The Collection of The End

Chapter 344 Vortex and History

My name is Akatosh,

I decided to pretend nothing happened.

——4E, 201, Frostfall Moon, 3rd, 09:34——

Xueman, Dragon Cloud Palace.

The representatives of the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks, or the actual leaders, discussed all night and finally reached a consensus.

The Imperial Legion would withdraw from the vicinity of Falkreath, passing control to the Stormcloaks, while the Stormcloaks would relinquish control of Dawnstar and retreat the Northern Fleet to Winterhold.

In this way, the wide contact surface between the two sides suddenly shrunk, and the entire sky was shaped like an hourglass, and the key node blocked in the middle of the "hourglass" that prevented the "sand" from the two sides from communicating with each other was Snowman City.

Arthur was still a little puzzled about why they wrote the facts they had reached into the armistice agreement. It wasn't until Emil asked Palathos to capture a sharp-eyed eagle scout to explain that both sides were not fuel-efficient.

In Falkreath, which is currently occupied by Stormcloak, there is a special army stationed nearby that intends to counterattack at any time and cut off the retreat of Stormcloak. However, in Morningstar City, where all officials and guards have been evacuated, the Northern Fleet of the Kuhai Family is anchored and never retreated. Let's go, if the empire sent too many people to Morning Star to control the situation, they would dare to attack Solitary City directly by sea.

The agreement also specifically stated that Xueman's permanent neutral status was recognized.

After the two parties signed the agreement, it was handed over to Balgruf the "Stalwart" for confirmation. After all, this agreement belonged to the alliance under the city, and the attack was carried out by the other party. It is natural for him to have some privileges.

Then Arthur saw that the Snowman lord glanced at the agreement and put it down lightly, and then said: "I have no complaints about the agreement itself, but I just want to add one more thing-since Stormcloak does not recognize Troy Ge’s status as the High King, and the Empire does not agree with Ulfric’s "King of Kings", then I plan to convene a "Supreme Council" and personally run for the "High King" of Skyrim. If you have any opinions, you can raise them now."

"No, no," Bald Tullius replied, "I only take care of military, political and economic issues, and Lord Toig is in charge."

"Hehe, you can do it if you want, but I won't vote for you, 'old schoolmate'." Ulfric sneered.

"It's fine if you don't have any comments. Then I'll send you back now. Those troops may attack the city directly if they don't see the commander again." Balgruf said, turning his gaze to Arthur.

Wait, you see what I do, you don't think I did it, do you? It is obvious that Princess Emilia and Zela are more similar... wait a minute, it seems that Zela disappeared after being exposed yesterday, can't it really be her?

Fortunately, Arthur's worries did not come true. A strange horse with a black body and horns on its head suddenly rushed in from outside the Dragon Cloud Palace, and black mist overflowed all the way to kill the leaders of all parties brought by it. Put it back on again, and then walked away.

Speaking of which... Arthur turned his head to look at Emil, and as expected, he found that she was crossing her hands and scratching the palm of her left hand with the four fingers of her right hand except the thumb. The frequency was exactly the same as that of a black horse running away.


Xueman, Yuevaska.

Although a truce agreement was reached, Balgruuf still had a lot of work to do, such as appease the panicked people, repair the damaged city walls, clean up the catapults, and most importantly, restore order in the city.

So he didn't have time to talk to Arthur in detail, so he just gave him a thumbs up, indicating "you can do it at ease, I support you".

However, even with the support of the lord, Arthur couldn't leave for a while, because he was directly brought back to Yuevaska by the brothers of the comrades-in-arms group, and they all asked to join the team to "save the world" together, no matter what Arthur threatened them It didn't matter how dangerous Alduin was.

Ella: "Just bring Zela, Emil, and a dog? Don't you think you're missing a remote supporter?"

Don't you think you're undercounting someone?

Lydia: "Since the princess' guards can go, so can I."

There is no reason to refute it.

Sophie: "Father, if you don't take me there, I will eat Xuemancheng!"

The threat is graphic and realistic.

Satya: "The rare 'World Devourer' in a thousand years, in order to collect this kind of precious information, even if you refuse me, I will find a way to follow."

It's like you blended into Moonvaska so naturally! ?

Almost everyone in the comrade-in-arms group wanted to follow, even Kraco Whitemane had a bold idea, but was forcibly stopped by Tirma, and Arthur was very busy trying to find a way to dissuade them.

"Oh~ It seems that you are in trouble?" A familiar voice sounded, and Arthur suddenly looked up, and saw Zerapesh, who had disappeared for a long time, leaning on a pillar of Yuevaska, smiling slightly Looking at this side with satisfaction.

She generally looks the same as before leaving, and her actions and words are as usual, but only Arthur can see that Zela is trying to suppress her emotions. The reason is that the rotation speed of the "death vortex" entangled in her body is slow Does it count if you come down?

"Ah, you came back just in time." Since she was trying to suppress herself, there was no need for Arthur to say: "Everyone wants to join our action, and there are very good reasons, but so many people are so grandiose. If you start there, you will definitely be found."

"It's simple. After opening the 'channel' twice, I analyzed the principle of that thing a little bit, and it can still be used in the same world." Zela took out a staff from behind that was completely different from the Magnus staff. It looks like an ordinary metal stick, but the top is engraved with four faces with different expressions.

hum, hum—

Zela raised his staff, without any signs of waving or casting spells, a space-time vortex appeared out of nowhere on Yuevaska's wall, and its fluctuation caused the nearby walls and furniture to distort quite a bit.

"This is the entrance to the 'entrance'," Zela said, "I tried my best to imitate its nature. If you just pass through this vortex, you will feel uncomfortable or fail at all, then you must not continue to participate in the next action. gone."

Hmm... the strength test beforehand, it's reasonable.

——? ? :? ? ——

After the companions who intend to participate in the final battle stepped into the teleportation vortex and passed through it, Arthur shrugged at Cisco Moon who was left by the lottery to watch the house, and then stepped into the vortex.

However, it is clear that the vortex channel leading to annihilation is in Brasilian's Shalidor Labyrinth, but why deliberately use "entrance" as an abbreviation?

The next moment, the giant dragon flying all over the sky answered his question.

Where are the ruins? Apart from the vaguely similar outline, this city with unfurled banners, tight defenses, and soldiers with bright guns and armor patrolling back and forth, armed to the teeth, has almost no similarities with Brasilian.

"Baron." "...Arthur?" The voices of Lydia and Amir called Arthur back from his surprise. After looking around, he found that this was a relatively remote corner that would not attract those patrolling soldiers. , and only the two of them passed through the teleportation vortex.

"Wow! What are you looking for! I'm here too!" Babas jumped a few times on the spot, trying to catch Arthur's eyes sliding over without stopping.

"Well, the result is better than expected." While thinking about what happened, Zela also stepped out of the void: "Don't be too surprised, this is Brasilian in the age of mythology thousands of years ago, Although the duration is not long, it is enough to test who is suitable to travel through time and space to face Alduin."

"It's unbelievable that such a thing can be done." Lydia said with a little awe, and Arthur felt that her attitude seemed to raise Zela to a higher position than the lord.

"... Ten thousand years?" Amir was not too surprised.

"Wang—it seems that we have reached the time when the dragon priests split? Where is the venue?" Babas was also unresponsive. He could even tell the exact time and planned to watch the excitement.

"It seems that no one will come," Zela waited for a while, shook her head, nine strange masks of different materials appeared out of thin air, just choose one to wear, oh, this 'Moloch' is my of. "

Seeing that Zela put on the ugly iron-blue mask directly, the other three people and one dog also chose one.

"This era is the era when dragons enslave mortals." After seeing everyone put on masks, Zela led the way and walked towards the original Sharidor maze, and explained: "Due to the size, it is inconvenient to directly control, so The dragons selected agents named 'Dragon Priests' to give them power. These agents and their direct subordinates will wear masks with different shapes according to different factions. Perhaps a single mask will have other bad relations. The guards came to make trouble, but if so many factions gather together, even if the guards have doubts, they dare not rush to interrogate."

"Hmm..." Arthur paid attention to the guards around him. The things they wore on their faces were not so much masks as crude iron plates. Although most of them would observe their group, no one tried to stop them.

"Milak, do you know what crime you have committed?" The so-called Shalidor's maze naturally does not exist. In that position is a trial platform with many auditoriums. There are thirteen people wearing masks of various colors. Some human dragon priests imitating dragon-shaped robes are sitting on them, and they are asking questions to another masked dragon priest below the stage.

"Ha, isn't it just killing a dragon and absorbing the dragon's soul?" The "prisoner" who was tried, named Miraq, said indifferently: "Do you want to check the "Code of Crimes" said?"

That... sounds like he's a dragonborn too? Arthur concentrated a little.

"Although there is nothing in the 'Code of Crimes'—" "If there is no one, it's fine! I'm still very busy, and I don't have time to play games with you!"

"You are very shrewd, Mirak." The dragon priest headed by the thirteen races was completely unmoved, and he pointed to the sky: "'Code of sin' is a regulation for mortals, even if we dragon priests want to hurt giants." The dragon master is also impossible, so there is no punishment for killing the dragon, but do you think you can fight against those dragons who heard the news and wanted to tear you to pieces?"

"Hmph, after I absorbed the dragon soul, all the stupid dragons in that giant dragon's lair recognized me as their master. If I wanted to escape, they would be completely impossible to stop me." Mirak crossed his arms, with a look of complete indifference look like.

"However, due to your control, all those giant dragons have returned to their ancestors. This appearance is a complete disgrace to the dragon master. They will destroy you and your dragon group at all costs."

"What the hell are you trying to say, Varok?" Arthur could imagine the man frowning despite the mask.

"Heh, I want to say, since those big lizards are not invincible and can be killed, then I decide to give up my identity as a dragon priest!" The dragon priest named Varok took out a large stack of cards very similar to Miraak. The mask, and threw it to the other "jurors" beside him: "The time has come to overthrow the rule of the dragon. We each return to the territory and find a way to support those humans to resist."

"Varok! You are crazy! There is no way we can defeat the dragon master! That guy Mirak is just a fluke—"


There were at least six dragon priests on the trial platform, and they trapped the unlucky ghost who jumped out in a spherical magic cage.

"Put Moloch in Brasilian's Arcatraz." Varok waved his hand, and then looked at Milak in the audience: "I hope you can fulfill your promise, my student."

"Hmph, it's time for you to withdraw from the stage of history, old man, and we [Dragonborn] will rule the world in the future."

As the dragon priest was taken away, Arthur felt that the time and space around him became unstable. He took a last look at the unlucky priest who was taken away, and it was no surprise that his mask and Zela's face exactly the same.

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