The Collection of The End

Chapter 343 Analysis and Hypothesis

I treat doctors like first love,

The doctor fed me razor blades.

——4E, 201, Frost Moon, 2nd, 20:18——

"Stupid system! Explain to me what's going on! What settings did you secretly add to Zela?"

【Ahhhhhhhhh, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy——】

Because I accidentally made a terrible CG that can be named "Laughing and Tears", I didn't have the courage to stay in the venue. The little black dragon wings incarnated by the system is a dragon meat Hot Wheels.

"Huh..." A mere stupid system can still turn dizzy? After shaking it two more times, I stopped: "I'll give you three seconds to explain, three, two..."

[That's not Zela's feelings, it's your 'Patient Zero''s—] Little Black Dragon insisted on finishing his speech quickly within a second.

"Nonsense! In the list of my favorite FATE male characters, he doesn't rank at all." I frowned and recalled the doctor's deeds. There was no fluctuation in my heart, and it was impossible to have the reaction just now.

【yes? So in order, who is your favorite? 】

"Koma-san! Basically perfect except for the appearance."

After beating the prison tower, he left a sentence of "wait and hope" and disappeared, then turned around and followed the call sign he sent me back, his head was about to explode at that time.

[Okay, so the second one? 】

"Grandpa Hassan! He's so handsome! I saw him once in the last world, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance to speak."

[What about the third one? 】

"Uh...Huh? Cut, Kiritsugu?"

【The wife is watching you. 】

"Stop talking nonsense, like to be like a father is also to like!"

【Wang Ha will cut off this unfilial son, right? 】

"Why do you want to link up!"

Hmm... I felt good after spit out a few slots, and I didn't have the urge to beat up the stupid system for a while, so I threw away the little black dragon and conjured up a soft sofa to sink myself into.

[Anyway, you're too embarrassed to go back now, so let's move on to the next row, the fourth one? 】

"Hmm... The Great Emperor and Shining are tied for fourth place. They have similar attributes, and they all have two forms, big and small..."

【So you like Conan too? 】

"It's nice to spit out this slot."

[I learned from you, come and continue, fifth? 】

"... Solomon."

【Who? I didn't hear you? 】

"Solomon! The King of Magic! 'Grand Caster'! Romani Archman! Dr. Roman! Doctor! Are you satisfied!"

Because he didn't rank in the top three, he always ignored it subconsciously, and only after careful ranking did he find that he was ranked so high.

[Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooophone The incarnation of the direct 'descend' is completely unable to resist the sorrow from the Holy Spirit. 】

"Well, I'll try not to show my feelings in the future."

[That's really good news. 】

"When it's time to hit you, I will hit you without emotion."

[Please let it go. 】


Although I left the scene, the monitoring there has not been interrupted. Just kidding, almost all the leaders of the Skyrim Province have gathered in the Dragon Cloud Palace now. what to do.

There was no abnormality in the main venue. The two sides were still arguing about the terms one by one under the premise that the truce had been confirmed. They looked like they were desperately trying to take advantage and would rather die than suffer. .

As for Arthur's Shura field, I mean the sub-field, due to the abnormal behavior of "Zera Pesh\

,"A bunch of gossiping girls completely forgot to clean up Arthur.

"The 'thing that wants to end the world' she said is obviously referring to 'Alduin', so it can be judged that the person whose name is not yet known stopped it by sacrificing everything about himself, but he himself also disappeared from people's memory. Disappeared, could it be one of the three warriors who stopped it?" After Ella returned to Yuevaska, she obviously put in a lot of effort to collect information on Alduin.

"No, one-eyed Harken, Huntress Grass, old man Fiddir, and the three ancient warriors, they have detailed records." Jane Lassey said.

"'All deeds during life are erased, and even the soul does not exist after death', if this is the case, then the ambiguous written records and legends are meaningless, and it is completely impossible for us to know whether the three warriors are There are four." Ella shook her head: "Unless she is asked to speak out, but that is simply tearing open other people's wounds."

"About that 'Unrivaled Hero', I deduced something based on the details in Zela's mouth and the previous information," Satya held up the written record in his hand, and then he spoke after attracting everyone's attention: "He is likely to be a logistician belonging to 'Atayumu', a mage who provides immediate support for field personnel who are teleported to various places."

"Regarding the floating island 'Atayumu' and the mage organization 'Isaac Order' on it, apart from their actual existence and sporadic reports of their sudden appearance and dealing with magic issues, Xueman does not have any other relevant and reliable information Record." Lydia said.

"What I said is inference and guesswork. This is a deduction based on the premise that everything Miss Zela said is true." Satya was not surprised that she was questioned: "Add some details, Miss Zela said in 'Mag Not long before the Eye of Nus' incident, he entered the College of Winterhold, and in the process of solving this incident, he used the 'Magnus Staff' that was said to have been taken away by the 'Hino Scholar' of Atayum. "

"So, Miss Zela must have saved the world once in a place we don't know, but the price was that The 'hero of the world' has completely disappeared—don't look at her appearance, but the elves are very long-lived." Satya glanced at the dark elf Jan Rasay meaningfully.

"I've heard that it's hard for Redguards to grow old, but once they get old, they become old for decades." Jane Lasai gave her a glance.

"So," Arthur finally found a chance to interject: "She doesn't want anyone to be killed or injured, and she likes to solve problems in a happy way. Recently, she wants to defeat Alduin to save the world, all because of the influence of that hero."

Satya didn't seem to know what he wanted to express, so he nodded.

"And I," Arthur said slowly, "want to protect this world where everyone exists."


"Puff puff puff hahaha—it's so embarrassing—" I slapped the sofa loudly.

After those words were uttered, there was an instant silence. All the women present, regardless of their age, despised Arthur in their own way and then left straight away. Even Emil stared at him in surprise for a while before sneaking away.

[Don't you think this trick is very clever? It directly broke the Shura field temporarily interrupted by guessing your past. 】

"It's the fault of 'my past', but based on a few words I casually guessed Chaldea's action pattern, it's pretty good." I moved the monitor, and they didn't gather again after they dispersed. Everyone seems to be looking for me, but it is impossible to think that I ran to the roof of Dragon Cloud Palace, hum.

[The invisible giant dragon is approaching you, the number is one, no, two. 】

"Weird, one of them should be Sophie's mother, but who is the other?"

With some skepticism, I switched back to the mage vest.


"【Is the remembrance over?】"

When I fled from the venue, I chose the location under the flagpole with the Xueman horse head flag hanging on the roof of Longxiao Palace. The whole person was leaning on the flagpole and looking at the sky at 45 degrees. Even if I was in a daze, it would not make people feel out of harmony .

And when I switched back, shook my head and stood up, there was a pattern of water waves in the space in front of me, and then a beautiful lady with a whole body of snow came out of the void.

The snow white doesn't refer to the skin or hair, but the overall tone, she looks like a - er, unpainted figure?

[It’s really handmade. The body she uses is the Akatosh statue you left there after saving Martin Septim 200 years ago. Although the material is far less than these avatars, you made it yourself after all Yes, it successfully mutated Sophie's mother and Sinestra's wife Sinestra into a 'Platinum Dragon' when they borrowed it to revive. 】

"Uh, sorry, ma'am, who are you?" I pretended not to know her.

If you think about it carefully, this incarnation that is not made by the moon can be regarded as Arthur's distant sister, so it is not too far wrong for its daughter to call him daddy, nephew and uncle.

[No, no, actually...]

‘Nonsense, of course I know she was born before she used the statue as an avatar, just kidding. '

"[I am Sinestra, Sophie Lanier, the mother of the child you call Sophie,]" Bailong said: "[Although Arthur has always protected her very well, but If he faced Alduin in Songarde, he might not have the energy to protect her anymore, and that stubborn child would not be able to stop because of this, so I can only ask you, please help her when she is in danger. Send her away.]”

"Of course no problem," I responded to Platinum Dragon, "I guarantee that there will be no casualties in this operation against the 'Eater of Worlds'."

"[Really? So, what about yourself?]" Another lady appeared from the void, but she did not emerge naturally, but opened a hole in the space in front of her, which looked like a path of annihilation Door.

As for her herself, she was a pretty lady wearing the noble costumes of the Earl of the Empire, but her skin was a healthy wheat color, and her waist-length hair was slightly purple.

OK, Emil's mother, the black dragon "Ericia" is gone, the real queen can't come, she is quite free.

'Is this a mom's party? Where is Arthur's and me's mother? '

【Ok? Need me to contact Iris Fell and Merlin? 】

'There are a lot of slots but I don't have time to vomit now, shut up. '

“[I heard what you said just now,]” the black dragon continued: “[You will ensure the safety of everyone, just like your 'Unrivaled Hero', but you yourself do not plan to survive, do you? 】”

"Huh?" What is this setting? I have developed so well in the Mage Academy, why do I have to run away?

"[We actually understand you. After losing your lover and best friend, you have nothing to worry about in this world. As long as you fulfill your lover's long-cherished wish, you will not hesitate to sacrifice yourself.]" Bailong added: "【But you must I don't know, Jeanne Darc has been reborn with the help of the 'Night Mother'. Although she is much younger, she is still alive. We will protect her until you return safely, although we cannot enter due to the suppression of the rules Songgard, but protecting your little friend is completely fine.]”

What settings do you add to me by talking to yourself? Hey! Is this the hobby after becoming a mother?

However, after all, the human setting is there, and some things have to be said.

"Thank you, I will also guarantee my own safety."

"Hee..." "Hehe..."

With two chuckles, the two dragon ladies, one black and one white, disappeared in front of me.

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