The Collection of The End

Chapter 340 Ancient Dragon and Demon God

My name is Akatosh,

I heard that those who appear late are all big bosses?

——4E, 201, Frost Moon, 1st, 17:07——

Miraak is flying towards Skyrim with his dragon army.

As the first dragonborn to survive from the age of mythology, he believes that the chaos in Skyrim Province is the best time for him to return to the stage of history.

Although the servant he sent to Tianrim to collect information was so stupid that he was imprisoned in Xueman's prison, but fortunately not only the inmates, but even the jailers are talkative. The general information was not difficult, and they could never have imagined that although those believers were honest, the masks on their faces had the function of transmitting information.

The only surprise is the blue dragon Sahrotaar, which is better at changing magic than other primordial dragons. The arrangement for it is to become a harmless little animal to quietly collect information that the believers cannot get. But in the end, the news was completely cut off. At present, it can only perceive that it is located at the peak of Hrothgar. Could it be that the old thing Patunax took it away?

Speaking of the "Greybeard" and Patunax at the peak of Hrothgar, they were the organizations established by the three warriors who exiled Alduin and the generals of the Dragon Empire at that time. , Mirak can also hang them up and beat them, not to mention that due to the passage of time, the strength of the old dragon should start to decline.

And myself, thanks to the favor of [Hermaeus Mora], the demon god of knowledge and destiny, has been immortal for thousands of years, and his strength has not decreased but increased. , I am afraid that there will be no one in the entire Tamriel continent to be his opponent. If he wants to clean up the mere imperial army and Stormcloak, he can still give them a hand.

Mora's appearance is indescribable. He looks like he mixed waterweed-like tentacles, eyes of various creatures, and viscous green liquid into balls, and threw them into the air. His servants are roughly divided into There are two kinds: the "dementor" with a hood and robe but nothing inside, and the "deep diver" who looks like a fish but has hands and feet.

Mirak had a brain twitch once, and suggested to Morat that he should have an anthropomorphic appearance like other demon gods, and Mora agreed with him after thinking about it, and then the pile of tentacles turned into a black and white grid A short skirt, a girl with silver hair and green eyes...

After a series of messy farces, Mora transformed back again, and Milak, who was physically and mentally exhausted, seriously suspected that he actually just wanted to know his reaction to his transformed appearance. After all, this was also a kind of knowledge.

After all, this "demon god of knowledge and destiny" is extremely eager to obtain unknown knowledge. Perhaps in his view, so-called knowledge is only divided into "known" and "unknown", and has no value. knowledge, then no matter how much known knowledge is paid, it is acceptable.

For example, once He used a batch of knowledge about construction, forging, mining, farming, etc., to exchange some kind of pickle making method invented by himself with the aborigines of Southam.

Although sharing knowledge will not lead to the disappearance of what he owns, His behavior has expanded the minds of the indigenous people who only know how to hunt and pickle pickles. They originally worshiped Mirak as a god, and they began to question whether Mirak had anything to do with them. What a difference.

I can crush all of you to death with one finger, isn't it different!

Closer to home, Milak has full confidence in his "return" this time.

First of all, it is impossible for the mortal army to be his opponent, and the dragons resurrected by Alduin will easily surrender to their own side due to class suppression.

Secondly, the current emperor of the Septim dynasty is in the sky. If he is eliminated by the way, the empire's rule will be in chaos, and it will be even more difficult to organize superhumans who can threaten itself.

Not to mention using the ancient scrolls.

In the end, there was a dragonborn named "Arthur" in his early years. It is certain that Nairn no longer equates the dragonborn with the royal family. He is worth relying on" attitude, and the lords have no fear of him being in a high position, so as the first dragon descendant, he will naturally be more popular.

So, for now, his enemies are only the Dragonborn and its related forces, Greybeard and Patunax, the Mage Academy and the Transcendents of the Empire, and there is no pressure in front of the ancestor dragon army.

Speaking of Dragonborn, that guy even named himself "Arthur Pendragon", "Lord of Dragons". It seems that he is also very confident in his own identity, so he should also be able to transform into a dragon, And it's easy to gain the favor of non-hostile dragons, but unfortunately, when dragonborn fight each other, no dragon will intervene.

Compared with that cumbersome transformation, Mirak has improved it with the help of [Mora], and has become a "dragon roar" that can be used in human form. It not only maintains the flexibility of the human form, but also has the power of a dragon His strength, and his shiny and handsome appearance, if he was singled out, that guy would never be his opponent.

However, according to intelligence, the dragonborn seems to be leading his men to Songgarde to trouble Alduin, so the next best thing is to level the peak of Hrothgar.

Mirak looked at several giant dragons fleeing in the distance, and commanded the group of proto-dragons to turn around complacently.


Hrothgar Peak.

"Hmph! I have to wait for you to continue to wait, I'm going to find my father! Rabbit, let's go!"

Several days after Arthur disappeared, Sophie finally couldn't wait any longer. After losing her temper, she jumped on the back of the blue dragon and drove it straight away, while Thalocnir could only stretch out her claws in the air miserably: "[I am your father...]"

"【Compared to that, don't you think it's weird for her to ride a dragon as a dragon?】" Master Ainas talked to the stupid father in dragon language.

"【You can also ride me...】" The black dragon remained in a state of collapse.

"This guy is hopeless." The gray beards shrugged each other.


"However, where is 'Brasilian', Rabbit, do you know?"


After successfully flying out of the range of the peak of Hrothgar, Sophie fell into confusion, because she had no idea where Arthur had gone. After all, she had always been taken away by others, and every time she flew randomly, she would always get into trouble .

"Why don't we ask someone for directions?" The girl pointed to the air in front of her: "Aren't there many uncles and aunts there who look a bit strange?"

"Hey!" The blue dragon Rabbit panicked and flapped its wings vigorously trying to escape, but it was a step too late. In the next moment, it and Sophie were surrounded by the group of proto-dragons that covered the sky and the sun.

"Hello~ little girl, long time no see, I didn't expect to see you here, where are you going?" A slightly greasy, frivolous man's voice sounded.

The Proto-Dragon naturally couldn't speak, it was a weird man riding on the green dragon's neck, he was wearing an ancient style, a lot of accessories, the overall color was khaki-yellow, and he had a face with all the engraved facial features Weird orange mask into slits.

"Well, hello uncle, I'm going to find my father, have you seen him?" Sophie replied with her head tilted, while the blue dragon under her was trembling.

"...hehe," the cold eyes behind the mask swept the blue dragon, and then returned to Sophie: "If your father's name is 'Arthur Pendragon', you have to call me 'Uncle Milak' '."

"Uncle Miracle." Sophie replied immediately.

"Good boy," Milak gestured to the north, "I know where your father has gone, and I just need to find him for something, so come with me."

"Okay." "Gee!"

Sophie readily agreed, but the proto-blue dragon she was riding panicked and seemed to run away.

"Huh? Do you have an opinion?" Mirak stared at the blue dragon again.

"Gee..." Rabbit, or the former Sarotar was completely wilted.

"Then—" Mirak waved his hands, and a black dragon and a red dragon flew to Rabbit's side, spreading their wings and preparing to forcibly take him away.

"Hmm... Uncle, are you a bad person?" Sophie blinked.

"Hehe, children only talk about good and bad, while adults only talk about benefits."

"I'm not a child!"

"Then come with me."

So Mirak blocked Sophie's questioning with a seemingly reasonable sentence—for about a few seconds.

“【Where do you want to take my daughter?】”

A huge, majestic, but recognizable voice of an angry woman resounded all around. It showed no signs of spreading, but echoed repeatedly within a certain range, as if it was forced to be heard hundreds of times.

"Hee...hee..." Although it was blocked by a mask, it could be judged from the voice that Milak's face changed drastically, and he looked around in panic.

A pair of white, graceful, and brightly shining dragon wings emerged from the void, followed by an equally beautiful dragon head and body. When this silver-white giant dragon appeared, those proto-dragons who were supposed to restrain it burst into laughter. And scattered, leaving only the green dragon trembling with Mirak on its back.

"Mom!" Sophie instantly turned into a white baby dragon that was quite similar to her, but three or four times smaller, and rushed towards her.

"Hee... Sinestra!" Mirak finally exclaimed: "Impossible! How could you become a 'Platinum Dragon'? You should have fallen into a deep sleep of death with Thaloknir!"

"[Why? You are only allowed to be favored by the Demon God, but I am not allowed to be favored by the Holy Spirit?]" The platinum dragon embraced Sophie who flew past: "[If your intelligence is not so bad, you should know that 200 years ago Master Akatosh left something in the capital province of Cyrodiil?"

"You use that statue to resurrect? Instead of your own body? You know, in that case—" Mirak explained forcibly while secretly preparing for the escape spell.

"[What will happen to me, you just think about it slowly in annihilation!]" Sinestra swung her paw down without giving him a chance at all.

Chi la—a few tentacles tore through the space and protruded out, directly dragging back Milak who was in a mortal situation.

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