The Collection of The End

Chapter 335: Time and Soul

My name is Akatosh,

By the way, does this count as a new priesthood?

-- 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 28th, 19:43 --

Domain of Annihilation, Soul Stone Tomb.

The tumbling dark clouds, the desolate lavender land, the strange leftovers and stone monuments, the lightning that strikes the ground from time to time, the huge soul stones floating above some relics, plus the sporadic blue swimmers wandering aimlessly. The soul was exactly the same as the scenery Arthur had seen in his "dream".

The existence of the soul stone tomb was not doubted because his strength had indeed increased at that time, but now he is only more convinced. Moreover, being able to open a channel from Cold Harbor so accurately, Zela's evaluation has once again been raised—— —Although it is already the highest.

Among the companions who came together, Princess Emil didn't have any special reaction. It seemed that this place was just an ordinary plain, but her guard's eyes became sharper, and she kept looking around, as if she was looking for a bunker or possible enemies. , while Babas was staring at the sky in a daze.

"Ah... tell everyone bad news." Zela waved her staff and said, "Who of you remember what day it is today?"

"The twenty-seventh of Hearthmoon, what?" Arthur replied, trying to figure out why she asked.

"In fact, today is—" The female mage waved her staff again, and a row of beautiful handwriting appeared in the air.

[4E, 201, Furnace Moon, 28th, 19:46]

Click, as if to prove that it is not a combination of ordinary words and numbers, after this row of handwriting attracted everyone's attention, "46" flickered and became "47".


"Apprentices in the academy usually only use this spell when they are too lazy to light the lamp." Zela nodded the line of words with the tip of his staff: "But in fact, its inventor intends to use it in places where the sense of time is chaotic, or for a long time." After time fell into a coma and other uncontrollable states."

"Have we been unconscious?" Parathos asked quite nervously.

"No, I am sure that my actions and thoughts have not been interrupted at all, but when I passed through the two annihilation realms, the main material world suddenly skipped a day," Zela shook his head slightly: "If someone has been watching us, they will probably see us. By the time we stepped into the entrance over Cold Harbour, we had completely disappeared, only to emerge a day later from the exit of the Tomb of Souls."

Why did she speak as if someone was really watching...

"Babas?" Arthur lowered his head to ask the dog's opinion.

"Wow! I do know that it takes time to go from Annihilation to the main world. The stronger the demon god, the longer it will take, and the difference between Annihilation is unclear. After all, the conflicts between them are all carried out in the main world." Babas replied .

Therefore, due to Baal's serious injury, it didn't take too long to reach his annihilation. Although this soul stone tomb has no owner, it seems to be very strong.

"In short, let's go back to the main world first when things are done here. If it takes longer to go to Songgard, we have to arrange some things first." Zela frowned slightly.

That's right, Arthur thought, although he doesn't agree with Alduin's evaluation of "the evil in this world", but the interpersonal relationship is indeed as he said, the intertwining is very complicated, if you want to use enough energy to Any one of the three dragon descendants present as the "Supreme King" of the province of Skyrim, after all, has the title of baron—oh, let's forget about the princess, he just mentioned a word to his father.


Although there was a small accident with unclear consequences, but I came to the soul stone tomb to do what I had to do. Zela seemed to be looking for her friend's soul, and I wanted to take this Hakon to hand it over. To his wife and daughter.

But the problem is that there are no ghost dragons coming to make trouble this time. In that case, how to find that castle in the boundless field of annihilation?

"Mr Harcon,

Arthur walked to the side of the two vampires who were brought together, "I don't know if you have been here before, and I don't need to know, please just point in any direction now." "

Hearn was still in a coma, and the collateral damage caused by beheading Barr didn't seem to be enough to kill him, while Hakon's face was very calm, to the point of being strangely calm, as if some problem that had troubled him for a long time had been solved, so Entered a kind of empty-headed state.

"Over there." Ha Kong raised his hand and pointed in a random direction.

"Very well, then let's go in the opposite direction." Arthur nodded.

Amir naturally had no objections, but Zela suddenly let out a "huh".

"By the way, since this is not my... I'm familiar with the field, so if you want to find something, you have to use the prophecy spell." She looked at Arthur in surprise: "How did you get the direction I just predicted?"

"It's very simple," Arthur felt inexplicably happy about being able to surprise Zela: "As the ancestor of vampires, Mr. Harkon must be able to feel the position of other vampires, but he hasn't seen his own for thousands of years. Wife and daughter, it must be because he doesn’t want to go to them himself. Regardless of whether it’s because of Barr’s threat or his own reasons, in the current situation of the same annihilation, if he is asked to point in a direction at will, there is a great possibility that he will run counter to them. .”

"Wang~ sounds very reasonable." Babas said cheeringly.

"Heh," there was a little fluctuation on Ha Kong's calm face, as if he was laughing? "Neither Berelica nor Serana are vampires. They escaped when Barr planned to make them 'Daughters of Cold Harbor'."



This is embarrassing.

"Well, although it was a mistake, he did point out the right direction," Zela waved his staff threateningly at Hakon: "Are you going to take your followers along with you, or let me tell you Do you use levitation?"

"I dare not trouble you." Ha Kong shook his head, leaned over to support Hearn, and walked towards the direction Arthur pointed out.

"It shouldn't be very far, right?" Zela followed behind with her staff, and glanced at Arthur.

"Speaking of which, the ghost dragon named 'Dunevier' seems to come from here. I wonder if there is a way to cut off its summoning spell." Although Arthur knew that he should transform into a dragon and invite his companions to ride, by the way Hakon and Hearn were caught in the dragon's claws and led away, but somehow he didn't want to do this in front of Zela, so he played dumb and followed.


"Crack, click." "Wow!"

Due to the choice of the right direction, relatively complete buildings gradually began to appear on the originally barren plain in the field of vision, and the number of wandering souls and huge soul stones suspended in the air began to increase. Arthur even stood next to a certain ruin. He saw the "soul shell" that he had eaten a lot in his dream, but before he could decide whether to pick it, he saw Babas rushing out to bite it off with a bark, and then ran back chewing it.

"Soul shell?" As expected, Zela really knew this thing, and her expression looked a little weird: "Eating this thing by the king's soul here is equivalent to covering his soul with a 'shell', which can help A soul with a mind can stabilize itself, and it won't be sucked away when it runs close to those soul stones, and it can also accept the call of the main material world, but if the living creature eats it..."

"Great increase in strength?" Arthur is not sure, after all, his "constellation" should not be owned by everyone.

"That's a dream. If a living person eats this thing, it's like putting another shell on his body. Although he can temporarily be immune to the attacks of those soul stones, it will gradually cut off his connection with the world. If there are too many, it will be ejected," Zela paused, and added: "These are what I read in the book."


As if to comment on Zela's words, a layer of bright blue light film very similar to those souls appeared on Babas' body surface, as if the characters on a painting were touched with blue ink.

"...Wow." Emil blinked in amazement, and then began to look around, as if he planned to find such a flower to eat.

"No, wait, Your Royal Highness, there must be something bad about that thing, and it shouldn't taste good..." Parasos was so frightened that he quickly tried to dissuade him.

"Wow! Crunchy!" Babas exclaimed, "Unfortunately, it's tasteless."

How many more are you going to eat?

Click! A bolt of lightning hit the ground not far away, creating a small piece of scorched earth, and at the same time, more than a dozen black skeletons crawled out from the ground.

They were confused for a while, as if they were going to climb back again, but suddenly they rushed towards Babas with their broken weapons held high as if they were attracted by something.

"Wait? Woah! Ow?" Babas originally planned to dodge, but the light film on its body directly counterattacked those skeletons as if it had a life of its own.

The dog and the bone fought fiercely. During this period, Babas regained control of his body several times, but because of being surrounded, he was hacked several times by those skeletons, so he finally fought violently.

"Well, this is what it looks like if your soul is not strong enough." Zela commented.

"... Oh." Amir seemed to have completely given up on trying to find it.

During the speech, Babas completely tore up those black skeletons, and just breathed a sigh of relief, but the blue light film brought it to pose a threat and prepare to attack the few people here.

"No! Help me! I don't want to die!" the earth dog screamed.

"Enough is enough. If you continue, you can lose the face of the demon god—'purification'!" Zela held his forehead with his left hand, and pointed at Babas with his right hand. The light film disappeared immediately. The earth dog is very exaggerated. Lie on the ground panting.

In Arthur's vision, the light film turned into a small black "death" at the moment it disappeared, and merged into the terrifying "death vortex" around Zela.

And the next moment, without any new wandering souls appearing, more than a dozen pure white "soul shells" grew and bloomed beside Zela.

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