitly. If you want to praise someone, sometimes it may be counterproductive to praise him bluntly.

But if you belittle a third person who she doesn't like and who is in sharp contrast in some aspects, if you use indirect praise, it will basically get a miraculous effect.

This mage's hair and eyes are pure black, his skin is relatively fair, and his figure is tall. Although his appearance is not very beautiful, he is at least the upper middle class among elves.

"Huhu——" the female mage raised her hand to cover her mouth and laughed. Although she couldn't see her expression clearly, her eyes had already turned into crescent moons.

It seems...probably successful...but why do you feel a chill down your back?

"No way," the vampire master and servant heard the mage say, "If we kill him, who will lead us?"

Before Ha Kong understood the meaning of this sentence, he fell straight down under his feet, and the familiar, weird and distorted scenery around him made him scream out.



As a result of condescending observation, Arthur has a clear picture of what happened below.

When Emilia Septim was about to stab the dagger, Zela Pesh stepped forward and kicked the two vampires into the well of souls that appeared next to them.

The princess looked very angry, pulled down her scarf and stared at the mage, but she just stretched out her hand and touched her head with a smile on her face: "Hey, it's actually a healthy wheat color, not black at all, as for the hair, it's a beautiful violet color. "

Under the stunned gaze of Razor Parathos, the princess was so comforted.

"[Looks—] Arthur landed with Babas, and changed back to human form: "I don't have a chance to make a move. First time meeting, Her Royal Highness, Ms. Zela Pesh."

At present, I have met the Baron of Winterhold and the chief mage of the Wizard Academy. It seems that she is also familiar with Princess Emilia, and although they have heard of each other, they have never "really" seen each other. It was just him and the princess, and in that "fantasy", he wasn't sure that the other party was real.

"... Baron Xueman is really a fool." The princess said a sentence that seemed familiar in an almost indistinguishable tone, but replaced "original" with "sure enough".

"Well, it seems that we don't need to introduce ourselves to each other," Arthur shrugged and pointed to the depths of the maze: "I'm here to find the well of souls going to Songgarde, and I plan to find a way to defeat 'Alduin'. A dirt dog."

"As for me, I was entrusted by Atayumu and the vigilantes to search for [Molag Bal]'s domain and completely wipe out that guy with only 30% strength left." Zela responded: "Also, go to the Soul Land Well, looking for one of my holy girlfriends, with... um, an artifact?"

That's the staff of Magnus, right? Arthur looked at the staff in Zela's hand, and there were so many things that seemed to overlap with one of his tasks? He turned his gaze to the princess: "Amir?"

For some reason, despite the pressure of the World Destroyer Dragon, the environment at this time made Arthur feel very relaxed. After subconsciously calling out the princess's nickname, he realized that he seemed not qualified to call it that way.

"...passing by." Amir replied naturally: "I brought a Parasos."

The captain of the sharp-eyed eagle scout showed a pitiful expression of "I'm not alone".

"Okay, I already know the details, but the 'Well of Soul' can't be switched on and off at will. I just kicked those two vampires down, and it will only connect to 'Cold Harbor' for a certain period of time." Zela tapped the ground with her staff.

A chaotic, deep, and bottomless vortex-like entrance to the Well of Soul appeared nearby. It was loose and broken, not a whole. It was similar to a broken mirror, although overall it could be seen that it was a huge vortex. , but a smaller vortex can be found on each "shard".

"Please let me help, it's rare that all the 'Dragonborn' are gathered together." Arthur said, in addition to the reason to feel relaxed with them, there are also concerns about "the evil in this world". What Du Yin said is right, Zela and the princess, who have an equally huge network of relationships, are also "the evils of this world" and belong to the objects he wants to eliminate. .

"...I'm not in a hurry, you can wait for Balgruf's matter." Amir replied.

Unlucky lord, most of the things the princess promised are related to the imperial army and Stormcloaks who are besieging Xueman, let's try to resolve it as quickly as possible.

"If you two—" Zela looked at Babas and Paraisos.

"Woof! I want to follow Master!" "My duty is to protect the safety of the princess, no matter where she is going."

"Okay then." Zela waved his staff, and a piece of vortex fragments moved in translation. Its size was just enough for everyone to stand on it. In the next moment, the vortex that was originally like a still picture began to rotate, and Arthur felt the space under his feet directly. fell down.

"Don't try to use the ability of flying, slow falling, or staying in the air, otherwise it will be troublesome to fall into other annihilation domains—" Zerapesh's voice was a bit ethereal because he was passing through the main world and the annihilation domain, but it made Arthur feel inexplicable familiar with.

[Just ask, are you my Master? 】

"I—" Arthur turned to Zela's direction, and was about to say something, but in the next moment, the weird and twisted vortex around him had completely disappeared, and four people and one dog appeared directly in the sky.

"MasterMasterMaster——! Die!" Barbas' barking instantly broke Arthur's shattered thoughts.

"I have a deep understanding of why Will always wants to kill you!" Arthur grabbed the dirt dog that was flopping around in the air, and then looked around.

The sky is a strange blood red, and there is always a cold wind blowing high in the sky, and the ground is all swamps as far as the eye can see. In the endless swamps, there are many cities standing abruptly, some of them are Nord style, some of them are elf style , and even dwarf-style steam cities, but without exception, they all look old, deserted, and dilapidated, as if no one has lived in them for hundreds of thousands of years—but this is not the case.

In those abandoned cities, there are many shadowy figures, who look like thin and withered human beings, but they move extremely swiftly and ferociously.

"...It's different from 'Eternal Dusk'." Arthur heard the princess muttering, it seems that she also had a wonderful experience.

"Well... it seems that kicking those two guys is useless," Zela said: "Note, the annihilation domain of 'Cold Harbor' contains all the destroyed cities in the world of Nirn, and the enemy is The prototype of the vampire and the variant of the ghoul, we must kill enough demons to awaken Baal, the Lord of Destruction."

"Then, happy hunting~" After Zela's voice fell, everyone, including Babas, appeared on everyone, including Babas, with an umbrella-shaped slow-falling spell, which began to disperse all over the city under the influence of the wind.

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