The Collection of The End

Chapter 338 Soul and Passage

My name is Akatosh,

I'm going back to the main material world to prepare for the decisive battle.

-- 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 29th, 06:56 --

'Hmm...that's interesting. '

【Hmm...that's interesting】

‘You learn from me, what a ghost! Where did this little Christmas Joan come from? And this pile of egg roll flowers! '

【Obviously you did it, think about what you did in the past. 】

'yes? I'll think about it...but your punishment goes first. '

Previously, in view of the inexplicable skipping of a day when shuttling between the realms of annihilation, after solving Harkon’s family conflicts, and breaking the unlimited summoning contract signed by a certain silly dragon, I began to investigate the return from the soul stone tomb to the main world. How many days will be "skipped".

The conclusion is that at least one month, if the "Eater of Worlds" is not a fool, this period of time is enough for it to complete the work of destroying the world.

At that time, all my incarnations that can stop it are not in the main world, and the night mother can't move, so I have to throw "Dragon-Akatosh" out again and continue to pretend to be a servant of Jackie Chan to take the blame.

Fortunately, this obviously abnormal time was due to some kind of influence, and the time really needed was only about three days.

In the early days when Joan of Arc Lily appeared, I just took Arthur, Emil and their pets, bah, it was the followers who solved the source of the problem together, one end was hidden deep in the soul stone tomb, called The eccentric undead of "The Reaper".

It occupies a rather large building, and then it is brightly lit like a noble mansion in some cities. Although it is ridiculously rough, it is still very attractive to those wandering souls who have no mind.

When a wandering soul is attracted into a building, it will be "harvested" into a part of itself, and if the scattered souls have a chance to regroup, they will be attracted again without remembering the danger there. I have to say , although the efficiency is low, this is indeed a mature system of "opening your mouth with food". If it weren't for the indescribable shape condensed by "harvesting" a large number of wandering souls, which would have a serious impact on the space channel, I would still leave it Regardless of what can be formed in the end, will it be Cthulhu or Naiyazi...

After finally defeating the "Reaper", its condensed wandering spirit scattered away like fireworks, and the estimated crossing time difference that had remained in the corner of the field of vision also decreased rapidly from 32 days, and finally stopped at the number of 3 days.

Then, the Night Mother of the main world became Joan of Arc Lily, and a large "sea of ​​flowers" composed of "soul shells" bloomed here with Zela Pesh as the center. Side events are more important.

'So,' I remained in a daze: 'Did I just release the soul of the real 'Night Mother'? '

[That's it, although the 'Night Mother' is just a corpse under the control of Mephala, she still has self-awareness and soul before death, but because she was fooled by Mephala, she believed in a body that cannot be called a real existence. After death, he came to the "Soul Stone Tomb" of the Unbelievers, and was taken down by the Reapers. 】

‘Isn’t that a wedding dress for someone else? ’ I looked at little Joan of Arc in the picture, oh, this blow to the head is not light.

[Which avatar of yours doesn't make wedding dresses for others? 】

‘It’s not convenient for me to go back because I’m outside the world now, you wait. '

【...This can actually be rest assured that the Night Mother herself has been dead for too long, and she no longer has self-awareness. She just uses her 'identity' to bring that incarnation back to life. However, due to cutting corners and materials during production, she can only appear in the form of Lily. 】

It is strange to cut corners because the moon is too small.

——"My name is Jeanne Lily, and I will kill anyone who dares to call me Night Mother!"

'Then explain what this sex is all about? '




—“[Roar! My wrath! (La Feuille Noël)]”

Although she was holding a spear, she used a stick-like blow. The little girl knocked Cicero away at once and smashed a window facing the sea directly on the wall.

[This personality is actually a hypothetical effect of rejuvenating drugs based on the fictional background and personality expansion deduced by you for the Hino scholar 'Jeanne Darc' and combined with the analysis of your words and deeds during the possession period. 】

‘Well... well, it’s not the first time anyway. '


Compared with the little Joan of Arc who is far away in Morning Star City and can be left alone, the sea of ​​flowers in the soul shell of Zela is a little difficult to deal with.

This kind of ugly flower was produced by the "alien breath" leaked when the soul passed through the main world and was annihilated, and after the "Reaper" died, the scattered soul did not go far to form such a large flower directly. A sea of ​​flowers means that there is a huge "alien world" nearby.

That's right, I did it.

Although the identity is the genuine "God-Akatosh", it is true, but it is only within the scope of the province of Skyrim. no difference.

Using avatars to go to the annihilation of other demon gods can be said to be a trick. Although those places do not belong to "Skyrim Province", they do not belong to "Beyond Skyrim Province". In the past tense, I still enveloped a "bubble" within myself that still belonged to the province of Skyrim.

After yesterday's battle with Fimis, I mean Duneville, I realized that even a "bubble" is enough to make the soul shell start to grow, and these guys are not under my control, because I am worried that the shell will always grow around me The clever companions will discover something, so the scope of the "bubble" is slightly expanded, so that those "egg roll flowers" can grow in a larger area.

However, who would have thought that after the "Reaper" died, the scattered souls harvested by it would blow out?

[Thinking about the good, at least this composition is quite beautiful, like a goddess. 】

'Don't talk nonsense, people's "Birth of Venus" is standing on a big shell, and I am standing on a pile of soul shells. '

I couldn't think of how to explain it for a while, so I decided to ignore this question.

"This time not only eliminated the monsters that would delay our return to the main world, but also added the energy to open the channel, not bad." I raised the staff of Magnus and opened a door directly in front of me. It was really a door. The shape imitates the gate of Snowrun City, and the color is exactly the blue that appears after wandering souls and eating soul shells: "Do you have anything else to do in the soul stone tomb?"

Amir shook his head silently, and Arthur looked back and forth between the disappearing soul shell flower sea and the door for a while, then nodded and said, "Me neither."

Parathos doesn't seem to dare to talk to me, and as for Barbas... I'm not going to listen.

"So, let's go." After the cross-boundary function of the gate of annihilation was activated, it suddenly magnified in front of my eyes, and then I returned to Songjiade's own small courtyard in the next moment.


"Although it's the third time, it still feels amazing." After knocking on the stupid system a few times, I sat on the rocking chair by the fountain and began to watch the two teleportation videos of this journey of annihilation.

In the several teleportation pictures, four people and one dog approached the vortex or the portal infinitely, disappeared suddenly at the position where the figure began to distort, and reappeared at the exit on the other side after a period of time. During this period, their expressions And the action hasn't changed at all - except for me.

"It seems that everyone, from the body to the soul, is fixed in the form at the moment before entering, and they don't recover until they leave the passage." I stared at the passage, but I couldn't see anything from the video alone: ​​"This' fixed 'Can't restrain me but can affect Zela, so my consciousness is ejected."

[Well, you must know that although the Annihilation Domain of the Eight Holy Spirits and the Sixteen Demon Gods jointly built the 'Wheel of the World', they are not closely connected with each other and with the world itself. Although we cannot know the details, this kind of The distances that are basically astronomical units are obviously not something that can be crossed by conventional movement methods, and the 'fixed' behavior may be just to protect the cross-boundary from being hurt in the case of ultra-high-speed movement. 】

"You did use this statement when I checked how long it would take to cross, but it couldn't explain why the 'Reaper' could greatly delay the speed of crossing. After all, it is just an ordinary monster." I pointed at the screen, because the harvester There are too many souls, and the appearance is already indescribable "reaper".

[Well, although it’s just a guess, it probably should be like this,] The stupid system projected two gears with a distance in front of me, and then connected a channel between the two, and then drew a A rough picture of four people and one dog is placed at one end of the passage, and then the little black dragon grabs the picture and flies to the other end of the passage and puts it down again: [The time of my flight is the time when I pass through this passage, and the people on the picture are naturally Can't feel it. 】

Then, an indescribable object similar to the appearance of the previous reaper appeared at the end of the passage. It emitted thick smoke outwards. Even though the "picture" had entered the passage, it would still take a while before it could be seen and taken.

"So, the reaper is like an obstacle near the entrance. You can't 'grab' the picture directly, you have to wait for it to move to a position where it will not be affected." I thought for a while and understood the meaning of this move : "But is there such a 'you' between the world and the world?"

[Although it is also speculation, according to legends and some records, the Ninth Holy Spirit, "God of War" Talos, and the Seventeenth Demon God, "God of Order" Gerrag should be in this kind of place. 】The stupid system projected two more invisible figures between the gears, and they were working hard to transport those cross-boundary "pictures" back and forth.

Hmm, the two gods and demons worked hard as postmen.

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