The Collection of The End

Chapter 337 The Night Mother and Joan of Arc

My name is Akatosh,

……that's not me!

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 29th, 06:34 —

“[What is the greatest fantasy in life——]”

"Innocence, my brother."

"【Welcome home--】"

Astrid walked into the Sanctuary of Morningstar City, looking at the slowly closing black door and the usual layout inside, he felt as if he had passed away.

As an assassin in the shadows, it is not surprising that she was almost crushed and beaten by the sharp-eyed eagle in the frontal battle, but just some small captains and ordinary scouts put her in a desperate situation, especially the last one sent by the commander himself. Remembering "Dragon Slash", Astrid couldn't think of a way to deal with it anyway. If it hadn't been for [ ] desperately rescued, the Dark Brotherhood might have been wiped out.


"Welcome home~ (Spades) Hehehe~ (Diamonds) Welcome home! (Clubs)" The clown Cicero jumped out, repeating Heimen's words with a strange expression.

"Does the Night Mother have any instructions?" His thoughts were interrupted, and Astrid looked at him angrily: "You have provided us with a new shelter, and we are willing to obey the words of the Night Mother, but it doesn't mean You can do whatever you want."

"Sorry~ (Hearts) Listeners can really do whatever they want~ (Hearts)" The clown began to spin and dance on the spot.

It seemed that the Night Mother had no special instructions, so there was no need to argue with him. Astrid frowned slightly, and walked around the clown to the depths of the sanctuary.

This new sanctuary located under Morningstar was transformed from an abandoned tunnel. Its entrance is located on a cliff facing the sea, and after entering, it slopes downward. The interior is not a simple hall and four-walled cave room, but Like a real mine, there are high and low scattered, different rooms, planes, passages and stairs constitute the entire sanctuary, giving people the first impression of "like a huge ant's nest".

"Boss, you're back!" Dark Elf Gabriela was packing up the simple equipment and props for going out at the entrance, and immediately greeted Astrid energetically when she saw Astrid.

"Is there a mission?" Astrid now has no objection to the fact that most of the missions and contracts of the Brotherhood are not handled by himself. Since he cannot command and arrange everything in detail, it is acceptable to coordinate in the middle.

In order not to have something like [] happen again,...Huh? who?

"Ah, now there are rumors that 'Stormcloak' is going to abandon them and give up their territory to the Imperial Legion. Some people are eager to move, wanting to take the opportunity to get rid of some people who stand in their way, thinking that they won't track down after the lord changes anyway. It's a matter of tenure." Gabriel put on his knuckles and smiled: "My task is to make them quiet."

"Just do it according to the task requirements, don't do unnecessary things without authorization." Astrid nodded and watched her leave towards the door.

"Hey... I don't know how to use it. It doesn't matter what you say."

"Your appearance is too distinctive, it is completely impossible to mix into the crowd, did you not find that the Night Mother does not give you tasks?"

"Hmph... Anyway, I don't drink."

After sending Gabriel away, Astrid met the Argonian Savela and the human mage Festus by an imported living pool, and the latter was recommending some potion to the former.

The color-changing ability of the Argonians is quite beneficial in the south where the trees and grass are dense, but in the morning star in the north of the sky, except for rocks and snow, it is not normal for a sudden green to appear.

And the potion of Festus seems to be able to turn the user white, a kind of paleness close to gray, but because there are too few testers of that thing, it is still impossible to confirm what the sequelae will be, such as the problem of not turning back. Savira, who was quite proud of her appearance, naturally refused.

"Leader." "Leader." The two greeted together.

"Drink a few sips yourself, and set an example." Astrid dropped a sentence and brushed past them.

"Astrid, uh, this is..." "Hello, leader, I want to borrow your husband for a while, so don't be jealous." At the door of the intelligence room, the little Babette was pulling the tall Ain Bjorn passed by.

Is it strange to be jealous?

"I don't know what experiment you are going to do, but don't cause too serious injuries." Astrid ignored her husband's eyes asking for help, and waved his hand.

"Hey hey~ I thought of a way to create a creature that has the characteristics of both a werewolf and a vampire. It must be interesting to have the advantages of both without their respective weaknesses~" The nearly five hundred-year-old little vampire dragged the werewolf away.

Hmm...should I be a little worried? Astrid shook his head, opened the door and walked into the intelligence room.

The Red Guard, Nazr with a scimitar hanging from his waist is in charge of intelligence, and his new intelligence room in Morning Star is more than four or five times larger than the original one, so he simply merged the intelligence room with the meeting room. If you need any information, you can find it in two steps.

"Submit the task." Astrid threw five iron plates with weird shapes on the conference table.

"This task is really not difficult for you, leader." Nazr, who was flipping through the materials, got up and took the iron plates to observe: "Well, it really is the guys from the 'Morag Gang', and only for this kind of people. Your mother will issue a contract to kill—then, your mission has been perfectly completed this time, and the reward has been added."

"How have you analyzed the patterns and rules of the Night Mother's missions?" Astrid continued to ask, not caring about his own rewards.

Now that she has decided to accept the fact that there is a supreme being above her head, it is necessary to analyze her behavior pattern, lest one day one of her own people touch the bottom line without knowing it, and end up fighting internally.

"Let's take your mission this time as an example, leader." Nazr opened the big book recording the mission, "This is a rare 'kill' mission of the Night Mother, and the target is 'Morag from Morrowind. Members of the gang, they have accepted the commission of some nobles who have connections with that side, and want to assassinate the members of the 'Shawl Blonde' of Windhelm City."

"The life and death of human beings in Skyrim Province can only be controlled by her herself? Whoever interferes will die." Astrid nodded slightly: "This is in line with our initial inference - Night Mother intends to develop a similar [Akai], but A completely different priesthood of 'samsara of life and death'."

"No, at least not completely," Nazr smiled wryly. "If this standard is strictly followed, then we ourselves will die first. Do you remember how much bread you have eaten?"

"There are six in total, and I'm Soup Cake Pie." Astrid replied without hesitation.

"Okay, but you should know what I mean," Nazr spread his hands, "The principle of the Night Mother seems to be limited to the province of Skyrim, and after she arrived in the province of Skyrim, we have a record, no more Any mission that does not follow the 'rules' of the Night Mother will succeed on the day that Cicero escorts the Night Mother's coffin into Skyrim."

"Well, continue." Astrid nodded.

"Then there is the way the Night Mother accepts the contract, that kind of dark ceremony," Nazr turned a few more pages and pulled out another piece of information: "No matter where the dark ceremony is held, or whether outsiders know it, the Night Mother always She can receive it and send someone to contact her, but this only proves that she has authority similar to that of a demon god or the Holy Spirit."

"All the contract targets accepted by the Night Mother have their own 'death', so I won't take it," Nazr pointed to a row of bookshelves: "It's the kind that if handed over to a truly fair court for trial , a sinner who will definitely be sentenced to death."

"So, our 'Dark Brotherhood' is now a 'court'? Huh." Astrid laughed at herself. Sometimes she would indeed explain the behavior of the Brotherhood in this way to embellish herself, such as pulling【】 When joining the group.

what……? She held her forehead, what on earth did I forget?

"It's not always true. Sometimes the crime of the target is not serious enough, but the client has strong hatred and resentment. If the contract is not accepted, he/she will probably do it himself. Under such circumstances, the Night Mother will also accept the contract. For example...well, that 'Benevolent Guiluo'."

I remember that Cixiang Guiluo was killed by 【】...Huh?

"Oh, Gui Luo, how is she?" In the confusion, Astrid had almost no extra thoughts to adjust his expression, and asked blankly.

"According to a message we intercepted from a spy to the Imperial Legion, there is a Ms. Lonely Wind in Winterhold Mage Academy, who is very similar to Cixiang Guiluo, but because she doesn't pay much attention to this person, there is no more valuable information. News," Nazr said, pointing to a few lines of information: "This surname is rather strange, we found a 'Captain Lonely Wind' in Windhelm City, and confirmed that he has a sister named 'Guelo '."

"So—" Astrid's thoughts restarted from the frozen state.

"So, those 'innocent' targets we thought we had killed probably changed their names, appearances, and lived somewhere in Skyrim with another identity, but there is no more evidence to further prove it." Nazr shrugged : "Suddenly I feel that all these years have been for nothing."

Astrid didn't feel it was in vain. A figure that was almost disappearing from memory gradually became clear. Although she still couldn't remember the specific name and relationship with it, she was undoubtedly doing something similar to the information in the information. things, and because of that, she—

"Oh! Mother! What's wrong with you, Mother! (Spades) Let me go farther? That's impossible! (Diamonds)" Cicero's yell suddenly came from outside.

"Uh, the Night Mother got angry when she heard we were making arrangements for her?" Nazr was in a daze, but Astrid turned around and rushed out.

In fact, everyone has seen the appearance of the night mother. It is a tall and beautiful woman wrapped tightly in blue cloth belts. Those cloth belts can have powerful attack or defense and healing effects, and behind it can also It is a pity that it is just a corpse, and it can only convey its meaning through the "listener" Cicero. No matter how serious the words are, they will always appear nondescript under the message of the lunatic clown.

At this time, the iron coffin was tightly closed, and the pair of huge blue transparent wings of light were quietly flapping through the coffin, and the cloth belts that were originally wrapped around the body were being pulled out one by one. It's like the cloth belt is falling apart.

"Wow, mother~ (Hearts)" Cicero opened his mouth wide: "Aren't you all-uh, you will kill me if you dare to say it? Alright. (Diamonds)"

Crack-crack-crack - the night mother's iron coffin slowly opened to both sides, revealing the scene inside.

Contrary to the expectations of some men present, what was there was not the night mother, but a girl who was taking a nap holding a weird big gun. She looked about ten years old and was wearing a cute skirt with a white background and a red border. , wearing a short cloak with thick plush edges on the shoulders, black gloves that reach the elbows on the hands, bright silver short boots and long red stockings on the feet, and many plush balls on the overall clothing and ribbons.

The most striking thing is her short snow-white hair and the arched white forehead on her face.

At this moment, the name that Astrid always ignored subconsciously and the related matters instantly came to life in her mind, she rushed over and hugged the little girl into her arms: "【Joan of Arc】!"

"Ah..." The girl opened her eyes in confusion, looked around, then suddenly lowered her head and bumped Astrid's forehead, shook the spear in her hand, and spoke in an unusually crisp and lovely but impatient voice. said:

"My name is Jeanne Lily, and I will stab anyone who dares to call me [Night Mother]!"

"Okay~ Mother~ (Hearts)"

Never before have frat members sympathized with one man so uniformly and neatly.

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