The Collection of The End

Chapter 339 War and Peace

My name is Akatosh,

There is a kind of loneliness called "clicking on F2 but not having option A".

——4E, 201, Frostfall Moon, 1st, 03:19——

In Winterhold, beneath Sattar, there is a small meeting taking place.

The participants included the court mage of Solitude, Hibilly Stant, the master of the Winterhold Mages Academy Tolfdir, who is nominally affiliated with Stormcloak, and Movas Pirion, the leader of the wild vampires whose position is unknown.

If they wanted to, the strength they had was enough to change the situation in Skyrim Province, but fortunately, none of them had the character to care about the replacement of mortal authority.

"About the situation of the main god and the ancestor, you should also feel it? What do you think?" Hibilly spoke first.

"What do you think, when they come up with an unstyled organization like 'Silver Hand', they will inevitably end up like this." Movas replied not very interested: "Could it be that you want a piece of the pie? Then I wish you success."

"Ha, there is a being who wiped out the God of Vampires and the First Maharaja together, but did not inherit the title of 'Molag Bal', what is he doing, do you think I can't see it? I don't want to throw myself into a trap. "Hibly sneered.

"Since you didn't come to lure me into the gang, why did you come all the way to Winterhold? Don't worry about your little princess?" Movas gestured in the direction of Solitary City.

"Although there will be no conflicts, I don't want to appear in front of the sharp-eyed eagle, and there are enough people who dote on her, so I'm not the only one." Sibilly paused: "Of course I'm here to lure you into the group, but But it’s not to share the power left behind by the demon god. You know, during this period of time, the news of the fall of various demon gods has spread wildly. It will contradict itself, but this time we can directly feel the 'Fall of the Demon God', which confirms those rumors."

"You mean..." Movas sat up slightly.

"Since those demon gods who like to make troubles are too busy to take care of themselves, then we can build a second floating city. This time, no demon god will not hesitate to activate Morrowind's volcano to shoot it down." Sibilly turned his head and looked To Tovdir, who has been unable to intervene: "We plan to let the Master Academy fly, do you have any objections?"

"I have an opinion! No more stupid names like 'Umbriel'!"

"Well, how about 'Dalaran ()'?"


— 7:19 —

"Then, that... Ace?" Eddie, who was wearing a gorgeous little dress, mustered up the courage to call out to Esgail beside him.

Today, Solitary City will hold the wedding ceremony of "Princess Emilia" and "Second Son of the Snowhoof Family". After the wedding, the two will go to the Capital Province to invite the nobles and royal families there to make up for it again.

In this way, more than half of the combat power of the Stormcloaks disappeared immediately. If Ulfric wanted to continue to fight against the empire, he could only fight for his own fortune, but it perfectly fulfilled the princess' wish to "quell the rebellion".

However, in the eyes of outsiders who don't know the truth, this wedding is basically showing what is meant by "a good cabbage is let a pig arch", and it is a black wild boar with a big head. Submerged in verbal criticism.

In the midst of the panic, Eddie fell into a premarital phobia.

As the substitute of the princess, she had already expected that she might die in place of the princess one day, or had to marry some nobles for some political purpose, but pretending to be a princess and marrying someone she likes? And because of this, Her Royal Highness Princess Emilia can no longer appear in front of people? Even those who knew the truth, such as His Majesty the Emperor and Commander Tuka, said they didn't care about it, but she couldn't pass her own test.

"What's the matter? Wife?—Well, it doesn't seem to be called that,

So do it all over again," Asgail showed her a silly smile: "What's the matter, dear? "

Wearing a custom-made loose dress, coupled with festive accessories, even the originally very ferocious face softened a bit. At this moment, he smiled slightly—it might still scare a child to cry.

"..." Eddie was stunned with red cheeks, and kept repeating a sentence in his heart: You will regret it! You will regret this! You will regret this!

No, said a faint but firm voice, if I don't say it, I will really regret it, and forever.

"I, I'm not a princess, and I'm not called Emilia..." In the wedding lounge where no outsiders were present, Eddie's slight voice was almost dispersed by the noise from outside.

"Huh? What did you say?" Asgard raised his eyebrows.

"I said I'm not a princess..."

"No, the second sentence."

etc? Shouldn't you be furious when you hear the first sentence? Eddie looked carefully at Asgail's expression, but couldn't see anything.

"My name isn't Emilia?"

"Then what's my wife's name?"

"Eddie, Eddie Septim..."

"Oh, I see, I won't call you Amir in the future, let me think about it, how about 'Xiao Ai'?"

Eddie was completely dizzy. It took a lot of effort and mental preparation before he decided to say it, but it seems that he doesn't mind at all?

"You, aren't you angry?"

"Oh, by the way, if your appearance is changed, I will definitely be angry."

Asgard stretched out his big hand, stroked her head and pinched her face.

"It's true! Otherwise, why would you be chosen as the substitute for the princess! What I want to ask is, are you not angry that I'm not a princess!" Eddie grabbed the hand directly.

"Why are you angry? The princess doesn't like me, but you like me."


Esgaier patted Eddie on the head again: "As for me, I can sense other people's feelings for me. The real princess is just 'curious' about me, but you are 'like'."


"A teacher told me that if a woman is curious about a man, it's not far from falling in love with him, so I was going to try to pursue him, and I met you in the end, just to save some trouble."

"So you also like princesses?" Eddie's thoughts immediately recovered: "What if you pursue success?"

"Ah, how should I put it, what kind of person do you think I should like?" Asgard avoided answering: "At least in my parents' opinion, I should like that kind of big~beauty~but I just think it's scary .”

The big black man made two S-shaped curves with his hands with an exaggerated expression, and the corners of Eddie's eyes twitched.

"I like the type who is thin, a little dark, but cute like the princess... like you and the princess." This emergency avoidance probably exhausted his life's wisdom: "Although I'm not sure, but this kind of The type probably won't like me."

"I just like it!" Eddie had completely forgotten what he wanted to ask him just now.

"Hey, that's good." Asgail lifted Eddie on his shoulders: "Let's go out and tell everyone."

"Put me down! Don't go! You big fool—"


Xueman, Dragon Cloud Palace.

The lord "The Great" Balgruuf was frowning on the Dragon Terrace at the back of the palace, watching the sporadic flying dragons in the sky.

Since the appearance of the legendary "Alduin", the number of dragons in the sky has gradually increased. From the beginning, a group of "dragon slaying warriors" competed for one dragon, and now even if there is a surplus for each person, no one dares to fight. It's only been a few months.

It is said that Chen Xing and Falkreese were both attacked by giant dragons, and because Xueman had the infamous Dragon Palace, those dragons did not dare to get too close, but they also refused to stay away. If this continues, the surrounding farmland will produce Problems may arise.

"Lydia, is there any news about our baron?" He asked the shield-bearing girl behind him.

"Not yet." Lydia replied.

When Baron Arthur had something to go out and left his guards behind, according to the rules, she should be on standby at the Baron's mansion "Feng Mansion", but now it has been occupied by the comrades-in-arms group, because several members of the comrade-in-arms group are also there. Wait for the Baron to return.

Therefore, Laydia had no choice but to come to Longxiao Palace to work part-time as the former lord's guard during the day, and then go back to live in the evening - after all, those little girls with impure thoughts dare not live in Fengzhai.

The eagerness to get Arthur back did not mean that he wanted him to deal with those dragons, after all, he couldn't fly.

With the constant friction between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks and local conflicts breaking out from time to time, it is possible for either side to suddenly turn around and send troops to capture Snowman. If he took advantage of the situation to rob, he had nothing to do. Eliris and Holongner were just generals at best, and it was impossible to handle the details of this kind of national battle well, although he didn't have a deep understanding of Arthur's talent , but presumably he will not disappoint himself.

"My lord! Ulfric Stormcloak of Windhelm City sent a letter and... an axe." A guard came to report.

"Oh, as expected, he still can't hold his breath first," Balgruf shook his head, turned around and walked towards the front hall of Dragon Clouds Palace.

Giving someone an ax is an ancient Nord tradition, and its meaning is to confirm that a neutral person is "either friend or enemy".

If the recipient accepts the ax, it means that they have accepted the gift from their friend. The two parties can basically reach a consensus, and there is not much conflict. Irreconcilable contradictions have since officially become enemies.

Obviously, since the Snowhoof family in Rift Valley City broke away from Stormcloak, and the attitude of the powerful Blackthorn family there has become less certain, the strength of Stormcloak has shrunk by a small half in an instant. To launch an attack, it happened that the Imperial Legion was about to hold the wedding of the princess and the son-in-law recently. Although the overall strength had not changed, they would not take the initiative to attack. This was a good opportunity for him to do it.

The double should be the one who got married, could it be that the princess was also involved in some incident that she couldn't get out of temporarily like Arthur?

Whether it's war or peace, Balgruuf still has dozens of steps to consider.

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