The Collection of The End

Chapter 341 Planning and Siege

My name is Akatosh,

I want to complain about this jump channel!

——4E, 201, Frost Moon, 2nd, 10:03——

Solitary City, Blue Palace.

The former "Supreme King" Toig took the last seat in the living room.

With His Majesty the emperor around, he naturally had to give up the throne, the "princess" and the prince—or consort? Naturally, they have a higher status than him. As for the Xuehoof family over there? They are members of the royal family now, and all the guards around them have been replaced by sharp-eyed eagles, and their commander is still standing, so, compared to other minor nobles who were kicked out, it is very important for me to have a seat. Not bad isn't it?

"Your Majesty the Emperor, do you know? There are... those places around the Rift Valley City. Our... The lord's arrangement is..." Esgail Snowhoof Barabara kept talking, and Toig noticed the current Patriarch of the Snowhoof Family , Urwuf Snowhoof's face was starting to turn blue.

Perhaps he felt that if a son who is not very intelligent and usually dull-headed, marries the princess, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, but he never thought that someone would change drastically once they got married. Everything said about the city's military and political arrangements is to the point. If the Imperial Legion wants to attack the Rift Valley now, it is almost the same as attacking an empty city. Even Toig, who has nothing to do with himself, feels cold sweat.

But if you think about it carefully, it is only natural that Princess Emilia is born with a very high affinity, so that anyone will have a good impression of her, and Eddie, even if he is only a little affected, is still very attractive among ordinary people. , and yesterday's wedding was also very successful, there were no blind assassins to make trouble.

As for what happened after the wedding, although there was a bit of a difference in physique, Toig did not speculate much out of the self-restraint of his elders. Miria was almost making a fuss, but at the moment she was holding hands with Lilith Snowhoof and whispering. Eddie, who was blushing...well, probably got along very well.

Looking at the juniors who have already stepped onto the stage of history, Toig suddenly wanted to go to the back house to meet his wife "Blonde" Alicifer. Due to the busy affairs of Skyrim Province, the two of them have never had a chance to have a child, but now it seems that With peace at hand, this matter should almost be on the agenda.

"Report—Xueman's military situation!" A sharp-eyed eagle scout shouted outside the conference hall.

This was obviously for the Snowhoof family. If they were not there, these scouts would come in and report directly, and they opened their mouths as "Big Sister", Toig glanced at the door.

"Come in!" Yagmi took two steps toward the door.

"Report to the... Commander," a scout walked into the conference hall and handed her a folded intelligence paper: "Stormcloak captured Falkreath, but gave up Morningstar, and the east of Snowrun." Castle Amor' shows signs of a Stormcloak mass."

The scout did not deliberately lower his voice. Obviously, this is not some secret information. Most of the content that needs to be kept secret in this case only exists on the intelligence paper in the hands of the commander. But even so, these contents are enough to shock Toig up.

It seems that it is just an exchange of one city and one place, but it directly puts Xueman into the "pocket". The support from the south is interrupted, and the natural barrier between Morningstar and Winterhold makes it not worth much to garrison there, so it is also Cut off Xueman's passage to the north for help. At this time, if the imperial army wanted to support Xueman, they could only go along the main road from Loristed in the west, and the Stormcloak must have been ready to disrupt...

"Let Tasilius continue to garrison the Gray Marsh Fortress, but remove all camouflage and unfurl the imperial flag." Yagmi said: "Unless Balgruuf sends a messenger to ask us for help, don't take a step closer to Snowrun."

"But General Tullius and Governor Rikki are not under our control?" the scout recorded the order,

asked again.

"Tell them, this is also my will." The emperor threw a sentence from a distance.

"Obey." The scout saluted and exited immediately after recording.

It seems that the empire decided to take the opportunity to force Xueman to choose a side, and the timing of the choice was very clever, just when Stormcloak couldn't bear it and decided to strike first... No, it can't be regarded as unable to bear it, they should just get the legendary This kind of silent infiltration operation has been quietly carried out after the failure of the mission to seize the crown. The skirmish on the eastern border of Xueman is just a show for both sides. .

Toig thought for a while before he understood what was going on, and then he was frustrated to find that his political and military talents needed to be improved. It would be better to find an opportunity to abdicate and let Xian go home to train the next generation.


Snowrun City, Winding District.

Today is a rare sunny day, with no wind or snow. After lunch, Naqim, dressed in old aristocratic clothes, wandered around the city as usual, turning a blind eye to the pedestrians and guards who avoided him from afar, and perseveringly looking for the unwary Chat with people who don't hide.

Although most of Xueman's residents laughed at him as a fake nobleman who loved vanity, lied and spoke out loud, and deserved to be beaten, why didn't they think about it, "pretending to be a nobleman" is a crime, and he will be locked up and whipped Yes, but have those Xueman guards captured him so far?

Moreover, what qualifications do those bald civilians living in the plains have to laugh at his house built in the meandering area? Even if it is the location of the ancient fort, it is also a meandering area!

As for the status of nobility, those ordinary people must not know that under the noble titles with a long tradition such as Duke, Marquis, Bo, Zi, and Nan, there are also two noble titles of pure military merit, baronet () and knight (Knight). And he, Naqim, is the "Junker" under the knights!

Although this title is awarded by the lord because the farm is well managed and has paid more food and taxes than other farms. If the food supplied to Xueman in a year is less than a certain standard, it will be deprived of it, but it is also worthy of the name. noble!

With this status, he can freely enter and leave Dragon Cloud Palace. Although he is not allowed to approach the lord at will, he can give him various opinions and eat in the hall, which is enough to show off to the commoners.

However, bluntly saying to people, "I have been to Dragon Cloud Palace, and I have spoken to the lord, you must show respect to me!" To let the other party think that there is a nobleman in front of him, and naturally express respect, well, that's it, he feels that he is simply too smart.

"My friend, have you ever been to Genting District? Oh, what am I talking about, of course you haven't been." Nachim said to Hemsko in front of the Talos Altar.

"Ah~ [Taros]~ You have been elevated from a human to a god, but you have maintained the humility of a human~ You have never asked for our belief~ But how can your people give up their belief in you because of your humility—" Hemsker, in his pale yellow hooded robe, ignored him completely.

"The civilians here don't know how to respect a nobleman at all. You know, if a person can be called a nobleman, he must have made a much more important contribution than the commoner, don't you think?" Naqim continued to chatter, and said: Tried to go to Raheemsko's arm.

"Holy Spirit~ You are everywhere but omnipresent, you don't need any prayers but you will help anyone who really needs help~ You are the god of gods, the ninth Holy Spirit~ the great [Talos]—— Hemsko held up his hands in prayer, preventing Nachim from approaching.

"Boom!!" There was a deafening bang from Xueman's main entrance, and at the same time the ground trembled violently. Nachim, who was standing unsteadily, felt his ears buzzing and couldn't hear anything for a while.



The dizziness gradually dissipated, and Naqim began to hear the shouts of the Xueman guards. They were attacked suddenly, but they still gathered busily and began to build defenses on the spot. There were sounds of large-scale operations in the distance.

"Empire? Or Stormcloak?" Naqim looked confused. If he was asked to choose, he would not support either side in this civil war, because no matter which side, it is impossible to give him a noble because of his good farming. Nobility, maybe all the food will be forcibly confiscated as military rations...

"No matter where the attack comes from, they must be driven away." After thinking of this, Nachim stood up with the courage he didn't know where, and stretched out his hand to Hemsko who fell on the ground: "If your 【Taros】If you don't have time, we will do it ourselves!"

"How dare a mere Nachim say that?" Hemsko grabbed his hand and stood up, but he seemed to casually say something seriously insulting: "A follower of [Talos] is never afraid of fighting !"

Sa! Sa! Sa!

As if to confirm their words, several huge boulders roared high and flew straight towards the winding area, one of which was aimed at Naqim and Hemsko.

"See, hell..." Although Naqim had already made up his mind to fight for his title of "Squire", his legs kept shaking in the face of the boulder falling from the sky, and he was completely unable to take a single step.

"Talos is above—" Hemsko, who stayed in front of the altar of Talos all year round and hardly moved, was not much better.

【Consciousness-Only Demon Eye】

The moment the huge boulder fell, it suddenly turned into powder all over the sky. Nachim and Hemsko were sprinkled all over their faces, and they were at a loss.

"During the time we were away, the storm cloaks were coming." A slightly hoarse but very pleasant woman's voice sounded behind them: "Fortunately, the teleportation exit is a little bit off, otherwise we won't be able to catch up, at least it will collapse a few times." house."

Accompanied by the voice, several other boulders that were about to fall stopped strangely in mid-air, then flew straight up and disappeared from sight.

"It will be a matter of time," the next voice was Nachim's very familiar voice, Baron Snowman, Arthur Pendragon: "It seems that we have to repel them while avoiding casualties as much as possible." gone."

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