The Collection of The End

Chapter 336 The Dragon and the Castle

My name is Akatosh,

Since she is the vampire lady, then...

-- 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 28th, 20:54 --

Soul cairns, wilderness.

Arthur knew very well that this special annihilation domain "Soul Stone Tomb" has no owner, but there is a ghost dragon similar to the evil steward, Duneville.

Entering this realm of annihilation itself as its enemy, it does not appear.

Hearn also came here as a Summoner, and it still hasn't popped up.

It wasn't until Zela "purified" a "soul shell", that tattered ghost dragon came rushing from nowhere, and a corrupt dragon's breath with poisonous mist was facing him without saying a word.

It is impossible for the few people present and even the dogs to be sprayed, but even if the dragon's breath is sprayed out, the poisonous mist is still real. Within its range, the underground black skeletons are crawling out one by one.

Duneville turned his head in the distance, and without stopping, he sent another row of poisonous dragon's breath at the people who were cleaning up the skeletons, but this time it was not so lucky.

Anyone present can easily kill a group of skeletons, and it is not difficult to get rid of their entanglement, so when the ghost dragon dives and breathes, Amir directly leaves the battle group and jumps onto the nearby skeletons with a few vertical leaps. The roof of the ruins, and then made a sudden move as it passed by, using only an ebony dagger to cut it across almost everything in half.


The Phantom Dragon, which was halfway down, suddenly stalled, fell directly to the ground and plowed a deep and wide ditch on the ground, and then slammed into a huge black stone far away.

"...It doesn't have a good effect on spirit bodies." Amir fell back to the ground and said, staring at the ebony dagger in her hand.

How can she be "beautiful" when a powerful enemy loses combat effectiveness with one move?

At the huge black stone, although the ghost dragon was dizzy and unable to move, the terrible wounds on its body were healing quickly. However, before it could really move, it should be enough to make a move. Arthur stared at the ghost dragon closely, raised He took down the golden sword from his back.

The only question is, is this guy a resurrected undead or annihilating the aborigines—the demon race?

"[Oath ~ and the Sword of Victory]!"

The phantom dragon that had just propped itself up was about to take off, and was directly washed away by the surging and destructive stream of incandescent light. However, it was neither "superseded" like the undead nor "exiled" like the demons, but He lay down again, covered in black smoke.

Black smoke? Arthur looked over carefully. Although the ghost dragon looked as if it was burned and smoked, Arthur knew very well that his attack did not contain any flame elements at all, so those things should be...

The reaction of those "black smoke" completely confirmed Arthur's guess. They had pretended to rise up like ordinary black smoke for a while, but then they seemed to find Zela who was fighting against the "soul shell", and they immediately reacted collectively. direction to flee.

So when I couldn't deal with this dragon before, I just need to find a priest of the Holy Spirit who can target the soul? Arthur was slightly frustrated.

As for Zela, who is feared by those "black smoke", she is busy dealing with the "soul shells" that are constantly growing around her. Basically, every time a dark skeleton around her is eliminated, the ground around her will grow. Three or four "plants" like white egg rolls, and those skeletons showed no sign of getting up again.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on here?" The chief mage of Winterhold was angrily kicking those "soul shells" with his feet, but this didn't stop new ones from growing out: "I order You stop growing - don't laugh!"

Well, I didn't laugh. Arthur turned his head and continued to stare at Duneville, and smoothed the corners of his raised lips. She clearly possessed the strength to contend with all kinds of powerful enemies and even demon gods.

But he can't do anything about some small plants, and the slightly outraged appearance makes everyone who sees feel [joyful].

Hmm... Arthur shuddered, as if he had accidentally thought of some scary words just now.

"You are such a useless bastard," said the instigator, Babas, "you can't deal with such things as soul shells with attacks unless you eat them."

"Isn't it your fault? Eating indiscriminately is still uncontrollable." Zela stopped her meaningless kicking of jars, and those "soul shells" opened up around her feet one after another, eventually forming a small flower garden.

"I'm so stupid, really, I just need to let them grow and come out, right?" Zela walked out of the flower garden and shook her head again and again.

"It's not easy to think of such a thing," Arthur said, "It's as if meat and bones are constantly falling around me, and my first reaction will not be that I can collect them for Babas to eat, but will directly block them." open."

"It's too much, Wang!" Babas expressed dissatisfaction.

"Sorry to interrupt your pleasant chat, but the dragon has come back to life," Parathos interjected.

Duneville suffered two big losses in a row, and finally became a little more sober. Although his gaze towards Zela and her "flower garden" was still full of hatred and madness, at least he calmed down and could communicate.

"[Arthur—Harne—]" Duneville rose into the air and roared angrily: "[You dare to invade my world, then prepare to face death!]"

In Arthur's field of vision, "black smoke" kept escaping from the ghost dragon's body, and when it appeared, it fled backwards as if it had seen something terrible.

Undoubtedly, this is the reason why Duneville can be resurrected infinitely in the soul stone tomb. The appearance he uses to appear is a strange "soul shell". As long as the real soul cannot be found, then it can be defeated He, too, would easily reinvent himself before too long.

And Zela's "purification" action is tantamount to drawing fire from the bottom of the pot, so this guy ran to launch the attack when he was not quite awake, and only started to think of countermeasures after he found that he had kicked the iron plate.

"Then you come—" Arthur challenged Duneville, and by the way he retracted the golden two-handed sword behind his back: "I don't need a weapon to fight you!"—but it is even more powerful to transform into a dragon.

Duneville looked as if he was choked, but the words had already been spoken, so he could only bite the bullet and swoop over: "[Go to hell! Duvacin!]"

Hehe, although I don't know what ability Zela accidentally triggered, but it is very suitable for now. Arthur stopped Amir's plan to help, took a step forward, and the dragon roared out, and the whole person suddenly turned into a giant red dragon.

Originally, his hand-to-hand combat ability was about the same as that of Duneville, and almost all of his single-challenge fights in the main world ended in a tie, but now Duneville is constantly losing strength without knowing it, so it can be said that he is the best. one-hit kill chance.

In Arthur's eyes, as Duneville accelerated his dive, the speed at which the black smoke dissipated from his body also accelerated, and when he rushed in front of him, he was inexplicably smaller than the original size by two or three circles, before he had time to be surprised Before that, Arthur slapped the ghost dragon on the ground with a heavy claw.

Well, it's a good feeling to slap a dragon like a fly.


Cenotaph of Souls, Wauquihal Castle.

After making such a big commotion, Miss Serana, who Arthur had "seen" before, came late, and without any surprise, she greeted Arthur in the dragon form very familiarly, and then led everyone Let's go to the castle together. Its direction is the same as Arthur's judgment before, and Hakon randomly points in the opposite direction.

"You stupid girl, how can you let Her Royal Highness eat this!" The vampire lady, who habitually brought out a large plate of soul shells, was taught a lesson by Mrs. Berelica again as expected.

"Your Highness, don't get me wrong. We have some channels to contact the main world, which can ensure that the ingredients are fresh and edible for humans." The lady seemed to have a good impression of Princess Emilia, and she took the initiative to chat with her, regardless Emil just listened quietly most of the time.

"...I'm not picky about food."

"Oh, then you are such a good boy~"

On the other side, Serana and Zela also had a good chat.

"Miss Serana, it seems that you don't have any weapons. I have a beautiful spiral gun called [Gungnir], I wonder if you are interested?"

"Dancing with knives and guns is too rough for me. As a lady, I prefer to drink black tea quietly in the castle. It would be great if there is a maid who is good at making tea or a housekeeper who can fight."

"Her skill at making tea should be good, but do you have any complaints about her red skin?" Zela transformed into a magical image of a red guard maid in her hand.


I don’t know who was the lady who dragged me away with the lasso back then. Besides, Zela, why did you go to trick Satya... Arthur tried to roll his eyes, but found that this action was difficult with longan slightly higher.

Arthur is temporarily unable to attend the banquet, because in order to suppress Duneville, who has been silenced, he must remain in the form of a dragon until the servants of the castle prepare the restraint device to trap the dragon. Get off this phantom dragon that is much thinner but still strong.

As for the two captives, Hearn was sent to the ward for recuperation, while Hakon was staring at the fireplace in the banquet hall with a glass of wine in a daze. According to him and Serana's mother and daughter, they should be a family, but the two ladies After treating him like a guest, they deliberately ignored his existence, and Hakon wanted to talk to him several times, but he got up a few steps and came back to sit down again.

Harkon had previously said that neither his wife nor his daughter were vampires, but looking at the blunt yellow light in the eyes of the mother and daughter, it was clear that they returned here in order to wait for him to change his mind, or to be defeated by an adventurer one day. what.

Tsk, apologize, and then express that I am willing to spend the rest of my life to compensate them, is it that difficult?

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