The Collection of The End

Chapter 332 Annihilation and the Devil

My name is Akatosh,

Hello Barr~

-- 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 27th, 17:36 --

After killing dozens of demons, Arthur found himself misled by Zela.

The so-called "prototype of vampire" and "mutation of ghoul" are just the appearance of the devil. They are still annihilating creatures rather than undead in essence, so his "two-handed weapon" "super undead" trait is completely invalid.

He also encountered a summoned demon a few times during his missions in the comrades-in-arms group. It was a creature that looked very similar to a human, but its skin was red and shiny, and it generally had no hair. Instead, it grew on the body. The horny spikes everywhere, as the strength increases, those spikes will also grow. Most demons will strengthen their nails, elbows, knees, and heels to enhance their combat effectiveness, and some will strengthen themselves inexplicably A pair of symmetrical horns on the forehead, perhaps for aesthetics? However, such demons will wear armor and fight with weapons in hand.

The residents in this cold harbor are different, most of them are humanoid, with pale skin, shriveled stature, blue flame-like eyes, and worn-out armor that looks like it has been rusted for many years, just like a ghoul. But they are not undead creatures.

As for the "Vampire Prototype" demon, Arthur saw only one of them for a long time. Its appearance was better than those of those ghouls. It was pale, agile, with sharp nails, fangs protruding from its mouth, and wearing old aristocratic costumes , but did not see him become a vampire lord until he was killed.

"Hey, Barbas, I haven't had a chance to ask before, is the Annihilation Domain in Calavicus Vile like this?" After clearing out a whole building similar to the Lord's Hall, Arthur took a rest on its roof and asked himself asked the earth dog that landed at the same place.

"You're kidding, woof!" Barbas responded, "All the Annihilation Realms are completely different, and the Verna guy's realm is a super~big city that fills the entire Annihilation Realm, and there are no so-called suburbs and villages at all. All kinds of transactions and contracts are going on in the city all the time, but the devils there are all yellow and ugly."

"It doesn't sound like a fighting type." Arthur commented casually, feeling a little out of sorts.

"That's right, Wang, unlike those rough summons that order the devil to fight, Vier's is basically an employment contract," Babas said: "The more famous 'summoner merchant', 'summoner band', 'summoner' The butlers' are all from Vail."

That last one doesn't sound too good... I don't want my home anymore?

"【—————!】" A burst of noise appeared, and a large number of demons emerged from all around, surrounding the abandoned lord's hall.

"Wow! It seems that because the leader of the demons here was killed by you, the leaders around sent people to grab the territory." Babas looked down: "As long as you make the illusion that you have left, they will soon come to you." Killing each other, if you fish in troubled waters then-"

"It's not necessary," Arthur interrupted Babas, "Zera said 'kill as many demons as possible to wake up Molag Bal', if I kill enough here, she It should relieve some pressure with Amir."

"Wang..." The earth dog blinked, not knowing why.

"Be swallowed by the light, you scum!" Arthur stood up, raised the golden giant sword in his hand and shouted at the demons gathered below: "[Sword of Oath and Victory (Excalibur)]!"

The giant sword glowing with golden light swung down vigorously, and the light that suddenly became hundreds of times larger and longer swept across it, sweeping away all the demons within the affected range.

In the starry sky that only Arthur can see, the tenth and last star of the constellation "Two-handed Weapons" lights up, "Exile the Demons": expel the Demons from the main material world back to oblivion,

If used in annihilation, the attacked demons will disappear completely.

The demons who were not attacked were stunned for a moment, then screamed and fled in all directions.

"Is this also in your plan? Zela." Arthur looked at the ruined city with some emotion. Before, he always felt that there were malicious eyes watching him from an invisible corner, but now he saw When passing by, I only felt that there were guys who couldn't escape shivering.

"Wow! Put away that dangerous thing!" Babas' voice changed a bit.

"What are you afraid of? You are a dog, not a demon." Arthur shrugged, and put the sword back into its sheath.

"Just kidding! Even the demon god can kill Wang! Although I—" Babas wanted to say something, he suddenly turned his head and looked down: "Eh? Demon Armor."

At the door of the abandoned lord's hall, two demons walked over tremblingly carrying an armored dummy, carefully walked around the sword marks, put it down and ran away in a hurry.

It was a set of blood-red decoration with a pitch-black base, and a heavy armor with an unusually wild and unruly shape. Even if it was worn on a dummy, it also revealed an indomitable aura.

"Oh, I think the one just now is almost enough. If he won't send people to harass him again, it's okay to let them go." Arthur glanced at the armor and walked downstairs.


It is not the first time that Palasos has entered the realm of the demon god's annihilation. Not long ago, he entered the "Eternal Twilight" of Ms. [Nocturnal] in order to track down Mercer Frey, but it was completely dark there, and he could only pass through The occasional flashes of lightning judged that it was an endless swamp, and at other times he was fighting against invisible "enemies", and finally came out out of nowhere, and he didn't know what agreement those demon bosses had reached.

In contrast, the environment of "Cold Harbor" made him feel like a fish in water. Although it was abandoned, it was still a city, and the city was the home of the sharp-eyed eagles whose goal was to protect the royal family members.

Although the princess is wasting time here, the imperial legion who has not heard of it will think that Xueman has decided to be independent... But it doesn't matter, it is a test for Lord Balgruf.

When he was affected by the slow falling technique in the air, Parasos was already trying to get close to the princess, but he didn't dare to hold the princess's hand like Arthur grabbing the dog, and he adjusted his posture with all his strength, but he was five years away from the princess's landing point. Six streets, and the residents here are a little too hospitable, making it almost impossible for him to walk.

When he finally got rid of the entanglement and rushed to the princess's position, he found that she had left, and there were only a few demon corpses nearby.

This is also a matter of course. Although she is called a princess, Emilia does not have all the conventional characteristics of an ordinary princess. Just find a direction and kill it.

Using the demons who died in various poses along the way as "road signs", Parasus found Princess Emilia six blocks away. Judging from the architectural style, the entire undivided building complex where the princess is located should be the lord's mansion.

And the strong demon who fell to the ground should be the lord's guard.

Although it is strange to use "strong" to describe some skinny demons who look like ghouls, they have formed armor similar to muscles by strengthening the horniness of their bodies. The horny giant claws, like the tail of a scorpion, look very mighty overall.

However, it is meaningless in front of Her Royal Highness, a sharp blade that can kill even demon gods and giant dragons.

"...Ah, Parry," Amir noticed his bodyguard: "Sneaking, very successful."

Yeah yeah, the demons who saw you are all dead, so no one sees you sneaking in, no problem.


The ear-piercing cry of the demon sounded, and Parasos was very suspicious of how the roars, which were almost identical in tone but with different voices and tones, could express various meanings.

However, based on the current situation, he can roughly guess what these guys want to express.

— that's them! Kill my men! Help me avenge!

--yes? It seems that you have indeed been sent to the lair.

——As long as you help me regain the territory, I will definitely thank you... Ah!

——Hehehe, I killed you first, and then robbed this territory, who cares about your thanks?

Hmm... Parathos refused to admit that he was delusional, because the two vampires were too conspicuous behind a group of "ghouls" surrounding here, and one of them killed the other, think about this again Annihilate the personality of the master of the domain, you know that the leader of the devil here is probably a bully.

"...Parry, sneak." Princess Emilia whispered.

Well, sneaking (sha) walking (guang), Parathos shrugged, and moved two steps to hide in the shadow of the building.


"You, you..." Ha Kong looked at the female mage in front of him and said in horror.

The vampire lord was imprisoned in place, unable to move at all, and Hearn, who had rashly attacked her just now, was lying on the ground, life or death unknown.

Although he originally planned to do it, but due to his close connection with [Molag Bal], he could vaguely feel an overwhelming terror from her, so he hesitated a little, so he didn't repeat Hearn It was a tragic mistake to be swat down like a fly.

To be able to use the power of "Cold Harbor" itself, she, no, who is he?

"Oh, what a coincidence," Zela Pesh was staring at his hand, and at the same time said something Hakon couldn't understand: "The Lord of Annihilation fell into a deep sleep, but he didn't restrict the use of the power of Annihilation. And I can't grasp the places outside this range, so I used all of them for my own use. In this way, isn't this vest going to become a god?"


"Bah, what a ghost." Zela turned his eyes to Hearn who fell to the ground: "According to the progress of those two sides, that guy Barr should wake up and make the final struggle. I happened to give him a surprise."

No, it won't be... Ha Kong stared at Hearn with wide eyes. Although he knew that their existences like "direct creations" could be "descended" by the demon god, the price was to completely lose himself and completely lose himself after the descent ended. die.

This kind of thing is usually used by the priests on the Holy Spirit's side as a last-ditch effort, but the demon gods basically don't do it. They have too many enemies. ...

Under Hakon's desperate eyes, a huge devil's aura suddenly appeared on the unconscious Hearn, and his body began to become huge and ferocious. A skeleton head with two horns, wearing thick black armor with magma leaking from time to time, and holding a giant hammer in each hand appeared in front of him.

This is the king of plunder and destruction, the soul reaper, the king of vampires, the demon god who dominates and enslaves, [Molag Bal]—the last image left in the world.

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