The Collection of The End

Chapter 334 Arrival and Departure

My name is Akatosh,

There is a real problem with this channel.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 28th, 12:22 —

In the territory of Solitary City, on the southwest border, the convoy from the Rift Valley arrived at Longqiao Town.

"Hey, isn't this Fulvo who successfully brought back the princess? It's hard work."

"No, no, Des, who managed to catch the assassin who assassinated His Majesty, worked so hard."

Eddie heard the sharp-eyed eagle guards in the convoy and the guards of Longqiao Town greet each other "friendly".

The sharp-eyed eagles on the field and staying behind always dislike each other, but they will not delay the business. While secretly mocking each other, they began to arrange a temporary residence in Dragon Bridge for the noble members of the Rift Valley in an orderly manner.

After all, there are a large number of people from the hostile forces, and it is impossible to let them flood into Solitary City directly before ensuring that there are no problems.

Speaking of the hostile parties, if the territory they passed by before can be called "contesting", the area behind the Dragon Bridge is completely controlled by the Empire. The soaring dragon dared not approach at all.

To talk about the reason, Eddie looked out the window of the carriage, and the bridge from which the name of this town comes from may be inseparable.

It looks like an ordinary stone bridge across the river, but it is wider than common bridges. There is a huge ferocious dragon head carved on the arch in the middle. It would be fine if it was just for decoration, but there is a private rumor in the sharp-eyed eagle that It is said that the dragon head is actually real. Before the blade fighters merged into the sharp-eyed eagle, Tuka Yagmi, the current leader of the sharp-eyed eagle, the last dragon he killed was hung on the dragon bridge to deter the enemy. It was then painted with a stone-like paint as a cover.

Although this matter sounds fake as a whole, if it is the Grand Commander, it can really be done, because——

Sa-boom! !

A super-giant sword flew from the sky in the distance and stabbed straight at the field outside the Dragon Bridge. After the nobles in the Rift Valley were stunned, a figure in shining purple armor came to Shi Shi. Then it landed on the hilt of the sword, and the amethyst-like eyes stared at the carriage where Eddie was in: "Long time no see, Your Royal Highness."

- She can "fly".

"Long time no see, Sister Tuka." Eddie got out of the carriage, walked up to her and put on his skirt to salute: "Father, is he really here? Is there any injury?"

"The old man is here, but he's not here," Yagmi rubbed Eddie's head vigorously: "The previous incident frightened that bald man in Tullius, and he has dispatched all the people in Solitary City to guard him. I don't like icing on the cake, so I just ran out to hang out."

"..." Several Rifle Valley nobles who seemed to be planning to get close stopped immediately.

"The leader of the sharp-eyed eagle, Ms. Yagmi, has been famous for a long time, and I have seen it today. It is well-deserved." However, Urwuf Snowhoof is not this case. Sentence: "The dog has disturbed you for a long time, allow me to apologize."

Wow... let's not show off that ancient Nord grammar and diction, okay? Eddie desperately wanted to cover his face.

"I can't talk about disturbing you, but he heard that his parents and fiancee are about to arrive, and he has already come here from Dugu City. I will arrange someone to take you to meet..."

"Emil—!" Esgail Snowhoof's huge shout interrupted Yagmi's words, and his heavy footsteps approached from far to near, but the commander didn't look angry, just shrugged slightly and moved away the way.

Then, Eddie saw the big black man who should be his fiancé rushing over from the direction of the sharp-eyed eagle barracks.

etc? What's up with those ill-fitting sharp-eyed eagle armor pieces? Could it be that he challenged a round in the barracks and won?

Bang, bang, bang——Asgard seemed to have no intention of slowing down,

The nobles around changed their faces and avoided, and Eddie, who was the target, was ready to be picked up and taken away.

"Stop!" A slightly angry female voice sounded, it was not the leader Yagami, but the big man who was running so obediently stopped in front of the convoy.

"Squat down." Another command was given, and the big dark-skinned man just squatted down, his eyes level with ordinary people, and the oppressive force instantly reduced a lot.

"How?" Lilith Snowhoof came out from the crowd, patted Esgail's arm, and said to Eddie, "Do you want to learn?"

"I think so...but you'd better let him stand up first, it looks so uncomfortable." Eddie looked at him and replied.

"Heh, from now on we will be a family, so there is no need to use honorifics," Lilith smiled, and reached out to poke Esgail: "How did I teach you? Say hello to the princess?"

"This beautiful lady," Esgart said in a flat voice, holding out his hand to Eddie, "may I have the honor of asking you to dance?"

"No!" Lilith shouted lowly, and made a gesture to kick him, but Esgail trembled, but did not change her posture.

"Hmm...Actually, he probably wasn't wrong." Eddie said while putting his little hand on Esgalpin's big hand: "I'm very happy."

Then, everyone saw that the big black man from the Xuezhi family bent the princess's arms and legs, put them directly on his shoulders, and then ran away, leaving a curling voice in the air: "I will immediately It’s about to knock down all the leaders in the barracks! Come and see!”

"Huhu—it seems that some people's training is not enough." Hearing Yagmi's words, Fulvo and Des gave up fighting each other in an instant, and at the same time changed their expressions to those who stayed in the barracks. The sympathy of fellow comrades.


Windhelm City, the palace of the kings.

"So, your plan is to abandon Morningstar, attack and occupy Falkreath, and complete the siege of Snowman in a larger range?" Ulfric Stormcloak leaned on the throne, looking at the dusty people in front of him. Frigga Brokenshield who came back from Morningstar by boat.

"Yes, lord, after several encounters between Lord Stonefist and Governor Rui Ji, the problem that both sides cannot obtain sufficient supplies has been exposed, and the key to solving this problem lies in Morning Star and Falkreath In terms of geographical location," the blond woman said calmly and confidently: "Although the minerals of Morningstar are very important, it is less than half a day's sailing time from Solitude, so it will cost more to maintain this superficial occupation. , and due to the activeness of Markarth City and the Forsworn, Falkreath is completely equivalent to an enclave for the Empire, but it can be easily contacted with the Rift Valley. After such an exchange, the original battle line Changing from the north-south vertical to the northeast-southwest oblique line, although it looks the same, it has already wrapped Xueman in a 'pocket', after that we only need to..."

Ah... since when did it start? Listening to the narration, Ulfric's eyes diverged a little. These patriarchs and most of the men died in battle. The family he thought would collapse was actually supported by weak little girls one by one. And the way they talked, they already vaguely have 70% to 80% of the style of the old broken shield, and all aspects of Windhelm City have been directly or indirectly affected by them. The biggest change is the reason for fighting for it. From the simple "To restore the glory of Talos" slowly became "Remove Thalmer, Skyrim is Skyrim for the people of Skyrim."

However, they probably would not have guessed that Thalmer's infiltration of the Stormcloaks was much more serious than their infiltration of the Empire.

For example, as a Nord supremacist, he still established a "gray area" in the city as a place of residence for those dark elves and foreign races. This behavior has proved his attitude. So, who deliberately provoked the Nord The conflict between Germans and foreigners has reached an almost endless level?

For another example, most of the members of "Shawl Blonde" are him, and even the daughters and wives of his father's old subordinates. As the lord, it is impossible and impossible to restrict their development. All the clues prove that it was Ulfric who did the "obstruction and attack." Even now, Frigga looks at her with a trace of vigilance and suspicion.

The most obvious and most dangerous one was about two months ago, when he went to Solitude City to defeat Toig, the escape route he had temporarily decided was leaked, so he was intercepted and surrounded by the army led by Tullius. At that time, there was a The subordinates suggested, "Since there is nothing to be done, it is better to surrender first, and then find a chance to escape. After all, you master the power of the dragon's roar, and Tullius from the capital province does not know about it."

As a result, Ulfric was put on a weird mask that prevented him from shouting at all, and after accepting the surrender, Tullius decided to behead everyone-you know, both the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloak They have been fighting for many years, but there has never been a precedent for killing prisoners. What else could this be?

And the subordinate who made the suggestion? Hehe, due to the black dragon's troubles, all the people present at Helgen escaped smoothly, and the only one who disappeared was that guy. If you think about it carefully, even his appearance and characteristics are very vague, obviously it was arranged long ago.

Hehe... Somo... The reason why they proposed to ban the belief in Talos in the "Platinum Agreement" was probably for this purpose from the beginning, to attract opposition forces, and then control or wipe them out.

"...Lord Ulfric? Are you listening?" Frigga Shattershield's slightly dissatisfied tone brought Ulfric back to his thoughts.

"Well, of course," he nodded: "Send troops to attack Xueman after forming a siege advantage? No problem, but I must be the commander of this army."

"Oh... hey? That's not acceptable!" Frigg was taken aback.

"Hehe, don't think that Balgruuf is an ordinary lord. Strictly speaking, he is my senior brother. I may not be as good as him in the way of roaring." Ulfric shook his head and stood up: "If you The original plan meant that the brothers of the Stormcloaks would be defeated in front of him, but even so, will you insist?"

"Then," Frigga lowered his head and thought for a while, and when he raised his head again, the light in his eyes made Ulfric suddenly think that the old broken shield was resurrected and stood in front of him again: "Please let me stand in front of him in this battle." Be your shield."

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