The Collection of The End

Chapter 342 Armistice and Story

My name is Akatosh,

The Shura field is really interesting... The premise is that you don't get involved.

——4E, 201, Frost Moon, 2nd, 19:36——

Snowrun East, Camp Stormcloak.

Balgruuf's defense of the Stormcloaks was mainly concentrated at the mouth of the White River in the east, and it also aimed at Fort Amor, which was frequently mobilized. After the Stormcloaks occupied Falkreath, there was no time to adjust the defense area, so Ulfric Lead the army from the south, pass the abandoned Helgen, bypass the valley where Ximu Town is located, and directly approach the city.

The army launched a siege to Xueman, Xueman refused the support of the imperial army to resist alone, but in the face of the continuous offensive, they finally ran out of ammunition and had to choose a side.

Surrender to the Stormcloaks, accept Ulfric's rule, and become a bridgehead for your side's attack on Solitude, or, ask for the reinforcements of the Imperial Legion, and in that case, after repelling the Stormcloaks, it will have nothing "neutral" anymore statement.

That's how it should have been.

Ulfric knew the attack was a complete failure when he saw the first wave of boulders hurled into the city by catapults flying high into the air to demoralize the resisters.

"Didn't you say that the dragon-born baron is busy dealing with Alduin and may have gone to Songgard and won't be back for a while?" He looked at the boulder hovering in the sky and asked Frigg.

"Maybe he found that he forgot something..." Frigga responded with some lack of confidence: "But don't worry, I will swear to protect your safety!"

"No need..." Ulfric shook his head, only to see a jet of black mist rapidly spreading from Xueman's direction.


Xueman, Dragon Cloud Palace.

In the banquet hall, there was a rare full occupancy in the past years.

The three groups of people from different camps who were fighting each other not long ago looked at each other in blank dismay, and none of them were willing to speak first.

Hadava and Raloff looked at each other in the air, sparks flew, Governor Rikki looked up and down Frigga Brokenshield with critical eyes, although he didn't say anything, the attitude made the "shawl blond" The founder was very angry, while Electrolux watched back and forth

General Tullius and Ulfric's bodyguard finally shook their heads in disdain.

In the end, Balgruuf, the "Stalwart" who was the host, cleared his throat to attract everyone's attention, and then said: "Since everyone is here, there is no doubt that this battle cannot be fought, so why not take advantage of it?" No casualties have been caused, discuss a plan acceptable to all parties?"

General Tullius was on his left, and immediately replied after hearing the words: "There is nothing to talk about with the rebels, we will not make any compromises."

"I have to ask first, where is the one who can bring us here silently? What is his/her identity and position?" Ulfric and Stone Fist sat on the right, and he shrewdly No positive answer was given.

"No comment," Balgruuf said blankly, "The only thing you need to know is that He hopes to resolve this matter with as few casualties as possible. Obviously, everyone here is an expert at instigating casualties. If you If no solution can be found, then we are the last 'casualties' in this war."

"..." The commanders of both sides fell silent again.

For Balgruuf, it's not really "no comment", but if it is said, this rare negotiation opportunity will be ruined-they were used by the princess who theoretically should have just married in Solitude City. Brought back by a strange wildebeest belching black smoke.

Then she did not explain to His Majesty the Emperor that she recommended herself to be the Supreme King of Skyrim, so she is blatantly independent now... This peace meeting is the last chance,

If it is not handled well, it may cause multiple sieges at the same time.


Compared with the strife and intrigue of ordinary people at the negotiating table over there, the place responsible for suppressing the superhumans on both sides was full of joy and harmony.

First of all, the sharp-eyed eagle on the empire side, after seeing the princess, he immediately became an ally of Xueman's side, and all the extraordinary people on the side of the storm cloak who wanted to do something about it all sat on the sidelines - just kidding, who wants to fight against the group of comrades who are dispatched all over the nest? ? When they destroyed the Treva sentry tower, they did it fairly covertly, but the rough information about the combat effectiveness of the Stormcloak was still clear.

Tacilius was the biggest, but he didn't hold a lot of alcohol. After a few drinks with Cisco Yue, both of them became drunk.

Des and Fulvo confronted the three Wilkas brothers together, clinking glasses.

Tirma, the wild eagle, also followed in order to supervise Riya not to let her drink, and caught Sophie who had sneaked back by the way.

As for Krakow Whitemane, he stayed in Yuehuaska to restrain the recruits of the comrade-in-arms regiment not to run out casually. The attacking troops did not have a leader and temporarily stationed there, but if the enemy approached them, they would still fight back.

"Speaking of which, why can't we go to Arthur's side or take him away for a drink?" Parathos looked at Arthur surrounded by a group of ladies, feeling inexplicably that he would look miserable.

"Wow! That guy is going to die today, and no one can save him." Babas replied in a voice that no one else could hear: "You are guarding the princess, so naturally you won't have this kind of trouble. Take a good look at it now, take a good look at it." study."

"Oh, well..." Paraisos responded incomprehensibly.


"Our Lord Baron went to the peak of Hrothgar and brought back two little girls, why? Why don't you introduce them to everyone?" Ella, who had inexplicably painted a pure white face today, moved with his own bowstring.

"Need it?" Arthur had a headache: "Everyone knows who they are."

"Need it," Lydia interjected.

Jane Lasse did not speak, but expressed support with her eyes and body language.

Well, Arthur sighed, it would be nice to take this opportunity to introduce each other in detail.

Here is the Princess of the Empire, Emilia Septim and the Baron of Winterhold, the chief mage of the Wizard Academy, Zela Pesh, who didn't have much intersection with them at first, but after the recent expedition, they are interested in Arthur. It is said that they have become close comrades-in-arms fighting side by side.

On the other hand, Ella belongs to the comrades-in-arms group and is skilled in archery. Lydia is the baron guard sent by the lord and is good at shields. Jane Lasse is an adventurer rescued from the black forest, and she is also good at bows and arrows. , and Satya... Satya? !

"I heard that Her Royal Highness married a big black man in Solitary City. Could it be that it was a scam?" Satya, who appeared here for some reason, ignored Arthur and asked Princess Emilia directly.

"...No, he likes Eddie, not me." The little princess blinked and replied.

"So you don't like the big black guy?" Satya asked, "Then what type do you like?"

"...Type?" The girl turned her head and thought hard. Although she seemed to have summed up some characteristics, it seemed difficult to express them in words, so she raised her hand and said, "That's it."

Arthur, who was pointed at, suddenly felt that the surrounding area was much colder, and the cold wind was blowing.

"It really is like this..." "Huaxin Daluobo..." "Is he going to flirt with all the beautiful girls in the sky..."

No, wait? The princess clearly said "like this" instead of "this person". Also, everyone obviously didn't speak. Where did the voice come from? Who is whispering in spells or ventriloquism?

"Oh, thank you for your cooperation." Satya handed Emilia a bottle of black thorn mead, and turned to Zela Pesh when she didn't know why: "Baron Winterhold, a friend of Scholar Shino, and Chief mage of the academy, it is rare for you to come to Xueman, I wonder if you can satisfy the curiosity of a little girl who eats intelligence?"

"No problem, no problem," Arthur saw that Zela, who had always been calm and reliable, showed a playful look that should belong to a girl at this moment: "Beforehand, I don't like Arthur at all."

"Hey..." Baron Xueman could only smile wryly.

"The person I like is a hero." The female mage said with a look of nostalgia, and the girls who were poking Arthur with their eyes were infected by her tone, and they also looked back.

"His hair is silly orange and is pulled back in a funny short ponytail."

"I don't have enough ability, and my brain is not very good. When encountering an emergency, the most common words I say are 'what's going on', 'it's impossible', 'I'm trying to find a way', 'please persevere'."

"It's okay, I always like to wear white and green robes. I don't know that color combination even dogs hate."

"Always treat everyone with gentleness, almost never see him get angry, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, no, even if there is no hope, he will save everything he can save, like a fool."

"He was always behind me silently, backing up my responsibilities and tasks, no matter how difficult it was, never complaining."

"I used to think that he would just stay with me like this until the end of the world, until I met [the thing that wants to end the world]."

"He gave up everything so that we could beat it."

"If all traces of a person's life are erased, and even his soul no longer exists after death, how can I prove that he existed?"

"his name is--"

yes? The ladies, teenage girls, and girls present all pricked up their ears.

"—Oh, I'm sorry, I lied to you. Seeing how convinced you are, my ability to make up stories is not bad, right? Hahaha!" Zela suddenly dropped the nostalgic tone and laughed.

However, the effect is not good.

"Sorry, I shouldn't bring up this topic." Satya shook her head and handed Zela a handkerchief.

"Huh? Huh!?" Ze stretched his hand to touch his face when he realized something, and there were two strings of crystal tears rolling down on the smiling face.

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